Dream Dictionary
Dream Dictionary
Online Dream Dictionary & Encyclopedia
by Tony Crisp
The Spanish Dictionary is all the work and effort placed in it, as well as many excellent dream interpretations all by Anna Hoser,
The latest edition of the Dream Dictionary and Dream Encylopedia is the result of some sixty years experience of working with dreams and their understanding. The Dream Dictionary encompassing articles on a vast range of topics. This gives the reader an unparalleled insight into the study of dreams and the inner life. But there are an enormous amount of Features in the Dream Encylopedia that cover a range of topics about dreams and the inner life.
The aim of the Dream Dictionary is to help you make connections between your dreams and your everyday life; to discover more fully the powerful emotions and reactions that unconsciously direct your decisions and responses in waking. This is not an attempt to give you merely ideas to play with, to agree or disagree with, like fortune telling. It can lead to real insights which empower you to make more of yourself, and find your way through the many decisions with which life confronts you.
Useful Links
Your Guru Your Body
What Are Dreams
Learn how to Interpret Your Dream
What does my dream mean? – How to explore your dream meaning
Personal Dream Interpretation
A Note About the Author: Tony Crisp
Mind Watching and Dreams
Introduction to Using the Dream Dictionary
Using the Dictionary
The Discovery of Dreams – Things We Need to Remember About Us
Gaining Insight into Your Dreams
Acknowledgement to this Edition
What Is Offered In The Dictionary
The Discovery of Dreams
Deepening Dream Understanding
Seeing under the Surface
Exploring Inner Space
Things I Wished I Had Had Been Taught Earlier in My Life
Features Found on Site: this is a full list of the topics covered by the Dream Encyclopedia (not a list of dream dictionary words).
What Are Dreams?
Dreams are one of nature’s miracles, not the result of a wandering mind in sleep. A dream is an interface between the process of life, our core self and our conscious personality. Life existed quite capably for millions of years before the self-aware human personality came on the scene. In all that time the ancestors of the modern human being survived without having a rational mind to reason with, or self consciousness to ask such questions as ‘What do I do about this?’ Nevertheless survival strategies were still developed in their unconscious intelligence. Dreams express this unconscious wisdom that was developed in humans and animals through millions of years of Life experience.
Life’s age old unconscious processes are still the major part of our being, yet we seldom consciously meet them – except in dreams. As our physical and psychological health depend upon a reasonable co-operation between the spontaneous processes of life – such as breathing, digestion and the thousands of other life sustaining activities and our conscious decisions and actions, the encounter in dreams is vital. As I often point out to those I am advising we are a human face on a long line of beautiful animals. In fact “You ride an ancient beast.” The ancient beast is your body, and your conscious self is the modern and recent rider of it. Some ‘riders’ do not understand their animal needs – and the fact that we have several levels of brain that are independent of each other proves this. Still active in us are our Reptile Brain, Our mammalian Brain, and our Human Brain, and the reptile and mammalian brains are still very active and constitute a large part of our human unconscious. See – Brain Levels and Dreams – Life’s Little Secrets and Levels of Awareness in Sleeping and Waking.
So, no plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self. To meet this ancient self try using Opening to Life
That suggests that dreams cannot be defined under any one heading. Like human beings, they are enormously varied in what they express. Just as one cannot say the human mind is simply a system of memory, one cannot say dreams are just the reflection of experienced events. The mind also deals with problem solving, predicting outcomes of action, playing with possibilities via imagination, creating the new out of old material, replaying traumatic and disturbing events in order to find ways of meeting them constructively. Dreams, being the mental phenomena they are, deal with all of these issues and more. The following definitions give the main functions observable in dreams.
Dreams are:-
- Dreams are one of nature’s miracles, not the result of a wandering mind in sleep. A dream is an interface between the process of life, our core self and our conscious personality. Life existed quite capably for millions of years before the self-aware human personality came on the scene. In all that time the ancestors of the modern human being survived without having a rational mind to reason with, or self consciousness to ask such questions as ‘What do I do about this?’ Nevertheless survival strategies were still developed in their unconscious intelligence. Dreams express this unconscious wisdom that was developed in humans and animals through millions of years of Life experience.
- Recently I have come to see dreams as the lonely voice of Life calling out to us in our often frantic search for meaning. It calls out from its vastness that is beyond our understanding, and in its loving efforts gathers the fragments of our memory and associations and forms dreams with them. It does this in its efforts to instruct, guide and even heal us; but often we miss seeing that just as Life reaches to us from its vastness using things we might understand, we too must reach beyond our often pitiful understanding to move toward and touch the wonder of Life within us.
- An expression of what is happening in the physical body. Some doctors consider dreams to show signs of illness long before they are evident in other ways. Women frequently know they are pregnant very early on through sleep awareness in a dream. See: body; body dreams; Kasatkin_Vasily; consciousness-mind body split.
- A link between the sleeping mind and what is occurring externally. For instance, a person may be falling out of bed and dream of flying or falling.
- A way of balancing the physiological and psychological activities in us. When a person is deprived of dreaming in experiments, a breakdown in mind and body quickly occurs. This type of dreaming, or even nightmares, can often be a safety valve releasing tension and emotion not dealt with in waking life. See: compensation theory; self-regulation dreams and fantasy; science and dreams.
- An enormously original source of insight and information. Dreams tap our memory, our experience, and scan information held in our unconscious to form new insights from old experience. Dreams often present to us summaries or details of experience we have been unable to access consciously. Sometimes this is as early as life in the womb. See: creativity and problem solving in dreams.
- That insight comes from an amazing ability dreams have. Mostly we are lost in being aware of this moment or cares of recent events, and of our present environment, but the dream process has another view, that is of our whole life, like flying high and so have a huge view. We have taken in so much life experience, but many of us have not learnt the amazing lessons we gained by it. But the overall view we get from dreams, visions and our intuition gives us a view that synthesises or whole life and highlights its wonder, its destiny, our real purpose and our life’s real work. See Intuition – Using It
- A means of compensating for failure or deprivation in everyday life, and as a means of expressing the otherwise unacknowledged aspects of oneself. Such dreams are a move toward wholeness. See: compensation theory.
- In dreams we may be integrating new experience with what we have already gathered and digested. In this way our abilities, such as social skills, are gradually upgraded. See: computer, computer-dream process as a; Evans, Christopher.
- Dreams often stand in place of actual experience. So through dreams we may experiment with new experience or practice things we have not yet done externally. For instance many young women dream in detail of giving birth. This function of what might be called ‘imagination’ is tremendously undervalued, but is a foundation upon which human survival is built. See: imagination and dreaming.
- An means of exercise for the psyche or soul. Just as the body will become sick if not moved and stressed, so the mind and emotions need stimulus and exercise. Dreams fulfill this need. See Opening to Life
- An expression of human supersenses. Humans have an unconscious ability to read body language – so they can assess other humans very quickly. Humans have an unimaginable ability to absorb information, not simply from books, but from everyday events – for example science now tells us that we collect information at an enormous rate, millions of bits every second, but unfortunately we do not synthesis it to see what it means, for most of it is unconscious, only dreams access and use it. With it they constantly arrive at new insights and realisations. Humans frequently correctly predict the future – not out of a bizarre ability, but from the information gathered about the present. All these abilities and more show in our dreams. See: esp in dreams.
- A means of solving problems, or formulating creative ideas, both in our personal life, and also in relationships and work. Many people have produced highly creative work directly from dreams. See Creative Dreaming and Problem Solving
- A presentation in symbols of past traumatic experience. If met this can lead to deep psychological healing. Such dreams are therefore an attempt on the part of our spontaneous inner processes to bring about healing change. See: abreaction; compensation theory; nightmares.
- In the widest sense nearly all dreams act as a process of growth or a move toward maturing. Some dreams are very obviously presenting internal forces or dimensions of experience that might lead the conscious personality toward a greater balance and inclusiveness. See: individuation; LifeStream.
- A way of reaching beyond the known world of experience and presenting intimations from the unknown. Many people have dreams in which ESP, out of the body experiences, and knowledge transcending time and space occur. This type of dream may indicate a link between the present person and people who had lived in the distant past; or between the dreamer and all existing life. Some of these dreams present powerful insights into how the transitory human personality may arise out of an eternal consciousness. They thus deal with the spiritual aspects of human nature. See: Dimensions of Human Experience; Buddhism and dreams; Cayce, Edgar; collective unconscious; Bible and dreams; esp in dreams; hallucinations; history of dreaming; religion and dreams; yoga and dreams; Dream Yoga.
Learn how to Explore Your Dream
I know how much you might like to skip the Introduction to Dream Dictionary, and if you are tempted to do so, I wholeheartedly ask you to read Summing Up. Without understanding the things given there you are likely to completely miss the point of understanding your dreams. The best technique to enter you dream world – Peer Dream Work
You can start using the Dream Dictionary by entering the word you wish to research into the Search Box on the top right of most pages and clicking the search symbol – or you can read some fuller information below about the dictionary and how best to use it.
But the quickest way is to put your word in the search box.
Your dreams can become vortexes of power to transform your life, and to enhance your perceptions. There is no ‘wave a magic wand’ route to this. It will not happen because you read a great book or look at a good dream dictionary. Those things might help, but the real magic lies in whether you can enter into your dream in the right way. (Try using Being the Person or Thing and Meaning of Your Dream).
What does my dream mean? – How to explore your dream meanings
It is important in reading the definitions of dream images to realise that not every possible meaning can be covered in this dictionary. So please see if you get the idea of what is being said and allow your own imagination/feelings to fill in the meaning.
There are several ways you can understand the meanings held in your dreams, and there are several levels.
The first is an easily understood level, followed by greater depths:
For instance, speaking as an object or dream person, one needs to take time with it. Learn how to actually describe what you are as that dream object or person. If I dream of a dog, don’t simply describe what you think a dog feels like, but actually take time to tune into the dream image and describe the dog dreamt about. Is it an old or young dog? What is it doing in the dream? Listen to your feelings and describe what it/you feel. Remember that each image is a creation of your own mind and unconscious, so you are really describing yourself. Say whatever comes and consider its value afterwards. Below is a quote from Tiziana Stupia’s book Meeting Shiva
Tony taught me a process in which a dream could be interpreted and understood by assuming that everything, people and objects alike, in a dream represented aspects of the Self. Sitting cross-legged on the squishy, old-fashioned sofa in the living room of my sadhu’s cave opposite Tony, I’d close my eyes and mentally return to a dream I had the previous night. He would ask me questions about the dream, which I’d answer in the first person. So if I dreamt about a tree, I would ‘become’ the tree, assume its personality and respond from its viewpoint. He’d ask ‘So what kind of tree are you? Are you big or small, old or young? What do you look like? Where are you growing? Why are you in Tiziana’s dream?’
This sounded like a silly exercise at first, but I was soon enough convinced of its validity. It was fascinating to discover a wealth of insight and emotion emerging from my responses, and understand how they related to my current situation. They also pinpointed exactly where I was in my growth process. Sometimes, the dreams would uncover unconscious fears and intuitions. Often, they also held important clues and offered solutions to my problems. It was like doing detective’s work – arduous at times, but rewarding beyond belief.
So below are listed several ways to gain insight and information from your dreams. Take your time with each approach until you get the feel for it, and then experiment with other approaches.
You can enter a key word in the search box. The Dream Dictionary contains interpretations on almost any type of dream subject. So, if you dreamt of a flying saucer landing in a field, and aliens getting out and taking a baby, a snake, and a pregnant dog back into the saucer, you could search separately for each of these subjects in the Dream Dictionary. Find the entry for flying saucer; then the entry for dog, baby, snake, pregnant, and so on. For each entry, find further related entries by looking under ‘Similar Articles’ on the right-hand side of the page. Then see Techniques for Exploring your Dreams.
Each entry gives the general meaning of the dream subject, just as an encyclopedia or dictionary does for a word. Several possible meanings are given. This is because as with our speech the position of the word – the context – gives it special meanings. So, a hot dog would be quite different to a black dog, dog-end or dead dog. Therefore, when you read an entry which has several different meanings, sometimes with a ‘;’ between, it simply means any one of them could apply, which means you need to think about the feelings in your dream, the context, the other imagery used. Please do not fall into the trap that one reviewer made of saying that the whole dictionary is about sex. Of course, sex is one meaning among many others. So, use your own sense of your dream as well as any definitions given.
To really explore the meaning, it is useful to use the Dream Dictionary as it is designed, rather than arrive at a ‘thought out’ interpretation. To see a working example of this see ‘Dream Interpretation Example One‘.
Personal Dream Interpretation
I no longer offer a personal dream interpretation service, but only occasionally if you manage to send an interesting dream I will respond – the reason is I am getting past my sell by date being 84.
Note: comments that have any adverts or links to other sites will be deleted.
In the meantime, here is a way to work out your own dream – Getting at Your Dream’s Meaning.
Please note: this a not-for-profit site and it offers real dream interpretations, not dream dictionary features that are not real interpretations. We ask no payment for these interpretations, but it would be a great if you wish to donate anything. I do not ask a fee for what I do, but if you wish to donate you can click on this Paypal Donation
A Note About the Author: Tony Crisp
I have been interested in the health of mind and body since my early teens. I began writing about these subjects in 1956. My fascination for what lay under the surface of the mind led me personally to explore the unconscious using dreams and other mental and physical disciplines. From 1972 – 94 I worked as a psychotherapist using an eclectic, Humanistic Psychology approach which included dream work and releasing the secrets the body holds. My books include Do You Dream; Mind and Movement; The Instant Dream Book; Dream Dictionary; Life’s Little Secrets –Liberating The Body – and many more. See My Books.
During those years I worked as a dream columnist for The Daily Mail and She Magazine. I was the regular dream interpreter for the London Broadcasting Company; I ran Teletext’s dream page on UK television’s Channel Four; and for New Zealand Teletext, and now I run this website giving dream help in the many replies to peoples dreams and in as well as many features on subjects connected with the human inner world. See Features
Throughout more than five decades I have been involved in a personal search for the secrets of mind and spirit. In those years I have also taught thousands of people techniques of deep relaxation, meditation, and methods of self exploration using dreams. Wanting to dig deep I explored the use of dreams and taught individuals and groups of people how to use these visions of the night to discover and heal the deepest issues in themselves, and to touch the high ground of their spiritual awareness. I worked for twenty years as a psychotherapist using several approaches, one of which was a way of honouring the body as a doorway to the unconscious mind, the emotions and spiritual experience. See Self-Regulation – Recognition – Life’s Little Secrets – The LifeStream and Opening to Life
During the sixty years of seeking the wild wondrous beasts of the mind and spirit I dared my own inner adventure. But I also travelled with other people as an ordinary person, not a therapist, sharing their experience of fear and wonder as they unveiled and set loose their fountain of perception. I have travelled countless dream pathways, traversed the timeless with those using awareness enhancing drugs, and wrestled with the vitality of the body as people mimed and shouted their deepest intuitions through movement, dance and voice. See Tony’s Biography
My aim has always to share my findings – actually what I was shown or given from within – was given freely; I never had any teacher or attended a course, of course I read an enormous amount, so I cannot ask for money. If you wish to donate anything to the running of the site you can do so by clicking on https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JYTWAMC4LQLQ4&source=url
My teacher has been from exploring dreams and occasionally touching the wonder we were born as – not from words written in books about that but by meeting it. See Enlightenment
Introduction to Using the Dream Dictionary
Diccionario de los Sueños
Profundización de la comprensión de un sueño; Introducción
What Is Offered In The Dictionary
In a similar way, by observing dreams and laying bare the emotions and associated ideas and memories we have with the dream imagery, we gradually define our personality, its strengths and weaknesses, we discover new abilities and we grow beyond our old problems, and that in a depth we had never managed previously. I have called this mind watching, but it covers every aspect of human nature, not simply the intellect or thinking.
This mind watching through observation of our dreams first presents information about our personal experiences and memories and how they influenced our growth and influence present responses. Gradually the information arising from such watching leads beyond ones personal self. It shows in many cases how our unique self has arisen from, and has indissoluble links with our forebears, with our culture, with the past as a whole, and with the cosmos itself. It leads from oneself to the edge of the known, and perhaps helps us take a few steps beyond that edge into the unknown, to create new understanding.
This mind watching gradually reveals to us the many aspects of the mind’s working, and with such insight may come the growing ability to use these facets of ourselves. Not only may we discover great vistas of personal memory, but also the roots of our creativity, the subtle senses of our emotions and unconscious, and the treasures of experience we have gathered. See Your Amazing Circle – Self Observation
So how can we get into this magical world of our dreams and start to harvest the possibilities held there? The following pages of this book are designed to help, guide and inform on how to do this. The book is also a counsellor on what you may find in your dream adventure.
The information about dreams presented in this book has been gathered during fifty years of working with and studying dreams and the dream process. It synthesises the experience of personally helping hundreds of individuals explore their dreams. The examples used have been taken from a collection of over 8000 dreams put onto a computer filing system. The filing system was also used to define general associations with commonly used dream images.
The major input for definition however has arisen from the actual exploration of dreams undertaken by individuals. These are either people I have worked with personally who have deeply felt the emotions and issues behind their dreams, not simply talked them over and come to an intellectual interpretation but a deep insight, or are people who have written up their findings arising from similar work. Added to this is the commonly held associations we have through our language and the way we use imagery within speech. Of course your personal dream imagery may not be using the commonly held associations, or those used by other people, and so you must read the definitions with care and consider if these fit what is implied or dramatised in your dream.
In the entries in the Dictionary are explanations of the many different types of dreams and dream images. Despite some people’s attempt to explain dreams in one simple formula, dreams cover a huge range of phenomena and human experience. Amongst subjects covered in the book are thousands of entries on the researched meaning of the things, people, creatures and places we dream about. There are also many entries on special subjects such as symbols and dreaming; interpreting dreams; recurring dreams; nightmares; sex while asleep; teenage girls love dreams; precognitive dreams; talking in ones sleep; the dream as an adventure; Occultism and Dreams; science sleep and dreams; and many more.
There are a compete list of these Features and the Archetypes covered.
Therefore, if you have dreamt of such things as your teeth falling out; being chased; or your marriage partner dying, you will find an explanation of your dream in the following pages.
The aim of the book is to help you make connections between your dreams and your everyday life; to discover more fully the powerful emotions and reactions that unconsciously direct your decisions and responses in waking. The book is not an attempt to give you merely ideas to play with, to agree or disagree with, like fortune telling. It can lead to real insights which empower you to make more of yourself, and find your way through the many decisions life confronts you with.
But you can move directly on to Using the Dictionary – or better still read Meaning of Your Dream.
The Discovery of Dreams
Dreams are a magical mirror in which your innermost hopes, longings, fears/terrors and genius are made real. They are made real as external environments, people, animals and relationships. It is as if all your deepest feelings, hopes, fear and wonder are projected outward onto a multidimensional screen. It is a world of virtual reality that you feel is real. Unfortunately this wonderful virtual reality world is usually felt as dealing with other people, as externals, like something that can damage us, or something like the Devil that can possess us.
But the greatest truth I have found in exploring dreams – not interpreting them – is that we are alone with ourselves in the world of our dream. If we can acknowledge and admit that our terrors we dream are actually our past hurts that we have not faced presenting themselves for us to heal; that the ghosts and demons that can rampage about our night are embodiments of our fears; that our wonderful visions and insights are an expression of our own infinite potential, then we can walk a pathway to finding what we really are. Audio Introduction to Exploring a Dream
- Dreams are virtual realities that we create in our sleep. Even the wonderful dreams of God and angels are an external virtual reality, and mirror of our own inner immensity and our enormous variety. Unfortunately people either accept them as externally real, or as fantasy. But they are reflections of your potential, that cannot be seen in your daily life that is so dominated by your physical senses and hungers and fears.
- See The Magical Dream Machine. So the images and fears we experience in our dreams are projection upon the vast screen of our mind. They are all projections from you. Running from them is like trying to escape from yourself.
- In life and sleep we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams.
- While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we sleep our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second will takes over when we sleep. See Sleep Paralysis
- This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will. As Freud pointed out this inner will has full access to our memories. It can do so many other things that are described else where – See ESP in Dreams; Edgar Cayce and the Cosmic Mind.
- This Life Will or motivator has been active for millions of years and we see it working all the time in animals. We are partly split in half because we are often opposed to what our Life Will in us wants. So the only way to express what is good for us is in dreams when our conscious will is largely passive.
- Life Will created your body and pre-existed you as a person you know today. It was working in you prior to your ability to speak or know in the way you do now. But of course it has fantastic wisdom and skills, as can be seen in animals.
- Life, if you look around you at Life’s creature, they can take any form. So Life itself is without form. In fact the recent advances in quantum physics suggest that what gives us existence is beyond space and time – beyond understanding.
- So dreams do not come from the human unconscious, but from the formless origins of Life – our Core Self. To express in a way that is understandable to us as a person with limited understanding, dreams use all the common imagery and ideas. So people who say that dreams are a mish mash of common everyday events are mistaken. See LifeStream; Levels of Awareness in Sleeping and Waking; .
- Our core self can be explained by realising that we are all dependent on the universe. We often feel that the universe is way beyond our understanding, but a few simple facts may help. The first is that the universe as we know it began with what had been called the Big Bang. But before that there was a situation prior to the creation of time and space. That situation is very much like the experience of Edgar Cayce who had an awareness reaching beyond time and space. See God and the Big Bang are the Same Thing
- Irish physicist John Stewart Bell put forward a quantum theorem that has revolutionised the way reality is considered. In brief, the theorem states that when two sub-microscopic particles are split and moved to a distance from each other, the action on, or of, particle ‘A’, is instantaneously reproduced with particle ‘B’. This interaction does not rely on any known link or communication and is considered to stand above normal physical laws of nature, as it is faster than light. Prior to such findings it was thought nothing could transcend the speed of light. Nick Herbert, in an interview published in High Frontiers writes: ‘THERE ARE LOTS OF THINGS that are being kept from the public as far as the subjects of physics and consciousness are concerned. Bell’s Theorem was proved in 1964, and it is still not taught in physics classes, and you don’t hear it on your science news programs. A theorem is a proof, and no one has found a flaw in this theorem. It’s such a simple proof that a high school kid can understand it. So physicists can understand it. They have various ways of trying to ignore it, but it can’t be refuted because it’s so simple.’
Our Core self is that amazing part of us existing beyond time and space, and was within us from the start of our universe.
- In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream. Therefore our sexual drive may be shown as a person and how we relate to them; or given shape and colour as an object; or given mood as a scene. Our feeling of ambition might thus be portrayed as a business person in our dream – our changing emotions as the sea or a river; while the present relationship we have with our ambition or emotions is expressed in the events or plot of the dream.
- You cannot be killed in a dream. All you can experience is the anguish and perhaps fear of dying, but in dreams you cannot die – or drown, or burn or any other threatening thing. We make the mistake of taking our very real values from our outer life into our inner life of dreams.
- In dreams, what ever moves away from you in our dreams is going out of your awareness or even life; and whatever moves toward us is emerging into consciousness. Whatever it is that is coming toward us is giving us something whether it is energy, insight, or a frightening dream that is trying to shock us to wake up and clear out the inner mess we are in. The fact we give it a frightening image is because we are brought up to be scared of ourselves and to not trust Life/Core. If you know the tenets of the AA, you will see that is what they are about – to trust Life.
- Most people are frightened of life. I see this in so many dreams sent to me. They do not trust themselves to the powerful action of Life flowing through them. See Life’s Little Secrets.
- We have been brain washed to believe that our existence depends upon nothing but accidental events, the survival of the fittest, the chemical and biological mechanical actions. Yet every time I have gone deeply into my ‘unconscious’ and yet maintained awareness, I have found a wonderful power of Life there.
- So if your dreams frighten you, I want to say you are frightened of something wonderful that could have grown you and enlarged your experience of yourself. The thing that was full of fear was your own fear put into an image, and yet was a wonderful gift that you avoided receiving.
- I too was full of fears and often woke up screaming. Then I learned to trust Life. It is like learning to swim. So please go back into your dream and let the fearful thing be fully experienced instead of waking up in fear. Then it will unveil itself as a thing of light and love.
Deepening Dream Understanding
I suggest you only try one method at a time and use it until you are capable or it or it doesn’t work for you, then move on to other methods taking time with them until you find what works best for you.
Although the process of dreams might not be a direct attempt to present MEANING, a dream may nevertheless have a great deal of INFORMATION in it. This becomes clearer if we remember that not many years ago it would have appeared highly superstitious or suspect to claim to be able to tell a person details of their health and parentage from a sample of their urine or blood. Today it is common practice. We accept that a growing amount of information can be gained from these unlikely sources. Blood doesn’t contain meaning, but we can gain information from it. In a similar way a sample of our dreams can also tell us an enormous amount. Sometimes this data is obvious, sometimes it needs processing to uncover, as with urine and blood.
Dream Processing – The following dream needs no deep techniques of processing. The word ‘processing’ is used throughout the book instead of analysis. Analysis has the connotation of giving our own thoughts or opinions to the dream. Processing is used to suggest extraction of information which leads to insight. With this particular dream, all it needs is a few facts brought to it to make clear what information it holds. The dream is that of a young woman, Mrs C. L.
It is a bright sunny day. I am walking across a large concrete car park. It is empty except for a huge trailer from a truck. It has BOOTS written on the side, and stands high off the ground. Being 4’ 9’ tall myself I decide to walk underneath. As I am half way the trailer starts to be lowered on top of me. I try to shout but cannot. I get onto my hands and knees and the trailer still kept coming down. I am now lying on my stomach, convinced it is going to crush me. Then it suddenly stops a couple of inches from my head. I wake feeling terrible.
The dream is interesting, although the information it holds may at first not be obvious. But with a minimum of processing the dream information will become clear. The first technique of processing the dream is to recognise some of the key statements within it. These are I AM WALKING – I TRY TO SHOUT – CONVINCED IT IS GOING TO CRUSH ME.
The reason these are key statements is because the dreamer is saying ‘I am walking’ – ‘I try to shout’ – ‘I …am convinced’. The word ‘I’ is important.
This form of processing has not added anything to the dream. It has simply drawn attention to the information already there in the dreamer’s description of her experience – this is why it is useful to write the dream out fully. If we add a little more information which the dreamer herself connects with the dream, then it becomes even clearer. Mrs C. L. says, ‘I work for BOOTS the chemist. The employees at the shop I work in were told at the beginning of the year that Boots are selling our shop. When that happens I will be made redundant. We were supposed to finish on May 26th. It is now the end of July. The deal fell through so we are now just left hanging indefinitely until a new buyer comes along. I feel very unsettled as I can’t make any plans for the future.’
Having read these comments, it would be difficult not to see the dream as relating to the woman’s work situation, and to her strong anxiety connected with it. She herself says – through her dream – she is ‘convinced it – the situation – is going to crush’ her. She also feels her strong emotions about this – expressed in her attempt to shout – are not being expressed or ‘heard’. From just this one dream, we can be forgiven if we assume that dreams may express in dramatic form our feeling reaction to the circumstances of our everyday life. Taking this dream as information, Mrs. C. L. could see she is feeling crushed by the situation, yet not stating her feelings loudly enough to be heard. She might therefore speak to the manager to clarify the situation for herself.
Here is an even shorter and less complex dream. It has been left just as it was written so its information is immediately apparent. The key words here might be TRYING TO CONTACT HIM and NOT UNDERSTANDING WHY HE LEFT ME. The dream is from Mrs C. J.
Years ago I lost my first husband at twenty nine. I had the same dream continually of being in a phone box trying to contact him, not understanding why he had left me. He died of cancer. Later I remarried and this husband died of a heart attack. Once again the same dream came back so much.
On speculating about the dream from what is immediately apparent, we might say that although it is irrational to continually try to contact her husband when there has never be any success, nevertheless, her desire to be with him continues year after year. This same part of her cannot understand why he died. We might put such feelings into words as, ‘But what had he done to die so young? Why should it happen to me twice?’ We can also assume that her desire to understand these questions, which is what contacting her husband represents, is expressed in the dream as the telephone.
The dream process has dramatised her situation and inner feelings – given them form and made them experiential. Looking at this dream helps us see how an image, such as the telephone, performs exactly the same sort of function as a spoken word, although in a different way. Namely, it represents feelings and thoughts. That the woman’s questions remain, that her problem is unsolved, is apparent from the fact she does NOT make contact on the telephone, and does not find peace. Understanding her dream shows her the importance of the questions she continually asks herself, and the need to release the emotions behind them. With this she could be free of the dream. If she cannot manage this by herself, taking advantage of the professional help of a therapist might help.
To make it clear how everything is a dream holds personal information, to give an example, I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, “OK, let’s imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?”
After a while he said, “I don’t know that I would make anything of it.”
My response was to say, “Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you.” Whereupon he told me memories of being abroad, and that the shirt was part of those memories, and he wasn’t prepared to say what they were as they were so personal.
The important point is that everything we see and deal with, every person, every imagined scene, has such a background of feelings and perhaps memories. It is exactly this background of feelings and information that the dream weaves its story from. To understand it you need to become aware of the usually unconscious feeling responses you have in connection with every thing, place, person and animal you fill your dreams with.
For fuller Dream Processing – Below are described simple techniques that make it possible to quickly gain information from your dreams. They have been put as a series of questions. If you take time to consider and answer the question you will find your way into a new experience of dream understanding.
Read it in: Processing Your Dream
Seeing under the Surface
Acting on your Dreams – Extracting more from your dream by letting your body and feelings express it can provide a remarkable release of insight. There are several ways of doing this.
Do see the instructions see: Acting on Your Dreams
The Peer Dream Group – This method is the most powerful and deepest method. It includes some of the other techniques mentioned.
The way of working known as the Peer Dream Group came about from our experience that dreams are largely self explanatory if approached in the right way. An exterior expert or authority is not necessary for a profound experience of and insight into dreams and into oneself if certain rules are respected and used. The dreamer is the ultimate expert on their own dream and themselves but only when we break through to what is usually unconscious mental states, and when treated as such, and supported in their investigation of their dream drama, they can powerfully explore and manifest the resources of their inner life.
To use it see: The Peer Dream Group and What I Have Seen In Dreams
For the Dictionary put the word you want to look up in the search box at the top right of all pages
Hey Tony, would love to get your insight on a rather odd dream I just had, or at least a snippet from it.
I was riding on a horse with my twin brother, but we were standing up on the horse, almost ‘surfing’ on its back. He was the one steering the horse and I was more or less a passenger trying to keep my balance (as we were standing it felt hard). We came to what looked like a big bump in the trail and the horse took it almost like as if it were a jump, the horse flew into the air and when it landed, both of its front feet broke off. It lay on the ground, with no front feet, whimpering clearly in pain. Me and my brother came to the seemingly obvious conclusion that we should kill the horse to put it out of its misery. I remember helping my brother with this by bashing the horse with something in the head area. It was a really unpleasant experience and after it was over I felt like we should have let it live and that the horse maybe could have been saved and lived at least some sort of life.
Any of your insight on this would be appreciated.
I had a dream that my brother has passed away. I walked upstairs to the kitchen and my brother ghost and grandfathers ghost were standing there with my family. My grandfather’s ghost was telling us it was ok and not to worry or be sad. I looked at everyone and said I can’t deal with this and started crying. I ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and cried why why did you have to take him. Then all of a sudden this women appeared in the conor and said I am death and then her face went all messed up I started screaming. I woke up from my dream still screaming and tears were rolling down my face.
Hi Tony, is really a placer to talk to you. I am writing you from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It´s the second time I try to contact you, the first one you didn´t answer, but that´s ok, hope to have better luck in this one.
I love your work, I think it´s marvellous and really helpfull. I visit your site quite often, most of all because of the symbols dictionary. I guess I am in a similar kind of search you were when you were when you was my age. I left university after to understood that what I was seeking was truth, not the mere understanding and repetition of books and authors, and I am aware that if you really want the truth, it just comes, and seizes you. Is great you selflessly shared it to the world by the internet, so thank you again.
Now, I want to ask you a thing, regarding understanding of symbols, such in dreams as in daily life. Do you use other materials in this tasks, I mean, symbols dictionaries you might recommend (what could seem a paradox, but they are certainly importants tools to have), or only your reason and intuition?
Just that.
And thank you again.
Best Regards
Juan M.
Juan – Thank you for your real interest in seeking. Thank you for also understanding that I cannot answer all the posts I get. Your dream of the white owl was one I wish I had answered.
Do I use other materials to understand dream symbols? Mostly I use a search program called dtSearch to find images in 7000 dreams I have on my hard disk. I look to see how people use images in their dreams. But most important is that for years I explored my dreams – not interpreted them. I will list ways of doing this shortly. The massive experience I gained from that has helped me enormously.
Using reason is not always a good guide, because all it has is the already experienced information. Thoughts are like photocopies of reality. Your thoughts about someone may be quite good but they are never that person as a living reality. To know the truth about anything you would need to know everything about everything in the universe. And the universe is all the time changing and growing.
I often use intuition to understand dreams people send me, as often I cannot understand anything about the dream. So try developing the things in http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ Also see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
These take work to develop, but using them you will gradually find a wonderful world within you, that leaves behind any attempt to interpret with your thinking process.
If you have a partner who is interested in dreams, it would be excellent to use the things described in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/. And is possible see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/your-guru-the-dream-step-one/
Please write again if you need help.
Wonder if you can help me out here. A little history. Made the choice to see a boy I knew when I was 14 back in the summer of 2010 after 20 plus years. We meet a couple of times and felt like no time had passed. The first time was 11 days before he was to marry for the first time. Had a lovely dinner and the love.. Oh it was there. Lead to other things but not sex. Left that night missing like mad with I love yous like crazy. Then a month and 1/2 passes we choose to meet again. This time we were intimate for the first time ever. That all goes back to 2010. Fast forward since.. My husband found out. I did not see him again, but kept contact thru text. It was very emotional.. Then I put something in writing last march, H found it and he got a hold of the wifes email and sent here all he found. Now both spouses know and we can never see on another again. It feels like he died it hurts so bad. Anway.. I keep having this dream that I’m at his place. Its very open. I’m in the bedroom with him. I’m looking around and I see all his wifes stuff. Vases, art, her pocketbook. Then he leaves for work and I’m still in his place. Driving me nuts. Any ideas? He says he will love me forever.. Not in dream IRL. Help!
i had this dream over 5 times now and it has the same feeling.. i’m a 28 years old single female i met this guy for 4 times we don’t even know each other but we talk fun light conversation each time we see each other and i think i might be attracted to him
so the first time i had a dream that i was at the house i grew up at which was at anther country (my childhood home )and that he was sleeping at my bed all i felt that i was surprised that my parents knew him and kept telling me not to talk loud so i don’t disturb him while he is sleeping at the same spot i used to sleep at the feeling at the dream was “surprise” i was asking what is he doing at my parents house, at my bed room them woke up and starts talking to my parents and i also was surprised how and when he know them that well ?
the second time that he was at the house i live in now doing some paper work and i got out of my room to find him setting at my dininng room he was happy talking to me we were kidding and having a funny conversation but i also had this surprised feeling what is he doing here and how did he appeared here the same felling i had at the first dream
the last one i had today that i was calling one of my female friends who knows him and that he answered her phone so once again i felt surprised why did he answered her phone and how did it end both of us talking laughing at the phone and while i was talking to him i started to feel this light earthquake it wasn’t strong i saw the sealing lamp shaking and i told him do you feel the earthquake? it went for few seconds and we continued our conversation
the main feeling at the 3 dreams i am surprised of him appearing where i am the second felling that we talk funny and laugh at the dreams the last one my parents knowing him
plz help me understant my self is it because i like him maybe i do wanna a good realship and i feel lonly these days od dose it mean that maybe there is a chance for me with him ..i need help
Lolla – You give me the impression of being a loving woman. At 28 you have a lot to give, and you have a powerful urge to find a man who will be good for you. That is a big part of what is behind your dreams. The other is that you have actually met someone who will talk and share pleasure with you. So that is a good and healthy start.
Obviously your loneliness plays a part in your dreams, but there is a chance for a continued friendship. The important partners I have met n my life have always been someone who asked me or just walked up and kissed me – me being a retiring sort of person. So I would suggest you get in a conversation with him and ask him if he is interested in having a coffee with you – or whatever you feel I appropriate. It might not work, but there is nothing lost by trying.
I had really hoped to find an email to rather send you this dream than post it. Being as this dream really freaked me out. I really hope you can help me find some understanding with this dream, The dream occured dec. 21. 2012.
I had been pulled into this room there were 3 people in there, one woman to my right and an larger man on my left. And the other man was sitting a next to the man on my left. Sitting between them the woman on my right had five fingers including a thumb, she put her had up to make a gesture and put her middle finger down so the two on the outsides where still up. And then started laughing as if she did something wrong, the others also laughed. I felt uneasy in here yet confused. The woman looked to me and opened a book and said have you ever heard of the dynasty, (as I could see the words written in the book). As she went on explaining about that I cant remember what was said. But, then as I looked in front of me a pillar of wooden cages came out of the ground in each cage there was a woman inside sitting probably 5 or 6 total. As the tower stood then a lower set of cages came out but this one was flat like the stand for the alter and women were also in there. Then the tower took up in flames tho no one was screaming . As that happened I started in confusing. When all of a sudden the man on my left Stabbed me in the heart as I yelled the woman on my right stabbed my on my right side under my armpit. Then the man took this stick with broken ends and stuck it in my wound and took another one and told me to bite down on it. Things went a bit foggy after that, But I pulled my self up and started trying to leave. While none of them had stopped me I left the room Turned around one last time to see this man with somewhat long dark hair, giving me a weird smile like something had been completed. Not long after my walking around I woke up.
Thank you for you time and help,
Sam – You need to understand that dreams are just like computer games in which you get very involved and face monsters and kill or be killed and nothing has actually happened – you are still alive and unhurt. But in this wonderfully alive virtual reality of your dreams we are all playing the game of life – the game we play in which we face or run away from the things that scare us; in which we explore the depths of our existence or learn how to love – or simply meet a reflection of our own weakness, terror and of course the wonder of your inner genius. For that is all it is – a magic mirror in which we see ourselves naked of pretence.
In your dream you are facing real fears, but actually they are images like in a computer game. Nothing can hurt you except your own fears. Fears are things that eat your confidence and weaken you.
So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Reflect and the piece following it.
My sister passed away 6 years ago from pancreatic cancer. We were able to spend quality time together before the cancer really took over her. I spent her last days with her until she passed.
I keep having a recurring dream that I am living life and I keep finding out that she is alive and in my dream I can’t wait to see her but at the same time keep questioning why we have not seen eachother in so long. I have had this dream at least 6 times in the last year. I would love to know if there is a meaning behind it that I am not aware of.
Hi Tony,
I am reading Caroline Myss book Sacred Contracts and for a week I asked and prayed for a dream that might indicate to me where I’m at in my life. This is the dream that came.
I am in a foreign country on the outskirts of a town or city at night. I’m very afraid because I need to hitch a lift. I hear a vehicle approaching but instead of hitching I get an overwhelming sense of doom so I hide. I see a lorry pass. The light is on in the cab and I see the driver – a very mean looking man. I step back onto the road unaware of a second lorry approaching. The driver sees me and I’m terrified he’ll stop but he keeps going. I continue to walk. After a while a long grey car passes and in the headlights I see a house up ahead surrounded by a large stone wall. There is a stairs of stone steps on my side of the wall so I climb them and peer over. It is daylight on the other side of the wall and I see a woman hanging clothes on a clothes line. She is wearing a headscarf and even though she doesn’t look like me I know she is me. She smiles and I say I need a lift. She nods. I wouldn’t take the lift if it’s just me and a man though I say and she smiles in understanding. A huge sense of relief washes over me because I know the next part of my journey involves going over a mountain with very sheer cliff sides. I follow her into the house and its like stepping into a child’s story book. The rooms are tiny and there is a topsy turvy spiral staircase in one corner of the room. The lady who was me now changes into my friend Yvonne and the driver of the car is her husband Graham. I begin to relay a story to them about meeting my ex-husband. I tell them that he hugged me and suddenly I was lying next to him and I could feel the memories of our life together seeping into me, draining me. I began to loose energy and power and was afraid I would seep back into him because I didn’t feel I had the power not to and then suddenly this burst of energy pushed me to my feet and away from him. In telling the story I feel sad and angry that I could have gone back to my ex-husband after everything he’s done to me. Graham brushes it off and begins telling me they don’t stay in anymore on New Years Eve because there’s a great pub down the road. I follow them to a two storey building covered with ivy and a wonky front porch. Inside there are long tables with benches and a roaring open fire. There is a music session playing in one corner and every table is heavy with candles, it seems to be the only form of light available. I sit down and suddenly the room fills with an air of excitement. The person next to me nudges me and tells me there’s an old man coming who is a great character and story teller but that he speaks in another language so I’m not to be too concerned if I can’t understand him. An old man appears and takes a seat and I am immediately drawn to him. He begins to speak and even though its in a language I’ve never heard I understand every word he says. His eyes move around the room and settle on mine and suddenly all sounds become muffled and I am aware of nothing but him and me. After minutes the person next to the old man points at me and says “look. Look at the connection between them”. At that point my friend Yvonne returns and I follow her into the next room. There is a stack of shelves overflowing with gifts wrapped in gold and a very large round table dressed in a snow white lace cloths. I follow her outside and it is Summer time. I look to my feet and see a child standing there and I immediately know he is my son even though I have no recollection of being pregnant or giving birth. He has piercing blue eyes and blonde hair and a very wide face. He’s quite stocky with big chubby hands. I lift him into my arms and walk down the road into a long stone building with lots of glass windows. There I meet a woman with her son in her arms but my son shies away from him so I move into another room. There I am having my photo taken. I’m facing the corner wearing a metallic grey top that tied with a string around my neck and across my back and tight black trousers and heels. I glance to the side and see my reflection and even though its strange what’s happening I’m quite comfortable with it. After the shoot I ask to see the photos but strangely none of them have come out. The only images the photographer has are of the room with the shelves overflowing with gifts but instead of being empty it is full of women and children.
I’m 42 years of age. I am currently unemployed as I was unwell for the past two years and required eight surgeries last year. In the midst of the surgeries my husband left me and met someone else whom he got pregnant in 9 weeks. We had tried to conceive for four years. I love to write and have written three novels, unfortunately unpublished but I keep writing nonetheless. I know there is huge meaning in this dream and I really don’t want to miss the message especially as I asked for it. Any input you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Tony 🙂
Eileen – A wonderful and hopeful dream.
The foreign country is the new world of inner experience that you are entering into. It is at first scary because it is new and strange. I will give several links because your dream so full of meaning you need to follow them to get the depth of your dream so see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Important
But you manage to deal with your fear by meeting yourself – the down to earth yet feeling and intuitive self that you are. From within you there unfolds the realisation that your journey is a difficult one but you have a sense of relief because you are a good climber in your inner world.
Part of your journey is to open up to your child self which you do easily. It seems that your cultural and probably family background makes it easy for you. The spiral staircase is a reminder that in your climb to a new life you will meet again many of the difficulties from your past, but you will be on a higher level and will meet them with new power. So the meeting with your husband was just that. So it is not your ex you are dreaming of, but your dreams are showing you your inner feelings about the past relationship and all the memories needing to be digested and learned from. Remember that because you were together for a while there is no way you can ‘have nothing to do’ with someone you have been intimately involved with. It doesn’t work like that. Most people are often totally unaware of the massive experience they take in during a relationship and how it interacts with them when we love someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
“Suddenly this burst of energy pushed me to my feet and away from him”. The energy is very important to understand. It comes from your core self when you open to it and are ready to grow. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/touching-your-core-self-part-6/ It is the force that grew you and cares for you. You open to it by acknowledging it as important and by giving up any efforts – just for a while – and letting it into you waking life.
The pub scene is a perfect example of letting go and allowing the new into your life. In that way you allow the highest in you to communicate with you. You then become aware of the enormous gifts you have within you that you haven’t yet unwrapped – your infinite potential. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
You start to become aware of one of the great gifts you have – a dream son who will grow strong in you and become an important part of what your life has in front of you. A picture is just one moment from a life, but when you look you see that a lot of your work will be with women and children. It will seem strange what your inner life is unfolding in you, but you will feel at ease with it. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#WomCreative
Dear woman, you have so much potential, and all the past difficulties are all a part of you development. Regret nothing. Also you can publish your books. I will explain. But not here.
I dream i was being raped by my partner son i called to my partner for help but he did not come i got away and his son, step son also caught me and raped me again and he did nothing he had a paint brush in his hand painting and to me he seemed to be glad as he wanted to punish me for staying away from him, i got away and ran for the neighbor for help, and she said my partner told them about me and she did offer any assistance, in woke from the dream confused and wanting to cry as i am away from my partner for a week now.
I was standing on the shoulder of my grandmother and mother. But i was also holding from green tall grass, i guess it was like maize plants to prevent falling. They were walking and i was standing on them. Then i felt as if i could hurt them i said i will go down, then grandma said thanks for understanding. On the second part of the dream i was at home (i live abroad) and was about to leave. I was in the street and one of my friends came by on a taxi so i joined him. Then i was at my grandma’s house. All the actions took place at night. It was dark. People were sleeping. I told them that i was leaving. Then i was a in a shop where i was trying to buy some soveniers/presents to take with me.
Thank you in advance if you happen to have time and interprete this dream.
I had a dream I had 6-10 children and was in the process of naming them… one of the little girls was about 5 before I named her Sydney. Can you tell me what that was all about?
Thank you!
Well, Im unsure about this but I want to give it a try to see if I can get this dream sorted out. So here goes. Ever since I was little, as far back as I can remember right before I got really ill and still to this day before I get ill I have this dream. Now I can’t remember all of it because as soon as I go to describe the later part of it the memory of it just goes ‘puff’ and its gone no matter how hard I try, but here is the bit Ican remember.
I’m in this room thats white all round, there are doors everywhere I face and all I can do is sit there and cry, in the middle of the room. every time I go to open one of the doors I get this terrible feeling and when I open the door its nothing but black, cold and silent. As soon as this happens I get taken right back to the middle of the room and the top of the room goes black, before giant black bricks are dropped over me, but when they touch me all they do is send me into a crying fit and make my skin feel like I have ants or spiders or something, I’m not sure what, running over my whole body like pins and needles but moving. This happens a number of times before I get the right door and I’m let out, but I end up in a dark wood kind of area with people I dont know around me and the same thing happens with the black bricks when I look at them.
When I wake up after this dream I often feel the tingling feeling for a while as well.
Hannah – This has all the signs of a trauma you must have experienced when young. Unfortunately we usually forget the actual feelings involved. But in your dream you are remembering part of them. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
It might have been during a time you were in hospital as a child because of the images in your dream. If you wanted to explore it you might try http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-arm-circling-meditation/
Hello, I wasn’t sure where to place this comment and I’ve been trying to find an email link or something, but anyways I had this dream about me and a girl my age in a dark anicent crypt and we were fighting/battling giant spiders and looking for something, once we were near done with the searching of the something she put hints in wanting to have sex and we ran through the cave/crypt looking for a place to have sex, apon finding the right spot we ran into a large spider than the rest and i found myself holding a buther knife and I killed the spider, afterward a spectre or ghost appered and I found myself standing with the girl in a masion study, and then I woke, from that I was hoping that you could help me to understand this dream its the thrid time this week and so I thought since it happened more than once it is important.
thanks in advance
John – Your dream has some classic symbols that I will try to explain.
The dark ancient crypt shows that you have found a way into your unconscious. Well, not quite as you have only found images or symbols of it. To go any further you would need to break through the images of your dream and enter and actual experience. To do that you would meet yourself very fully.
You are with a girl – your female half – because in our inner world, of which dreams are a mirror, you are both male and female. To become a whole person you need to enter the girl fully and marry her – i.e. unite with her. But there are feelings in the way. You have not fully become independent of the influence of your mother. The female side of o you will act as your guide in the inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/ also http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/beware-of-love/
The fact that you killed the spider shows you have taken a big step toward independence. The ghost is probably an old trauma or experience that is still ‘haunting’ you. At some time you will need to meet it and merge with it to fully recover what it hides. The study suggests the need to study your inner life of dreams. To do this I would suggest reading http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
I don’t know if you can interpret or not here, but I will ask anyways. I was driving up a very twisty mountain road with no guard rails going higher and faster. (Really I am scared to death of heights) The car was a bit tipsy on one sharp turn. Then can’t remember if my hubby took over driving or what. Then we were in front of a beautiful mansion with a huge fountain in front, admiring it. No idea how or why but were inside talking to one of the men who lived there. I kept almost knocking over big beautiful glass vases, so we sat on the floor, and I kept moving them further away, then handed the one to my hubby to put on a table behind us. I told the man that I ran an estate sale service (which I do in real life, and am going to small claims court for, on the 14th of Nov.-lady I worked for sabotaged and breached contract during the sale I did for her), and that if he ever wanted, I would be more than happy to render my services to them. Then a second man walks in-He was SOOOOO beautiful, (kinda like Edward Sissorhands looking, but normal-or so I thought), and he sat down on the floor about 3 or 4 feet away from me. His partner explained what I did, and seemed excited to tell him, so I elaborated more. As I was talking the beautiful man on the floor’s face kept changing. I thought I was seeing things. First it was his eyes. When he closed them, it looked sort of whitish, then as if he had eyes there, when they were closed. I was mesmerized. Then the shape of his head kind of changed, sometimes into what I want to say was like human, but with swiss cheese holes on the top right side (as I am looking at him), but then it would all change right back. I swore I was just seeing things, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, because he was sooooo beautiful. I told him that too, I think. Then he somehow asked me, or offered me a drink, but it wasn’t a drink; it was like candle wax. It was blue, and I cannot remember if I dripped it down my mouth, or if I drank it, but it hardened in my throat and stomach, and the man was pulling it out whole. Like on and up my through my throat in one piece. He was still beautiful. I could not even express disgust. My husband was not invited to drink, or chose not to; unsure which, but I didn’t even care. I assumed upon waking up, that the beautiful man was Satan, because nobody is that beautiful, and can have a shape shifting face with kinda crazy hair. I don’t know, could be wrong, hope it turns out to be good and not bad. Thanks for any input. Not sure where to find the answer for this, if there is one, but you can definitely email me if you want. Thank you so much.
a few friends and myself were taken from our families daniel (best mate) laura (laura and daniel have a thing) brayden and phoboe (they are together) we were all taken to some weird army camps and we were forced to breed i guess we had to all get preggers and if we didnt have twins we had to abort laura got preggers from daniel and phoeboe to brayden i just got magically pregnant we had repopulate certain coutries and then move to other coutries we were forced to breed! and then i had a pig! as my child it was slaughted and i was allowed to keep the head and the tail for some reason i chose to wear the part of my pig-child as a dress (a bit like lady gagas meat suit) please interpret my dream 🙂