As with a road or river. This usually depicts change, but sometimes with difficulties, depending on the dream. For instance if the river or bridge is difficult to cross, then it suggest you have fears or other problems to contend with in the change.
Sometimes the change is a major one, such as leaving childhood and entering adolescence, or the entering into old age. Marriage or parenthood could be such a change. Obviously, death also is frequently depicted as the crossing of a river or a threshold. See archetype of death
What you are crossing points to an obstacle you are meeting, often of a feeling nature to overcome. Maybe fear or uncertainty causes you to be unable to make the change, so you dream of a bridge giving way. Such changes often are to do with major life junctures, such as from youth to adulthood; pre-puberty to adolescent; single to married; young to middle age.
Crossing also suggests meeting the things that you do in everyday life. A busy road would indicate this, the traffic representing the many factors in life, other people’s decisions and activities, that could impact with you in one way or another. Making such crossings sometimes brings strength, or develops strength.
Something like a cable or tree trunk crossing something like a river or chasm depicts connection of some sort, something that has risk involved or needs courage to make the change.
Crossing oneself-making the sign of the cross on ones body: Most people have little understanding of this, doing it with clumsy movement high up on their chest. The cross signifies the human body which is the temple of the soul and is seen as holy by the Bible. So the sign should have a long bottom and a wide cross on one’s body. Also it should be done with some sense of its meaning and of the holy places of ones body.
Example: The coins, or really, medallions, were shining silver, depicting Christian or ancient saints and martyrs. It was, I knew in the dream, like a rosary, which one could use in prayer. But instead of just the Ave Maria’s, and the Our Father’s, all the other saints were included. Thus it was a very comprehensive guide to prayer. Some of the silvered chains between the coins were missing, but these had been mended with something else. The shape of it suggests the sign of the cross people make on their body. But it shows the right way to do this is first touching the brow then down to the genitals then to the two breasts, – the real sources of power. Richard.
Sometimes: A trial or test such as initiation.
Crossing a river or chasm: Often depicts feelings about death. See: bridge; river; road; individuation.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is it I am crossing, and what challenges or dangers are involved?
Am I making changes in my life at the moment, crossing from one situation to another?
If I manage to cross, what is on the other side that I wanted to reach?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Life’s Little Secrets – Every 7 Years You Change