Duck Ducks
Because a duck can fly and also dive under water it can represent both your ability to raise your awareness, to expand your mind and horizons, and also to look into what is hidden under the surface of life. And its ability to float and swim on the surface of water shows it can survive in the conscious mind. Of course for many people it can be associated with food. See: Cormorant.
Ducks can also be beautiful when flying, and are also hunted and shot, so it depends on the dream what they mean to you – are they a thing of beauty or vulnerable.
Ducks are also always followed by drakes, and can be about the way we may also wish to pair off. With babies they are wonderful and highly vulnerable – and even the tiny pieces of fluff leave small waves – suggesting the waves we all leave in living our life, whoever small and vulnerable we might be. See Associations Working With
‘Duck’ might also indicate that you are ducking to avoid something as in the second example.
They are often vulnerable birds because they are hunted, as the following dream shows the duck part of us is vulnerable and needs help.
Example: In my dream last night I was cycling down a familiar lane and came across a white duck which had been injured by a car, it looked dead so I stopped and got off my bike and propped it against a gate but when I turned round the duck was standing and looking at me. It was strange because the way it came right up to me and looked directly at me. I seemed to know what this creature was thinking and it was asking me for help.
Example: Then there is some excitement and we duck down right before a shot is fired by a Secret Service agent standing in front of us. He fires at a man running behind us out of sight between two buildings. I watch the man fall, slowly lowered to the ground by two other SS agents, saying something as he dies.
Idioms: sitting duck; duck takes to water, dead duck; lame duck; duck out; duck soup; duck’s guts; ducks in a row (ducks in order); duck an issue.
Useful questions and hints:
Is the duck wild and free or is it a pet?
Does the duck look vulnerable to you – if so what do you feel vulnerable about?
Are you ducking to avoid something – if so what are you dodging or avoiding.
See Associations Working With – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – LifeStream
I have a dream of a tiny tiny tiny baby duck. When i see the baby duck it brings me utter and total feeings of joy and happiness. I show it to unkown yet familiar and warm people in my dream.
Last night
I wanted to let it swim.
I had several options of water to place it in. A puddle, a stream, and a crystal clear and smooth water fountain.
I chose in the fountain.
I place the duck in the fountain. The fountain flows like a water fall yet smooth as can be and the duck begins gliding un der the smooth water.
Concerned the duck cant breath, i place my hands in the water to retieve the duck. Then the duck changes direction and swims to the top.
I amazed at this beautiful tiny creature.
The duck dissapears for a minute i become frantic and search in the waters.
I find it a few minutes later dead and badly mangled in a filter near by. Heartbroken 🙁 if only id clasped my hands and taken it from the water.
Then i wake up.
This is the second dream of the duck this week. Itndid not die the first time. I am always so thrilled to see it. What does it mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Sachelle – I feel your dreams are about a very new and therefore vulnerable natural or instinctive part of you. Because all the people, animals, and places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images.
The water is natural for even very young ducks to swim in, even to dive under the surface. Water usually indicates your emotions or the Life energy flowing through you. So the duck needs tender care until it grows. So imagine the duck being cared for by you and surviving. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I was brushing my teeth in the faucet outside the house. Then several ducks appeared, then they look so tired and it seems they’re lifeless soaking in tha poodle of water after awhile. I continued brushing my teeth. But suddenly there’s this one duck hugged me and is very sweet. It doesn’t want to part wih me that it really seemed to be so attached to me
I had a dream that there was a white duck with a black spot in my living room and we were both afraid of each other. Then I opened the balcony door for it to go away and it didn’t. It couldn’t fly. What does it mean?
I had a dream last night and kind of difficulty finding out the right meaning.
I was at the farm and I had a duckling that is not that small maybe some months older duckling. It was white colour and I was feeding it and playing with it, once it was flying ,but just some steps away from me, I remember holding it.it was happy feelings in my dream.
Please let me know what it means
Hi Tony,
I dream today of a duck swallowing a dog. . . The dog tried to break free but it can’t. . And then I wake. . . . What does it meant???
A duck comes into my living room. I am trying to shoo it away. It bites my jacket sleeve, tearing it so the feathers all came out. I then try to chase it out with a broom, moving all the funiture to the middle of the room so it has nowhere to hide. I wake up and wonder what on earth is the dream about?
I would like to ask about my dream. It goes like this. I was walking along a sunny boukevard when i came across an injured yellow duckling. The ducklings injury was one of his/her legs. I picked the duckling up and looked for a place to treat it or someone who can help me treat it. I looked everywhere, here and there, back and forth, but i can’t seem to find someone to help me or a pet shop. I encountered friends and strangers in my dreams asking why im carrying an injured yellow duckling but they are of no help. I end up waking up with the yellow duckling still injured.
Hoping to hear from you guys.
Thankyou very much.
Dear Joseph – In your dream you are walking on a sunny boulevard, which I see as that you have chosen for a path which could be leading to inner healing and growth.
The way I see your duckling is that it symbolises an inner injury which you became aware of.
A duckling has not yet reached its second-feather stage, which occurs around the age of two months, so your dream suggests that you have met a part of you which did not manage to grow up yet and it is related to feeling insecure or unable to stand up for yourself, or to be independent.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
A wonderful step is that you pick up the duckling in your dream and you are willing to help it heal.
Your dream also suggests that you have not found the right approach yet and are willing to search for it.
For some people a helpful approach is to uncover what the injury is about and you could use “Being the duckling” and/or “Talking as the duckling” for that purpose.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
This approach is also part of what we call Power Dreaming:
Your dreams are a unique area of self-expression. They are a safe area to experiment and experience things in any way you wish. Often we introvert, or take into our dream life, rules and fears that have no place there. For example, while dreaming, you may fall into the sea and be terrified you will drown. But that is impossible because you are only experiencing images of your feelings and thoughts. All you can do is to feel fear. You can easily breathe under water in a dream, or fly, or die and be re-born. So remove such limitations from your inner life by visualising such changes into your dreams when awake. Imagine yourself being what you can in your dreams. Even passive people who couldn’t stand up for themselves can change as they do this.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Another approach could be using http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and/or joining the Forum and walk your way to wholeness through working with your dreams.
Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
By playing with the symbols or images of your dreams in the right way you can make enormous inner changes and heal almost any problem.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/using-symbols-to-change-life-problems/
I trust there is something in all these approaches that will resonate with your inner being.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Dear Diane – A lake can be a symbol of the inner world of your feelings and fantasies; the unconscious. The mysterious waters can also be a powerful symbol of female sexuality.
You did not share what you felt in the dream while seeing these ducks fighting.
So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
Your dream animals represent your fundamental drives such as the fear reaction, anger, need for food, urge to breathe, sex or procreative drive, parental urges, drive for recognition or dominance in groups; survival drive; love of offspring; spontaneity; home building. They depict these drives perhaps stripped of their social forms of expression.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/animals/
This dream has not enough information for me to fully understand what the fight is about, so it will need your own explorations.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I had a dream of a paid ducks come flying into the lake, a few moments later another pair of ducks came flying into the lake and fought with the first pair of ducks chasing them further down the lake.
I constantly have a dream of Goose and Duck. Last night I had a dream of a big /white duck that was in my home. I was trying to feed the duck. Then I later had a dream of a small toad that I tried to kill but later was hanging on my clothe, then proceeded to have a dream of uncooked meat in a cooking pot. I have had re occuring dreams of eating meat in the past weeks. Can you please tell me the meaning?
I dreamt that I woke up (but I didn’t actually.) in my dream I was in bed and woke up to see a rumpled piece of paper floating up to hit me in the face. I looked down to the ground next to my bed where it had come from. I saw an animal looked like a duck. It was in pretty bad shape I thought it was Dad at first glance but then my dogs came over and started messing with it and I could see it was barely alive. I hate seeing animals suffer so I jumped up to grab it but when I did suddenly it had no feathers and a rough reptile like skin with spiny things sticking out of its back. I tried to grab it but it hurt my hands. I was upset that I couldn’t help it.
I dreamed of a small snake coming into my home. Saw later in time, like days or weeks in dream, it had tripled in size. It ate my mice, which were a problem. It left me, what seemed in a way like a gift, a dead colorful duck & several almost dead creamish colored rodents that looked sorta like guinea pigs. I feel such a mix of positive & negative. Usually can interpret my dreams but at loss.
I had a dream, I was in the middle of the dessert and i swa something flying at me, i raised up my rife and tried to shoot it but i missed. It landed right next to me and it was a beautiful sparkley blue mallard duck, then i looked back up and saw a hawk comming at me carring a black and white cat. I raised up my rifle again and shot it. the cat hit the ground in front of me and the hawk landed on top of it and started ripping out the intrails of the cat. as i got closer the hawk started to have a more rounder head like an owl, but the cat was tring to get away as the bird was pulling out its guts….
I have a dream of ducks and cats together maybe about a thousands of them raised by our neighbor, one day they enter to our fenced compound and swam to the pond and i feed them with corn on the water, after that i informed the owner of the cat and ducks, ducks are mixture of matured and baby ducks, tha cats are yellow and orange in color mostly kittens their playful.
Joseph – I do not know what your next door neighbour represents for you, but probably a person who allows life into their daily affairs. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
The theme of your dream is that you have had a fenced off area of you that you have now allowed a wonderful surge of youthful and living feelings into your life. Not only that, you are feeding them, so encouraging their growth.
Thanks for the useful information!
Kendra – I checked on the entry and see it didn’t really give any information. So I have upgraded it, something I am trying to do, but it is slow because of the amount of posts.
Duck Because a duck can fly and also dive under water it can represent both your ability to raise your awareness, to expand your mind and horizons, and also to look into what is hidden under the surface of life. And its ability to float and swim on the surface of water shows it can survive in the conscious mind.
Idioms can also suggest other meanings such as sitting duck, like a duck takes to water, dead duck and lame duck.