Apart from being food the egg is used in dreams to indicate your potential, the parts of you as yet unrealised or not fertilised by your conscious action or quality.
It might also represent the female ovum, prenatal life, being pregnant and from that the possibility of new life, new opportunities. Because of this connection with being unborn it sometimes is used to show a retreat from life, a desire to stay in the egg.
An egg is fragile and because it holds the potential of life, can express the feeling of vulnerability with something precious.
And obviously a food that you enjoy or do not eat.
If the shell of the egg is figured it may be saying, ‘come out of your shell’, grow up, or even “I do not want any part of life out of the womb”.
Whether the egg has hatched or not shows whether what is new in your life has emerged yet, or is still latent and needing further caring support.
Eggs can also represent nourishment, and if being eaten again link with potential – in this case nourishing your potential and helping it to develop.
The environment the egg or eggs are in gives a clue to the situation you are in regarding your potential and the development of what you are capable or. Basically you need to see if the eggs are protected, or in a difficult or threatening situation. If the latter, then you need to be more aware of how you are failing to support your own possibilities.
Example: Now I felt like an egg, like a chick in the egg. Somehow my shell had been taken away and all I wanted was to curl up and not have to be alive. Events were not offering me what my instinct had led me to expect. Without any certainty of being wanted, I was exposed, alone and vulnerable. There was nothing for me to unfold for or want to live for. Prior to this experience I had watched a documentary on the hatching of turtles on a beach. They were all impelled to run toward the sea, and if they made it they were comparatively safe. But on the way the seagulls swooped and ate many of them. As the baby I had no impulse to run for the sea. I was too aware of the dangers to want to move. I didn’t even want to be without a shell. There was no way the baby me wanted to unfold and participate in the adult life of M. So the baby me said “NO” to M who was asking me – the baby to take part in life, because without it I was a failure. But as M, observing this part of myself that had decided right at the beginning not to get involved in the difficulties or possibilities of life, I realised I had to find a way to induce it to change. If I did not manage this, a whole spectrum of my energy and potential would be missing.
Idioms: a good egg; all your eggs in one basket; don’t put all your eggs in one basket; don’t teach your grandmother how to suck eggs; egg me on; egg on my face; goose egg; kill the goose that lays the golden eggs; nest egg; suck eggs; walk on eggshells; hard like a boiled egg.
Useful Questions and Hints:
How do I relate to the egg – am I caring for the vulnerability of life?
Is this showing me the possibility of new life or new growth?
What does the theme of the dream suggest?
Has the egg hatched?
Is this egg being used as food?
Where is the egg?
See Processing Dreams – The Egg of Juno – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Every 7 Years You Change
In the dream i saw a little bird nest and i heard noises inside it then when i opened up the nest i saw an egg trying to hatch i could already hear the little bird inside chirping then two other eggs appeared …..please what does this mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Richie – It can refer to your children and having or expecting a baby; or to your own childhood memories. Coming out of the shell is a very powerful experience for us as babies. Facing the enormousness of physical experience with all it wonder and dangers is something we have faced. And don’t live with the belief that babies cannot remember such early memories, because it has been shown they do.
Something is certainly communicating to you – why not use the following to find out – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
saw layed eggs but the hen was not there so i packed the eggs and ran away. what is the interpretation
I dreamt that outside on the ground I saw several piles of eggs. I wondered where all the eggs came from because we didn’t own any chickens when just as I said that I saw a chicken. It laid three or four eggs and walked around and laid a few more eggs.
Hi – I must take time to upgrade the dream dictionary, so must halt from answering your posts – I started revising the dictionary in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet. I believe someone else may start giving interpretations.
So, for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/ – It describes ways that can help you. And often it would help too if you looked at http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
Did you know that chickens are the nearest to dinosaurs? They have the scales on their legs and cloaca – the vagina and anus as one entry.
Eggs are like seeds, a small thing with a wonderful past, for the egg or seed is the whole past and the potential of the future all in one. So the eggs can mean that you are fertile with your own eggs. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/motherhood/
Hello there I had a dream that I was cooking eggs and I went to crack in but when I did not only did it have a red dot…but when I flipped the egg over and looked in it the baby chickens half formed head was still in the egg and I began to cry in my dream ….what does this indicate?
Last night I dreamt I was pooping eggs!
They were all diferent sizes some small like candy eggs others like regular hen eggs. While it was happening I was scared, on my dream I was conviced they were tumors on kidney stones or something, and I had to push real hard to get them all out, they were over 30+ or more of them, I tried to hold them all so I could show to my mom (who I respect a lot) and ask her what she thought about them.. At the end I felt there was only left so I pushed like hell and it came out but this one was not shinny withe like the rest this one was soft pink and still connected to me through veins and intestins? Or something? I got scared, I didnt know what was worst to put it back in or rip it out of me… Thats when my alarm clock went nuts and I woke up….
In the dream at first I was happy since I was taking them out of me, but latter I got scared because there were EGGS coming out of me, lots of them! and at the end I panicked when I found the last one (quite big one) was still connected to me and growing but now he was hanging from my intestins between my legs.
Any clarification, advice, guidance, would be AWESOME! Thanks!
Grx – I would love to know where they came out of you – for it makes more sense in a dream sort of way if they emerged from your vagina.
A female body is a miracle of creativity designed to produce eggs. A human female typically has about 400,000 follicles/potential eggs, all formed before birth. Only several hundred (about 480) of these “eggs” will actually ever be released during her reproductive years. Normally, in humans, after the onset of puberty, due to the stimulation of follicular-stimulating-hormone (FSH) one “egg” per cycle matures and is released from its ovary. One month the left ovary will release a potential egg and the next month the right ovary will release a potential egg.
This of course produces a tremendous urge to find and mate with a male to produce offspring, but being human we have much more than the desire to reproduce, for we can direct this creativity in various ways other than having babies – but each direct has consequences.
I wonder whether your periods are regular and have started. For the dream seems to says that you have either been in the prior period of egg production or that something needs attention. The last egg particularly was very alive.
So if you are worried I suggest having a check to see that your periods are fine.
the seven book of moses how can I understand it
Dear Jonathan – “The so-called Sixth and Seventh books of Moses in particular consists of a collection of texts which purport to explain the magic whereby Moses won the biblical magic contest with the Egyptian priest-magicians, parted the Red Sea, and other miraculous feats. Many manuscripts and printed pamphlet versions had circulated in Germany, when Johann Scheible, undertook to collect the major variants. Scheible, an antiquarian from Stuttgart, published the first edition in German in 1849 as volume 6 of his Bibliothek der Zauber-Geheimniss- und Offenbarungs-Bücher, etc. Subsequent revised and expanded editions were supplemented with excerpts from writings on Jewish folklore and esoterica.
An English translation first appeared in New York in 1880, and has been reprinted more than a few times without — as far as I can tell — ever being re-edited. The editors of the many English editions seem to have lacked Scheible’s industriousness, but have instead been content with propogating any and all errors intact. All the English editions thus far have consequently been deficient in many ways, with poorly executed drawings and Hebrew lettering, drawings printed upside down, mistakes in transcription and translation, passages censured and other substantial omissions. All in all, English speaking readers have had an especially difficult challenge trying to make sense of this book.”
Quoted from http://www.esotericarchives.com/moses/67moses.htm
The site offers you the possibility to join a Yahoo group to discuss the text of the 7th book.
I have not read the book and I do believe that the only way to really understand works like this is by learning to understand “symbol language”.
I have experienced my inner world opening up and my perception change – which I do believe reflects the miracle – by reading Tony’s book “Yield”; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/yield/
Anna 🙂
I just dreamt of cooking eggs, I mixed it but it still turned into a sunny side one xD
My father passed away 2 days ago, I tried to go to his memorial service and my car broke down on the way so I didn’t get to make it. My father’s side of my family has strong native american Osage & Cherokee blood in our lineage. I had a dream last night that I feel is somehow a message from my dad or a message about what I’m going through, and I need guidance on interpreting this dream because I can’t find anything that fully makes sense to me. I dreamt that I walked into my bedroom and there were 2 large eggs that had just hatched, one had a black snake with red stripes – it looked like a Georgia Rainbow snake, and the other egg had a white snake with green eyes – it looked like a sea snake – at first the snakes looked dead – then as I got closer they started moving, I ran to get someone to come and look I was freaking out in my dream because I didn’t know what to do – I was scared to see the baby snakes in my bed, but when I got back with the person to show them the snakes had left and disappeared …then I woke up confused and wanting to find out what this really meant. Please help me figure this out.
Hi Lesa,
First I want to say, I’m sorry for your loss. I thought your dream was very interesting. Have You looked up the characteristics of the Georgia Rainbow snake? Since they were found in your bed, your bed meaning that it may mean something that you hold very private and very close. I was reading up on one website where there are rainbow snakes, they mean a good/healthy ecosystem is present. Since they were babies, maybe it could mean the beginning of something good. The link: http://www.erytrogramma.snakeconservation.org
I would look up more on the characteristics of these snakes. Also, that website also states that these snakes are hard to find, similar to what your dream describes. These snakes in your dream were meant to be found only by you. So yes, it definitely seems to be concerning you exclusively. Your dream must mean something great. Anyway, I hope this can help you.
I had a dream where I walked into the garage and the outside Refrigerator was filled with flats of eggs. There were so many that they were piled in the refrigerator and we’re stacked outside as if overflowing out of the refrigerator. Any ideas what it all means?
Dear Jessie – Eggs can symbolise your potentials not yet fertilised yet or realised and your dream suggests that you have put your potentials “in cold storage”.
Do you think/feel that you have maybe put it off too long to start developing your potentials?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
Anna 🙂
i had a dream of two solid eggs connected in the egg carton. they werent cooked. I looked at them and put them back in the refridgerator for my son to cook later in the day. this was my dream. any ideas??
three nights ago I had a dream of finding a bowl full of cracked egges on a driveway, the yolks were quite yellow and visable, prominent.
last night I had a dream of being in my kitchen or a kitchen, initially I opened a carton of eggs and found one was quite bad like disintegrating within its shell, so I reached for another carton assuming they were past their due. The new carton said New York on a beautifully designed lable, when I opened the carton all of the egges were large and perfect, many were wrapped in beautiful garments made of fine cloth and fur, sosme with zippers etc, an extravagant display. I chose one to prepare which was fresh and created a meal with it.
No clue as to why I keep dreaming of eggs, first raw, then rotten, then perfect. And the New York thing just have no idea what the message may be, is my future creativity connected to New York or ??
i had a dream that i was eating scrammed eggs but that it still had some eggshells in it and i would take them off and they would still be there what does this mean
Interesting. All I saw was a plain chicken egg nothing else, but also in my dream was a race car, 6-7 happy dogs at a house with a party going on
I had an image come up of an egg shaped concrete enclosure (about 1 ft. high) with an edgeless fountain (within the concrete enclosure) to the left side of the shape pouring water back into the enclosure. Any ideas as to what this means?
Good morning , i dreamt last night there were 2 tiny eggs buried in the ground one blue one white , there was also a whole heap of mine and my patners belongs paper work and bits and piecers . In the dream a bad person had stollen these things of ours and hidden them there , we found them the bad person came along and saw we had found our things for some reason there was a lady i had to kill or she would kill me . That part was horribale thought . Guess i was wondering wat the tiny blue & white eggs in the dirt mean , any thoughts ? Thank you 🙂