How your face appears in a dream points to how you see yourself, your self image, the fears or feelings, even anxieties you have about how you appear to others and yourself. It can also show the expression of or hiding of inner feelings and attitudes. It can be defined in two words – ‘identity’ and ‘communication’. This is because not only do most of us believe we are how we look, but also through our face we communicate to others what we feel and think. See Dreams are Virtual Realities
The face, especially if you are looking at yourself in a mirror, can also mean that you are facing yourself – facing up to yourself, or need to, ‘face yourself’. This dream often occurs when you are ready to really look at who you are and what facets of yourself you might be ignoring or even hiding. It is a sort of seld assessment or self analysis; but it might only be reflecting an aspect of you that needs attention and is usually about your inner world. See Inner World
Someone else’s face: How you see them and how you relate to them. What you feel and think suggest what your opinion of them is, and how you relate to them inwardly. The face could also point to what feelings and memories of them you carry within you. See Characters and People in Dreams
Blushing: Unconscious response to things. Feelings that you usually keep hidden, or are not usually aware of yourself. Often about strong feelings about another person you really like but are not showing, except for blushing. Something wrong with face: Sense of not being adequate; fear of how others see you. If it is someone else’s face it probably depicts how you feel about them, or your intuitions about them.
Changing ones face or head: Changing ones attitudes or decision about something; being uncertain or ‘two faced’. Having different aspects of your personality or seeing another side of yourself. Change the wording to fit seeing someone else with changing face – your to their.
Hiding ones face: Being ashamed of something; low confidence or uncertainty; being afraid of how others see you; hiding motives or feelings.
No face: This is probably what is called a shadow figure if you see it on another person – parts of your nature or behaviour that you usually keep hidden or do not admit to. If you are faceless then it could suggest either that you realise your real self is pure potential without particular characteristics, or you feel a fear of about loss of identity or uncertainty about who you are.
Example: Was looking in a mirror. Suddenly a shadow appeared on it. At first the shadow seemed threatening or frightening. Then I saw it was only a directive, a face, figure with its arm and hand extended as if pointing. Looking behind me I saw that the shadow was cast by a featureless cat or animal. That is, its head was completely smooth, without eyes or ears. At first I thought it could not see or hear, but then realised it must be able to, as it was pointing to a man out in the rough sea. The man had a lifejacket on, so was in no immediate danger. But the sea was very rough. I went out and brought him in, dried him off, put him in my house to recover, then phoned the police in case they needed to know.
Here the dreamer was looking at himself in the mirror, and was directed to realise that although there wasn’t any immediate danger, he was fighting against heavy emotional forces. The dream tends to not directly tell us about ourselves, but uses another person of event to point things out to us. See Characters and People in Dreams and Exploring Dreams -Techniques to use
But being faceless in the role of a helper, guide or nurse can have a much deeper meaning. It suggests that it is an aspect of you that has given up its egotistic state of being important, a leader or even a saint. As such it becomes a Christ like figure who becomes a servant of Life – washing peoples feet. Such a dream figure is worth listening to.
Idioms: Blue in the face; egg on my face; face down; face the facts; face the music; face up to; face value; fill your face; flat on one’s face; face lift; fly in the face of; get out of my face; in your face; keep a straight face; long face; poker face; pull a face; save face; shut your face; two faced; wipe that smile off your face; written all over your face. See: head.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is being expressed or felt here?
If there is change what is the change moving toward or expressing?
What character, qualities, or lack of them does the face depict?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams – Associations Working With
It’s been about 30 min. since I was dreaming. I don’t know if I tell family because I was not myself. OK I’m alittle started still at the moment. I read some about the face and the part about accepting the fact I am probably changing. It helps to explain some. No it don’t, I never have experienced this and it was real. I need to speak with someone who has knowledge of religion. This is serious because yesterday I had realized that I was not to fear judgement of the ones I love. This morning I woke up and I was clearly talking to myself. I don’t know if I can explain it because of the truth about what I was experiencing. I’m not scared at all but I don’t know how much of this is possible. I’m sorry to seem like I want let you know or like I’m hiding it. I am scared… Never been this way after dreaming and I can’t seem to get out. I mean that I am still in bed and almost at disbelief that I would say that to myself. I fought with my beliefs for 20 years and it is no longer going to ever be the same. How could I be able to see myself as a horrible person. Some people are evil in movies or books. I am not hiding the fact I am maby possessed. I think that I have for the first time ever experienced the greatest thing that is not good. I feel evil in my heart like the love I have for my family. I hurt people because they are loved ones to play with. I am not myself and hope to speak with someone that is going to help. I’m kinda afraid of what I want
I remember I had a dream once where I was in the mall with my family then as we were walking I felt someone watching and following us/me. I stopped and looked around me and then I saw someone who looked suspicious as he/she was striding towards the back of a post as if trying to hide. He/she was wearing a dark red/black cloak. My family didnt notice me stop and was already walking away. I was thinking of whether I would follow them or follow the suspicious person, and I ended up following the suspicious person instead since it felt like it was someone I knew. I was already half running in order to reach the person but when that person turned around a corner, I lost sight of him/her. I looked everywhere but there was no sight of that person.
It ended just like that. Its the only dream that I had that I remember despite it being a dream I had a few years ago. In that dream I couldnt see anyones faces, not even mine. It wasnt like everyones faceless, either it was all blury or their faces was dark(?). I couldnt see the faces but I knew who was who, except for the suspicious person cause his/her face was covered with a hood. I dont understand what that dream meant so please if anyone knows please tell me.
It’s late, but I can’t sleep because I’m trying to figure out a dream I had recently. My dream started out as just me lying on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, but when I went to get up, my foot touched nothing but black, murky water. I jerked it back and curled on the bed. Then, suddenly, I looked up and saw my father floating away on a sort of raft. He was just smiling and waving. We were in a mixture of my mom’s house and my dad’s house, but there were no windows or decorations, and the doorways were all sorts of crazy proportions and the walls were this awful green color. My parents split up when I was seven or so, and he made an effort to be there, but I never really felt like I knew him after that. Anyway, in this dream I just knew I had to get to him, so I grabbed a paddle and my bed turned into a flimsy raft. I was making some progress across the room when the whole thing just broke into pieces and I fell in the water. Then, alligators appeared, and circled and circled, but I felt like I had a responsibility to calm them down. I had a scuba mask on all of a sudden, and I started to pet the gators. One snapped all of a sudden, and devoured me. It wasn’t painful or scary, it just felt like I was a part of the alligator. I could see through its eyes.
After that, I remember turning toward the wall where my bunk bed was, and there was a second set of beds that held my stepbrothers. They wouldn’t help me no matter what. (At this point I have no idea if I was the alligator or inside it or in the water again.) I sunk, and I thought, “maybe the scuba gear will help,” and that’s when it ended.
This dream makes absolutely no sense to me, but I guess the water, the alligators and my father’s appearance could have some significance. I’d really like some clarification.
Dear Sammi Jo – I will do my best to explore your important dream and share what I see and please explore it yourself as well; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Your dream starts with becoming aware of an issue needing attention in your life; the influences and past problems you still carry inside you that need to be dealt with by exploring your own unconscious darkness.
When you become aware of your father “happily floating out of your life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/raft/ you decide to embark on the inner journey to get to “him”. “Him” because the journey is not only about exploring what you absorbed unconsciously from living with your father – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/father-dad/#InnerFather -and mother – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother -; in your dream you also explore who or what you are “beyond that”;
The “mixture of my mom’s house and my dad’s house” expresses that you carry influences from both inside you and it will serve a purpose to also use “Being the person or thing” for exploring “awful green walls without windows and decorations and with doorways (open or closed?) with crazy proportions”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-house-in-your-dream/
While you were in the process of getting to (know) your inner father; you become aware that this journey is about “More than that”.
You are aware that you are responsible to learn to deal with what emerges from your unconscious mind while you are on your way to connect again with your Core/Self.
The dream crocodiles are not harmful and you are well equipped to deal with them and your inner debts. Like all dream images they represent things about you, abilities you have, or new dimensions of you. Even if they swallow you it is just an experience of going deep inside yourself. The alligator is a way to begin to meet your core self. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core
In the last part of your dream you become aware that your inner stepbrothers (please use “Being the stepbrothers”) cannot help you and you are about to explore another resource;
“the scuba gear”. (please use “Being the scuba gear”) and please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
Let me know if you have any questions Sammi Jo.
Anna 🙂
I had a dream last night and was just staring at myself in the mirror looking into my own eyes and naturally blinking. Nothing was said or done just a blank stare, then I walked away and that was the end of it.
Im not sure what that means but I would like to know
I had a dream where it was kinda like frame by frame
in those frames it was pink fleshy looking with black hanging things
The next thing i saw after that was a mirror but when i walked over it wasn’t me it was something else. Half its face was torn off. I looked down and there was blood on my hands
Does this mean anything or was it just a simple nightmare
because it scared the hell outa me. It takes a lot to scare me
Dear Caleb holl – I do not believe in “just a simply nightmare”.
“Just as we learn to swim by gradually facing and overcoming our fear of sinking, so we learn to love, be creative, successful or expressive, by meeting – in dreams and in life – the fears which hold us back: the fear of losing our mother, the fear of being neglected, the fear of being alone, fear of the dark, the fear of ridicule, and the fear of failure. They are all anxieties we conquer to some degree in the process of maturing. But there is no final boundary to our growth.
So if you dare to grow beyond your present maturity, you are bound to have a few nightmares. Try to see what they say about you. You have nothing to lose but your fear.”
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/nightmare-2/
The way I see your interesting dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that you become aware of “your works and the things you have done” ; your frame of mind.
Are you happy and comfortable in your own skin? Can you accept yourself? Can you be true to yourself, or are you dishonest with yourself or cheating on yourself (skinning yourself)? Do you feel you have to punish yourself (skin yourself alive)?
Looking in a mirror is basically a looking at yourself – self-examination – and the face in the mirror may not match your own. It may be better or worse. That is, in self-examination you may come across, or see, parts of your nature that are the worst side or the best side of you. These are the things you do not usually see about yourself.
The mirror particularly depicts self-awareness in the sense of insight into your behaviour or character traits.
You perceive yourself in the mirror as “something else” which could refer to a “skinning part” of you that you are not aware of yet and/or that you cannot manage yet.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/
By looking at your hands you do become aware that you are doing it to yourself, which is a wonderful next step towards awareness.
You can only change something if you are aware of it and awareness can (also) be reached by observing yourselves without judging what you see; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Let me know if you have any questions Caleb holl.
Anna 🙂
had a dream that there was two babes in my bed but could not see there face
Dear Antonette – What do you mean with “babes”; very young children (babies?) or sexually attractive people? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
Anna 🙂
In my dream last night, a therapist was trying to get me to point out my youngest sons face( he is 20 and moved out of state to be with dad) and i got to see it for a split second then it changed as did every face on the paper and kept changing to all different aged men. Then the page went blank and nobody in the room believed me. They could still see the original pic. I cried and cried in my dream and kept saying, i truly am crazy. Woke up very upset
Dear Nancy – We tend to be so judgmental of ourselves and rather perceive an attempt to heal and grow as an opportunity to feed our fear of being crazy or mentally ill.
It is one of the many things that I learned while traveling with Tony; to move beyond this fear and to accept that steps towards inner healing and growth are better perceived in a different light; http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
What I see in your dream – but please explore it for yourself as well – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ – is that you become aware that by letting go of your youngest son you enter the process of not being sure anymore how to see him and/or to relate to him, also while being with his dad now, he will continue to grow and develop “out of sight”.
Perhaps reading this will be helpful too; http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/example-emma/
I believe that the parts of you that choose to see the “original pic” are those parts that rather resist the possibility of his inner change.
Your more daring part is willing to accept that you do not know how being with his father will influence his development and your relationship/communication with him; we are all a wonderful mix of conflicting thoughts and feelings and it is part of our experience of being human.
With your choice to accept “the unknown” – the blank paper – you have also opened the possibility of expressing yourself and creating your (inner) life in different ways; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/create-creative-creativity/
Let me know if you have any questions Nancy.
Anna 🙂
I came here to look for answers to a dream I had some years back that still perplexes me to this day. A few years back, I was having a rough patch in my life. Addiction and an abusive boyfriend. During this time, I had a dream that I was sitting in the arm chair of the apartment we were living in at the time. I remember looking out the window and seeing children running up and down the street dressed in costumes, so I naturally assumed it was Halloween. But that’s not what perplexes me, and I don’t know what significance that part of the dream had for me. The part I am most curious about is what happened when I looked away from the window back into my living room. I turned around and their was a tall boy with blonde hair standing in front of me. He wore a dark blue sweater and blue jeans. But I could not see his face. I could make out everything about him but his face. I stood up very quickly, but I was not scared. More surprised than anything. I did not know or recognize this boy ( obviously with no face to go by ). He reached out and pulled me into his arms and held me tight and just whispered into my ear “Everything is going to be alright”. And that was it, I woke up immediately after he said that. To this day, I have to sit back and wonder if this was a guardian angel or my own subconscious reassuring me that in time I would improve myself and my life. Today I am married to a wonderful and loving husband, I have a job I enjoy and I have been clean for almost 3 years. But I still am baffled about the fact that he had no face.
Dear Stacey – A touching and encouraging dream and I am glad that you managed to improve yourself and your life.
I feel that it does not really matter how you perceive this help; if you perceive it as your guardian angel then it merely means that you have projected the help that is always available inside your own mind onto “an angel”.
If you perceive it as your subconscious reassuring you then it means that you are aware that help is available inside your own mind.
I believe that the helpful boy is (also) a symbol of your inner male which still had to mature at that stage in your life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
I think he had no face because you did not recognize him yet as a helpful, loving and caring part of you and your potential; he is the positive side of your shadow.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/shadowy-figure/
Anna 🙂
I was asleep but appeared to be awake at the time. It was like any other early morning and my two daughters were getting ready for school and I knew they were still home because the light was on. I didn’t pay it any mind until the two people that walked into my bedroom were NOT my children. They appeared to have on wigs and really scary distorted faces. I could not even tell who they were. I stayed in my bed because I was afraid and they just kept walking around my bed getting closer and closer to me, pulling on my covers. It felt so real. I could see myself calling for my mother but and just for help. I couldn’t reach my cell phone or anything. I managed to wake up or so I thought and it started over but with some man I never seen before. He was trying to cover my mouth with his hands and I was trying to run away. It then jumped to me calling my mother and her telling me that my car had been stolen and she knew I would be calling. I was so in rage and tears about my car that I finally did wake up and was out of breath……. Do you have a clue as to what this may even be about?
Dear Shawn – The way I see your important dream is that there is a lot expressed in it and it will take quite some time and inner work to open up to your real self if you decide to do so.
Patience and being kind to yourself is what is asked for too then;
Dreaming that you are dreaming could be a way to hide thoughts/feelings you do not wish to acknowledge.
Another part of the dream shows that you are preparing yourself to “pull your covers”.
Wearing a wig points into the same direction: false attitudes or thoughts; an assumed social front and/or an attempt to assume a different personality.
A distorted face usually refers in some way to an aspect of yourself that has not developed its full potential yet.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=3901.0
Often when we are children we decide to hide (some of) our true thoughts/feelings/potential which decision could be caused by many reasons/motivations.
At some point in our life we might become aware that we are living a rather unauthentic life not knowing who we are, what we really feel and what we want.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/authentic-self/
What you experience when you “wake up” in a dream suggests the meaning is very significant. Your dream creator is telling you to really be aware of what the dream is trying to communicate.
What I see in this last part of your dream is that your inner male is withholding you from expressing your (real?) self.
“In general we can say the man in a woman’s dreams represents the woman’s mental and social power, her ability to act creatively in ‘the world’. It also holds in it an expression of her complex of feelings about men, gained as experience mostly from her relationship with – or lack of relationship with – her father. The animus is also a synthesis of all her male contacts. So the whole realm of her experience of the male can be represented by the man in her dream, and is accessible through the image.”
Please continue reading at http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
Your dream ends with your perception that your car has been stolen and so your perception that your inner drive to express yourself and your potential was taken from you.
This part of your dream shows that you are ready to question who you are and what you want – it could be a turning point in your life direction.
Your inner mother is ready to assist you to explore who you are and to help you develop the parts in you – get them ready for the school of Life – that you still need to mature.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother
Releasing your anger and sadness and looking at it afterwards without judging it is a good decision; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Let me know if you have more questions.
Anna 🙂
My dream last night was horrible. I was facing the mirror, and I wiped my face with a cleaning solution. When I opened my eyes, I saw my face burnt in the mirror. I tried to wipe off the solution with my hands. I started to wipe from the left part of my face, then I saw my left eyebrows and eyelashes totally erased.
I had a wierd dream..I got up at 5:30 in d morning,saw d time and thought of sleeping for 5 more minutes..in that 5 mins i had a dream of seeing in my bathroom mirror a image of a small girl insted of me.. I get scared run to another mirror and there i can see my image.. In d dream itself i tell my mom about dat nd we both go to the same bathroom and i agan see that small kid insted of me.. I scream in fear and wake up..
Dear Vj – While looking into the mirror you are exploring unconscious contents; memories; feelings and the way you relate to her; with fear.
But discovering your internal baby and child is to find some of the great secrets of your life. Many of the decisions you make about work or sexual partners have their roots there. What may appear as destiny often starts from deeply felt experiences in your childhood. Who you consider yourself to be is not an immutable reality. Your genetic inheritance gave you a foundation, but what was built upon that was due to the events of your childhood.
Seeing her in the bathroom mirror reflects a need of healing this inner child; perhaps the need of releasing her fears and/or the revealing of your secrets or things you are sensitive or ashamed of.
So please read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/your-inner-child/ and perhaps you feel like doing the exercise that is described in this entry?
Anna 🙂
i had a dream that i just have stuck in my head and i want to know what it means. i was dreaming that i was in a mall or a movie theatre or somewhere with my friends in public and i bent over to grab something and my boyfriend grabbed my butt and started kissing me and pulled me on his lap but he was wearing a hood and when i took off the hood he turned into my best friend thats a guy and he said “dont worry this will take some getting use to” and then my friend whos a guy kissed me again and im just so confused about it and i am curious to the meaning
Dear Alyssa – What creates your confusion is that you fail to recognise the difference between your inner dream life and the way you would have responded to this situation in your waking life.
In a sense, a kiss in a dream is always a merging with the person who is the dream character – in your dream your best friend who is a guy – because we are always inside of ourselves male and female and we are also everything we dream about; it may therefore show merging more fully with your animus.
The animus is also a synthesis of all your male contacts; like your father but also both boyfriend and best friend.
The animus is the male within the female and is shown as a man in a woman’s dreams. Physically a woman is predominantly female, but also has a clitoris and produces some male hormones. Psychologically, we may only express part of our potential in everyday life. In a woman, the more physically dynamic, intellectual and socially challenging side of herself such as assertiveness and taking charge of situations may be given less expression. Apart from this some features, such as innovation and creative rational thought, may be held in latency. Even if this is not true for the modern woman, there are features of her full potential that are held as secondary or latent characteristics, and are depicted by the male in female dreams.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
So whatever you associate with your best friend – qualities, faults, weaknesses or strength – is something that you are integrating into your own being.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
Because your unconscious knows you intimately as no one else does, I believe that is why your best friend tells you ““don’t worry this will take some getting used to”. I believe this expresses that whatever you are integrating will lead you to experience/perceive/do things in new and different ways.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
Anna 🙂
I used to never see faces in my dream, but this year i’ve seen 2 very clear faces.
1)I dreamt that I was walking through the main doors to my work and at the hostess desk I noticed people sitting around it and talking, but then I looked at a guy who was leaning on the desk facing me, looking me straight in the eye with a great big smile. I recognized him and I began to blush refusely as I continued to walk forward, i tried to not react (like I didnt notice) but I couldnt help but smile too and I got this overwhelming feeling that i knew him, and was about to really meet him again.
— I saw his face clear as day and i don’t know him, but I will describe him. He had a greek or roman nose with a high bridge, his dark eyes looked intense and small, his smile wide had a full bottom lip, he had brown hair and it was short.
I woke up and cried, I dont know why.
2) Then last night. I was in a row of people and in front of me was another row of people, it was an impossibly long line and I didnt notice anything around us. Then inbetween our lines walked a straight line of diffurent cultured people, the first line to walk through was german and the second was chinese, korean or Filipeens.
When the second line came through silently I stood with another young boy and we both began to bow and idk what we were saying but it was pronounced something like “ah g zi o mas” but then the boy turned to me and told me to shush. I got a good look at him, but again, I didnt recognize him. He had a darker complexion. he had a freckle on his chin. A small angular face with an upturned and long nose. His eyes were brown, small and his eyebrows were sparse. He looked about 12 years old.
Another thing was that i am remembering names. I kept calling a girl named “Veda, or Veeda” she looked about 6, dirty blonde hair and I was trying to protect her, but she kept having to run and hide form the person who was chasing her.
I got an amber alert this morning, but I cant recall what the girl looks like and when I saw the picture of her, it was only familiar. I couldnt say that it was her.
Dear Alexus – While it is true that we can connect with or get insight into other people in our dream, I feel that these dreams relate to your own inner world and this world is expressed in symbols.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/function-of-dreaming/
When we meet a part of us which we have denied and repressed for a long time – reason why you probably never saw his/her face before – we can cry tears of wonder and we feel touched by something beautiful, as you did when you woke up from your dream about “this guy”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
As for your second dream; Veda or Vedaa is a girl’s name of Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Veda is “knowledge, wisdom”.
When this Knowledge is written down in a book, they are called sacred scriptures – The Vedas are the four sacred books of the Hindus – but nothing can be a substitute for the direct experience of your inner Knowledge and memories.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/childhood/
The 12 year old boy I see as an expression of your natural, unspoilt and intuitive sense. It arises from all that you have not known about yourself, your potential that wants to be expressed. This boy, this intuitive Knowledge you have “told you to shush”, which I see as a way of expressing that you have to wait till things get more clear inside you.
The strange language you spoke – “ah g zi o mas” – may illustrates something which is being communicated to you from within, but is still not clear. The unconscious, as in speaking in tongues – glossolalia – and of course in dreams, frequently moves toward clear awareness in stages. The strange language is a half-way house toward focused critical awareness, as is a dream. If we bring focused attention to these, as explained in processing dreams, the next step, clear verbal expression, can be reached.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
The six year old girl I see as your inner child who is afraid of remembering what happened to her.
Being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. This is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/your-inner-child/
The amber alert you got after this dream I see as Life communicating to you that your inner child is missing in your inner world.
Carl Jung – the Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist – called this synchronicity and I will quote his experience:
“A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which, contrary to its usual habits had evidently felt the urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/coincidence-or-synchronicity/
I advise you to continue to explore your dreams, for they are sent to help you heal and grow and to feel more whole inside.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I never see any faces in my dream. Neither mine nor others. Im pretty sure about who that person is.. I just know who it is.. But never see any faces.. Can u temme why?
Dear Anu – No face is probably what is called a shadow figure if you see it on another person – parts of your nature or behaviour that you usually keep hidden or do not admit to.
In the context of your dream I believe that your being faceless is an expression of uncertainty about who you are.
Such shadowy figures are our own rejected emotions or potentials. It is the aspect of ourselves we reject, the secondary side of our personality, its non-dominant traits.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/shadowy-figure/
A way to meet these rejected aspects of yourself is to explore what you associate with the faceless people in your dreams and what you feel when you meet them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Last night I had an eerie dream. The part that woke me up had to be the most frightening. I walked into the bathroom
Of the building I had been staying in through out my dream and automatically knew I had to escape, so I turned around and went out the door back into a corridor to which I knew there were more people. When I went in, the people asked “you went into the bathroom didn’t you?” As soon as that was asked, out of a nearby hallway an odd figure walked out. It was a woman with golden-blonde hair, wearing jeans and a purple longsleeve shirt, but there was something off about her. Her body was dark as night. She had no face. I knew automatically she was coming after me. So I crouched over to the nearest people. Before I knew it she was right next me. The next thing I saw was a set of sharp, jagged teeth. And that was the last thing I saw. She had devoured me. And I awoke from my sleep. If anyone knows what this means, please let me know. I’ve been replaying it through my head and wondering what the meaning behind it has been all day
Dear Haley 🙂
I trust it will be helpful if you read this first
for it is hard to understand a dream without a proper foundation.
I reckon the dream shows that you made a start with looking at yourself – you went to the bathroom – and then you got scared of what you saw, for it is “someone” totally unknown to you still.
I trust that when you understand what the fear is about, that it will dissolve.
It will also be helpful to read
I wonder if you took part in something like A Gestalt Group, which can speed up the inner process (too much)?
Other helpful reads to build a proper foundation inside you for doing your inner work are
And last but not least, be patient and gentle with yourself.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂