
Shrewdness in dealing with what faces you in life; a tricky person or relationship; street wise; trickiness in regard to events or self judgements. This usually relates to ones mistaken interpretation or attitudes to the situation. It also might depict shrewdness or wisdom gained from life experience; unpredictable behaviour or the ability not to conform. See: coyote; trickster under archetypes.

Getting close to the fox means you are getting close to the natural and responsive in you and around you – being at one with life in you. The fox is the shrewd part of you, in touch with nature and the world. This is probably because the fox, although a wild creature, lives equally well in forest and in towns. So it can give you great wisdom and adaptability.

Example: I was in a park and saw a fox carrying something in its mouth. As it got nearer to me I thought it was a bundle of rags it held. Then when it was alongside the bush it dropped the bundle and I saw it was a cub. The fox looked old and gaunt, not sleek or streamlined. It’s fur was coming out in places. It turned and fiercely went for the dogs to keep them from the cub. Then, as they all got behind the bush they dropped all aggression and sat down peacefully together. I realised this was because they were out of sight of the men. The fox was now sitting at arms length away from me next to the bush. We looked directly at each other and a powerful sense of connection pervaded me. It felt as if I and the fox were one being. I reached out and laid my hand on it. It made no attempt to move away, but I realised this was not a respect of its wildness, and took my hand away.

I worked on his dream with the dream group I organised recently. The park and the path connected with my sense of communicating a ‘way’ to people, an approach to their own being that is a link between humanness and nature. The dogs represent my view of the games that many people play to exist in the world. We think or believe we have to be aggressive and forceful to survive – the strong dominating the weak. In my dream I play this game for the sake of other people. As soon as there is an opportunity I drop this and find myself at peace with others. The fox is the shrewd, old me in touch with nature in myself and the world. I am getting rather gaunt, thin, and some of my hair is falling out. I still have the parental urge, but am learning to drop this. I found a deep sense of love, a non-grasping love, when working on the fox. And the bush I experienced as a sense of being at one with the Tree of Life – the power of radiant self-existent life in humans and nature.


Useful Questions and Hints:

How am I feeling about the fox in my dream, and how does this link with my waking life?

I what way am I relating to the fox, and does this say anything about my survival instincts?

If I am in conflict with the fox what is the underlying problem?

In what way are my ‘street wise’ responses to life involved at the moment?

See Brain Levels and Dreams – Techniques for Exploring your DreamsAnimalMartial Art of the Mind


-Mariana 2017-10-20 13:29:42

Hi Tony 🙂 sorry to bother, I know you don’t answer our questions fully anymore but could you just give me a hint on what this dream means:

I found a very friendly red fox, she even smiled when she saw me and I was definitely not scared of her, she followed me to school and lied down next to me, but while in class I noticed she was almost unresponsive, she looked like she was dying, so I picked her up to take her to the vet but my teacher noticed and decided to call the police and ask a few students to follow me because he wanted the fox dead, so I ran with her in my arms, a few students running after me, but my friends and family helped me escape so I could get her to safety. Then I woke up. Any idea what this might mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2017-10-25 13:56:15

    Mariana – The fox is your own natural wisdom and shrewdness about your life in society – often complicated and so you need to survive.

    But that natural part of you does not mix well with the things, ideas and attitudes you are exposed to in the educational system and attitudes you are meeting. You want to get away to protect this sensitive side of you, which has another vision of life than you.

    Their teachings and influence are a form of death. It is therefore important that you form opinions of your own, and recognise that they are your real life. You need not necessary leave school, but realise that much of what is taught is simply other peoples opinions.



-Jamie 2017-09-27 14:25:46

Last night I dreamt that I saw a fox in a park, I approached the fox and fed it. The fox wanted to be fed by me and seemed to be trying to communicate that I shouldn’t be afraid…
I don’t remember alot of detail otherwise

-Colm millar 2017-09-05 0:03:56

Dreamt of a fox in a room/house I was sleeping in though I was aware it was not my home. It was fairly tame and sleeping on the beds with us, I was perturbed it was on the bed so kept trying to get it down but it kept getting excitable jumping up on me seemingly playful I think but persistent and annoying I kept waking g myself from my dream passing through a sleep paralysis stage before waking. I have read much of what is said on this page and feel it maybe linked to my meditation practice and the self discovery that accompanies it?

-karen wilkinson 2017-07-24 13:42:11

I dreamed last night i was looking at a picture of a fox, sat upright, with 2 or 3 cubs between its front legs (naked, no fur). By the side of the fox, are 2 small girls, crying,I think they are crying because they want to save the fox from being hunted.

I woke up crying.

    -Tony Crisp 2017-07-25 12:47:40

    Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – and also which has so much information in.

    Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – or


    Karen – The fox is a creature that is a great survivor, despite humans chasing and killing them for sport. As humans we are extremely afraid of predators, and of course want to kill them for economic and the desire to hunt to kill.

    Naked ness in the fox may mean it is vulnerable, also because it has young that are even more vulnerable. Your crying may be about feeling a deep connection with the natural and vulnerable that you too feel.

    Also, if you take time to consider that we, along with every other life form, from plants to mammals, all come from the same source, single celled creatures, and as such all have the same connection with each, all have consciousness at some level – even plants can count, are aware at their level of relationship with other life forms, and even bacteria share information with each other? They share what they have learned even with species of bacteria that are different. They give each other building blocks of what they have learned. If they have learned how to deal with a particular substance that is poisonous to them, then they will pass that information on to other bacteria. They give what they have learned. That is so fundamental to life even bacteria do it.

    So killing for sport doesn’t make sense to your own sense of connection with the natural in you. See

-Melanie 2017-07-04 16:08:24

I dreamt I was working around the house and while in my open garage saw a fox. It seemed to want to come in. I tried to approach but it shied away. As I decided to give it space and waited the fox entered and with it a cub. I approached and the fox let me pet it. I felt very joyous in being able to do this and the fox seemed content as well. She was course haired and dull in color, not red but more of blends of gray, black and Brassy brown. I then fed and watered the fox and while she ate I held the cub

    -Tony Crisp 2017-07-05 7:04:58

    Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – and also which has so much information in.

    Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – or


    Melanie – A wild and wise expression of motherhood approached you. It shied away because it was coming to you from its wildness. In giving it space you gave it time to adjust to you and your life. Your joyous feeling was because you were in touch with wonder. See

    The animals we dream of express the wealth of our own feelings and depth of our unconscious understanding of life. Few of the things we do as an individual in today’s world are uniquely human. Like other animals we build dwellings, we eat, sleep and reproduce. We care for our young with the same passion and self sacrifice seen in other mammals. We follow leaders and develop hierarchy as do wolves and primates. Above all else, we share with our fellow creatures our existence in a physical body we have inherited from a long line of forebears and pre-human animals. From this long past we carry traits and urges, fears and dispositions that underpin our self aware human personality. In dreams, these largely unconscious responses to what we face in life are shown as animals.

    Realising this it releases the beautiful human animal that you are in your origins, unfolds its wisdom and insight, and blesses its natural urges, transforming and transcending them.

-Les 2017-06-14 13:06:21

What about a fox in a cage….a friendly fox that I helped somehow, and put into a small carry cage like a travel /vet carry box. There was a rip in the bars and the fox could get out but stayed in the cage I’ve had this dream 2xs

-Tiffany Hilliker 2017-04-20 10:06:53

Hi there!
I had a dream last night where I came across a large red fox (about the size of an adolescent labrador) and a small white fox (about the size of a dachshund) near a dumpster in a parking lot. I knelt down and tried to call them over to me. The red fox looked completely uninterested and walked away. The white fox seemed a little nervous but came close enough to let me pet it and eventually relaxed and seemed to really enjoy me petting it. When I woke up, I had the distinct feeling that I needed to find the meaning of this dream, but I cannot find anything even close to the same situation to reference. Any suggestions?

-Charlotte 2017-04-02 8:14:40


I just had a dream about a fox.

Firstly I love animals and I find wild animals especially curious. I like foxes and had a close encounter with one in quite a meaningful some time ago, and I also chose a fox as an animal card in the past, so I like them and I think a fox is an important creature to me.

In my dream, a very healthy fox came bounding towards me, and jumped at me and I caught it, I initially was scared, then saw that the fox wanted to be held and petted and was actually really excited and happy, I noticed as I held the fox that is it was even a little bit plump, as though it was being looked after. It had a little dirt in its fur. Otherwise it was just happy and excitable.
Would you be able to tell me what it means, if you do not mind?

Thanks very much,


-Charlotte 2017-04-02 8:13:33


I just had a dream about a fox.

Firstly I love animals and I find wild animals especially curious. I like foxes and had a close encounter with one in quite a meaningful some time ago, and I also chose a fox as an animal card in the past, so I like them and I think a fox is an important creature to me.

In my dream, a very healthy fox came bounding towards me, and jumped at me and I caught it, I initially was scared, then saw that the fox wanted to be held and petted and was actually really excited and happy, I noticed as I held the fox that is it was even a little bit plump, as though it was being looked after. It had a little dirt in its fur. Otherwise it was just happy and excitable.

Thanks very much,


-Angela 2017-04-01 12:19:47

I had a dream that I was at my moms house and my dog was on the porch. I saw two foxes and one attacked my dog and scratched her and I killed it, then the other came at me trying to attack me. I ran inside the house because the other was trying to get into my moms house. The second fox then got into my moms house and I was fighting to kill it.

    -Tony Crisp 2017-04-02 10:43:08

    Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.

    It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – and also which has so much information in.

    Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – or


    Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.

    It is also important to realise that every image, every scary or terrifying thing, is taken place inside you, in your mind, as you sleep. This means that every awful animal, every scary thing, or person, is created out of your own fears and must not be seen as outside you as happens in waking awareness. The problem is that we are often scared of or frightened of experiencing our emotions and so they confront us in our dreams. Avoiding them or controlling them is like running away from oneself – there is no escape.

    So your fear of a wild animal attacking you has some link with your own fears. Try using by being the foxes.

-Kristina 2017-03-03 20:32:14

I have been trying to get pregnant with no luck for 4 years now, I desperately want a baby, I had a dream last night that I was on a mountain road, I stopped to catch a lizard for fun and saw 2 fox in the brush, one came to me, my mother (who is deceased) said to me that the fox was pregnant and probably came to me because I was too, then I looked down at my stomach and touched it and could feel the life inside me as I held the pregnant fox then she ran away and I woke up with a splitting headache and couldn’t see straight for a long time but now feel better than I have in awhile, any ideas on what it means? Thanks

-Sarah 2017-03-01 3:15:21

Well in my dream. My son and I were walking down a trail and then all of a sudden a fox came out of woods. As the fox exited the woods it started to look around and it spotted my son and I. The fox started to run at us. When it did I went into defence mode protecting my son. The fox kept running around us. Not sure if the fox wanted to attack or if it was just trying to play. But I was scare. Then I woke up

-Jane 2017-02-23 0:03:51

I had a dream that my dog, my niece, and I went to zoo. Then a fox was following us on our way out. When we reached the gate, the fox couldn’t get out because there’s a detector at the gate abd once the fox steps out, electrical current will charge at the fox.

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