Freeze Frozen
This usually shows that you have been frightened of expressing your emotions, or that you have denied a part of your memories, feelings or sexuality. It might be that you emotional natures has no developed by being in a cold environment. You, or someone near you, has been or is cold emotionally. It can also mean you miss or need affection or warmth. So it is about being unfeeling, but sometimes painfully unfeeling. To become cold emotionally and perhaps sexually. To need affection or warmth. To be unfeeling, but sometimes painfully unfeeling. See: cold
It depicts what is meant by the term cold shoulder, where we shut off any display of warmth or compassion. It also therefore shows the dreamer as having ‘frozen assets’ in a personal sense.
But often it means that the dreamer has shut off a part of themselves in a sort of cold storage – a freezer. Something what is frozen can be thawed, and so the frozen things can depict potential, personal assets not yet used or brought to life.
Frozen can also mean stillness, a quietness of mind and emotions.
A freezer would depict either your ability to repress your feelings, or ability to store something for the future – like denying spending now so you can save for something in the future.
Icicle: Frozen male sexual feelings.
Iceberg: Similar to ice, but may suggest frozen potential.
Body locked in ice, perhaps dead: Deadening of all our feeling reactions and enjoyment or motivation.
Idioms: Break the ice; cut no ice; put on ice; tread on thin ice.
Useful questions and hints:
What am I unfeeling about at the moment?
Is there a part of me frozen in the past and unable to move on?
Is this about stillness and a sense of peace in me?
See Associations Working With – Martial Art of the Mind – Secrets of Power Dreaming
Hi my mom had a dream about one of her daughters freezed or frozen to death what does this mean? Please reply thank u
Dear Tiffany – This dream can be about your mother, her daughter or about both. It can be about stillness, a quietness of mind and emotions. It can be about having shut off a part of themselves in a sort of cold storage – a freezer. Something that is frozen can be thawed, and so the frozen things can depict potential, personal assets not yet used or brought to life.
The way to explore is to “Be the daughter” or to “Talk as the daughter”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Hi! for me, it’s a weird dreams. I have Elsa’s(frozen)power and I have younger sister too. I’m 23 years old and I’m only child in real life.
In my dream me and another person were walking on an icy sidewalk. I could not see the persons face, but I felt they were female. But, she had on ice skates. And broke the ice, with heavy stomps, walking side by side with me. I had on shoes. We both walked confident and swift without falling, approaching my neighbors loading a van with food. I felt like I was just meeting this person I was walking with…what does this mean??
Erica – I feel too that you approached a so far unknown very helpful part of yourself.
This part is skilled in “breaking the ice”, because she walks on different “shoes”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/shoes/
This inner process of allowing these nourishing recourses inside your mind, is symbolized by the neighbours loading a van with food.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/lorry-truck-van/
A wonderful dream!
Anna 🙂
Hi, i had a dream that i had the power to freeze things. i would put out my hand and anything i thought about froze. i was freezing a man but he kept thawing and coming closer. it’s like i wanted hi m to get caught for something i was waiting on police…that’s how i felt.
Shan – Your dream shows how you control you feelings because there is something, maybe memories of a man that you feel has done you wrong – so you freeze up.
It is not good for you to do that to yourself. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
When my ex put his arm around me in public it felt good and when i got up and sat back down he put his arm around me and i wanted him too do this.
Hi Tony,
My supervisor at work told me recently that he had a dream that he locked me in the freezer at work and shut the lights out. I asked if it was intentional and he gave me a look and said yes. He also said that he wasn’t sure if he should tell me because he didn’t want me looking over my shoulder when he worked with me. This was said in a snide way, like ‘I should be watching over my shoulder’. This person does not like me and it was very uncomfortable for me. Can you tell me what this might mean on a ‘dream’ level. Thanks Tony
I was inside the freezer room of a sinking ship and my ex boyfriend ttied to convince me to leave but I refuse and he shut the door and I turned blue and froze. inside the freezer are frozen pig heads and feet.
Thank you Tony for your help by translating my dream and helping me to get closer for the meaning of that dream.
I saw last night another dream. It was about that i recieved the news, and a lady told me in my dream that you are pregnent. But in reality i dont have any kid. And suddenly a calendar opend up in front of my eyes and it showed me a real date and she said” you will born your baby at 26th december, 2014″
What does it meant?
Please reply
I dreamed about very strange dream. it was winter and i came out of the bus and suddenly I saw a little place on the ground where it all were filled with flowers and a picture of a dead man. This place was like accident place beside the road. So i went closer to see the picture and there was my older brother on it, death body of him. Then I watched closer and I saw my brother inside the snow next to that picture, laying almost under the snow and all frozen. I ran to take his body between my arms and was trying to warm him up. At the same time raised my hands and I prayed out loudly by reaching my arms out to the heaven. And suddenly i saw my frozen brother started to move his eyes and i was trying to remove all that frost of his face and eyes to let him wake up. At the end of my dream he opend his eyes and I held him and kept warming him. What does this dream mean? Thans Lolo
Please reply
Lolo – A very moving dream.
Winter and being frozen indicates death, and you are crying out with much love and prayer to protect your brother from a road death.
Of course as in dreams it can mean either that your inner brother has died within you. Most people are often totally unaware of the experience they take in and how it interacts with them when we love someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with someone and they are what makes you the person you are. Your dreams tend to put all that in the image of the past person when you are dealing with the influences left in you from the relationship. Please read this wonderful example, it will show how much we take in from those we love or lived with. http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Explains
But it could equally be a presentiment of your brother’s death, and as your dream shows, prayer can often avert it and if you continue he will be completely free from the frost of death. So I would suggest that yours prayers are given for both your inner brother and the presentiment. I will join you in prayer.
In my dream it was not of freezing or having been frozen, but of me constantly opening freezers and questioning what certain things were inside and kind of feeling joyful, but feelings that what I was doing was sneaky, since i was going around sneaking when the refrigerators nor the house I was in was not mine. Do u know what it could mean? Thanks amanda
I had a dream that my family was swimming in a pool and then all of a sudden it froze. I was running around the pool trying to get them out. It defrosted, everyone got out. I jumped into the pool but could only get to the strangers.
hi, in my dream i was talking to one of my ex-girlfriend, and when she said it was all your fault I could NOT control my body anymore (“FROZE” in a way) i was slowly colapsing to the ground because she held but not very strong. And then i woke up. WHAT does this mean?
What does it mean if you dream about other people freezing/frozen to death?
Cara – It usually means that you are not allowing warmth or love in some way. So parts of you are frozen. See – Secrets of Power Dreaming
hi me and my twin sister have had the same dream that i saw her child and she saw my child in like a freezer in the ground and we were trying to get to them but it was hard and when we did they were dead! it has really freaked us out do you no what it could mean? thanks natalie
Natalie – First of all you have the ability to dream together. That means you share very similar viewpoints and feelings. Also this is not necessarily a prophetic dream, but one about fears about giving birth or having a child.
It sounds like a dream lots of young women have as they begin to feel their fears about their ability to give birth to a healthy baby. The dream is about keeping something in a freezing condition, so it is like holding on or preserving something. That is exactly like it is for young women who have not yet become pregnant. But if you carry on you will have positive dreams until you can both be dreaming about successful birth.
If you were actually dreaming about your babies being dead you would I do not think you would have seen them in the freezer. So please let go of the feelings of you having dead babies, and see it as a one-off anxiety dream.