Mostly hair in dreams links with the way you are thinking, your self image and attitudes. In some dreams it can link with sexual attraction or even what sexual characteristics you are displaying. Therefore changing the style of your hair would show you changing the way you see yourself, or how you want others to see you.
We sometimes use our hair and the way we style it to show what group or social group we identify with. So a hair style could link with a social group or status – business; hippie; middle class; smart and motivated; laid back; Goff’s; punk; artistic etc.
Example: I was watching a man do a stage act. It started with him looking directly toward me and gradually taking on the character of a hippie person. His hair was in a pony tail at the back and he became less well groomed. Then he shook his hair loose from the pony tail and went through amazing changes in which the whole styling and colour of his hair altered and changed the way he looked, and even his sex. For instance his hair became shoulder length, red, beautifully styled in a full waved perm of shining hair. As this he was a beautiful female. At another moment he turned profile and the hair styled backwards into a mane of wavy hair. T.C.
This dream shows how the hair depicts character and mental attitude, even gender. See: washing hair.
Baldness: Ageing; feeling obsolete; lack of thought; maleness.
Beard: This depends on the age of the person and the situation in the dream. For instance stubble on a teenage boy suggests he is moving into manhood. But a beard can also suggest carelessness – as when someone hasn’t shaved; a mask if someone uses it to hide their youth; or a way of life that does not conform, or like a backwoodsman. Sometimes the link is with a war veteran, suggesting a long exposure to conflict and extreme living conditions.
Black wig: This wig suggests the false thinking, the unconscious false thoughts, still prevalent and to be dealt with.
Brushing hair: Clarifying or bringing order to attitudes or thoughts. Getting rid of emotional or relationship tangles or tangled ideas.
Changing hair style: Changing the way you see yourself, your self image. Perhaps also changing attitudes and a change of mind.
Chest hair: Masculinity, virility. If it is on a woman, it suggests her expressing masculine qualities.
Colour of hair: In everyday life we unconsciously gather a lot of information from someone’s hair colour. For instance racial background is one immediate thing we see. But hair colour might well link with someone we know – our father, or mother, or someone close to us. If that is not the link it can suggest attitudes – light-headed for instance; dark thoughts; fiery temperament with red hair, or age and perhaps wisdom with grey or silver hair.
If the hair is artificially coloured this shows the person or yourself trying to be something you are not at your ‘roots’. But this might also show an attempt to stand out, to be different to those around you to gain attention or change your self image.
Combing hair: See: comb.
Cutting off beard: Making a change; feeling more certain about your manhood; or uncertainty about manhood, depending on dream. It can also suggest a fuller meeting or self expression, and uncovering of who you are. In some cultures it might suggest leaving behind traditional religious beliefs.
Cutting hair: It can be about a change taking place in you – it cold be to smarten yourself up, or to have a real personal change. Cutting hair or a hand or some other part of the body may be about an initiation into another type of life. In traditional initiation rites and a boy’s or girl’s initiation to manhood or womanhood the cutting of hair, was symbolic of growth beyond childhood and a taking on of mature life. See Long Hair
Cutting hair right off: This depends on what hair is cut off. If it is wild and unkempt, then it would show a real change and a more disciplined way of thinking and acting. If the hair style suggested some sort of social, religious or cult affiliation, then it would show a move away from that. In general it shows cutting back on what you think or dream, like clearing out a cupboard of all the things no longer needed. It can also show denial of sensual, sexual and physical drives, as with a monk, or acceptance of age or baldness.
Dark hair: The thoughts and ideas that move you yet are largely unconscious. Might show ‘dark’ thoughts or attitudes. But it can also suggest racial dispositions, such as Latin passions or responses, or the black cultural way of being. As mentioned above, it can also link with someone you know.
Disheveled hair Mental confusion, personal carelessness about how you appear to others. It might also be an indication that you are ruled by crazy thoughts and ideas.
Fair hair: Awareness; ‘light headed’. Might link with racial types such as Scandinavian stock, or indicate a coolheaded person. Being blonde is also for many women and men a statement of wanting to be attractive, or wanting to attract attention and not be one of the crowd.
Genital or armpit: Sexuality. Your natural or instinctive feelings and drives. See: pubic hair below.
Hair on chest or body of female, even child: The male side of the woman; might be parents desire for a boy generated male characteristics. It could also be a sign of something unusual breaking through, something that you didn’t expect growing into your life. See archetype of the animus
Hair in mouth: Hair in ones mouth is a cause of tremendous irritation or discomfort. So may be something that is very disturbing or difficult to speak about. Also the mouth is associated with eating and speaking.
You would want to get rid of the hair and irritation as soon as possible. So it may be something you are saying that is so wrong it makes you feel irritated. But hair can also represent your thoughts, so maybe it is something you are thinking and not words.
But the way you can find out for yourself is to imagine yourself in the dream and explore the feeling with the idea – what does this mean. You could use Being the Person or Thing
Long matted: Not caring about social image or self; drop out.
Long hair: Freedom; permissiveness; girlhood with woman.
Plaited or pony tail: Girlhood; socialised or disciplined thoughts and feelings.
Pubic hair: Some dreams mentioning pubic hair do so in a way that suggests it as a glimpse of what lies beneath – or at least a glimpse of whatever pleasure or emotions, perhaps even fear or pain, are generated by the experience of or thoughts/fantasies of sex. When the pubic hair is missing it is about the revealing of the sex or gender. Of course, today, the appearance or absence of hair could refer to the latest fashions in sexual display.
Another possibility of the lack of pubic hair is that your sexual feelings, needs and power are being made conscious, or are brought to awareness.
In connection with teenagers it shows the emergence of their sexual life and all that will bring.
Short hair: If it was long it shows a radical change in the way you see yoruself, perhaps more busines like or less feminine. It can also show that you are maturing beyond the girlhood or boyhood stage. Your present age has nothing to do with the change. See Ages of Love
Tight style: Discipline; self restraint.
Very long beard: Sense of eternal or long life.
Washing hair: Changing ones attitude; altering the way one thinks about something or ones viewpoint. “Wash that man right out of my hair” mind/feelings.
White beard: Wisdom or experience gained through long life, and perhaps an awareness of life beyond the senses.
Wig: False attitudes or thoughts; an assumed social front.
Woman’s dreams – Armpit or leg hair: Social expression of sexuality or physicality.
Idioms: harebrained; hair of the dog; get in your hair; got you by the short hairs; keep your hair on; hair raising; have us by the short hairs; let one’s hair down; make you hair curl/stand on end; didn’t turn a hair; pulling hair out; put hairs on your chest; tear one’s hair out; split hairs, without turning a hair. See: shampoo.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is being expressed by the hair style or things done to the hair?
Is the hair coloured, if so what impression do I have of it?
Is this different in any way to my own hair style – is so what do the differences suggest?
See Victims – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Life’s Little Secrets – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I took nap just now and have a very strange dream. In this dream I laid on the same sofa I napoed on, and I twirl my hair(in real life I have long black hair). I grab half of my long locks on the left side and sort of twirl it in my hands, suddenly it snapped, as if m hair actually limbs and I cut it off from its body! In panic I looked down and realized that the broken part in my hand started to change, growing like vines, curls and all. It’s beautiful but I mourned my shorter hairdo now.
What does this dream means?
I had a dream that I had really thick chest hair. It was as thick as Robin William’s arm hair and really dark. I was taking a shower and then I cleaned my chest when I saw it all and it didn’t occur to me that it was different until the hair started falling out as I scrubbed my chest. Then I scrubbed all over and it all started coming off and I just thought, this is pretty cool. I don’t know what it means, though.
I had a dream that my friends and I were sitting in the bleachers watching a dance contest. I begin to style my friends hair. For some odd reason I cut an incision in her head to complete the style. Things went wrong. Her skin felt dead and she became light headed. When I realized she was in serious pain and feeling faint, I panicked. This is when I woke up out of my dream.
Do you know what this dream means?
I dream often of things in my hair.
I don’t know how the dream starts or what else occurs. the only part I remember is randomly looking in a mirror and noticing something in my hair .. I take it out and it is a shell or a small rock. there are soooo many, I take one out, l notice another, and another and another. It is not painful in anyway, just strange to find all these shells and rocks coming from my hair. They seem to be right from the scalp, not in the lengths of my hair. It has been a dream maybe 7 times already, over a few months.
I too dreamed that i had shells in my hair. One large one like a mussle that attached to a few strands at the base of my head. I asked my daughter to cut off those strands so that my hair could be free of it. i would love to know what shells in hair interprets to.
GirlMonday – I have to guess about this one as you have not included much detail.
So I think is about something that you thought might be attractive and you now feel is like hanging on to something that died out and you want out of your hair. There is a saying that something ‘gets in your hair’. So something troubling you, you got out of your hair/mind/thoughts.
i had a dream i was shaving my index finger (left hand) and the hair was very clear that i was shaving one strand at a time but then i hurt myself
please explain it
i have had this one dream several times, its silly i knoe but i wonder what it means. in this dream i have extremely long leg hair just on the back of my thighs! i always get embarrassed and its long enough to like almost braid, and these dreams are so real and i always wake up ready to go shave! any ideas of the meaning?
last night I dreamt that I was at my maternal grandfather’s room (he is not alive) with my beautition and she was threading my legs from ankels to knees or a bit above knees.my hairs on legs were long n black which were shredding down in dream.
I have just filed documents for sole custody of my son. My court date is tomorrow. Last night I had a dream that my ex husband was cutting chunks of my hair off, very unevenly, with a pair of scissors. I was yelling at him “that’s enough” but he kept at it. When he finally let me go, I ran to his now ex girlfriend and yelled at her “see what you made him do to me?!” and started pulling at her hair.
Needless to say my stomach is in knots.
I only remember a portion of my dream. It was in an apartment, which I later realized was mine. My friend *John*, who I’ve had a crush on for the last few weeks was there and was working on his computer, and I was trying to unbraid my hair. It felt as though it was pretty normal for him to be in my apartment. He looked at his watch and realized it was 5:00pm and was late to go to his business (a jazz lounge he owns) In my head I was thinking I hope he doesn’t leave since he has workers. He decided not to leave and instead started helping me unbraid my hair, but the braids were really tiny and complicated that it was taking so long. He asked why they braided my hair in such a a complicated way and I answered that I did it when my hair was really short, and now my hair was much longer making it hard to take off the braids. I then reached out my hand (I was lying down) and caressed his face as though to comfort him and noted that his face was really smooth. I then found myself in the kitchen, which wasn’t very tidy and noticed a white bowl on the stove. I looked and found chicken that he was cooking… there was something of contentment that he was cooking, but was curious as to why he was cooking with a bowl, instead of a pan. I then thought that I should probably try and tidy up the kitchen. And that’s all I remember.
My husband and I had the same dream last night! I had long hair (which I do) and cut it off really short. We were both upset in our dreams at what I had done. So is it normal for a husband & wife to dream the same dream and what do you think the actual dream signifies?
I want to know what my dream means: I untied my hair and discovered it was so beautiful and long all the way to the floor like a vail bebind me!!!
Sandra – Your dream shows you are coming into a new phase of your life; a phase in which your feminine beauty is flowering. I do not know what your circumstances are – you didn’t say – but it seems as if you will enter a relationship more deeply.
I dreamt that I ran my fingers through my hair and along came out a chunk of hair, I started to get scared and then pulled out another chunk by this time I had turned to my mother to get a reaction of what was happening and tossed the hair out a window but then another chunk came out. I feared I was bald but when I looked I’m the mirror my hair was just a short length. I was sad to see it short since my hair is long but relieved i wasn’t bald. Any Interpretation?
Last night I had a dream that I had long and beautiful hair all the way down to my lower back (my hair is a little over my shoulders) and my boyfriend who I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years with a child said he wanted to cut the tips to make it look nicer. I agreed and in an instant my hair was cut off by him in one cut all the way above my neck. Does this mean he is somehow going to take away the freedom we share in our relationship? I was devastated. In my dream he said “Now no one will look at you in the way in which they did!” With a lot of anger in his eyes. I am not sure how or what to feel about this.
Jocelyn – I think that as you have matured and the relationship with your boyfriend has led you to recover your feelings of being a beautiful woman. But when you were younger, as a child you felt a lot of anger because of what happened to you at the time, and I think that angry little you needs to be helped to know you love it. If you fail it undermines your own beauty.
So imagine yourself back in the dream and talk to the child asking it why it was angry with you and gradually explain to it that it is a necessary and important part of you and you need it. It may at first express angrily or refuse help, but carry on. See – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I had dream somebody cutting my hair by using knife !!!!!! I am very scared what shall do :((
Last night I dreamt I had small clumps of soft black hair, between 1 – 2 inches long, growing out of my body. I had soft pale pink skin. Initially I thought I was growing black feathers but they were small clumps of hair growing out of the one point. I pulled out one clump and found another and then another.
What does this mean please?