To dream of a hurricane can indicate many things; approaching danger, frenzied emotions; feeling as if all power has been taken from you and you are tossed around by forces you have no control over; an overwrought and tormented mind; or even excitement at some passionate and exciting experience.
But if you can tolerate the emotions, fear or excitement, the outcome of these hurricanes of feeling can be joyous. For if you come through they lead to realisations that were hidden behind the emotions or fears. You will have conquered your fears and become a much bigger person and gone through the powerful change you were meeting.
Example: I notice that there is a terrible hurricane coming up. I call out to everyone to go to the cellar. Charla is asleep. I go to her and finally have to pick her up and carry her as she wouldn’t wake up. My grown son who is gay and his fiancée are there.
Example: Our house had storm shutters and a storm cellar. Dad had already gotten food, clothes and blankets, and we went into the cellar. The hurricane hit and we were safe, though we didn’t have power for a while. They named it Hurricane Juno.
Example: Huge thunderclouds boiled into formation, but just as rapidly shifted and went. I said to the people in the room that it looked as if a storm was coming. But of course the clouds had all shifted. Suddenly however something new happened. Instead of thunderclouds a huge spiralling wind formed – a hurricane. I felt the excitement and danger of the situation and I think I called to my friends to warn them. Quickly the huge column of twisting storm moved down the open countryside directly toward the house. At one point I thought it changed course and would miss us, but it turned back and came straight at us. At this point all the distant view was obscured by a whirling mist. It was suddenly dark as the massive whirlwind blotted out everything but its own presence. Then it hit the house. I was expecting the roof to be ripped off, but there was no sound of rending or breaking. There was great tension though and I turned to look out of another window across the room facing the opposite direction. I could see great turmoil as the wind hit people and objects outside. It presented a great contrast with the house, unmoved and unshaken. Through the window it appeared as if an earthquake were lifting people up and dropping them. The earth itself shook and rolled like it were water rippling.
The dreamer had found the strength of his core self, which left him unshaken.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Did you run from the hurricane or did you meet it?
Where is the strength in you to face such things?
Is your house/self build upon shifting sands, or upon the rock of self realisation?
See Entering the Silence – Summing Up – Processing Dreams – Secrets of Power Dreaming
I had a dream about a hurricane approaching us in an open field.
I was with my sister, her husband, and my brother holding onto the bed.
As the hurricane goes closer, I was surprised that I was not afraid but just holding to the bed real tight.
We were caught up with the hurricane and we when spiralling inside it. I really felt the force was real at this moment. After that, we landed safely without any scratch on the same field but this time some of random people that I know was there too..
I don’t know what to make of it. When I woke up, I felt thrilled and confuse of this dream
Joe – In dreams natural phenomena such hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis, are all illustrations of what is taking place in our own nature – your body and feelings. This is because nearly always dreams deal with our inner life – not our outer life in the world. See https://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
So a great and natural change was taking place which you met with a thrill instead of fear. In fact each of us is immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood, and there are more stages of growth beyond adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future. And this is a force of growth and change. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/growth-of-something/
Okay, i need help. I dreamt that I think I was somewhere in a mall. And there was this restaurant like jungle, but it was outside. Like I was walking down a mall but it was outside. Anyways, then I saw a hurricane coming closer and closer. Until I kinda got swept by it, but I was trying to hold on to the ground. I almost went in the hurricane, until I started running. I got away from it. What does my dream mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ — http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ — http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonor — http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Melissa – In dreams we unconsciously create them, so the hurricane that nearly swept you away was probably created by your life style, maybe shown by the jungle/mall. We go to malls because we want something – so what do you want? The jungle is your own natural urges that have got mixed up with the commercial world.
The hurricane is a force of nature working within you that can either threaten you or push you to change. You obviously hung on through fear, but it might worth while to let the hurricane carry you and see what it does. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I just had a dream that upstate New York what destroyed by a hurricane-like storm with massive flooding. I was seeing this through the eyes of a girl I have never met. It ended with her saying, “We are in the end of days…”
I am a vivid dreamer, and have occasionally had premonitions, but this is unlike anything before because it was somewhere I have never been and through the eyes of someone I never met.
What are your thoughts?
Hi – The answers I give arise not out of me thinking up things to say, but from fifty years of exploring dreams in depth. So some of what I write may seem wild. But it would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Jennifer – I have seen many dreams exactly like yours, and none of them have literally come true. But what they do seem to predict are that you are going through or will go through massive personal changes.
Each of us are immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future. Thus the end of days as the old you is being outgrown.
You end up a more mature person – it is a good thing.
Okay, I had the craziest dream, I need help. I had dreamt that there is a hurricane coming. Everyone knew but me, so I have to grab all my stuff now. I know to get so I go and get it. It’s fine, we’re gonna drive to a small town pretty far away. Then dad asks me my opinion of which of two paints in the hallway. Dark black or light blue.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Mitchell – Your dream is warning you that you are likely to face powerful emotions, and you want to avoid them. But it is better to stay and face them. Because, as you read in the hurricane feature, if you can tolerate the emotions, fear or excitement, the outcome of these hurricanes of feeling can be joyous. For if you come through they lead to realisations that were hidden behind the emotions or fears. You will have conquered your fears and become a much bigger person.
I dreamt about not one but multiple hurricanes, coming from a specific area. It was surrounded from where I was located and it seemed that its origin was from the west, coming to box the city in from the east. I saw like a birds view or some sort of map of it in the dream. Was I within the storm? No, not yet. I was a part of a team of group of people to calm the Hurricanes, yet I knew none of the people on the boats. They all seemed like adults and I were the only teen. we all went by boats, the oceans around us were stretched out for miles, the Hurricanes weren’t quite at our city yet.