Pregnant Pregnancy
A new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.
This can point to the development of a new approach to life, a new project you are creating, a new outlet of expression, or new faculty.
If you are pregnant when you dream this, don’t be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are anxious or intuitive. See: pregnancy and dreams, and your dream baby for a longer description.
Example: ‘Last week I suddenly started having a recurring dream. In it I woke, walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and looked in the kettle. It was full of little fish.’ Karen LBC.
The fact that Karen goes ‘downstairs’, suggests the lower part of her body, and the shape of the kettle, which is a round container, make it likely this dream is about pregnancy. The little fish also points to her having conceived.
In a woman’s dream: May refer to desire for a child; fear of being pregnant – i.e. in a relationship but not wanting to be pregnant. For a woman being pregnant may depict what is resulting from a relationship with a man she has become deeply involved with. The following example illustrates this.
Example: I dreamt I was pregnant and was certain the father was a man I feel a lot of love for. However as I was dreaming I realised he had a vasectomy so couldn’t be the father. This caused me to feel great uncertainty and I was questioning who the father could be as I hadn’t been with anyone else. Also I realised the pregnancy lasted 11 months and the baby was due. Angela.
Angela felt a great connection with a man who had told her he could never be her partner, and although good friends, had pulled away from any sexual contact. This caused great confusion in Angela because she had got a lot from the relationship, shown by the pregnancy. The confusion as to who the father was probably depicts her search for a man who could help her ‘give birth’ to the new and positive direction in life that had arisen from the current but platonic relationship. See Women’s creative power
If pregnant at time of dream: Anxieties regarding pregnancy and birth – Carolyn Winget and Frederic Kapp researched on the dreams of 70 pregnant women. Those women whose dreams included a high percentage of anxiety themes were the ones who delivered their babies in the shortest time – less than ten hours. The conclusion was that by allowing feelings of anxiety in our dreams we are less influenced by anxiety in waking, and we can deal with situations more confidently.
In a man’s dream: A man who cares for his partner and children will often dream about his partners pregnancy – or even dream about himself being pregnant.
Example: Was in a basement. Brenda/Sonia was giving birth to a Baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember Sonia chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!”
Here the man gave birth to a new special part of himself, aided by the love he had developed for two women – Brenda and Sonia. A man’s love develops out of his feelings for women in his life, and this was what enabled him to birth a new and special part of his potential.
Example: I went into the house. My wife screamed due to some trouble of her period. She was pregnant, and the troubles she was having were the traditional signs that she was pregnant and bearing a special child. I felt that the whole pregnancy would be difficult due to these signs of the special child, but the delivery would be easier. I didn’t feel too pleased about her having a baby, but soon adjusted to the idea.
This dream occurred about eight days after he had sex with his wife because he had dreamt a powerful spirit had spoke asking him to help form a body for it.
Pregnant without a man involved: See No Man
Someone else pregnant in dream: An aspect of oneself about to bring forth new characteristics; an intuition about that person. See: Example under girl; cave; third example under penis in body; second example under baby; birth dreams during pregnancy. See also: birth.
Useful questions and hints:
If you sum up, what are your dreams saying about being pregnant?
Are you feeling okay now about scary dreams?
Do your dreams give you insight into what is happening with your unborn baby?
See African Babies Don’t Cry – The Limbic Imprint – My Needs As a Premature Baby – Influencing Your Unborn Child
My fiancee and I have been trying for 12 months now to have a baby. We are on fertility meds and it hasn’t happened. A week ago he had a dream that I was pregnant it was a girl and we both cried.
Then 3 days ago he dreamt about my temperature chart with detail and that I was pregnant with twins, he saw the boy born but woke up before the other.
Can you truly be seeing me pregnant before I know I am. My temperature rose today just like he said it would.
I would love if you would respond. Thanks,
Hey Tony,
Ok so last night I dreamt that I was pregnant.
I was 4 months pregnant (and since I haven’t gotten my period for 3 months in reality, I was rationalizing that fact in the dream.)
Anyway, I was TERRIFIED, bcs I was only 17, like I am in reality, and I was contemplating not keeping the baby but I realized I had to since it was 4 months.
In reality I have always wanted to be a mom, not now, but sometime.
in the dream I didnt want to keep the baby because of the whole ”WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY” factor. I come from a conservative town.
I’m also protecting the baby, I keep covering my babybump with my hand, as I’m walking down the road, because I’m afraid something might hurt it by mistake.
Also, the father of the baby is a friend of mine who I’ve always done impulsive, regret-later sorta things with.
What does it all mean? It felt so real.
(side note- I’m not sexually active, I’m a virgin.)
Hi Tony,
In my dream I am talking with friends in some random room in a building. Its either for college or work. I do not recognize anyone of these people in my present life. But as we are talking and laughing we got on an elevator and my water breaks, although in the dream I am not aware that I’m pregnant. I am then at the hospital and i am pushing to have the baby. I can feel all the pain of the birth. It hurts every time to push and i’m screaming. I see my boyfriend but he is not by my side he is where the doctor is, staring and waiting for the baby. I hear the baby crying and its a girl….i wake up from this dream and fall back asleep with in minutes…now i am home with the baby on the bed holding her and falling asleep….i wake up again and look to see where the baby is but realize its a dream…i fall back asleep and go back to the same dream, i am holding my baby and sleeping.
Please tell me what this all means. I know I long for a baby because I ask my boyfriend for one but he says we aren’t ready. I feel I’m ready to be a mother though. Is this affecting my dreams?
Hi, I’m Kaylene and I have been having the weirdest dream that I’m pregnant and i’ll be out doing something and all of a sudden I have a miscarriage in front of all my family members. I don’t feel sad when it happens but later on in my dream, I am over come with sadness.What do you think this means?
Kaylene – A miscarriage is something you have been carrying, holding and creating for some time, and is very personal and precious. It could be something you wanted to create in your life and the world, or even that you wanted a baby, and whatever it is you see the precious thing dies and disappear in front of you and your family. The dreams have come to nothing. No wonder you felt sad.
If you want to find out more about it, try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-exploring-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
I keep having dreams that I am pregnant and have a miscarriage. I had the same dreams last year in december i found out i was pregnant and in january of this year i had a miscarriage at almost three mnths. and every night i dream im pregnant and i have a miscarriage and i have had a few dreams that i give birth to a baby girl what does this mean? my friends and fiancee keep telling me im pregnant.
Juma – It sounds from your dreams that you have a chance of having a healthy baby. But there are warnings about miscarriage.
Many years ago a woman came to me who was having a miscarriage. Her doctor told her that she could forget about the baby as it was too far gone, and she should go out and buy some new clothes. I suggested she should take a 500mlg tablet of vitamin C, 400mlg of Vitamin E and a good multi vitamin and mineral tablet each day. The woman’s miscarriage stopped and she became radiant, with shinning hair, and gave birth to a healthy boy.
Most people eat white flour food, white rice and so lack sufficient vitamin B, E and C. This is why many men and women are not fertile.
hi i had a dream that my lesbian ex partner was trying to take my dead daughter from me to cook her..i was trying my hardest to protect her and also she was trying to hold me hostage..i am very confused on what this means? but i was carrying my dead daughter in a bag and was constandtly hiding in my dream? can u help me please
Anonymous – Was your daughter actually dead, or was it only dead in the dream?
Also what does your ex represent to you? You see in dreams we use the image of people and thing to build a dream that has some meaning. See: http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/
Also see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
If you give me more information I will try to see what the dream means,
Hello I have had dreams most nights of babies and being pregnant and having a child. This is so confusing for me because during my waking hours I find myself studying about pregnancy and babies. Does this mean it is my time to get pregnant now? Thank you
Hey im Megan. And for the past 3 or 4 days i been dreaming that i was pregnant with a baby boy
but i didnt know it was a boy so i had alots of girl clothes and stuff. Then it came out to be a boy. Me and my hubby have been trying to have a baby. but nothing seems to work and then i took a prego test about 2 days ago and it said i wasnt prego so i dont know what these dreams mean. Can you please maybe tell me some opions on why im having this dream.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for this great site! I had a strange dream in which I felt uneasy because my boyfriend wasn’t himself during sex. Then I realized it was because HE was pregnant – looked about 7 months. I’m not sure if it was my baby, because he also had a wife, but I was very concerned about the safety of the fetus. What could my boyfriend’s pregnancy indicate? (note: neither of us have ever been married. or pregnant).
Thank you!
Pamela – I think what this dream is about needs a little explaining to help you make sense of it. You see although you are dreaming of your boyfriend, it is not about him – just as if you think about your boyfriend you are only thinking about him and the thoughts are NOT him, just thoughts.
So it depends on what your feel about him, and I have to guess about this. I guess he is the person who is active in the world, so the male part of you. He is the one who is pregnant because you are a little uncertain about being a mother, so you project it in to him. Yet it is your dream, so obviously you have been wondering about the possibility of having a baby.
That is why in the dream he is married, because that is what you would wish for if you were pregnant. It is something we do in dreams; we use other people because we are not sure of it ourselves.
So I think you are on the verge of being serious, and taking responsibility.
Heloooo tony I remember last year I had a dream that I was pregnant everyday I would wake up and tell my mother about the dream she would tell me that I needed to be cleansed I’m from south africa and in the african culture when you dream about a baby that would mean its a bad spirit its really not considered as a good thing so few weeks later my mom had a dream that I had asked her for milk for the baby and she had told me that she couldn’t find the milk my mom is a traditional healer and she had told me that I am pregnant but my baby won’t be born I had a pregnancy test and it came out positive I was 3months on the 4th month of my pregnancy I had a miscarriage now this year again I’m dreaming about been pregnant and having a baby but this time the baby speaks in my dream and its a little baby boy soo do you prehaps think its more to do with a psychological matter or prehaps it could be a repeat of last years story?
Mandy – It is certainly not a repeat of last time. The baby speaking is a very good sign, and shows it is communicating with you already. So keep talking back to it, telling it that you love it and are welcoming it and have a place for it in your life and family.
Your mother sounds like a wise woman. It shows also how national cultural beliefs are used by the dreamer.
Hi Tony
I had a dream that my friend told me on the phone that she was pregnant but it took her awhile to tell me as she knows its somethign Ive also been wanting. What could this dream mean?
hi toni, im andrea and last night i had a dream of my cousins telling me i was prgnant, both of my cousins are pregnant, they would tell me that they knew cause of the way i walked, its really weird cause i dont talk them! they wpould just repeat the same thing over and over what can it mean?
in the dream i felt like i was pregnant but im not! im so confused!
Andrea – You are mixing up the rules in waking life and the rules in the inner world of dreams. They are totally different. In waking life you are governed by your body and its needs – such as survival in earning a living, your ageing and also your self image that changes as you age. And of course things like stepping out in front of a car and getting killed. But none of those apply to our dream life. You can’t get hurt or killed in dreams. You do not even need a body. But we are so programmed to believe in our physical world we take all the fears and feeling into our dreams- and of course run from monsters and are terrified or falling or being killed. Crazy!!
So of course you can be pregnant in your dreams, and often it has nothing to do with physical pregnancy. To quote from the dream dictionary: “But if you are not actually pregnant in waking life, or even if you are a man dreaming this, is it usually about a new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, a new talent or facet of your personality. If it is still unborn – i.e. not yet expressed outwardly – it is developing.” Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/
Hi tony. I’ve had dreams in the past of being pregnant or someone I know being pregnant and find out in reality that someone I know is pregnant. So a few nights ago I dreamt that I was waiting in line and one of my uncles said congragulations. I was confused so then I said hu. He then Said congrats because I was expecting.
could this mean that I am expecting?
Thanks tony
hi im jackie and my cousins ,sisters and mom had a dream about me that im pregnant and it been going on since last year what could this mean
Jackie – It is very strange that you haven’t dreamt about being or going to be pregnant. Seeing that it is every woman in your family who dreams it I wonder whether it is them who want you to be pregnant.
Of course with that sort of pressure on you it might lead you to get pregnant.
Please let me know how it works out for you.
Hi, I’m yoly I just had a dream that i was pregnant but I didn’t know how to tell my family but I didn’t have a belly and I personally wasn’t aware of the pregnancy til someone told me. I constantly have dreams of being told by people that I’m pregnant or me picking up child that seem lost that turn out to be mine. For instance I had a dream were my friend gave me a baby and she was telling me I had to breast feed her n I was like how am I supposed to breast feed her and I looked down n milk was running from my breast and I hug the baby n I realized it was mine, ithink this might have to do with me being afraid of never having a child?? Another curious thing is that I’m never concerned and don’t even know who the father is.
Yoly – There is no need to have any father when you dream of being pregnant. You are a very creative and loving woman, so you create your own babies out of your loving feelings and desire to be a mother.
I think you dreams are telling you that you must drop all the nonsense of you not believing you can be a mother. You have been it over and over in your dreams and you can do it in waking also when you choose to.
But remember that dream babies are more than a baby. They are also your creative power. As a woman it is your birthright to be creative, and the wonderful flow of milk is your ability to give of yourself in a deep way.