Conscious (or in a woman may be unconscious) intellectual, masculine qualities. Sometimes it depicts the attitudes and qualities in us that searches for truth, tries to find a way through personal difficulties, or attempts to direct or use the physical and mental heritage. It is also often used to represent the best in a man, and an ideal male in a woman’s dream.
The best aspect of the dreamer if male; ones brother or lover/boyfriend if female. It can represent the animus in a female dream. Conscious (or in a woman may be unconscious) intellectual, masculine qualities. Sometimes it depicts the attitudes and qualities in us that searches for truth, tries to find a way through personal difficulties, or attempts to direct or use the physical and mental heritage. It is also often used to represent the best in a man, and an ideal male in a woman’s dream. See: anima; animus – under archetypes.
A prince can also indicate noble birth and the possibility if inheritance. In a dream it can suggest a fuller expression of your innate immense potential; also your ability to be of service to others. The negative side of it is that you might believe yourself to be superior or of better class than others, perhaps feeling you have the right to order others about.
This might be likened to the story involving a young prince – Buddha – who lived a life of intense advantage and in looking at the life of those not so advantaged felt their pain. He did not preach a way of the rich sharing what they had with everyone, as was and is done in such systems as the Native Americans or many tribal people, but taught a way to escape from pain by killing their sense of self. And of course it still carries on, and today we are a people who are medicated out of their social pain.
Example: With a prince in Chaing Mai. Unlike another prince he is driving a white Toyota Corolla. A very nondescript car and not a new one at that. I have a feeling the car is stored for him in the auto club.
The dream obviously indicates the advantages of class, but the prince does not show off his position but drives an ordinary car, another indication of class.
We partake in that extraordinary moment of creation all the time. And it is only when we can love broadly that we can be a part of it. It is only when we can love that broadly that we can enter into it without manipulating it. But there is a quiet presence to be drawn upon if we so seek. That presence enters every moment. There is no moment more significant than another. This is the moment of creation. This is the moment when you can recreate yourself – again and again and again. Or perhaps you want to create yourself again, and hold onto that moment. Or you can play with it until you have exhausted it and let it lie in the way. Isn’t that life, when we hold on to moments, a lover, a beloved, the child, the lost waif, princess and the prince, business person, the world dominator – my God, the roles we can assume are extraordinary. And it’s all okay because it is all a part of creation and creativity. Nothing is ever lost or destroyed.
Another prince represents another path. The prince in the story The Sleeping Beauty represents our conscious mind, our intellect and worldly experience, that feels incomplete, that knows a longing for this ‘other half’. He is more than just our ‘conscious mind’ however. He is a particular state of consciousness, for he dares to search for a Myth. His longing, his incompleteness makes him brave, ready to test the truth or falsity of the Legend. He is certainly not an indifferent consciousness, who stumbles accidentally on the Beloved. He has to cut his way through the terrible briars and thorns surrounding the hidden castle. In these brambles others have been lost and died, for they are all the confusion, pain and ignorance that surround and hide our own ‘Sleeping Beauty’ that lead others to depression and suicide. To reach her we have to face, to experience, to cut through this hedge of ignorance, fear and cynicism that has grown around our own happiness and completeness.
Example: I am out in the countryside somewhere walking along and it is wet – raining? – a swamp like area and I see one crocodile in the water, then another, then another. I start to flee in one direction, and then I see another. They are everywhere and it appears I am going to die. Then a man – a kind of Prince Charles-like figure – very calm, self-assured, steady, and deliberate – shows up with another man and the Prince Charles figure fires a shot at one of the crocs and I am saved. Because I was so frightened I want him to keep shooting, but he doesn’t really need to and doesn’t. The threat is over.
The dreamers comments on this are: I feel like I am going to be overcome by archaic instinctual forces, but I am save by a calm, forceful, self-assured, steady, deliberate masculine part of me.
Useful questions or hints:
What qualities feelings do I associate with the ‘prince’?
Does it represent a positive or a negative attitude?
Do I feel the specialness of being created by the universe?
What was my relationship with the prince?
See What Can be Done – Active Passive – Context/Theme – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I dream of a king who ordered me to go climb up the mountain n find a mangrove tree. I tell my father this and go towards palace, enter it, come out in backyard. There is an old door which I go out of and find the mangrove tree there. The tree is luscious green n I stand under it absorbing its beauty. Suddenly the prince comes out of palace and calls me out saying u shouldn’t be near the tree, its dangerous there and takes me inside the palace again. I go along with him and as I turn back to see the tree one last time I see a man with ears and teeth like a fox waiting, but hasn’t realised I was there. That’s all. Wondering what could it mean.