Any reptile in your dreams may depict your surface feeling reactions to that creature, such as like or dislike, attraction or repulsion. But in many cases reptiles such as a snake or lizards are used to portray your very basic instinctive responses to life, such as the fear reaction, flight or fight response, the sexual drive toward reproduction, territorial display, and ritualistic social behaviour – shaking hands, bowing, etc.
The reptile also frequently shows how you are dealing with such enormous flows of emotional or nervous energy. For instance fear is a great protector, but in human life, because we can keep stimulating the response by imagination, by words, it can become overactive to the point of illness. A gazelle may be chased by a lion. If it escapes it doesn’t spend days shaking or drinking alcohol to cover its fear. In a few minutes it is quietly grazing. A human in such an encounter can replay it over and over.
The point is that you cannot become a fully mature human being until you learn to meet these ancient drives and integrate them into your everyday life. So it is important to develop a working relationship with the snakes, lizards and frogs in your dreams. Also the reptile in our dreams is often an expression of our physical makeup. See: Reptile Brain; Snake, Alligator, Frog.
I had a dream where in i saw two bright coloured lizards with their head held high running around in my house. they were everywhere i went. I could seem them running on the floor, trying to climb my bed, i would see them hanging from the wall barely having any grip, over the curtains, and time and again i would feel that they are looking at me and would b everywhere i could see. Its a disturbing dream for me and i’ve been reading all random interpertations. so kindly help.
I’m on a beach and someone is confronting me with a snake, I am stepping away from it but they keep on urging me to to take the snake and not to be afraid. I am not afraid of snakes but in my dream I am although then I try to convince him I’m not by saying ‘my stepdad used to own snakes’
I’m really struggling to make sense of it especially since there are so many different interpretations
I keep having dreams of a red and black frog eating a a black and red snake. I’m my dream I just up to the door and see this happing in the corner. And one point in the dream, I move and couch and a red and black snake and a coral snake were just hanu out.
i dreamt ofa lizard/snake like creature with teeth in our loung, it was lunging towards my 10 year old son and my self, it nipped my son on his leg, more like scrached him. in reality my husband is very scared of any reptile, in my dream he was sreaming at me to get rid of it, then all of a sudden as i was trying to get in into a bucket he catches it, pets it, feeds it and comments at how nice this creature looks. outs it onto a bed and as i go closer to it and take it in my hads in transforms into a girl child, who is up for adoption and a lady tells me that this child only eats meat.
i am so unsettled by this dream. please shed some light, ur assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Prashina – What I am going to say must only be seen as my opinion of your dream. The dream has several features new to me, and the only sense I get of it is that it is about an invitation or request.
We all start life as a lizard type creature with a tail – the sperm as it lashes its way to the golden egg. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ which describes how we still have a reptile brain built into us.
The girl who is up for adoption is about a soul asking for a body to be born into. See http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-mysterious-power-of-children-to-be/ – http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-mystery-of-parenthood-2/
Telling you that the child only eats meat is saying that she has to feed on a mother’s body to form a body herself. This is the way the life process that forms dreams tends to see things. Our conscious daily life is like a thin coat of pain, and underneath is a vast world of our body working and our links with everything.
The lizard lunging toward you and your son is probably because the being seeking adoption has links with both of you from the past. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/reincarnation-and-dreams/#ReinProof
Greetings Tony, nice to find your site. I wanted to ask your opinion, if you would not mind and have the time. Thanks!
A few nights ago, from the time of this writing, I had a dream that I was shown a large poster of Lizardmen and Dragons, on a cosmic, space/galaxy background. They were in a somewhat cartoon-like fashion, most were small, or what I thought were to represent ‘human size’ … and a few were very large indeed.
I felt a little afraid to look at them, indeed we hear about the reptilian race as being evil and such, and then others say there are good feathered serpents and healers, snake priest societies, etc. I study esoteric things too, and am a mystic myself.
Well then! In the dream, someone taller than I, was behind me and sort of talking telepathically, or guiding me subtly, quietly. All of a sudden ‘his’ or else my own finger, came down to point at one of the ‘regular or average’ size lizardmen, I think blue or purple in color, or some mix between the two. A voice said in my head, my own voice, ‘That’s me.’
Now I have tried to look at this on many levels, even considering if the dream was given to me by an outside force, good or evil, so to say, or if it simply is my own inner voice revealing something.
The main thing is, I was not so much afraid of the creatures per say, but that I was ‘one of them’.
I believe in reincarnation and many waves of life and the New World to come, where by soul-volution, our natural maturity will indeed turn into greater Light and Love, and I simply wonder what this dream was trying to say. Am I afraid or ashamed of an aspect of myself?
I thought another opinion would be good. I would appreciate any and all insight, if you would be so kind!
Thanks much,
Lee – It is a reminder not a statement.
As a human being you are all things. Think about it; when you were in your mother’s womb you started off as a bundle of cells like vegetable growth; these gradually became a fish like creature with gills, and then onto a mammal form. It shows that we have all the animals built in us. So the animals we dream of are parts of our wholeness, and unless we are reared by humans who teach us to speak we remain an animal. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ – http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
So your dream seems to me to be indicating that you are gradually enlarging your awareness of who you are. It has progressed from some anxiety to getting in touch with more of your potential.
Thanks very kindly for the links, Tony. I appreciate it. I also agree that the ‘primal’ brains, to use the term, are indeed quicker or less hindered than the rational one, indeed, how could it be otherwise? I need to feel more and think less when it comes to interpretation of the dream. Need to be more like Don Juan and less like Carlos, so to say 😉
I like that in your lengthy article you mentioned the science of it, and also Rosicrucians and Vipassana and other things, you seem to have some extensive knowledge and studies 🙂 I will delve deeper into this. I am in gratitude for your time. I also know what it is like to help others for free, and surely that is a Noble thing.
A sincere namaste to you, my good man! Blessings and thanks to you,
Dreamt I was taking a baby to someone’s house when I left it turned into a lizard I was scared but couldn’t put it down as it was my baby.
I dreamed about i’m running in a forest without any shoes or any to my foot, Im scared coz all that i can see was a different lizards with different size but they doesnt move.. im still running fast and ive encountered small snakes black and also doesnt move ..what does the meaning of this.
Jay – You are experiencing your natural state of being – in a forest without shoes – before you were civilized and lost contact with the natural life around you and felt part of it.
You are running away from yourself – all dream images are simply that, images. Like images on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear.
So imagine yourself back in your dream and stopped running and feel what is going on. Nothing can hurt you in your dreams – neither snakes or lizards. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream that i was at work.i work in the restaurant right on the intercostal. And there was a iguana that swimmed and looked like a shark. And had glitter on the back than it tried to climb and did and try to gram me while i was running away it did grab me and i felt it. It was pretty hard to so everytime i would try to go out on the dock it would try and get me and only me.and than out of nowhere my husband comes in and i told him to kill that thing.
In my dream I’m holding a snake and a lizard in each hand but Im not afraid, both snake and lizard are moving but not up my arm, why am I not afraid?.
Had a dream that there was an unknown large reptile about 5-6 foot long with multiple sizes of rectangular shells all over its body holding on to a short palm tree. When I first noticed it I thought I was slightly frightened and I told my boyfriend. He became so interested of this creature that he went so close to it to take a look at its abnormal rectangular shells. The creature moved down and went towards the swampy area. My boyfriend followed it and I didn’t know where he went. I went looking for him on a bicycle, I even neglected saying hello to my relatives as I biked past their house. I was worried to death. As the night falls, it got completely pitch black and I could barely see the road. I was very scared for myself and for my boyfriend. I finally called him on his call phone and he answered. It sounded like he was at a party from the noise in the background. I was so angry that all this time he was fine and is having fun, leaving me to worry. I told him I needed to talk right away, and he said he’ll talk to me later. sounding really agitated.
there were reptiles in my dream but the dream took place in an old rectangular field, dead tall grass and trees and the whole field was bricked up, i felt trapped until I finally got up and over the wall.
any insight?
thank you 🙂
Santos – To climb up over the wall is to find a way to be free of limiting convictions, beliefs or thoughts. It is those that make up the reality of your inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
The reptiles – you didn’t say what you felt about them, but they relate to the part of your brain that is called ‘the reptile brain’. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/snake/
I came across your website while searching for the meaning of a dream consisting of a lizard and snake. In my dream, I was trying to enter my bedroom when I saw a lizard and tried to kill it but it got away. Then a snake appeared out of nowhere and I was shocked and frightened by it that I ran downstairs. The snake followed me down. When it reappeared to me, it had transformed into my sister who appeared green and scaly. I warned my other family members to stay away from her but they thought I was crazy. My sister smiled at me menacingly. That’s when I woke up. Appreciate if you could interpret what this dream means.
Just wanted to say thank you for these notes. I had a disturbing dream, and I’m seeking meaning/connection to it and growth from the experience. Your words helped. Thanks again.
There are tiny goddess in glass jars… like baby food jars. Eric (husband) and I put small bits of water in each and watch them grow and develop with in the bottle. One of them gets out and grows very large and gets out of hand. This goddess looks reptilian and we quickly contain it and get it back to a size we can fit it into the jar again Later We are living in a house that I am thinking is a trailer and we are in a trailer park of sorts. I see on tv that there is a missing person they are looking for. We have a large window without window coverings. I go out to look for something to cover the window with and notice that everyone is using umbrellas to cover their windows. I see a white umbrella neatly closed up and laying on the ground with something else next to it. I figure it is the umbrella left there by the missing person and know they will not be back so I take it and we us it to cover our window from the inside of the house. It is a big patio type of umbrella.
Jennifer – I can’t begin to tell you how I got to what I think your dream means. I suggest however not to try for a baby just at the moment; wait until you get a more positive dream.
The umbrella is, I think, that you need more privacy in your life.
Exhusband whom i love dearly and never wanted to leave is pulling me by my wrist as i hold our baby boy we lost right before he left. I am pulling our other 4 children and we frantically run from something. The moon is changing colors and there are huge snakes trying to keep us from going anywhere..three of them
Jennifer – Every dream image, every animal or serpent in your dreams, ever person you dream of is not an external thing, but are your own life energies, emotions, abilities and potential given meaning in images and drama.
So the snakes that are as you say, are trying to keep you from going anywhere, are actually your basic evolutionary energy that you are afraid of. And you are afraid because it wants you to change, to enlarge, to become capable of adapting to what we are facing in the present world crisis.
When you sleep there is no one else there except you and your imagination. Unfortunately we have been conditioned to see the snakes as something to be afraid of. Certainly outwardly they are sometimes dangerous, but within you they are an expression of your fundamental brain processes, your reptile brain. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ to see how our body had to develop different levels of thinking and reacting.
From Genesis onwards we have been told the snake/serpent is evil. But it is not. The word translated ‘serpent’ is Nahash. The word for snake in Hebrew is sheretz. Nahash is a special word that does not refer to a snake at all, but to a force or process. It means evolutionary energy, or energy which tends to individualisation or selfhood. To make a story Genesis has been consistently mistranslated.
However, your dream. The love in you is urging you on to escape from something unknown, but obviously threatening. The moon gives a clue, it is your female intuition and link with nature and the cycles of your body. The changing colours say a huge change is occurring, but what.
The snakes – I feel certain that if you see them as your own energy that you are frightened of, will turn out to lead you to understand the changes that are occurring in you and in your life. They are evolutionary, so will do the work for you.