Any reptile in your dreams may depict your surface feeling reactions to that creature, such as like or dislike, attraction or repulsion. But in many cases reptiles such as a snake or lizards are used to portray your very basic instinctive responses to life, such as the fear reaction, flight or fight response, the sexual drive toward reproduction, territorial display, and ritualistic social behaviour – shaking hands, bowing, etc.
The reptile also frequently shows how you are dealing with such enormous flows of emotional or nervous energy. For instance fear is a great protector, but in human life, because we can keep stimulating the response by imagination, by words, it can become overactive to the point of illness. A gazelle may be chased by a lion. If it escapes it doesn’t spend days shaking or drinking alcohol to cover its fear. In a few minutes it is quietly grazing. A human in such an encounter can replay it over and over.
The point is that you cannot become a fully mature human being until you learn to meet these ancient drives and integrate them into your everyday life. So it is important to develop a working relationship with the snakes, lizards and frogs in your dreams. Also the reptile in our dreams is often an expression of our physical makeup. See: Reptile Brain; Snake, Alligator, Frog.
I have been having bad dreams 4 days in a row but today’s own was different I think it’s a message. I had a dream where I was in a group and people where using reptiles to DO chicken fights like some one brings an anaconda another brings a boa and. They are realised in the crowd where we are and allowed to fight each other sometimes they turn and bite people. And they kept bringing out assorted reptiles later it was a friend of mine that won he had one big reptile that looks like baby Godzilla.
I had a dream that there was a great big flood all over town. We were trying to get somewhere safe and had to run through these two long fences . At first there was nothing in the fences and I was able to look through them to see the water flowing through the street. About half way through though I had fallen on the fence and there were snakes everywhere coming at me. Someone picked me up before this big black cobra looking snake could get to me. When I was safely standing up again I turned around and when I looked at the big black snake (who was hissing at me) I thought it to be beautiful.
I generally don’t remember this much about my dreams and was wondering what this could mean.
I had a dream this morning about a huge snake. I was in the parking of the neighbouring building of my house and there were few kids playing there. Suddenly I realized a bending pipe moving weirdly and head of a huge green snake peeing out. Everyone got scared and ran into the house and me too. The snake was moving very fast and jumping all over. While entering the house I met my dad n cousin n told them to call up the snake friends who catch them and leave them in natural habitats. After some time I went back to the main door and saw my cousin and dad holding the snake and slapping it profusely and I was shocked. The snake was hissing and showing his poisonous teeth but did not bite back. All tge the time both of tgem were saying the snake is being lazy. To my horror the snake friend did the same thing as my father. And he entered the house with it. I ran into the room with net door for safety. The snake friwnd came behind me holding the snake and let it slide into the rroom where I was hiding. I was shocked and saw the snake friend with helplessness and was dismayed at what he had done. Then the snake was really happy to get rid of everyone and when he saw me he hissed showing his poisonous teeth and his eyes sparkled with joy. I was terribly scared and ran towards the door to run away but the snake was extremely fast and it attacked me and bit me on my waist. I did not feel the pain though and I woke up in a shock. The last I saw when I started running to the door the snake friend was looking at me as though it was a wrong move and meant as if I must face it rather than run off. Please reply. It was an extremely wierd dream and I would really lit to know what it means. Thank you.
I dreamt of baby snakes and lizards all over the floor I wasn’t scared but one snake wrapped itself around a lizard that tight its head burst and blood everywhere! Do you know what this means?
Clare – I do not have any clear idea about your dream and can only guess at its meaning.
My guess is that it is showing a physical problem that might arise causing blood pressure or pressure in your head. If you have any such symptoms I suggest you have a medical check.
I had a dream in which i saw loads of snakes and people fighting with guns and saw flights. What does that mean??
I had a dream that I saw a cockroach crawling up a wall in my house so I go to get a broom and I see the cockroach and I try to kill it with the broom but I accidentally skinned it’s stomach and chest and it was white underneath and the legs just fall off so I get disgusted go to my room(it happened in the living room) and call my mom to get it out the house lol but I go to look at it again and now it’s a snake so I freak out and I turn around and my mom was there and she said it’s not a snake its a lizard and she just picks up the lizard which is cut horizontally in half and got it’s legs and tickled me on my tummy with it and I’m just like lol mom no wtf
I had a dream today that I had a pile of frog eggs, they were in these clear eggs and I could see some were not ready to hatch. The ones that were ready to hatch turned into these bright green baby lizards and crawled into a little aquarium I made them right when they hatched. I was elated. There were probably about 8-10 of them and for the most part they stayed in this jungle like aquarium I held, although I was afraid there was not enough water to sustain them. I even saw one hatch that had no legs but kept going and stayed alive. Then I looked in the big of clear oval frog eggs and some I just intuitively knew were not ready, even though they were full grown frogs in there. And some may not live but I was ok. Then I put the little aquarium of lizards in a black bag with all my other stuff against the wall. I came back later and my bags were moved. I was livid and furious, I was in some sort of corporate office building, where it was deep blue outside the windows and the beach outside as well. The guy that moved them acted like the boss of Office Space and was arrogant and haughty when I asked him about the bags. I was SO incredibly worried about the lizards and how they might die. This guy did not care, he sort of reminded me of a guy at work that took me out to lunch when I woke up whom tried to get close to me whom I don’t trust. Also, I was dating this guy this past few months and last night he pressured me to do things I didn’t wanted to do and he knows I don’t want to do and kept trying and I left angry last night and cried when I got home. He tried to call me and I’ve blocked his number. So in light of that drama I had this dream. Please help interpret. Also, I’m very intuitive, sometimes receive answers to things. Lost as to what to do career wise, too many options and desires, not grounded. Have been violated the past year a few times, and have also had great times with good people. I want to be happy and stay happy. Be healthy and stay healthy. Have healthy people around me and stay that way. Please help interpret, thanks
Nicole – Thank you for sending your interesting dream and describing it so well.
We are all a miraculous expression of Life, and as such our dreams are also expressions of biological life in all its aspects. So I see your dream as a wonderful insight into what you have within you and are so caring for, your eggs. Of course your dream imagery uses frog eggs, which is the nearest thing you had seen. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Symbolism
As your dream so clearly says, some eggs hold a full and whole being in them, and others are not and may not live. That is so true of Life which gives is lots of chances, some of which do not work. But you know deep in you that they are very precious and should be guarded.
That is why the man you mentioned should not be allowed near you. He has no regard for the wonder of life, he just wants sex without any regard or love for what you are and the miracle of life you hold within you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
i had a dream.. i saw two green lizards, one of them not too large but not small. about the size of distance between wrist and elbow and second a little small .. along with them was a small black lizard that i thought was dangerous. all of these three escaped from my site however i was concerned to the bigger green only. throughout the dream i was determined to capture bigger green lizard and finally i was able to catch it and entrap it in a bottle by handling it by its neck.. initial in my dream i was afraid of it then somebody told me a trick to handle it by neck becuz it will not b able to bite this way then i was not afraid of doing it…. the dream is stuck badly in my mind. kindly guide
I had a dream I was in a very dark swamp, with a kid, a elderly lady, and a elderly man, and I kind of believe my brother was there, also we had a pet black panther. When I seen the panther at first I was afraid but it was like the little boy introduce us then the panther became my friend. So I notice the lil boy use to leave by his self close to a lil swamp and lots of trees was there also, I ask the kid what u doing here by your self, the kid respond I like it here then I saw a Python, a dragon reptile, I was a bit afraid but that feeling went away really fast, he had a baby turtle in his hand and I remember my grabbing it then letting it free. Now we heading back to like a bonker looking house all you see is darkness and a couple of candle lights, a group of black guys was creeping through the bushes with guns it was at least 9 of them the family ran tours they bonker calling the panther to follow, they get close I pull out a machine gun out on one as he has his at me, I’m screaming don’t shoot it doesn’t have to be like this, they respond was we don’t want to see you by the swamp u was at earlier, I reply OK so they left, then I remember my brother coming out of nowhere and say see we should of went to some bar can’t really remember the name, the lil boy was frustrated that he couldn’t go back to the swamp that he like to chill at, so later the same guy come back this time they look like they was ready for war, so I canaflouge with a army helmet with lots of leave around me with a big machine guns, I’m hidden in a corner where I could see them but they can’t see me, they was like on a top of a tree house with guns pointing down tours our bonker, I even seen one with a sniper rifle looking down tours the spot I was hidden at I thought I was seen but I wasn’t they kept walking back in fourth waiting to see if they see anybody come out the bonker, I was waiting for them to shoot first, so I can retaliate, then I woke up. It felt so real like I live that life before
Me and my friends were late in attending a function, as we were in a hurry we started running. On my ways i saw a big green snake also getting inside the hall where we were going. We then took our seats and after a sometime a small kid was shouting. when we reached the spot we saw the same green snake. A man sitting by him took the snake a his hand but then the snake bit him so he instantly killed the snake.
i Saw 2 black kittens in my dream. 2kittens were sitting in the stairs of my apartment. i can see that very clearly. suddenly they both ran towards my flat. the door was open. they entered into it n ran towards kitchen.(let me tell u first that i’ve seen a cat entering my house from kitchen at midnight few days back.it was a full white black spotted cat.i searched my whole place but couldnt found anything.me n my mom tried to search it on next day.nothing was there.they all blamed me that i’ve seen a dream but i was very much sure about that i’ve seen it in real life n not in dream.when we stopped discussing about that cat.it appeared for a few moments n then again disappeared.i whispered to my mom n she had also seen that cat that day.we tried to search a lot but havnt seen anythng.)
(So from that incident somehow i was avoiding cat in road ,while crossing streets,driving etc)
in last nights dream .. i saw 2 black kittens running towards kitchen n entered to it.then i couldnt found them.but when i tried to find those i found a reptile. i dont knw what it was.it looks like a lizerd but very big in size.may b somthing different.i can see my mom was killing dat weird thing.n it was disappeared.
now i can see my gf in the dream in my house.suddenly an insect appeared .we were tring ti kill that n again it was disappeared. but 1 more thing the kitchen which i saw in my drean was old,i.e. it was not up to date like real life.. it was altst 2-3years back n i can see a guy in my house who was also from 2year back.he dont come to our place in recent days.
i dont know whats going on with me. hoping for an answer sir…
I’m really confused because I had a dream last night about a huge crocodile/ alligator and I’ve looked it up online but the interpretations all seem negative! But the thing is, in the dream I saw on the floor what I thought at the time was a python! And I was really impressed because we don’t have pythons here where I am, but I also thought oh no, my poor Dad is going to panic so much (he has a phobia of snakes) but then as it started moving away I watched it and realised it wasn’t a python but the tail of a crocodile!!! And the crocodile proceeded to try to climb a tree, it was HUGE but in my dream there were no negative feelings they were actually positive, I thought the crocodile was a beautiful majestic creature! I’m really intrigued at a possible meaning?? Thanks!
Hi, in my dream I could see lots of lizards and snakes everywhere I turn they are there and very near.. After some time I find myself being caged and I try to get out but these reptiles surround the cage… I scream in fear and I keep crying for help… Normally I hate reptiles and am damn scared of them cuz they are disgusting.. Please help me to interpret tis dream of mine… Thanks..
I dreamed about being in an old dark batch. and the door was ajar and the light was shining through. There were two large black snakes weaving in and out of the light, I was a bit apprehensive and the first thought that came to mind was to protect my younger daughter. Then she slipped to the back of my mind when my older daughter came forward and picked the snake up by the head, she did this to both snakes and I told her to throw them outside. Then huge dragon/monitor lizards were in the room also, not sure what their role was but they didnt bother me. In the back of my mind I was mindful of their power and strength but I wasnt too concerned. Then I woke up. Do you know what any of the above may mean?
Thank you, Sulia
I dreamt I had a new garden it had lots of water and was very hot. As I walked around I saw a lizard dash away. I thought it was one I used to keep (never had a lizard in waking) so I tried to find him. I came across part of the garden that was used to keep old mattresses. When I looked under one I found three lizards and a snake. I had no fear of them and managed to catch one lizard that turned into a blue frog that started singing. I went looking for the others and was very worried that my dad (who I’ve cut all contact with) might come to move the old mattresses and kill them. My ex partner appeared and caught one lizard. Then there was a part outside that had 3 storeys of cages all with different animals. An huge iguana was in one and I told my ex I had caught him earlier. I was putting the other lizards I found in cages (Thing is I don’t like seeing animals in cages). My ex and I were then inside and an older woman gave me a bottle of water. I poured and drank but then realised she was annoyed I hadn’t offered any to him and I felt so selfish. I offered him a drink and he passed me his glass saying ‘I prefer my own glass’ I looked over at the reptiles in the cages then I woke up.
I like lizards, I have brooches and ornaments of them. I am very distressed with life just now. I had this dream and felt it had some meaning to what’s happening right now.
Do you have any insight to its meaning?
Thanks, Alex
Alex – An unusual dream, and I will have a go at trying to make sense of it.
The new garden is a new opportunity you are faced with – a good opportunity and what you are doing with you latent potential. It is also a place where you are in touch with your own natural feeling and urges, and so are seeing or understanding them ore clearly.
This is clearly shown by the singing blue frog. It represent the fundamental life that you are and maybe do not pay enough attention to, and such life – blue from the highest in you – is singing to you its wonder. It is the power of growth and transformation as the egg becomes the tadpole living in water, and the tadpole become the frog, an air breather.
The lizard and snake also have similar meanings and are necessary parts of you as you maybe saw if you clicked on http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
The snake and the lizard can be better understood if you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/kundalini/
The mattresses are an interesting point in your dream, and it is meaningful that the snake and lizard where under the old mattresses. These are old intimate relationships you have had, and of course the snake and lizard underlie your urge for such relationship. That you father – you inner father – is a threat to them is saying that in some way the influence of your father in your life is not enhancing your life urge but is a threat that you need to be aware of.
The inner influence of your ex was involved with you in a was that was not extinguishing life in you – the lizard.
The cages may represent that at the moment you are keeping you natural sexual feelings contained but not killed out.
The older woman represent both an influence in you from your mother, but also the potential you as you grow in wisdom. From that older wisdom that we all have within us it gives you the water of life – in other words it refers to the Life in you, the spirit that lives in us and can advise, uplift, grow and lead us. To understand it see – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
She advises you from her wisdom to share the life in you with your ex – though there is a rather fussy attitude he has.
To understand some of the references to the inner father and ex see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing