Sexual dreams usually express hidden desires; the way we would like to express sexually, or problems in this area. Although sex is symbolised in many dreams, where it appears directly it shows that the dreamer is able to more easily accept their sexual urges and hurts. What is then important is to attempt an understanding of what setting or drama the sexual element occur in. Our psychological and sexual nature, like our physical, never stand still in development unless a pain or problem freeze them at a particular level of maturity. Therefore, our sexual dreams, even if our sex life is satisfactory, show us what growth, what new challenge, is being met.
Whenever a healthy man dreams, he experiences an erection, no matter what the subject of the dream. Women also experience such stimulus while dreaming.
While dreaming you can safely allow any form of sexual pleasure you desire. Don’t let the useful morals of waking life intrude into your dreams. If your sexual dreams are frustrating, or do not lead to deep pleasure, drop the fears and limiting attitudes that are blocking the full flow of your excitement and pleasure.
Your longing for sexual partners that isn’t openly expressed, will attempt to become real in your dreams. It doesn’t mean that you are dissatisfied with your present partner if you have sex with other people in your dreams. All of us have such secret longings, and it is healthy for them to be allowed as we sleep. What it usually suggests is that you are exploring other experiences or dimensions of sex that you can then bring into your waking relationship.
Sometimes sexual pleasure is depicted in dreams as a tidal wave, or a snake, or something you may be resisting. This is because full sexual bliss floods the whole body, releasing tensions, bringing peace and a healing action physically and psychologically. To achieve this, learn to let go of rigid self control and be ready to feel your emotions.
Enjoying sexual pleasure with an animal, such as being kissed or licked by a cat, is the way dreams describe your own sexual urges at their most uncomplicated and basic level. It doesn’t mean you are weird. In such dreams you are dropping the complicated social rules that usually direct how you express yourself.
The energy behind the sexual drive is enormously important. It can flow in many different ways. It not only expresses as genital sex, but also in caring for others. If it is blocked illness can result. Your dreams show in detail just how you are dealing with this most important area of your life, and what is standing in the way of satisfaction and health. Do not accept the ready made formulas of popular sexual norms. Your dreams will show your own intimate and unique needs. Remember your dreams and be enriched by them.
Having sex with friends sister or brother is a normal way of exploring what it would be like to have sex with them. But it doesn’t mean you should act on it. In dreams you are free of all the difficulties attached to having sex physically, so it is harmless in dreams, but can cause many difficulties physically and socially.
Example: Laughing and happy, the flow of pleasure to E, leading to a kiss. The deep internal pleasure of kissing gradually widened until it led to genital feeling. I realised so many things as this lovely gentle growth of feeling and flowing occurred. I realised that I and most teenagers have too much technical sex instruction, so it is portrayed as an erect penis entering the vagina. But I was seeing it wasn’t like that at all. First of all came the gradual relationship with E. As that deepened it led to touching, being happy together and kissing. The kiss, oral pleasure, was our first area of loving with our mother. From that original centre of pleasure, it grows into anal and genital pleasure. This was what was happening. Then gently the body began to move. But there was still no erection. The movement was the forerunner of the inner pleasurable urge to thrust and penetrate. So there was a slow and internal growth through escalating feelings, and not an outwardly ordained set of movements that led to “sex”!
So i had a dream about having sex with a guy who had been a Complicated friend Of mine even though I’ve been in a relationship With a guy for 2 years And i haven’t since then. I sometimes have dreams of having sex with my boyfriend and sometimes I don’t. Was this just me exploring what sex would have been like with this guy?
SJ – Partly it was, but there is another reason. It is not your ex you are dreaming of, but your dreams are showing you your inner feelings about the past relationship and all the memories needing to be digested and learned from it. Remember that because you were together for a while there is no way you can ‘have nothing to do’ with someone you have been intimately involved with. It doesn’t work like that. Most people are often totally unaware of the massive experience they take in during a relationship and how it interacts with them when we love someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
So the dream is probably a way to experience, experiment with and integrate another aspect of the past relationship. You can find out more by using – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a pretty “unique” dream last night. It started off in a mall. Jus hanging out with my girlfriend I guess then it led to “sexual intercourse.” Then everything was great, next I was in a gym to find out she left me for my friend Gage. He isnt the most popular or good looking and she said its because they were close. I said you throw away 7 months of shit for him! Then pretty much storm out of the gym. I cried in the hall until my gym teacher came up to me and then I woke up. It was a pretty emotional thing and I want to know the meaning behind it. Thanks to whoever can help.
Football – I sense that because your feelings were flowing to your girlfriend, it acts like a river in flood. Any rubbish left on the river bed gets swept along by the flood. In other words the flow of your emotions dislodged childhood feelings either that you were not loved or jealousy. The emotions you felt at the end of the dream were real feelings and are a good thing – it does not mean that your girl friend does not like you, so please do not ‘go off her’.
See http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/beware-of-love/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/
Last night I hav a dream of seeing sex between two snakes. N after that I asked someone about the baby snake…who will be as a output of the inter course. I searched all over sites but I dint get any interpretation. Plz help
I have a boyfriend and we have been dating for almost three years now. Things have been rocky lately but our sex life is still great. I live out of town for school and I only see him for one weekend a month. The past three nights I have been having dreams about having sex with other men in my life… Some who I have slept with in the past and others who I barely know. I was wondering what these dreams mean?
Sarah – It means you are fine and are exploring your sexual feelings in the inner world of your dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
You will see that you are experimenting and learning a wider and better life without any dangers – unless you start believing that the dreams are same as your outer life, with all its consequences.
So last night I had a dream that all my friends went to a hotel resort including my boyfriend in real life but in my dream he was an ex. so I meet this guy and we go in a hotel room and had sex but later toward the end my friend bust in the room and yelled and ran away. Following her was my ex and they both saw us in the bed laying there. later on I went to find out why she was so upset and she tells me the boy is her brother, which surprises me. later after that I find myself running from everyone and going to hide in the attic. I have no idea what this dream means. does it mean I want to leave my boyfriend in real life?
Had a dream where it was so real its like the muscles in the back of my things are over worked. Why and how could a dream cause this to the lowerhalf of my body?
I had a dream about a girl that I barely even know , it was very intimate . We had sex even though I told her I had a gf , she said she doesn’t care I enjoyed it so much in my dream . After we had sex we hung out for the night like a couple we went to dinner hung out with friends had a couple drinks stuff my girlfriend and I usually do . We were kissing holding each other and I was happy in my dream but I woke up feeling like shit ! Cuss I’m happy with my gf and I do love her . I want to tell her cuss she knows the girl more than I do .bibdo not know what this dream means and I’m very confused
Tom – You are as often happens mixing up your dream life with actual people. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
When you dream you are in a different dimension with very different rules. See – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
You are not dreaming about the girl because it is all a virtual reality. And people dream a lot more crazy stuff than dreaming about a ‘dream’ girl.
I have had lucid dreams since I was a child, however every time I loose control of them I frequently have night terrors, sleep paralysis, or extremely disturbing dream experiences. Last night I dreamt that I was very drunk at this house party as well as on some form of mild hallucinogenic. I was unable to communicate properly with anyone and naturally, everyone I would never want to see me in that sort of position was there. Finally I find my boyfriend and he is in this sort of troff hot tub against a wall. In my impaired state my legs give out and by the time I finally have myself standing again and I’m trying to ask for help my mother is on top of him, they’re both naked and having sex in front of everyone. It was so disturbing and deeply hurtful that I woke up. Once I fell back asleep again I returned to the dream, as I frequently do, and as I’m sure you can imagine – the rest followed with public humiliation, and finally, I was kicked out of the house party and kept outside with bars. I’m having a lot of difficulty sorting through this and I feel an overwhelming resentment towards both of them. Any sort of explanation would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
So i woke up this mornigng from a disturbing sexual dream with my brother. It wouldnt be the first to dream of being intimate with him. It just in the past it was not fully intimate, this morning it was and fully. Which scraed me as i woke. I would like to know the meaning behind being sexual intimate with a sibling. Thank you.
Casey – You must remember that in dreams we enter a completely different world of experience. In the first place you are not dreaming about your brother but an image of him created out of your experience, feeling, desires and fears about him. Pleas read – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing it will explain more fully.
Last night I dreamt that I was dating this girl and we both wanted to have sex but first her friend was there so we couldn’t do it. Then her friend left and then her little brother was in the room so we couldn’t do it then either. As soon as he left, my mind gave me a totally different dream which I don’t remember. By the time I remembered that her little brother left the room so we could have sex I woke up. This girl only existed in the dream and I’m not seeing anyone in real life and going through a dry spell. I am concerned that my mind is creating obstacles to stop me from getting laid, in the dream and in real life. I worry that even though I do actually want the company of women, I stop myself from going for it for some reason. What the reason is, I don’t know but really want to find out to get over it.
Please help!
Jack – You are on the right track, but it isn’t your mind that is creating obstacles, it is you, but an unconscious part of you. You need to recognise that you have an inner world that is much bigger than the outside world. In your dream it is always other people who stop you from having sex. Other people in our dreams are usually aspects of our self. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/
But you can tap into their thinking by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
This can often shift things in you and for you.
Thanks Tony!
I’ve had this dream and me and my future husband was about make love and no matter what i did he couldn’t get an erection. In the dream i tried EVERYTHING and still nothing. What does that mean?
Last night I had a dream about having sex with my sister. This was the 2nd time in a couple weeks I’ve had a dream like that so at first I was a little freaked out that this implied deep-seated, incestual urges. But my sister and I have been having some deep discussions recently about life and our feelings on it and we’ve been connecting. If this website is saying that the normal ways we suppress instincts in waking life and freed in dreams just for the sake of curiously exploring those instincts, I guess it’s not so scary. What happened in the dream was – at first I turned away from my sister and was in denial that it ever happened and I was ashamed and apologetic the next morning. The dream image of my sister came to me and said it was nothing. That it only happened once and basically that it was nothing to be ashamed of. And then as she left she seemed more cheerful and content than she has in years. I didn’t make incest seem any less taboo to me. However, i did note that my sister and I were speaking more cordially and lovingly to each other than we have in many years. It’s probably this that I want the most. The sexual stuff I guess is just a byproduct of my basic, “animal” side.
For the past few days, I have been having the same type of dream with the same outcome. The dreams I have been having is of my fiance and I dressing down to being naked and sexually playing with each other, but when I go to get on top or have sex, he pushes me away with some excuse or no excuse at all, leaving me all sexually excited but also feeling very rejected and I wake up feeling frustrated, angry and depressed. What does this dream mean? Thanks.
2 days ago I had a dream of me having sex with a very good friend of mine. I saw it and feel it very close and I woke up..
Today I woke up asking another great friend of mine for oral and she said yes and i have not seen her in years.. we did kiss on the dream nd woke up.
please help!
There is this guy I like a lot, I have slept in his bed plenty of time and have got extremely close to having sex but I want to wait for a relationship. Last night I had a dream that me him and some girl ove never seen before were laying in his bed. He told me goodnight and rolled over and started having sex with this other girl. Not being able to take it anymore I get up and hid in the closet and start crying. My mom comes in the room and asks where am and without stopping he tells her in the closet. She comes in to comfort me and tell me I need someone better. How would I inturpret that dream. I definatly don’t want to get hurt again is this warning me?
CamoChick – From what you say you have been hurt in the past, and that must lead you to being cautious in relationships. Your dream can be seen as either an expression of your caution or a warning about having another bad relationship.
It is a difficult subject because often we create our future by our attitudes and actions. So your dream could easily be seen as you not having sex with the person you share a bed with leading him into frustration and seeking another partner. Please read – http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/beware-of-love/