
This obviously relates to speech, and the capable expression of what you feel. It enables you to articulate what is deep inside you, perhaps unknown even to yourself till it is spoken. So dreaming of the tongue being cut out shows real feelings of being mute and not able to express clearly.

Dreaming of any pain or injury to the tongue can either mean a problem with speech, or  that you are being hurtful in what you say. But the tongue also is involved in eating and caring – licking. It is an extension of the digestive organs, and its condition says a lot about your inner health.

An example is as follows. The woman was angry at her friend and was arguing:

She follows me around and won’t stop. After what seems like a long time, I start to do it too. Suddenly I see dazzling, sparkling blue and red colors like fireworks or prism colors on the end of my tongue. Ginny’s face goes out of focus. I am aware that I’m letting go and I’m in a different state of awareness. I talk rapidly, non-stop, and I’m vaguely aware that I might be saying hurtful things that could hurt other people’s feelings, but I know I must and it’s O.K. It spews out of me unchecked.

Sometimes the tongue refers to different languages we speak.

But the tongue and mouth are our first organs of gaining our needs and relating to the world and other people. The baby doesn’t just suck to gain milk, its tongue has wave like – peristaltic – movements that take the milk right down into the stomach. Kissing is therefore at least in part a return to this basic level of relationship and gaining needs, pleasure and contact with another being. If there are signs of this in the dream then it is reflecting ease or difficulty with that infant level of relatedness. The tongue can here be an expression of desire – of ‘I want’.

Because of the way the tongue and mouth are sometimes used in oral sex, the tongue can depict the penis, or at least, the drive to penetrate or to make contact through that sensitive organ. Another side to this is that we can express a lot of care and love through the tongue, as when a mother animal licks its child, so can express healing. So any problems relating to the tongue and sex need to be understood.

Example: We have a regular kiss, but realise we are there in the center, like in the center of a flower, which was a moist, tender, very sensitive to feeling something. We touched “cores.” I felt slightly repelled but allowed it to happen. Something in my mind was assuring me this is O.K. It’s always been forbidden but now it is O.K. and nice to do. It is important to do. She holds me in a caring way

Example: I am in a room with 3 other women. I’m tired. It’s late at night. I sit on a woman’s lap. We are wearing costumes of some kind. She has her arms around me and kisses me. She tries to “French kiss” me. At first, I don’t let her. Then I do. It’s not a French kiss, like with tongues. It’s like touching the core of something. The lips, a regular kiss, we are there in the center, like in the center of a flower, was a moist, tender, very sensitive to feeling something. We touched “cores.” I felt slightly repelled but allowed it to happen. Something in my mind was assuring me this is O.K. It’s always been forbidden but now it is O.K. and nice to do. It is important to do. She holds me in a caring way. Barb.

Mothers Tongue: Because we are a mammal and have arisen from a long line of mammals also because all mammals give caring love to their offspring with their tongues, as humans we too, if we are caring mothers, we have tongues that have enormous healing abilities. For our tongues and the saliva are excellent for healing cuts on our children and ourselves, for the tongue spreads saliva which is a natural antibiotic. Because of this the tongue and saliva serve as a natural means of cleaning the teeth.

Idioms: bite your tongue; cat got your tongue; find one’s tongue; forked tongue; hold your tongue; lose one’s tongue; on the tip of ones tongue; roll off the tongue; sharp tongue; silver tongued; slip of the tongue; tongue hanging out; tongue in cheek; thick tongue; tongue lashing; tongue tied.

Useful questions:

Do any of the idioms relate to my dream – if so what does it indicate?

is this a dream about hunger or thirst for something, if so what am I hungering or thirsting for?

Is there something I am trying to say or saying/singing really well – if so how does that relate to my waking life?

What am I do that is sexual with my tongue, and what comment is the dream making about it?

You can get into the real feelings of your dream by Being the Person or Thing; also try Talking As


-Blanca 2016-07-25 11:51:27

IDreamed About Having Glass Shoved In My Mouth By My Babies Dad Who I Loved And Well Still Love Even Though Before He Did That He Broke A Glass Cup And Started Hurting Himself. Another Dream IHad Was When IWas Trying to Pull Sharp Sticks Out Of My Tounge One By One. What Does This Mean ??

-Rebecca 2016-05-24 14:25:17

Had a dream I was holding my boyfriend’s tongue. He wasn’t in pain and was unsure if we could fix it he wasn’t worried about was dry and starting to crack and was very thick. I was unsure as well. I wanted to help and thought it possible. I examined his tongue carefully and was intrigued because I had never seen anything like it before out of someone’s mouth. Is this dream insinuating sexual desires or something along the lines of communication issues, I would love the clarification you think is behind this dream. Thank you!

-Brittanie 2016-05-20 3:04:29

I need help understanding my dream. My dream went from being on a happy vacation on a tropical island with family and friends; to something violent happening and me jumping in front of my friend to protect them. I don’t remember exactly how it happened but half of my tongue had been ripped out and I had suffered from what seems to be Aortic heart trauma. I felt like I had to spit but was scared that if I did, my tongue would fall out. For some reason I did though and just a massive amount of blood came out. My mom found me outside on the floor and shrieked. We were located very far from a medical crew so they had to carry me in a truck usually used to deliver plants, to the hospital. My friend was at my side and he was as crying. My husband was in and out of my dream frequently but he wasn’t there when I was going to the hospital. He seemed to be mad at me but I don’t know why. Either way, when I got to a medical facility they had very advanced technology and they stitched up my tongue. But I was writing with my right hand because my left side wasn’t functioning properly, and begging them writing, “Just let me die. Please just let me die.” I was in a lot of pain, but no one listened. Just they were crying. And then they strapped me to the bed and replaced my heart with a new one. They didn’t numb the pain so I felt every bit of it. So what could this dream mean? Any suggestions are welcome because it’s really disturbing to wake up to something like that.

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-05-25 10:08:10

    Dear Brittanie – Being on holiday may reflect an attitude that allows you to explore or express in ways you usually refrain from. ‘Dark’ things occur in holiday dreams because we are relaxed and what had been held back through being busy or through inner defence mechanism can emerge.
    What emerges in your dream is that you become aware that you stop yourself from saying what you would really like to say.
    With that the awareness arises that you did not express your inner pain yet and you finally decide to release some of it; “For some reason I did though and just a massive amount of blood came out.”
    The next part of your dream may reflect how you perceive your inner journey into a state of mind where you can receive healing.
    What does it feel like to be on a truck usually used to deliver plants?
    How would you describe the relationship with your friend?
    Why does your husband move “in and out of the dream”?
    In a sense many things which occur to us, although they are very real and definite, never become a part of our conscious life, but always remain in the ‘plant’ level.
    If they are to move from ‘deeply unconscious psychological and physiological process’ to becoming known consciously, there are stages such events go through.
    Exploring your dreams is a way to move through these stages too: and
    In the hospital your ability to express yourself more clearly is restored and you are able to allow, own and express your pain, perhaps for the first time.
    Shifting to your non-dominant side allows you to express feelings that were repressed before by your conscious self.
    Instead of numbing your pain you are now ready to move through it and your dream reflects the outcome; “and replaced my heart with a new one.” That is a wonderful, promising possibility.
    Allowing yourself to die (to your old self) – which is at times a painful process – reflects a transformation process that enables your rebirth.
    The change that takes place in this experience of an inwardly felt death, may at times feel like losing everything, shedding the past, becoming completely insecure. It usually leads to the realisation in one’s life of parts of oneself that were never lived before, or never allowed expression before. There is not in the end a loss of anything, only a gaining that requires one to let go of the dominance of what was previously important. From this arises a feeling of wholeness and connection with the world and self in a new way. In her book about the individuation process, Jolande Jacobi says, ‘…. transformation is an integral component of the individuation process, which in turn follows a line of development whose goal is psychic-totality.’
    Apart from writing down and exploring your dreams and keeping a diary to express your feelings, you can also explore “Opening to Life”;
    It has worked and continues to work for many people;
    I understand from your dream and also from your question “So what could this dream mean?” that your dream is still like a seed – a very important seed though – and it will need time to break through to the surface and then it has to grow.
    The source of the dream, which is a process of Life, is intelligent in its own way, and will take part in any attempt to communicate.
    So exploring your dreams by entering into their imagery and attempting to understand them will be a two way process.
    I like to remind you to be kind and patient with yourself and with your inner healing process; your inner journey that is now expressed in one dream will take more linear time in your waking life.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Anna 🙂

-~H 2016-05-03 11:22:04

Hiiii c:

In my dream, the setting takes place on my 18th birthday (which is soon) and me and my family are at my grandparents house (like usual for parties) but someone who shouldn’t be there is. Further into the dream I have a bump on my tongue and I go to remove it and it’s attached to nerves but I still pull it out and cut it with my thumb nail, even though my thought process was to leave it alone, then my tongue is bleeding profusely into the bathroom sink for three strong pulses and I feel dizzy, like one does from blood loss, but then it stops bleeding and I carry on about my day.

If you could get back to me about this, that would be very helpful.

-Kym 2015-11-06 23:51:05

Hi, in my dream i was in a shopping centre with long escalotors, il also add my ex partner was in it, although we no longer talk-in this dream we did…firstly a chunk of the front of my tongue was missing and the flesh was rotting and hanging off, i recall a piece hanging out of my mouth and i had to keep pushing it back in, i recall in the dream i needed to go to the doctors to sort it out but in the nx instance i was eating a quarter pounder but it tasted crunchy, as i spat it out there was a large piece of my tongue just flapping about in my fingers, my ex was there whilst i was eating and i recal quickly putting it back in my mouth…lots of blurry bits but recal holding all my tongue in my hand and freaking out trying to connect it back in my mouth, although in my mouth it still wasnt connected properly and i was kinda gagging on it at times as it felt too large for my mouth, still never managed to talk at all to my ex as my only thought was to get to the doctors even though deep down there was goin to be nothing the doctors would be able to do for me as the break on the tongue was too far back in my mouth, i also recal a foreign family being with us also (a man and a child) but i couldnt talk to them properly…the long escalator stairs stood out in my dream too, up and down them a few times..i eventualy woke up really suddenly ….this was an afternoon nap aswell, and prob only lasted 15 mins in all but the dream seemed longer and kinda played on my mind for hours after….Many Thanks

-Phoebe 2015-10-12 23:47:41

I had a dream I was holding a black lizard with 2 tongues

-Amanda 2015-08-16 8:10:58

I had a dream that I was drinking water from a styrofoam cup (I usually drink from my water bottle) and then as I was putting the cup down, I felt something in my mouth. I pulled out a very tiny baby fish and was even confused by it in my dream. Any thoughts as to what this could mean?

-Asher 2015-05-29 18:11:38

I had a dream last night that my friend had blood coming out of her eyes when she kissed this guy. In the dream I kissed the same guy and I also had blood coming out of my eyes, but I was puking up acid and blood. The acidity in my mouth was so bad that my tongue fell out of my mouth and into the sink. I was sent to the hospital and I started speaking some other language. What does this mean?

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2015-06-01 9:37:36

    Dear Asher – Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
    Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations and are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama. So when you dream of someone you should not feel you are dreaming about that actual person. As with most dreams, the person in the dream is not the person themselves, but is a collection of memories, associations and feelings about him or her.
    The way we perceive the other person could be a meeting with our own shadow, and so our judgments and criticism about the other person might reveal more about ourselves than about that person; also usually there is an air of disrepute about the person, or of danger.
    So it will serve a purpose to explore if there is something you do not like about “this guy” and if you met this part of yourself which you rejected.
    Puking up blood and acid is about the feeling of having thought, felt, or expressed things that do not agree with the best in yourself and so it is weakening and painful to part of yourself.
    Explore if you spread rumours or if you made hurtful comments about “this guy” and if that is why you lost your tongue.
    Foreign or strange language may illustrate something which is being communicated to us from within, but is still not clear. The unconscious, as in speaking in tongues – glossolalia – and of course in dreams, frequently moves toward clear awareness in stages. The strange language is a half-way house toward focused critical awareness, as is a dream. If we bring focused attention to these, as explained in the next step, clear verbal expression, can be reached.
    See also
    Good Luck!
    Anna 🙂

-daisy 2015-05-24 23:49:55

hiya just a little puzzled over the meaning behind my dream….
i cut my own tongue off believing it would grow baxk and had a stump in my mouth. my best friend was suddenly there asking me why on earth id done it? i told him it was okay it would grow back. to which he replied that the tongue was one of the few body parts that doesnt grow back, look….he then preceeded to grab someone we study with (i dont remember who and was actually very indifferent to this) and cut out their tongue. which did not grow back. mine however did.
so was just a bit weirded out and hoped you could help?

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2015-05-26 9:08:06

    Dear Daisy – In our inner world confusion often precedes clarity. And so being confused can be good. I know that sounds strange, but confusion is part of the change process. If things are staying the same, you are rarely confused. Confusion happens when you change and start to see/feel/sense things differently.
    The way I see your dream is that it expresses different aspects of yourself – even your best friend and the person you study with are aspects of you – and the different ways you choose to “respond” to a situation based on what you believe.
    Your cutting off your tongue in your dream does not show any sign of hurting yourself and so I see it as an expression of your working towards inner change.
    Your tongue growing back at the end of the dream is reflecting these changes in you which bring about new ways of relating and responding to other people, yourself and activity.
    Your best friend appearing I see as another daring part in you which is questioning/evaluating the belief that the tongue will grow back.
    Your dream then graphically illustrate your conflicting beliefs and what influence they have.
    Many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.
    To continue to support your growth it serves a purpose to explore this dream (and future dreams) yourself too:
    Good Luck!
    Anna 🙂

-Chantelle 2015-05-10 9:51:17

I had a dream last night that a tongue had grown on the top of my head and I tried to hide it u Der my hair. Can anyone tell me what this may mean? Thanks

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2015-05-11 9:18:26

    Dear Chantelle – A tongue relates to speech and if you say something “off the top of your head” you say it without thinking about it for very long or looking at something that has been written about it.
    In your dream you use other thoughts – your hair – to hide that you spoke about something without knowledge.
    See also
    Anna 🙂

-claire 2015-02-19 22:53:13

I had a dream I needed surgery on my tounge to have part of it removed. I never made it to surgery for lots of different reasons in the dream but I wasnt scared by it.

-Wondering 2014-05-20 2:43:25

I dreamed I had a very long, coarse single dark hair growing through my tongue and I used scissors to cut it and pull it out. I’ve tried to interpret it all ways I can think and nothing. Anything that might help?

-sara 2013-09-10 8:09:31

I dreamt that there was seaweed/algae growing from my tongue, but it was interpreted as a disease in my dream.
That really freaked and disgusted me out, cannot get the picture out of my head…

-S 2013-06-05 9:59:55

Hello. I have scoured the internet for even the most vague interpretation but to no avail. I dreamt that I had two small teeth centered behind my tongue (near the tonsil area). In my dream, I was aware of my thoughts/concerns which were, “why are these here? How? Will it be possible for them to be removed?”

    -Tony Crisp 2013-06-09 8:15:56

    S – I think you are confusing your experience of living in the outer world with your inner world. See –

    I feel that in the inner world of your dream the teeth at the back of your tongue are a protection or a guard to what you swallow. What you swallow can also indicate what you take into you in terms of food, ideas and criticisms, feelings and suggestion you might have ‘swallowed’. When you swallow something it affects you negatively or positively. Maybe you need to ‘chew over’ what you take in more.


-Shannon 2012-12-30 1:01:02

What does it mean if in my dream a guy puts his tongue in my ear… I really felt it!!

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