
This obviously relates to speech, and the capable expression of what you feel. It enables you to articulate what is deep inside you, perhaps unknown even to yourself till it is spoken. So dreaming of the tongue being cut out shows real feelings of being mute and not able to express clearly.

Dreaming of any pain or injury to the tongue can either mean a problem with speech, or  that you are being hurtful in what you say. But the tongue also is involved in eating and caring – licking. It is an extension of the digestive organs, and its condition says a lot about your inner health.

An example is as follows. The woman was angry at her friend and was arguing:

She follows me around and won’t stop. After what seems like a long time, I start to do it too. Suddenly I see dazzling, sparkling blue and red colors like fireworks or prism colors on the end of my tongue. Ginny’s face goes out of focus. I am aware that I’m letting go and I’m in a different state of awareness. I talk rapidly, non-stop, and I’m vaguely aware that I might be saying hurtful things that could hurt other people’s feelings, but I know I must and it’s O.K. It spews out of me unchecked.

Sometimes the tongue refers to different languages we speak.

But the tongue and mouth are our first organs of gaining our needs and relating to the world and other people. The baby doesn’t just suck to gain milk, its tongue has wave like – peristaltic – movements that take the milk right down into the stomach. Kissing is therefore at least in part a return to this basic level of relationship and gaining needs, pleasure and contact with another being. If there are signs of this in the dream then it is reflecting ease or difficulty with that infant level of relatedness. The tongue can here be an expression of desire – of ‘I want’.

Because of the way the tongue and mouth are sometimes used in oral sex, the tongue can depict the penis, or at least, the drive to penetrate or to make contact through that sensitive organ. Another side to this is that we can express a lot of care and love through the tongue, as when a mother animal licks its child, so can express healing. So any problems relating to the tongue and sex need to be understood.

Example: We have a regular kiss, but realise we are there in the center, like in the center of a flower, which was a moist, tender, very sensitive to feeling something. We touched “cores.” I felt slightly repelled but allowed it to happen. Something in my mind was assuring me this is O.K. It’s always been forbidden but now it is O.K. and nice to do. It is important to do. She holds me in a caring way

Example: I am in a room with 3 other women. I’m tired. It’s late at night. I sit on a woman’s lap. We are wearing costumes of some kind. She has her arms around me and kisses me. She tries to “French kiss” me. At first, I don’t let her. Then I do. It’s not a French kiss, like with tongues. It’s like touching the core of something. The lips, a regular kiss, we are there in the center, like in the center of a flower, was a moist, tender, very sensitive to feeling something. We touched “cores.” I felt slightly repelled but allowed it to happen. Something in my mind was assuring me this is O.K. It’s always been forbidden but now it is O.K. and nice to do. It is important to do. She holds me in a caring way. Barb.

Mothers Tongue: Because we are a mammal and have arisen from a long line of mammals also because all mammals give caring love to their offspring with their tongues, as humans we too, if we are caring mothers, we have tongues that have enormous healing abilities. For our tongues and the saliva are excellent for healing cuts on our children and ourselves, for the tongue spreads saliva which is a natural antibiotic. Because of this the tongue and saliva serve as a natural means of cleaning the teeth.

Idioms: bite your tongue; cat got your tongue; find one’s tongue; forked tongue; hold your tongue; lose one’s tongue; on the tip of ones tongue; roll off the tongue; sharp tongue; silver tongued; slip of the tongue; tongue hanging out; tongue in cheek; thick tongue; tongue lashing; tongue tied.

Useful questions:

Do any of the idioms relate to my dream – if so what does it indicate?

is this a dream about hunger or thirst for something, if so what am I hungering or thirsting for?

Is there something I am trying to say or saying/singing really well – if so how does that relate to my waking life?

What am I do that is sexual with my tongue, and what comment is the dream making about it?

You can get into the real feelings of your dream by Being the Person or Thing; also try Talking As


-Summer 2017-03-12 6:40:02

Please translate i had a dream that i shopped off womens tongue and started punching them.

If it helps: i am a straight 28 yr old woman. You no that stereotype type that men dont want to get involved when they see two women fightin. That is the same gut fear i get.
Did this dream happen because i am tired of women always confronting and telling me what to do in the real life. And scared to tell them that is not true and that i can never win in an argument or discussion. Because when i do say my opinion its always my fault not theres but they can say there opinion to me and feel they are always right.
Im talking about my sisters older and younger than me.

    -Tony Crisp 2017-03-12 9:57:18

    Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.

    It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – and also which has so much information in.

    Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – or


    Yes Summer – In a sense you are cutting off your own tongue by not being able to stand up for yourself. Being in a family is a good thing in one way, it confronts you with opposition. Natural animals when young constantly fight and rough and tumble. But they grow out if that, but it sounds your sisters haven’t grown up and continue to ‘tongue lash’ you.

    I don’t see that trying to win an argument with them will work. But feeling your own strength and confidence can, because then when they start talking a lot of rubbish to you you can simply smile.

    The down and up are opposite poles of how we express ourselves not only physically but psychologically. The down expresses sleep, rest, withdrawal and non-involvement.

    The up expresses activity, involvement and confrontation. When we emerge from the womb, our being is confronted by a different world. In the womb there was little change. There was no otherness such as other objects or people to deal with. There was no need to reach out for your needs because food came automatically. In life outside the womb, food does not come automatically, certainly not as we mature. There are other people and objects to deal with. Change is occurring all the time. If as a baby we found no comfort or love when we were born, it could be that we did easily adapt to this new life. Perhaps we did not want to be involved in its change, its opposites, its necessity to find our own needs and to cope with other people. We may have wished to stay in the womb condition because there was no reward in emerging from it. So although our body matured, we might not have developed into an outgoing explorative person. This might lead us to be quiet and unexpressive, not wishing to be involved in what is going on around us. See

    -Tony Crisp 2017-03-12 9:57:18

    Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.

    It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – and also which has so much information in.

    Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – or


    Yes Summer – In a sense you are cutting off your own tongue by not being able to stand up for yourself. Being in a family is a good thing in one way, it confronts you with opposition. Natural animals when young constantly fight and rough and tumble. But they grow out if that, but it sounds your sisters haven’t grown up and continue to ‘tongue lash’ you.

    I don’t see that trying to win an argument with them will work. But feeling your own strength and confidence can, because then when they start talking a lot of rubbish to you you can simply smile.

    The down and up are opposite poles of how we express ourselves not only physically but psychologically. The down expresses sleep, rest, withdrawal and non-involvement.

    The up expresses activity, involvement and confrontation. When we emerge from the womb, our being is confronted by a different world. In the womb there was little change. There was no otherness such as other objects or people to deal with. There was no need to reach out for your needs because food came automatically. In life outside the womb, food does not come automatically, certainly not as we mature. There are other people and objects to deal with. Change is occurring all the time. If as a baby we found no comfort or love when we were born, it could be that we did not easily adapt to this new life. Perhaps we did not want to be involved in its change, its opposites, its necessity to find our own needs and to cope with other people. We may have wished to stay in the womb condition because there was no reward in emerging from it. So although our body matured, we might not have developed into an outgoing explorative person. This might lead us to be quiet and unexpressive, not wishing to be involved in what is going on around us. See

      -Summer 2017-03-12 23:59:23

      Thank you very much. Your words helped alot.

        -Tony Crisp 2017-03-13 9:19:29

        It was a good feeling to look at your dream and write about it. I am always learning from the dreams sent to me.


-Kamikaze Kitsune 2017-02-15 19:04:40

I just had a dream where i was alome in my apartment. I had just taken a sip of my water when my tongue started falling apart like a wet tissue not quite out though. In this dream i was also pregnant. I had called 911 and they seemed preoccupied and amused at my cried for help. I was drooling and choking on my salive that was gushing like a faucet.

-Lucy 2017-01-05 21:56:14

(This may be lengthy I apologise)

Last night I had a dream that started with me in a completely unrecognisable building – I was staring at a kitchen worktop for a while as though I’d forgotten why I was there. Out of nowhere my ex boyfriend wrapped his arms around me and was being quite sweet and when I turned around he kissed me quite softly.

He then lead me into the next room (I remember it was colourful and straggly decorated if that helps?) Where a group of guys in their early twenties (didn’t recognise any of them) were stood around waiting to cut one of their tongues out. It was so strange because the man who had his tongue cut was totally willing – and the group seemed to be doing it because they thought it would be funny or weird.

By this time my ex had disappeared completely – and so one man pulled the other’s tongue out and cut most of it off with garden shears. There were maybe 10 people altogether (all young men – they were dressed like the stereotypical chav I suppose)

Immediately after the guy had his tongue cut out words appeared over the picture that said “3 seconds later” and then the person just suddenly and violently threw up. It was a lot of blood and tears – but all of his friends were laughing? He asked for help and then I woke up.

I understand the tongue connection – because just yesterday I had a lot of drama with one of my friends and it lead to me having to share some personal stuff in order to protect her. But I don’t understand why my ex appeared in the dream and kissed me and lead me to watch someone having their tongue cut out? In real life he and I are still friends – I love him dearly and I do feel kind of conflicted about him however we’ve been separated for 6 months or so and I’m over our relationship, so I guess I’m just confused about why he lead me to watch such a horrible thing?

I’m really sorry this has been long but this is the first dream I’ve had in a long time that I really can’t understand

    -Tony Crisp 2017-01-06 11:18:02

    Hi – I must take time to upgrade the dream dictionary, so must halt from answering your posts – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet. I believe someone else may start.

    So, for a while I urge you to read

    Also, here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – or and

    Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also, see


    You male friend – When you think about a friend or a person you meet, you are only taking in your thoughts, impressions and feelings about them. So many people do not realise that they have an inner person equally as powerful as the external person you know. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by meeting or living with them, and they are what makes you the person you are.  The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner person can appear in dreams because you still carry the memories or impressions of them, and so they influenced what you hold within you.

    So he represent associated memories you have about him. It was this love and care that is a part of you that enabled you to have the view of the youth having his tongue cut out.

    To understand a little – Recently I have come to see dreams as the lonely voice of Life calling out to us in our often frantic search for meaning. It calls out from its vastness that is beyond our understanding, and in its loving efforts gathers the fragments of our memory and associations and forms dreams with them. It does this in its efforts to instruct, guide and even heal us; but often we miss seeing that just as Life reaches to us from its vastness using things we might understand, we too must reach beyond our often pitiful understanding to move toward and touch the wonder of Life within us.

    So explore your dream using the methods described.

-Debs 2017-01-03 22:28:51

Hi, my daughter who is 4 keeps waking at night. She is so scared and just told me she keeps dreaming about the joker cutting out all her siblings tongues. She also said the grinch was there and had blood all over his mouth. Can anyone give me advice on what I should do? And does anyone know what the dreams could mean.

    -Tony Crisp 2017-01-04 9:51:50

    Films with horrible scenes should never be allowed viewing for children. A child’s imagination is a wonderful or awful thing, depending what it is put into the child’s mind.

    I was born in 1937, and so during the war years my parents used to take me to the local cinema – all films at that time were in black and white. One evening I saw a film showing an insane man escaping from an insane asylum. It went on to show the madman crawling in through people’s windows and cutting their throats. For many years I was terrified that such a man would get though my windows and cut my throat.

    If you are a caring parent, don’t expose it to such films. What might help is to get your child to paint or model the frightening things – then ask it what it wants to do to them. for now you are allowing the child’s imagination to take the scene forward. It can put them in a cage, make friends with them or kill them, or whatever will satisfy the child.

-Lisa 2017-01-02 21:24:51

I had dream of seeing my dead mom seeing people i didn’t know not able to talk with my tongue cut off. Seeing talking to some of my family ,then the other morning I was outside with my child age b 10 outside seen 2 black crows one older crow and I think a baby. After like 4 mins 2 more black crows I think younger ones . I feel like something or someone not showing me or telling me something that’s important to me and i am not able to talk cause of not knowing to who or whom??

-Ashleigh 2016-12-12 15:40:36

Last night I had a dream I was underwater. I was able to breath and walk around the bottom of a pool that looked like it was at a gym or something. While down there a group of guys in their early twenties came and killed everyone and they came up to me and I told them that I was special , that I could breath under water. The main guy told me he could do something better and then proceeded to grab my tongue and pulled it out of my body. I instantly felt like I had turned into a demon of some sort from like a scary movie. And the dream continued, I was with the bad people and they used me as a weapon because I couldn’t die. I pleaded with the guy to give me my tongue back and that I would stay with him and his crew and he finally agreed, but I woke up before I could get it back. But when I woke up I felt like my tongue had really been taken out of my body my whole jaw hurt and I had a pounding headache.

-Shadowmoon 2016-11-23 7:37:11

Last night I dreamt I cut my tongue out. In the dream I was standing in front of a mirror with strangers around me. I used a sharp knife. There was no blood and strangely, the reason for it was cosmetic, which makes no sense. It didn’t ‘hurt’. Afterwards I felt regretful but accepting. Very odd. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

-Toya 2016-11-11 17:31:02

I had a dream the top of my dream felt hard and bulky like there was stuff on if so I had to rip off the top part of my tongue and then it was better. Ugh! It was weird. What could this mean?

-Jade Vermillion 2016-11-08 22:03:06

Last night I dreamed that I had a whole in the right side of my tongue that you could see into. I remember that there was some pain and that it was large enough to put my pinky into. My boyfriend and I had an argument last night about how his ex keeps trying to break us up and all the dumb stuff she’s trying to do to make me leave him.

-Nicole 2016-10-04 11:38:05

Ive has a recurring dream where my teeth are trying to rot out, ill cling unto them before they fall out but once they do I can’t stop pulling them put myself.

This dream happens every night, however last nights was different, as I began to pull my teeth out I noticed my tongue felt too big and was going to choke me. I went to pull out something from under my tongue and ripped the whole tongue out.

I could still talk and felt like I was choking anymore. When my brother noticed it was gone, I grabbed it off my desk. It felt so real l, it was cold and and I could feel the muscles in it, I put it back in my mouth and it grew back together.

I’m so confused and tortured by these recurring dreams, please help me understand.

-tin 2016-08-29 8:43:07

I dreamt had a growth on my tongue then i pulled it off with my hands and started bleeding.wat could it mean

-MJ Collocott 2016-08-20 10:14:26

Please help me I am having a horrific re occurring nightmare of having to scrape my tongue and the inside of my mouth. Always choking on vomit or tissue paper. Trying to reach into my mouth and claw at my throat and tongue with my nails and fingers to clean it out. It is so vivid and disgusting.
This has been happening to over a year.

I really really need help please.

-Katrina 2016-08-08 20:28:18

I had a very vivid dream…
I had a newborn baby (i have no children in real life) and when ilI came home I found it had bit hakf of it’s own tongue off. At first I thought the baby was dead because of the blood and it was motionless.
I refer to the baby as a boy in to someone and as a girl to someone else but those parts of the dream are not as rememberable.
I can still see this horrible image in my mind days later and tried to research it but could only mainly find references focusing on one’s own tongue.
I have told some others about it and they are curious as to if there is a meaning behind this dreM as well.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated, especially since I have only been able to remember a handful of dreams in my lifetime and this is one of them.

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-08-12 13:32:57

    Dear Katrina – You may also like to read
    The baby in your dream may be a symbol for something new that has come into your life and you do not dare to express it yet which repression may be perceived as painful.
    So your dream can have both a positive and a negative meaning.
    See also
    Perhaps your dream reflects something that has happened to you while you were younger and it is now time to digest your experience of not being able to express a part of your inner growth so that you can be more open to growth in general.
    All dreams are attempts on the part of our being to move toward wholeness and equilibrium. At times this may necessitate disturbance, just as vomiting does when the body discharges poisonous food. Nevertheless, difficult dreams (or horrible images) are a way of bringing attention to areas of our experience we may be neglecting to look at, or even powerfully refusing to see.
    The shock of the dream is therefore often more to do with the strength of our repression of the insight it brings.
    Because you have told some others about your dream as well, you might want to reflect on the idea of exploring your dream with their help;
    If that idea does not resonate inside you, you can also explore it on your own;
    It will assist you in giving you a direct experience of what lives in your inner world, which could be far more effective than reading the words I have written.
    Anna 🙂

      -Katrina 2016-08-21 6:55:19

      Thank you fir you insight and suggesstions. I am eager to look into thise references that you mentioned as well.
      The info you gave seems to be going down an interesting path and much of what you said does definitely sounds correct… I just need to peice it together as best as i can 🙂
      Thank you so much again!
      You are terrific!!!!

-Angela Salhi 2016-08-01 13:02:41

I dreamt last night, I was talking to my husband and when I was reply my tongue was coming away in my mouth in bits ..woke up with very sore tongue ..what does this mean …..

-Maria 2016-07-27 15:24:32

In my dream someone cut my tongue off and I wa searching for my ex boyfriend to help me but I just could not get to him. I could see him but never got to him. In this dream I could see and feel the blood.

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