The Baby In Your Dream
Your dream baby is very special to you. It doesn’t matter that perhaps the baby in your dream is the child of another woman, it is still the baby of your dream. Like any baby, it is something new and vulnerable that has come to life – come to your life. The important question is, what is it that is new and growing in your love, in your work, or in yourself? Or perhaps it is about vulnerability. Therefore the answers you give to the following questions are important in helping you discover the truth about your dream baby.
Example: I have had 2 dreams now where I am pregnant and there are 3 possibilities for the dad! 3. And usually its a pair of brothers (different each time) and another person (cant remember exactly who, once it was my ex bf I think). Weird right? Why would I have this dream? I am married and had a baby over a year ago.
Your dream baby is very special to you. Like any baby, it is something new and vulnerable that has come to life – come to your life. The important question is, what is it that is new and growing in your love, in your work, or in yourself? Such a baby is a new part of yourself that you have formed out of your life experiences and so is enlarging you. Take care of it and see what it adds to your life.
However, if you are pregnant or hoping for a baby at the time of the dream, your dream baby may be reflecting your hopes, fears or intuitions about pregnancy. Many pregnant women have very anxious or strange dreams about their baby. So do not feel that such dreams are predictions. They are often ways of releasing anxiety or of expressing hopes regarding your unborn child.
If you have given birth to a baby in a dream, it can represent a new phase of life; a new idea; new activity – as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning a new project or business. This ‘baby’ might be part of you that did not have a chance to be ‘born’ or express before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life that you could not put into practice because of circumstances. The baby in this aspect is the ‘you’ that could have been if you had been free from problems and past hurts.
How would you describe the condition or situation of the baby?
The baby in your dream might be hungry or ill. It might be wonderfully advanced and already able to speak. Whatever the condition, this is a description of what is happening with the newly emerging or vulnerable part of you. Therefore try to put into words what you see or feel the condition of the baby is.
As an example of this, here is a fragment from a man’s dream: ‘I am responsible for bringing up a baby boy. I feel very happy about it and feel committed to it.’ So in this case the condition of the baby is that of being loved and cared for.
What does it mean when I give birth to a dream baby without a father?
If you have given birth without any man involved, it suggests it is a virgin birth – i.e. no male partner was involved at the time.
So the dream baby born to you in this way a wonderful creative act between you and Life. It is a new part of you that if you let it gradually grow into your waking life as a new force, a new way of feeling about life and acting. Being pregnant like that is very important. Obviously you are not going to give birth to a physical baby, but dream babies are important too.
Many women dream of giving birth without any man involved. Virgin birth is normal part of dreaming. It means that the woman or young girl has conceived as a process of Life. Being a virgin represents the human soul or psyche and its possibility of dropping pre-conceptions, thus attaining an inner virginity and through that being receptive to the unseen or unconscious side of self. Joseph Campbell in his book “Myths To Live By” says – “There are myths and legends of the Virgin Birth, of Incarnations, Deaths and Resurrections; Second Comings, Judgements and the rest, in all the great traditions. And since such images stem from the psyche (from you and your dreams), they refer to the psyche. They tell us of its structure, its order, and its forces, in symbolic terms.”
For instance, the story and events surrounding the virgin birth, when looked as if a dream are not about a biological miracle, but about how as ordinary people, we can drop our preconceptions, our fixed ideas and beliefs and allow an entirely new and creative impulse into our life. This truth has been so venerated that we find virgin figures all over the world such as Maya the mother of Buddha born 500 BC; the virgin mother of Osiris, and of course the story told of Mary.
Being a virgin in this case is about having a mind free from previous ‘conceptions’ and so being open to Life itself fertilising you for a new and precious thing being born. If you are not a virgin because you have had children, that is not what virgin birth is about. It is about conceiving without any mental preconceptions, having an open and receptive mind or soul. it is about a wonderful human possibility.
Only a ‘virgin birth’ can bring forth the birth of an intuition, a new response to oneself and ones environment, that transforms ones life. This is a living relationship with the mystery which underlies our life. If we generate a child in this way, we are not held prisoner by habits of thought, stereotypes of behaviour, then we can begin to allow into our waking life what was previously impossible to know. This open state of mind and feelings, acts as a link between the identity or personality, and the deep unconscious life processes. This link allows a birth of realisations and inner change that brings healing and a possibility of experiencing the aspect of oneself that is our core self. Here is an example of a man giving birth to the wonderful child.
“Was in a basement where my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it without a doctor being there. It was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious; then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!” I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?” I explained that the spirit self it knew before birth was now gone so it could live in the body. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards.”
This was a dream marking a real change in the man’s life. The man did work at cleaning his basement/unconscious and then began to go upstairs to his wider awareness.
Example: “I had a baby girl, but I had no idea who the father was. I’m dating someone now, so I figured it was his, but she didn’t look like him at all. I remember I started going through this list of men I’d been with recently”.
A way to understand this dream is that you have given birth to a new part of yourself and your inner male is the father. This is said because of your uncertainty about who the father was, and that your baby girl did not look like the present partner. /so this makes it more certain that your baby was a creation with you and the processes of life in you, your inner male – or animus – which is a synthesis of all your male contacts.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
What are your feelings or thoughts about the baby as it appears in the dream?
What you feel and think about the baby gives an indication of how you are relating to the new or vulnerable part of yourself, or what worries you are discharging. Clarify them to recognise what may be helping or hindering this new experience in your life.
An example of this: I had a dream that I had a child and had to cancel a test because I had to take care of the baby. I was breast feeding the baby, because it is healthier to breast feed than to give formula from a bottle. The person that I had been seeing wanted to know what I thought I was doing. The question was in an accusatory manner, like I had no business breast feeding my own baby. Then I left the baby with my friends and left. When I came back, they were feeding the baby Tabasco sauce because they ran out of milk. This shocked me because I thought my friends were more responsible than that.
So there are two issues here. The first is the struggle and strength to oppose what is felt to be right in the face of other people’s opinions. The second is that other people can injure your vulnerable and growing self if you let them take over your decisions. In either case it is clear that you have the intuitive knowledge to see what is the best way to nurture your baby.
Is the dream baby my own child?
If we are parents we often dream about our own children. Occasionally such dreams express concerns we have about our own child. We have noticed something ‘out of the corner of our eye’, and the dream puts this into focus. But often such dreams use the child to illustrate a developing part of you. This is because your actual child has characteristics unique to itself. They may be adventurous, playful, thoughtful or highly verbal. To understand your dream you need to define how you see and feel about your child.
For instance a woman dreamt she was sitting on a window sill and was frightened of falling. So much so she couldn’t move. Then she reached out and took her small son’s hand and climbed into the building away from danger. In describing how she felt about her son, she said he was courageous and confident. So her dream was showing how, by reaching out for her own confidence and courage, however immature, she could overcome her anxiety about falling/failing. Her child calls out her inner strength to meet the situation and overcome the danger.
Can I help the baby in any way?
This is an important question to answer because your dreams often present you with opportunities to change or to grow. If the dream is dealing with an emerging part of your nature, or a new love or project, protecting and helping this new dimension of your life is important. So, for instance, if your baby needs feeding or affection, sit quietly and imagine yourself feeding the baby, or giving it affection. Do whatever you feel is needed to help it. See Secrets of Power Dreaming
Is this an intuition about a baby’s or my baby’s situation?
Quite often we dream about awful events in connection with our baby or child. Because these can be incredibly disturbing it is important to understand their meaning. As a first step there are at least two types of dreams that deal with disturbing events. The first type of dream is called ‘representative’. And the following is an example of it.
I am on a country walk with my wife and small son. I look back to see my son fall down a deep hole. I rush back to see him drowning, and wonder whether I should jump down to help him. Then suddenly he is okay and with me again.
The father was incredibly worried that it showed a bad situation for his son. But as we explored it we realised that the son represented his marriage. He had a terrible row with his wife the day before, and he was frightened that it was the end of their life together. The son in this dream was the result of their marriage, what they had created together. So if the son had died it would have shown the father feeling their marriage had no hope of a future. But the dream showed the son fully recovered, showing that even when he was feeling bad, his dream showed him a different outcome. So it represented the father’s intense feelings and the possible outcome.
The other type of dream can be called direct insight or prophetic. Such dreams are usually not in any way symbolic and are highly uncommon. They do not include such things as are in the above dream which quickly switches from danger to ease. The following dream is an example.
One morning my wife woke and told me she had dreamt about the baby of two of our friends. The friends, a man and wife, were living about 200 miles from us. We knew the wife was pregnant, and about a week or so before the dream we had received a short letter saying their baby, a boy, had been born. We were not on the telephone at the time, so the letter was our only means of communication.
In the dream my wife saw the baby and a voice from behind her told her the child was ill. Its illness, she was given to understand, was serious, and would need to be treated with a drug taken every day of the child’s life. The reason for this illness and the drug use, she was told, was because in a past life the person now born as the baby had committed suicide using a drug.
In this dream very definite information was given that could be checked. I didn’t take the dream seriously, thinking it was some sort of personally symbolic dream. The dream was sent to the couple, and about a week later a letter from them said that the letter and dream had crystallised their already existing anxiety about the baby. It had not been feeding well and was fretful. On taking it to the doctor nothing definite could be found but special tests were made in hospital. From these it was discovered the baby was dying. It lacked an enzyme which was needed to digest calcium. To compensate it was given a drug, which it has had to take every day of its life to make up for the lacking enzyme.
The dream did not represent a situation, it described it clearly. Also it could easily be checked. So if you are uncertain, always go for the representative dream, as prophetic dreams are extremely rare.
So the questions to ask are: Is this dream making a direct statement? If so can I check it for accuracy? If it is a representative dream, ask yourself what it represents symbolically, and go through the questions above.
Summing Up
From the answers you have given to the questions see if you can recognise what new thing has come into, or is emerging, in your life. What do you feel vulnerable about? Is it to do with someone you love? Is it a new attitude you have to the way you express yourself? Or perhaps it is a new project you have undertaken.
When you can connect the dream with your everyday experience, consider what the dream is depicting in its drama. Is it saying the baby is healthy and strong? Does your baby need support? Is it nourished? Whatever you have discovered from looking at your dream baby, try to use the insights in your everyday life. Build them into the way you feel and think, and watch your baby grow.
See Being the Person or Thing; Inner Baby and Child; also baby babies.
I’m an 18 year old female. I keep having dreams that im either pregnant, already have a baby, or having sex with the bf to where i will become pregnant. I always care for the baby the best I can and I get very jealous if the baby wants to go to someone else besides me. The baby is usually a girl and very healthy. Currenty I have been worrying about getting a job and I always think about how amazing it would be to have a child. I have had problems with my current bf about having a kid. (we’ve been together for 21/2 years) I would really enjoy knowing why I keep having these dreams!
Thank You!
Nikki – These dreams are typical of a healthy young woman. Dreams are not just random images as some researchers say, but are an expression of Life getting you ready to be a full mother. To do this it usually gives a lot of practice runs. It has the effect of you already feeling confident about giving birth.
If you live from the deep feelings within you, and not from worry or what others want of you, Life will find a way for you to express what you want. The boy friend in your dream is a stage prop, and not the actual person. In a dream we are alone in our own fears, longings, hopes and wisdom, and so create our own character out of memories and experiences. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
So hold in mind the sort of father you wish for – what qualities he should have to be a good partner and father for your little girl. And the same with work. Be the shining young woman you can be and confidently go for what you want. Do not be put off by failure. Learn from it and realise that Life has a place for you and it might not be the one you are applying for.
Im 30 yrs old (F) and married for 1 yrs. We are trying to get baby and also going on treatment. Yesterday I dream that I have a baby girl wrapped with white towel. She have a beautiful eyes and smiling at me. I took her in my hands and starts to breastfeed her. I felt so happy in that dream which felt atlast I got a baby. What this dream mean for ? Am i going to be pregnant ? Eager to know the meaning..
Bathma – It seems uncertain as to whether you will have a baby, but your dream is swinging it in the direction of yes.
So keep returning to the dream in your mind and heart, and remember the good feelings and you will swing it further into the yes. I have a good feeling about this.
Hi I’m 21 I will b 22 in oct. And I keep having this dream that I’m prego and go into labor and no one can find my boyfriend so my mom and my little sister bring me to the hospital I have a natural birth but there is no pain the baby is born and I’m upset that adams not there when the nurse hands me the babyin a white blanket I can’t hear if she says its a boy or a girl that same day they say I can take the baby home and they put it in girl clothes but my boyfriend shows up and he didn’t put the car seat in the car so I can’t take my baby home with me. I’m so sad. And I woke up crying.
What could this mean. I’ve been without a job for 6months and me and my boyfriend had to move back in with his mother and she is the most awful person ever. On top of it my bestfriend is prego and I feel jealous of her because I always thought I would have a baby before her she is younger and very imature. And I believe the fact that my boyfriend doesn’t want a baby till we own r own home or are married has something to do with it he says if I was to get pregnant he would want me to get rid of it and I’m very against it but I’ve never told him that please can u help me this is driving me crazy……………………………..
Alysia – Your dream suggests that you are ready to have a baby and do it well. But there are things in the way that cause you to feel frustrated, so you cry when you wake. That your boy friend is not with you at the birth is you summary of how he feels about you having a baby – and then he doesn’t fix the baby car seat is saying he will not support you in this direction.
It feels as if you are on the verge of having baby and wanting to go it alone. That can be a very hard road to travel – but then so often is marriage. But be cautious, as your pressure to have a baby might push your boy friend away.
I am an 18 yr old female. Last night I had a dream that I was caring for a baby. I don’t believe I ever saw her face, she was always wrapped in a pink blanket and the baby was my mothers, not mine (so technically my sister, but I did not think of her like that). I was the only person who cared about this baby and was constantly holding her. At one point in the dream my whole family was traveling somewhere and I HAD to be the one to drive and letting someone else watch over the baby while I drove brought me to tears. When I finally was holding the baby again in was the most relieveing feeling in world. I woke up wishing there was a baby, any baby, for me to hold. I’m very confused of what all this means, especially because I don’t generally remember my dreams-and this one was so specific.
Thank you
Ray – The baby girl that your mother had was you!! And the baby you are holding and caring for with such love is the young part of you that needs you to hold her and care for her/you.
It amazed me when I really started to explore my dreams to realise that I still exist at every age. I came across a young part of me that was – in the world of dreams in a cellar – and said to me very forcefully, ‘Don’t touch me. I am DANGEROUS!’ Then I asked, ‘How old are you, little dangerous being?’ To which he replied, ‘I’m three. I’m only little. But I’m dangerous. I will KILL YOU if you get near me. I’ll bite you or something.’
In investigating further it came out why this little part of me had got stuck in a cellar. He said, ‘If my mother had loved me she would never have let me be alone for so long. How could anybody leave me for that long? She never ever came back after that. She is dangerous. She might do it again. I don’t want her near me. – I want my real mother!’ He was referring to my grandmother.
So Ray, take good care of that baby and see it grow up.
In my dream i see my boyfriends mom holding a baby in a red dress as she is talking to me in the stairs of the house while I was trying to sleep
Maria – You could have given me a few clues as to what you felt or thought was going on.
I am guessing you thought the baby was yours. If so it might be that you would like it to be so. But without any other information I do not know. Or it could be this is a prediction.
Hi Tony, I had my baby dream last nite. First a little background info. I’m 24, married, no children, but had a miscarriage 7 months ago the due date is actually tomorrow..
In my dream my husband and I were laying in bed with our 3 babies. My husband had several bottles in his hand. I began to fill them with the milk from my breast, without using a pump. The biggest baby turned into a robot and fell of the bed. My husband and I began to mourn but continues to fill the glass baby bottles. The 2 babies left were cooing. Everytime they stopped cooing they would turn into robots and come back to life…I eventually had all bottles filled and continued to breast feed them. Instead of giving them bottles. Then I woke up feeling like my breast were sore but went away after 5 mins.
Frenchie – I have a feeling from your dream that you have a successful marriage. I also feel that the first baby that fell off the bed was a reference to the miscarriage, and that you will go on to successfully have at least two more children. I think it is a good idea to take vitamin E daily before and during pregnancy, plus a good multi vitamin and mineral.
I am not sure why the dream is so interested in your breasts, but there is usually a good reason, and it may be understood as time goes on. As for the robots, dreams about pregnancy are often weird, and can incorporate any worries you have about being a mother.
Hello, I am glad to have found this website and i’m hoping you could help me. I am a 23 year old female and I just had a dream last night about me in a hospital having a baby. My dream started out in a house that looked old and for some reason i was there to spend the night with my friend. Then i saw two men in the house and i walked up to them and they told me about the history of the house telling me a family or somebody was murdered in that house and then i heard music or a sound that made the eyes of the two men that was in front of me glow in a yellowish green color, after that i remember running away as fast as i can because i had that feeling that they were going to kill me or something. i was running with my friend and even though i tried so hard to run away from them, they were still behind me until i realized blood was flowing down my legs and saw that my friend is in the same state. i found myself going through my neighbors backyard to get to the hospital because for some reason i knew i was pregnant but i did not see my tummy big or anything i just knew i was pregnant and i felt that i was going to have a miscarriage. finally i see the hospital and there was this lady who knows me and even paid for my hospital bill and as i was making my way to a hospital trolley i remember going to the bathroom and checking if i was still bleeding and the i ended up on the hospital trolley going inside the elevator. and as i was laying on the trolley i see security guards inside the elevator with me, it felt like they were taking me in an underground room. as i was laying on the bed i see the doctor holding a big syringe like object with a white hose connected to it at this time i could see myself through another persons eyes and as i watch myself screaming in pain i saw the doctor putting the hose inside me and i felt the hose sucking the baby that was inside me and i could feel it leaving my body. by the time it was done i looked at the glass window and saw my friend with a guy and in his arms he was holding a baby, and as i turned my head i saw the doctor holding a clear plastic bag with water and inside was the baby she pulled out of me and as i looked closer i see the baby moving and i told the doctor that my baby is alive and she took the baby out of the plastic and was holding it while i was staring at it and then the baby moved ans i felt tears running down my face and telling myself my baby is alive and reaching out to hold my baby i noticed his/her feet were black like charcoal black and then i saw one of my friends coming in to ask me what will i name my baby and then i woke up. confused and worried i started searching the internet for answers about my dream but could not find any until i found your website. I apologize for it being too long. i hope you could help me. Thank you
Kate – There is a lot her to make sense of. But first you need to realise that everything in a dream – except on very rare occasions – refers to you. The characters and plots are different parts of you depicted to make some sort of sense to you.
So you cannot run away from yourself that is why you could not get away from the men chasing you. And any murder in your dream is about something you have killed in yourself at sometime. Maybe it was a love that was murdered, but in this dream it seems to be about a baby – even the urge to have a baby can be killed and can be shown as a murder.
The blood running down your legs is a sign of an injury – an injury to your sexual feelings or urge to be a mother.
The hospital is usually a sign of healing or help in an emergency. Then after all the fears, the running and the awful operation of the baby being sucked out of you, you gave birth to a baby.
As the murder was linked to the house – a house is usually your body – I would think that all the misery and trials of the birth were in connection with the death you were involved in. But please be careful how you take all this, as dreams are very graphic and are an attempt to show you what goes on at a deep level of you. And what I have said can only be a guide to your own realisation of your inner world.
This was a good article, thank you.
I have a more specific question, however. I had a dream where I saw 3 very ill and severely neglected newborn babies–they were not mine and I don’t remember how I cam upon them. I (though not pregnant in the dream or in real life) began to breast feed the most neglected of these babies. The baby had not developed the suckling reflex and began to choke on my breast milk. Then, out of nowhere, I had to leave the babies–I can’t remember now why I had to, but I remember that I left with a sense of urgency and a sorrow, knowing that those babies would die without me.
Fast forward to the next ‘scene’ in my dream and I walk into a big empty room, where sitting upon a large rug is my younger brother’s girlfriend. The 3 babies are healthy, older now, and are crawling around the rug. My brother is looking at them all and smiling proudly. I ask them how they got the babies, how they saved them, as I was sure the babies would’ve died when I left. My brother and his girlfriend say simply that they “found the babies and formula fed them” when I left. The dream ends there. I have no idea what this dream means, but I am almost positive that the baby is symbolic for something else–though I would love to be a mother one day, pregnancy and babies are far from my mind right now. What could the infants symbolize?
Ahlam – This certainly refer to parts of you that were neglected, and you have now recognised their need, although your attention is elsewhere.
None of us have had a perfect rearing from babyhood. Perhaps we have a talent for music, or singing, or practical abilities, but we were told that we were no good at it, or our parents couldn’t afford lessons, or simply ignored our needs. Whatever the cause part of us failed to grow to its full stature, and so can be shown as neglected babies.
At the time of the dream you probably glimpsed promises that were never fulfilled. Then your attention went to something else – so was show in your dream as you having to leave. Then you see that your younger brother took them over and they are fine. Obviously still very young and immature so still need time to grow.
I am not sure what your brother represent for you, maybe a caring and patient side, but whatever it is, it is worth noting and encouraging. After all, you have three healthy new talents or abilities, three new sides of your personality.
I often have dreams when I see a beautiful baby boy in my dream, sometimes my own, sometimes not. I’m only 16 years of age. The baby boys that I see are often different, but they’re all extaordinarily charming, and can mostly speak in infancy. What really draws me towards them is the fact that they act very affectionately towards me, and want noone to cater and be with them except I, while in real life infants don’t usually like my lap or closure (if you know what I mean, they start crying). Once I even saw a little girl who was a replica of me, as my own daughter in my dream.
Every time I wake up from such a dream, I have these weird pent up emotions inside of me and a very dramatic motherly feeling, which makes me yearn for the kid in the dream. Though these feelings wear off in a few days. I’d like to clear it out though that generally I am not exactly “kid crazy” or want my own right now for the matter. Not only because I’m young, but also because I’m not exactly very motherly at this stage in life. I’m single ofcourse, and don’t yearn attention or a boyfriend if it helps.
I’m not sure if I need to provide any more details about the dream that you may need to give a simple interpretation. But if you do, please let me know. I’d really appreciat some help because these dreams are becoming quite repetitive.
Tanya – Like most modern humans, we are more than one person, as your dream shows. There is the natural instinctive self that wants a baby and being sixteen, from that point of view, you are ready to procreate and full of hormones to do so. But there is the other you, the young modern miss who has so much ‘living’ to look forward to, maybe a career and success in some way. And those two can get in a real muddle unless you understand them and take care of them.
I often see our modern you as a rider on an ancient beast. And as your body is millions of years old – cell division from the beginning of life – you have a very ancient beast to look after. Unfortunately we are raised to believe the personality we have is God given – but it is only rider. If you were raised by an animal you would be that animal in all our actions. The personality is a process of learning language and ideas. A baby raised by an animal is not something that only happened in the past though. A headline in the newspaper Daily Star on April 17th 1991, at the time the film Dances With Wolves was popular reads: “TRAGIC BOY’S DANCE IN WOLF’S LAIR.” It goes on to say: A tragic orphan brought up by a pack of wild wolves will never be able to live like a normal man, say doctors. The boy who REALLY danced with the wolves was aged about seven when he was found 29 years ago in the wastes of Southern Russia by a team of oil explorers. He howled like a wolf and savagely bit one of the oil men who christened him Djuma – the Wolf Boy. Professor Rufat Kazirbayev said doctors had battled to re-educate him to act like a normal human being – but failed. They are now giving up the fight. Professor Kazirbayev said that, “His mind is with the wolves. He will howl at the moon for the rest of his life”.
Sometimes the struggle between you and the ancient beast is deadly, or it can be a wonderful extension to your abilities. It depends whether you declare war on what carries you through life, or learn to integrate it and help it adapt to modern life. You can allow it to have a physical child, or a creative mental child, but your urge to create needs to be allowed. This takes skill. You need to feel the urge to have a baby and yet work with it toward a solution that is okay with both selves. If you allow the urge to have a baby and then gentle lead it into creative action, you can have a wonderful peace and life.
Dear Tony Crisp,
I am the friend Ashley speaks of. My dreams differ from hers almost entirely. In the begining of my dreams I am almost always already pregnant and as far as I know still a virgin. I plead with my parents to believe that I didn’t do anything to cause my pregnancy but nobody ever believes me. I usually see the child as a cherubic, little blonde girl with blue eyes. I love the child but I also feel anger towards it because now all my family dislikes me, and also only one person helps me with the child.
I am fourteen and a virgin, my mother had me while she was this age but some months younger.
I would love a reason or idea why I am having these dreams, please.
Kolby – Well I think that you have picked up many ideas and influences from your mother. So I wonder what your mother passed on to you about your birth and how it affected her. Mother are, after all, very powerful in the lives of their children.
Whatever the truth is about that, it is important for you to face the fact that you are strong enough not to be so influenced by thoughts and feelings of what would happen if you had a baby now. But it is also vitally important to love the baby of your dream. Learn to hold it and cherish it. You see it is a new you trying to live despite whatever judgements you meet. It is not a separate thing, but a vulnerable and lovely new you, who can become strong and creative. So hold it in your imagination, and as you do so face any difficult feelings that arise and love it until all is clear.
My friend and I have been having these dreams where we are both pregnant. In mine, my babies are always taken away from me. (They are twins.)
I don’t want to let them go but they are forcefully taken and sometimes i am forced to get an abortion. Sometimes I feel helpless and like an animal giving birth i have no clothes on and im constantly being watched. Afterwards the twins are immediately taken. I fight and scream for them but i am always overpowered by something. My father is leaving for Iraq soon; i thought this factor may be the cause of the dreams. Oh, and i’m fourteen and a virgin.
Thank you, please reply.
Ash – This seems to strike right at the heart of your emerging womanhood. Having a baby is the epitome of femininity and being female. The fact that your babies are taken by force is an awful demonstration of crushing you as a woman, and also making you feel powerless.
The fact you were naked and feel like an animal giving birth strengthens the theme of you facing the most primitive feelings of motherhood. And I do not mean primitive in a negative sense.
I feel that at the time of the dream you were feeling insecure in yourself, and maybe your father leaving added tot this. But as a young woman you should begin to feel your instinctive strength unless it has been undermined in some way. So I suggests you go back into the dream while awake and start to fight whatever or whoever it is who is taking the babies. It will not happen all at once, but if you carry it on for several day, or until you feel your strength arising, you will see this in your dreams.
Remember that you are not alone in this. Remember that tiny birds have never flown before, but when they try, the great bird of instinct guides them. So you have millions of years of forebears behind you who have fought and survived. If they hadn’t you wouldn’t be here. So tune into all that strength.
Hello , i have been dreaming babies going under water with their eyes open and looking back at me i dreamt this twice once with a baby girl 8 mtns that i take care of , she was in a tire of water just sinking watching back at me , the next dream happened this morning with woke me form my sleep . it was my own baby boy in a toilet going under water looking at me . i dont know what this means and its starting to worry me . if you can please help in any way ……if it helps i am 24 not pregnant getting married in feb 2011 . thank you for your time take care .
Brittany – Have you been looking forward to your marriage and wanting to be a mother? If so it could explain these dreams. Such dreams are often a way of showing you the worries you feel. After all you haven’t tested you ability to be a mother yet, and maybe you are anxious.
I suggest that while awake you imagine yourself back in the dreams, and then you reach out and pick your baby up, drawing it out of the water. Doing it with love and hold it up toward the light of the sun. Do it several times on different days. Then see how your dreams change.
Have a lovely and fruitful marriage.
I am so happy to have found this website and was hoping that you could possibly help me figure out what my dream means.
I am 29 (will be 30 in 3 days). I am married for 10 years now with two children and my tubes are tied. The anniversary (if you want to call it that) of my fathers passing is tomarrow…he passed away 2 days before my 21st bday and I was living out of state so I never got to see him one last time. We were very close.
In my dream that I had last night, I had a baby boy 3 weeks ago that I seemed to have forgotten about having. I’ve been so busy in my real life with work and college and home life and have forgotten many things in real life so I can see where I’ve forgotten about having this child too in my dream. Anyway, I found him in his crib smiling and clean which seemed odd since I forgot about him for 3 weeks! I named him James which is my dad’s little brothers name. I also realized in my dream that this child did not belong to my husband but I don’t know who this baby’s father is. It seems that he is just mine and mine alone but somehow represents a bond with my father’s side of the family? Even though this baby was supposedly just 3 weeks old, in my dream he seemed to be about 8 months. He was a big baby and could sort of say “mama” and I showered with him. He was a very happy baby!
Julie – Well, happy birthday. And what I think you missed saying about the baby boy is that you love him.
And, there was no father. The baby is yours alone. Yes, virgin birth. I know you are not a virgin because you have had two children, but that is not what virgin birth is about. It is about conceiving without any mental preconceptions, having an open and receptive mind or soul.
So this baby is very special to you, and I am surprise you haven’t said that he is a holy child. I say this because he is something you have ‘conceived’ within yourself and are giving life to in your life. But do remember that this new aspect of you is still very young and vulnerable, although obviously he is already speaking and surviving without you giving him much attention. But please do remember him often.
im 30 female and have been having dreams about babies. Most of the times they are boys. I have had more than 10 baby dreams within the past 12 months.
Generally, its always about a baby being very sick and ill and in my dream, i always feel scared that they are gonna die under my care but it always ends that they end up being alive.
i always feel that it is my responsibility to cure them from their sickness.
Last night I had a dream again about a baby boy(around 1 year old).
there was a high flood and i was looking out thru the steel bar windows of the house then i saw a baby boy floating near the window i tried to reach out and eventually grabbed the baby. but i did not know how i can pull him thru the steel bars. so i was holding the baby for hours then suddenly my younger sister was near the baby and she lifted it up and suddenly there was a space that i did not realize that was existing and she passed the baby thru that space.
i embraced the baby to warm him a bit because he was so cold.
then i felt that he was not breathing anymore. then i tried to pump his chest a bit and i felt his heart beating weakly again.
then it stopped again and i tried to pump his chest again. then the baby woke up and i started singing a-b-c-d…so he would remain awake.
i was thinking that if he’ll stay awake, his heartbeat won’t stop. and he started singing the alphabet song with me.
then i was in a crowded place that looked like a hospital and was informed by the doctor that he has pneumonia or broncho-something.
i left him at the doctor’s care. after 6 months in my dream, i returned to the hospital, them i saw a little boy around 2 yrs.old and i asked him if he is the boy i brought from the flood. he said no – but his friend was the boy.
the boy i saved came to the sofa we were sitting on.he looks only 2 years old but he could converse like an adult. then i asked him if he was the baby i brought from the flood and he said yes then he hugged me tight and he said’i love you’. i was so happy that he is alive but was kinda confused in my dream why he would said i love you as if i was his mom.
Red – You know that if I could sit with you and help you explore your dream, as I do in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-know-about-dreaming Audio Introduction to Exploring a Dream, we could really get at the root of this. So instead I will do an educated guess.
So it sounds as if you are trying to care for and nurse to health the boy in you – the outgoing tom boy. And of course you are his Mom. There is nobody else in there – your dreams – except you.
We now know that even our sight and hearing are a virtual world we unconsciously create. The light you receive in your eyes is translated into nervous impulses, sent to the brain where it is again translated into images and associations. So you cannot actually ‘see’ the world, only a virtual reality you creates. So when you dream and enter the virtual reality of your dreams, in the widest sense there is only you. That is why it is difficult to interpret dreams because we create our own reality.
But the important thing to consider is the enormous amount of caring shown, and the involvement with boys. Considering you create the situation with them over and over it sounds important. So I would suggest you look in yourself when you feel that level of caring, and also the sense of what you put into keeping them alive – and the fact you are loved.
I’m seriously in need of a job and I’m facing some problems in my relationship. So yesterday I was praying to God to help me, I cried to God for help and then went to sleep. As I was sleeping I had a dream. In my dream I was pregnant and also taking care of a baby which was not mine. In my dream I was dressing the baby or changing his diaper, as i was dressing him, I started going into labor, the was blood coming out. I carried the baby rushed to my family to give them the baby I had the urge to pee, while I was on my way to pee my family stopped me and told me its not pee, you in labor but I kept telling them I need to pee. And while I was in labor I kept thinking about my baby’s future like asking myself questions as to who’s gonna take care of him while I’m at school, I even had a picture of him in mind. He was beautiful and wearing blue and white clothes but I kept asking myself who will be taking care of him and what am I gonna do to take care of my baby. And I quickly woke up……What does the dream mean?
Thanks in advance
Dineo – I wish I knew how old you are.
Well, as far as I can gain an understanding of your dream, here is the answer to you prayer.
The first part of your dream shows you have a strong instinct of motherhood. Not only are you looking after someone else’s bay you are pregnant. This mothering urge you feel strengthens as shown by you going into labour.
Then urge to pee is a sign you need to release the pent up feelings, the pressure in you.
The end of the dream shows the awful struggle we have living in the times we do. Don’t forget you are a mammal, a natural creature, and although you have a conscious personality, it is like riding an ancient beast. So if you could imagine yourself sitting on a horse, and instead of being separate you were one creature, you would at times have to give it its way when it wanted to rub against a tree, or wanting to mate.
So in a past age you would be old enough now to mate and have children, and that would be accepted. But being ‘civilised’ makes it a difficult. So you face, in your dream, all the problems you would meet. Many young girls and women face the difficult of being a healthy mammal and being a civilised woman at the same time.
I believe it can help if you do not suppress your natural urges, but direct them consciously by having plan of action, or taking the urge toward creativity. After all, a woman is a wonderful creative being, and should not suppress that but use it one way or another.