What you value; being valued by others, or the value you have of yourself; your potential, energy or personal resources; power to change things or do things; or having power, even over someone else; personal potency, therefore links with sexuality and self-giving; what we pay for our desires or actions – ‘I told my husband a few home truths last night, but he certainly made me pay for it’; opportunity because money buys time to explore or try the new.
Being rich: Feeling confident and capable; recognising your potential and skills. If someone else is rich it could mean you can gain a lot from an aspect of yourself you do not yet identify with, or is some sort of comparison. In some dreams the person who is rich throws their weight about, and so in this case is a comparison with your own sense of your worth or ability to influence.
Dud money: Not giving of oneself or feeling cheated.
Finding money: Realising something valuable; gaining power; release from stress or ‘down’ feelings – in that we feel excited and uplift on finding money.
Holding on to money: Feeling insecure, or being ‘tight’ emotionally or sexually; not using ones power to get what you want.
Losing money: Losing power or opportunity.
Not enough money: Sense of being inadequate or failing potency.
Stolen money: Feelings of guilt about gaining power; feeling you do not deserve what you get, or what you want that is of value; feeling cheated; loss of power if money stolen; feeling others are taking us for granted; giving oneself cheaply in sex or relationship. See: credit card.
Example: ‘A small Indian boy stole a fifty pence piece from me. I had an internal struggle about whether to take it back. The hesitation was that it was ‘manners’ to make out nothing had happened, not to blame someone for something ‘not nice.’ Because of these unspoken rules the boy could laugh at me. I decided to take the money back and accuse him of theft.’ Stephen Y.
Stephen is considering what his ‘values’ are, how he wants others to relate to him, and whether to state his needs instead of being ‘nice’.
Example: One day on exploring a dream I realised that all my life I had worked for money, and in all those years I was no better off financially. In fact I was always in the red. With the realisation came the insight that I could get money work for me. I started by my wife and I saving as much as possible. I sawpwople in spuer markets piling botles of alcohol and other unnecessary expenses – one we couldn’t afford. So gradually we save a £1000 – enough to enter an investment fund. Gradually I learn how to make money work for me. I learned gradually to keep my expectations simply, and not invest in chancy things. Today I am earning enough to live on. I made money work for me.
Winning money: Many of us have the desire to have more ability to get what we want, and this can often produce a dream of winning a lot of money. Usually there is no fulfilment of this dream, but those dreamers who take it seriously can often produce results. The following examples show how you need to be sure of yourself, that you are a winner.
Example: I remember from – my experiences as an eleven-year old that I won at games and contests when I had a clear sense I would win; you might say when I had an aura of –‘Winning’. My dreams offered me this perspective too.
On waking I stretched my new title to Catalytic Betting and Wining. Then I practised, made bets, won and lost, honing my re-emerging skills. My dreams voiced their approval: From that rebirth comes the decision not just to win, but to take responsibility for being a winner. Having won, there is no longer any challenge — except that my prize has also become my responsibility.
It seems that having the sense of being a winner is vital. The next examples are all from Shirley G. Because of space, only three of the dreams are quoted.
- ‘I set out to dream the winner of a horse race each day for a week.
- Was driving down a country road and suddenly saw a glimpse of Emmerdale Farm down a side road. Following day: chosen horse ‘Emmerdale Farm’ came in first.
- Was working in a room when a man popped his head around the door and shouted excitedly ‘John, John, your uncle’s here’ and disappeared. I carried on working. Chosen horse: Uncle John. Came in first.
- Was walking down a road, called into a house by a friend to have a chat. On the way out she opened the door and I saw a completely empty room except for a huge black fireplace. Door closed and I left the house. Chosen horse: Black Fire – which I insisted would only be placed – due to ‘fireplace’. Came in 2nd.’
Useful Questions and Hints:
Money is said to be the root of all evil – yet some people use it for wonderful good. What are your feelings?
Do I make my money work for me – or do I have to always work for money?
What does my dream indicate about money?
See Body Images – Opening Yourself – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I saw in my dream that my ex wife counting coins (quarters)
I had a dream where I got a loan to pay off debt and my fiancé gave $3,000 to his ex-wife’s new husbands sister for a car because it would help him have a more positive image in his ex-wife and daughter’s eyes. Giving away this would overdraw my account because checks had already been written for bills. He did not seem to care about that though. I felt an enormous amount of rage and then woke up to my alarm clock.
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet.
So, for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also, here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also, see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/
I see your dream as a powerful feeling that you feel your partner is not giving his best to your relationship. It might be a good idea to talk over this. Start as calmly as you can.
My son is 11. He has had two interesting dreams. I having a hard time finding an understanding.
Most recent: He had dreamed that his sister and himself were playing in the bedroom. When they both discovered money. His was in a pillow case and his bill he found was red. I’m not sure where he said his sister found hers or if it was of color but he said she too found money.
Previous: My son claims he was outside in the pool in his dream. There was no water in the pool. He was happy and claim. He said he seen a frog. Then the next thing he knows it started raining frogs. Funny thing about this dream the morning he told me. I remember looking outside the window to the backyard and the dried and drained pool had so many frogs hopping around inside it. This is no simply pool.The pool is in ground, and goes 5 ft to 9ft. I stepped outside and count over 50 frogs in a completely dry pool. Weird.
Anyways, I’d like some help if possible. Thank you in advance.
P.S. Every member in our family has interesting dreams like this.
Dean – Some children are born with an ancient ability that was common earlier in our evolution. It was to sense what was happening in their surroundings – especially being in tune with the animals who shared life with them. But even later than that, people like the Native Americans had an enormous affinity and respect with and for animals.
The first dream I think is about the feeling of finding the power to get things. In later life this might translate to the ability to do well in the world.
I dreamt that a young man took $5 from my hand and another $5 from the counter where I was paying for food. I told him I am going to call the police. Give me back my money. He laughed at me and his friends laughed at me too. What does this mean?
My girlfriend was dreaming some one was putting lose change in her hand. So could hear them saying her name. She had to hold the money tight in her hand for it would not fall out . They keep putting in her hand
I dream about this morning. its a baby elephant and the his lenght is about 5inches lenght only. A hairy gray color baby elephant and its so cute. I cuddle him ang hug him ang love him so much and his sleep in my arms and in my dream its raining so i round my jacket in his body.. Ang then there another one, a cute little baby so so cute and chubby and shes look like a 5months old baby.. I get her and hug her and she love hugging and sleeping in my chest i really feel very happy.. Whats the meaning of that? Can u pls tell me? Thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hello will u pls give an interpretation? I have dreamt abt money more than once.But last nite I saw myself finding money at my workplace.Two of my colleagues were also collecting money from the same spot as me.It seems as if to them it was the first time experience. Then I told them I always get money from there.