Native American

Natural wisdom; self acceptance and wisdom based on this awareness of ones links with the world and the intuition or wisdom of the irrational or unconscious. It can represent realisation of tribal wisdom and the link with intuitive initiations into stages of growth and entrance into the house of the ancestors. For some people it links with feelings of being dispossessed.

If you live in America, you may have all the above associations of being touch in with nature, but some people dream of being attacked and threatened. And this is probably an expression of meeting the alien in you, or a fear of strangers. The Indian can also be a guide and a wise person. See See alien – Reaction to the unconscious

Example: Dreamt that a young modern Red Indian was talking to me while walking in London. He said he would show me one of the secret nerve blocks used by the shamans. He pressed quickly the right side of my throat and tapped my forehead. Then he walked backwards away from me a few paces, and he appeared to shrink in size and diminish in age. I immediately thought this must have been the physiological method used in their magic. I seemed to remember having been shown it before by another Red Indian. He didn’t have to walk away, but looked young and small anyway. To end the effect, the Indian tapped the base of my neck in the thyroid area, and tapped my buttocks.


Useful questions are:

What are my feelings about the Indian or being an Indian?

What am I gaining or getting from the Indian?

See The Iroquoian Dream CultNative American BeliefsSecrets of Power DreamingBeing the Person or Thing – Spirit Child


-Patrick 2013-11-06 3:42:00

I had a dream some 20 years ago that still haunts me. It’s a little detailed, but very vivid and I was not in this dream. I can think of no reason why I had this dream. Nothing in my life at that time would have produced such a vision. I would like to share this dream as it is a story. I was able to write it word for word as it was told in the dream. I feel it has a very deep meaning, but not sure how. I would like to share it with an individual of dream knowledge before I share with more.

    -Tony Crisp 2013-11-10 10:43:21

    Patrick – I answer all dreams posted on this site and will try to give an idea of what your dreams was about.


-Floyd Rivers 2013-09-24 4:18:08

I dreamt of riding a big white male buffalo leading a heard of a few white buffalos an a grizzly bear running beside usunq

-Lourdes 2013-08-27 19:51:41

I dreamt that I was at my home in NYC and received a call from a man who knew me and he wanted to come see me. When he showed up I was surprised he was a Native American and at the foyer he began undressing and was soon “buck” naked, pun intended.
He had an incredibly beautiful body, very youthful, but he was definitely a mature man, say 40 something and very wise.
As I watched him undress I thought of protesting but then decided it was okay because he didn’t have sexual organ. We went to my bedroom and he was in bed and then I undressed and climbed in…all I can recall is the way he opened his arms to me and then held me the entire night but it was not sexual.
The next morning we went out some place he wanted to show me. We were in natural sorroundings and he took me to a pool of water. We stepped into it naked and faced each other as he held me again. It was comforting and magical but not sexual.
Later that day I received news that my mother had passed away. She is in fact currently in hospice. In the dream I wondered if he would call and come see me again and decided I would wait for his call.
I felt my mother was okay after passing, her old healthy self again and she was speaking to me but I cannot remember what she said. I am not Native American but have been thinking of moving to New Mexico (for some reason) after living on the East Coast, mainly NYC all my life.

-betty 2013-08-05 20:04:16

I had a dream that i was in a boat during a storm with rough waters. My entire family including my mother who has passed were in the boat. Fish began jumping in and everyone was vomitting. Can you interpret this?

-Kellie 2013-07-18 7:13:06

I am of Native descent and live near a PNW reservation. One day I was approached by a young Native woman whose only statement to me was “You are a profit” and she walked away. It was a crowded area and I was unable to question her remark. Long after this event, I began to have a recurring dream of a local dam bursting. This dream surfaced again a couple of days ago. Then last night I dreamt of an earthquake. Following that dream, last night as well, I dreamt I was along side a natural flowing river. I was approached by three young warriors and they told me the place I was at was sacred. They welcomed me and I gave them some sort of token with markings on it. All I remember was the token was white, round and had feathers drawn in black, something else drawn in red. A brown bear then appeared. I spoke to the bear and he heeded my words. I do not know what I said to him, but the bear shared his salmon with us. This is where the dream ends. Would appreciate any input you could give. Thank you.

    -Tony Crisp 2013-07-22 8:49:03

    Kellie – Did you mean that the woman said, “You are a prophet”? By the way, thank you for sending such an interesting dream.

    The dam busting is about a massive amount of your inner life that has been held back, and is now releasing. You should see signs of this in your dreams and in your life. See –

    The earthquake is another sign of very big changes happening from deep inside you. Such changes usually take time to surface, but will slowly become apparent.

    The flowing river is a sign that the dam has released the flow of your inner life. The gifts of your inner life will slowly become real, like your ability to prophesy and be in touch with your ancestral wisdom.

    Then you were initiated into the inner tribe, and if you look at the Sacred Circle I think the colours might mean something to you.

    In the circle
    Beginning and End
    Are forever together.
    The beginning is an end,
    And the end a beginning.
    Everywhere is darkness and cold.
    Everywhere is light and joy.
    That is life as we
    Walk the Sacred Circle.
    And the circle we walk,
    The Black Road,
    The Rough Track of Trials,
    Joins the Path of White,
    As Winter joins Spring.
    And that Is the Circle —
    Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter,
    Birth, youth, maturity, death.
    Sunrise, sunset, sunrise.
    World upon world
    Dancing the Sacred Circle,
    And we dance
    Life to Death,
    Death to Life
    In the Great Circle –
    All spinning
    From the emptiness
    Of the Centre

    The bear is also your totem animal, and suggests great strength and protectiveness. It can also mean awakening to a new life, and it provides you with nourishment.

    Keep the faith. I salute you.


      -Kellie 2013-07-24 18:02:41

      Thank you Mr. Crisp for your insight to my dreams. I found great comfort in your words. I am also very excited because they helped me understand more about myself. My sister says I am too much of a dreamer while others have said I am weird. But my grandchildren enjoy my stories. They laugh and ask questions then say “more stories!”. I will keep the faith.
      Thank you again.

-barbara cavanaugh 2013-07-04 15:44:58

I had a dream last night I was standing by a lake with some family members it was just getting dark and we could see some huge birds flying around, there were two of them, everyone thought they looked like ancient peradactols one flew to me and I took his hand and I flew with him, he spoke to me but what he said is fuzzy to me now.. I then was returned to the earth and was stunned when my family said I had been there the whole time I am Native American and would like help decifering this dream please

    -Tony Crisp 2013-07-14 10:34:52

    Barbara – This is a very important dream. It shows you in contact with the very ancient part of your nature communicating with you. Also it is an initiation into other dimensions of you. I want to quote a dream I experienced and explored to find what was said to me by the ancient creature.

    I was walking past a large building site which had been excavated for foundations. Rain had filled the excavated pits and a large lake had formed. As I walked past I could see ancient primitive creatures rising out of the water. One of them, a large dinosaur, came toward me. I was scared and ran away. The dinosaur followed and started speaking to me. I couldn’t understand what it said.

    I explored this dream and realised that through my internal digging into myself I had uncovered some feelings I had never met consciously before. The dinosaur speaking I understood as my awareness of instinctive feelings, such as the anxiety, which I had suffered from a lot, and about the anger I felt toward my step children for not appreciating the work I was putting into building them a home and working to provide. Seeing these things helped me understand what was behind my difficult feelings and fears. For instance I saw that fear is fundamental to all human experience, and I needed to meet it and help it to enter into the modern world instead of be repressed and remain primitive.

    But the communication with your own ancient self is different so please take time to explore it. See

    But the lake is, like my own dreamt of lake, the inner world you hold in you, and probably links with the ancestors. You flew with it, showing you have a gift of insight and maybe other gifts if you take time to listen to the wisdom that is emerging for you. They have been flying around you for ages, but now you are ready to hear and learn.


-Omar 2013-06-08 11:47:14

i had a dream where a native american chief came to me out of a mist, i was in the woods , at night. the moon was bright. he took an object from me, it was sticks put together and tied. he told me you have great power, only the most gifted can connect with me. he said you have great power with in you. he said your path is yet undecided.he said this tool is very poowerful. he look nervous like he wasnt post to have been their, he said we will meet again, but the way he looked at me was like i had something wrong in me or evil. i dont no but i awoke when the sun arose around 5:38am fully energized, its weird though i wen to bed around 1am, i jumped in the shower still thinking of it. i never write my dreams down but i did this one. but the most weird thing is that i have dreamed about the passing of loved ones and they have passed. i dreamed my grandfathers stroke and felt what he felt. he lived but that was the first time i felt the pain of another being that i was miles away from him. this is weird and scary. i dont want to have this too see others pain and suffering , and too feel my grand fathers stroke, i felt like i took some of his pain from him, they said it was a minor one , but i feel like i took the pain needed to make him survive it. How would i no what a stroke feels like being 19yrs old. it felt like a force beyond me was present, i am just confused. for these things to actually be happing in real life.

-Whitefeather 2013-05-14 2:39:25

I had a dream I was the Spirit of sex and fertility. I lived in a beautiful land and loved all the forest land and my children that inhabited the villages. They were Native American villages but all races of people inhabited them. I became wounded and because of my wounds my forests disappeared and I was driven insane. I hurt my people and caused villages to disappear as well. This hurt me deep. Then other spirits came to perform a ceremony that would heal me. Many spirits stood in the circle, I remember most vividly a native american with the head of a raven.

-Spiritwind 2013-04-03 4:17:41

In helping a friend get rid of a dark spirit that would not speak to me, I closed my eyes in meditation and out of the darkness came a gray angel with a turquoise aura. I cannot find anything as to what this means. It was so vivid. I know the color gray is gift of ancient wisdom but nothing on the angel.

-Ally 2013-03-26 17:22:04

my dream, I had a baby buffalo. He would follow me everywhere, if I went somewhere and whistled he would come running for me. He would talk to me to. In one part of my dream he took off running with the heard of buffalo,i tried to run too but i wasn’t fast enough. My husband and daughters where in my dream to and they couldn’t talk to my buffalo,but they could see him.

-Lina Chang 2013-03-16 3:42:37

I had a strange dream too! It seemed as if the roads near my house automatically turned into rivers, and I was just floating along with the current of the river and there were many native americans around me doing the same, just floating along. I remember carrying a small knife with me and I was worried it was going to poke one of the native americans around me. I remember telling them to swim along with the river because it would make you go along the river even faster…what did this dream mean??

    -Tony Crisp 2013-03-24 11:45:40

    Lina – A lovely and informative dream.

    The river represents the flow of life in you. We are all rivers because the water we drink flows through us and is our own river of life – without it we would die.

    We are all floating in the River of Life, but many people struggle to stay afloat or try to swim against the current. You are going along in the direction of your destiny, and you explaining that you can work with the power of destiny by adding your own personal efforts. The small knife suggests you are still a little suspicion and guarded about the influence you feel around you and within you.


-Lynne 2012-12-26 2:21:57

I had a dream I walked into a room. There were elders there. There was one sitting in a chair. He was looking at me in the eye. He had blue eyes which were so familiar i thought he knows me.His eyes implied he was happy to see me. There were chiefs I suspect as they wore bonnets long with feathers. All these were men. I don’t recall an intent as to why they were there except I was the focus of this meeting. This must have been about six or so men. I woke up before I could find out what was the reason for the meeting. I can only say I felt so happy to have had this dream.

    -Tony Crisp 2013-01-01 10:56:09

    Lynne – A happy dream indeed.

    Maybe you do not consciously remember the purpose of the meeting with your waking mind – but you know and feel it with your heart, thus the happiness.

    Wikipedia says that elders, “are repositories of cultural and philosophical knowledge and are the transmitters of such information,” including, “basic beliefs and teachings, encouraging…faith in the Great Spirit, the Creator”.

    But that is only part of it, for the elders carry all your past. Remember that you did not come from death but from life – the seed. No plant or tree grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past. So the seed in your mother’s womb is as old, and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you. But you need to access it. Please see


-Chris 2012-12-23 16:07:31

Last night, I had a dream I was with my father and his friend who was a Native American. We were on our way to go play golf, when we stopped at a Native American storefront. When we walked in we were greeted by other natives. My fathers friend brought me over to this weird looking head. This head had a long nose, big eyes, and smoke came from its mouth. The Native American told me to breathe in the smoke as it would be beneficial to me.

I’m looking for some clarification what this may mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2012-12-24 10:41:33

    Chris – We all have two sides to our nature; the side we know well while we are awake, and the side which is all the time running the things like our heartbeat that keep us alive – and a lot more!

    It is this little known side of you that leaves clues as to how you could learn more about yourself; about the massive but often unconscious you. The smoke is one of those clues or doorways which if you wished you could travel further into the vast spaces within you. It is an offer to move toward the Great Spirit of the Native American people, and slowly become an elder or the Rainbow Tribe.

    Try using as this may help.


-Mary 2012-08-19 21:04:37

i had a dream about my ex boyfriend and we were going to get back together but he changed his mind

-Monica 2012-07-25 18:35:54

I need help figuring out my dream. I think its a message from my mom who pass away. one nite as i was driving home last week I asked my mom to visit me ina dream. She did, and she was beautiful. The next night I had another dream. A bear and her cub in my garden. The mother bear was frantically digging up my vegitables. In the same dream there were also 2 bull moose walking perfectly together side by side. I hope you can help !

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