Shoes in general suggest the situation you are in or a position in life. They can also indicate your character or chosen way of life through what type of shoe – a plain shoe, a fancy expensive shoe, an impractical and painful shoe.
With the right shoes we can walk in places we could only manage with great difficulty barefoot, so they can show you the character traits, life skills and strategies you have developed to deal with rough life situations.
Example: I put on boots to go outside on the raft. There’s something out there. It’s a pet, but scary too. I realize (again), that I must wear foot coverings because of possible poison things I could step on, but they’ve been stolen along with my can opener and other survival, important items. I go out pretending my bare feet are covered. I look out over the water. It’s cold, deep, and dangerous. B.S.
In some dreams shoes point out what direction you are taking in your attitudes – i.e. formal dancing shoes in a discotheque would suggest outmoded approach, so the shoes can show a way of life.
Some shoes are worn by particular social groups, for instance D.M’s are a cult shoe, and so – for instance – can stand for young women who do not want to conform with previous female stereotypes.
Barefooted: Going through a rough patch in life if walking is difficult, or feeling unprepared to meet your present life situation. Letting go of the everyday duties and responsibilities, or feeling in contact with nature and your life situation if enjoying it. Feeling embarrassed about not being ‘properly’ dressed, or that you are not conforming.
You might also have taken shoes off to walk quietly so as not to be noticed. If this is so it suggests you are trying to fade into the background in some way.
Boots: If male boots, usually about ability to meet difficult life situations, but practical and maybe not fashionable. Also strength and being down to earth practical.
If female boots they often connect with feelings about looking good, attractive or sexy.
Sport boots as with football boots, indicate the skill to be part of a team or handle ‘the ball’ – the challenges of life – well. One can also be ‘given the boot’.
Boots can also be used as a weapon to kick with, so at times can be used in a dream to show fear of violence or desire to hurt.
Clogs: Something slowing you down or making you clumsy. Perhaps is a wordplay on being clogged physically or mentally.
High heels: Feeling less secure in your footing in life. Feeling in an uncomfortable life situation. Feeling, or wanting to feel sexually attractive.
Gym shoes/boots: Ability to be sure footed in what you are undertaking. Feeling comfortable in yourself. If they are being worn in a formal situation it suggests you might be taking a too nonconformist approach to something.
In female dream: In many women’s dreams shoes are shown as a fashion accessory – matching other clothes. So this links with an awareness or sensitivity about how you appear.
Jogging shoes: See: Gym shoes.
Large shoes: Taking an attitude or role you are not quite big enough a person to fill – or having an attitude you can grow into – depending on feelings in dream.
Losing shoes: Not being clear about the right attitude or approach to your situation, or situation shown in dream. It can also suggest losing, or losing sight of the skills or strength to manage what you face. For instance you might to feel at ease or confident meeting someone if you didn’t have any shoes on, and this type of dream points to exactly that type of feeling.
Example: I am not wearing anything on my feet. This really troubles me, as I see myself searching endlessly for my shoes. For example I am at school, although nobody is looking at me, I feel inwardly embarrassed without my shoes. Debra
Low heels: Comfortable way of life or attitudes. Practical approach to a situation
New shoes: A new start, new direction or a new attitude or way of dealing with what you are meeting in life.
Odd shoes: Two different not compatible ways of dealing with a situation. Being ill equipped to do what you are confronting, or feeling clumsy or in conflict about something. Perhaps making use of old ways of dealing with life that do not ‘fit’ the present needs or the person you are now.
Old shoes: This is either about an outworn way of life, or one that is known, comfortable and really fits you – depending on the dream.
Reversed shoes – the right shoe in my left foot and the left shoe in my right foot: Feeling confused, almost a reveresal to childhood, so still learninng the bestway to present yourself. An uncomfortalbe situation.
Sandals: Lack of formality or a relaxed way of dealing with life. It could suggest inappropriate attitudes in some dreams where they are not suitable for what you are walking over.
Shoes from different roles i.e. nurses shoes: May indicate our need for the qualities of that role.
Shoes not fitting: Trying to live with the wrong attitude or approach. An ill fitting situation in life or in a relationship. Something not right.
Shoes without anyone wearing them: This can suggest the presence of an unseen, lost or dead person. It can also indicate a way of life you have left behind – the person you were.
Slippers: Depends on how they appear – in a hospital scene, a home scene, as an expression of being helpless – Consider the feelings in the surrounding dream scenes to understand their meaning. Sometimes points to attitudes that are not functional or appropriate in the given life situation.
Sole of shoe: one’s inner feelings, or the way you meet the rough parts of life experience.
Someone else’s shoes: Trying out a different way of life, copying someone else’s style, or perhaps you feel impoverished in your own life style or direction.
Taking off or discarding shoes: Leaving the past or an old way of life behind; dropping a long established role; being open to change; relaxing as you emerge from a situation or attitude, as when you might kick off your shoes at a party or in a relationship. See: nude.
Tight shoes: An uncomfortable or painful life situation, or one that you do not have a large enough understanding of or attitudes to deal with.
Work shoes: Denotes something you are working at or giving effort to. This is usually to do with changes you are making, either in yourself or outer life. This only seldom relates to the actual work you do. The work shoes, the meaning depends on what work the shoes are for.
Idioms: Be in someone else’s shoes; don’t criticise your brother until you walk a mile in his moccasins; if the shoe fits, wear it; fill his shoes; the shoe is on the other foot; shoes like boats;.
Useful questions:
What type of shoes are they – babies shoes, working shoes, dancing shoes – define them and this leads to what they are suggesting?
What is the quality of the shoes, and what does this suggest about the way I am dealing with life?
Do the shoes depict a particular role, such as business or soldier?
If these are old shoes, what phase of your life might they link with, or what do they show they have been through?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Secrets of Power Dreaming
I dreamed of my boyfriend who recently passed (6 months ago)
In this dream he and I were discussing his email password. He was trying to remember the password and had forgotten due to his illness (that in this dream he recovered from and did not die ).
So I’m trying to help him remember and I told him that while he was sick I had tried to guess his password when looking for important papers needed during his illness. I told him I even tried a password (new shoes) that he had once told me would work.
And then he smiled with recognition and then held up His forefinger waved it at me and then happily said “aha”
With that he entered the correct password. And opened his email. This cardboard box represented the email and he opened this box and emptied the content. Inside amnong other things were a new pair of shoes (gym shoes). I picked up the shoes and marveled. I realized that these shoes had been delivered to him and was locked in email for months while he was ill. That if he had not recovered those shoes would have sat in there unclaimed. I picked up the shoes and began to sob hysterically. I was crying and said God had answered my prayers because my boyfriend had recovered from illness and was able to get his new shoes.
My boyfriend was fit and healthy looking and happy. And he Was bewildered that I had became so emotional. It was like he didn’t realize what turmoil me and his family went thru while his was sick.
What does this mean?
I dreamt about my husband childhood which is i really don’t know. Oneday he put his 3pair of shoes on his study table. And i really wanna know what is the meaning of that dream. Should I worry or else?
Thank yoi
Please I need answers to the dream I just had. I was at a friends party and I found myself putting on rubber slippers. U felt so uncomfortable in the dream and the slippers will always cut and I fix it back continuosly. Was so ashamed and don’t want anybody to notice I was putting on such a slippers. Please what could thus mean.
Hi – The answers I give arise not out of me thinking up things to say, but from fifty years of exploring dreams in depth. So some of what I write may seem wild. This may be because dreams arise and are experienced by a level of your mind or awareness that very few people have any concept or experience of – usually called the unconscious. Life dreamt in its creatures millions of years before even humankind awoke and developed self awareness or language. So to understand dreams we need to leave our thinking minds behind and go into our feelings and reactions – a much older level of awareness.
But it would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonor http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Sonny – It sounds as if you are over concerned about your appearance. That can be an enormous problem with your self confidence.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/body-images/
I dreamed about my red high cut sneakers being torm by my auntie and she denied.
I forgot it in their house and got a message from her that my shoes is there. When i got the shoes its already broken but I dont believe her bc when I saw my shoes (side sole area) its like cut by a blade.
What does it mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Cindy – Your auntie seems to have let quite a vengeful impression on you. When you think about your auntie or a person you know, you are only taking in your thoughts, impressions and feelings about them. So many people do not realise that they have an inner person equally as powerful as the external person you know. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by meeting or living with them, and they change you and make you the person you are. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner person can appear in dreams because you still carry the memories or impressions of them, and so they influenced what you hold within you.
So what is the inner influence she has on you? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Your shoes often represent a way of life, a job or relaxation. Your inner auntie, a part of you, has ruined what the shoes stand for. Why would you do that to yourself?
I know you think it wasn’t you, but a modern view of the personality says that our mind is made up of many modules which are quite distinct. These modules, such as the sexual drive and the ability to speak, usually function in a way which is reasonably integrated. But many areas of dissimilarity are evident if we closely observe the workings of our own responses to life experiences. Because we each hold certain ideas about ourselves – our self image – things we do which do not express this self image may shock or even frighten us. Actions arising from a module of oneself which does not express our accepted self image it was just what you experienced.
I dreamt I lost 2 pairs of shoes which belonged to a friend. First pair I lost was casual slip and later another a pair of Addidas white canvas walking shoes.
Both pairs were old shoes but the slip on was much older with stains. Both belong to the same person.
I wore them right from my door step to another location, after taking them off I no longer find them. I was feeling worried since they are not my shoes and belong to the same friend.
Keep apologizing to the friend, she didnt get angry much like disappointed.
I kept looking but couldn’t find at all. Then I woke up.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Sera – Having some one else’s shoes usually means you have absorbed a lot of their behaviour. When you think about a friend or a person you know, you are only taking in your thoughts, impressions and feelings about them. So many people do not realise that they have an inner person equally as powerful as the external person you know. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by meeting or living with them, and they change you and make you the person you are. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
Losing the shoes may mean forgetting what you owe to their influence in your life – a casual no-nonsense approach.
The apologetic feelings at the end might be similar – but in dreams everything in your dreams is yours, because you create images out of your own feelings, fears and wonder – so they are yours.
Reversed shoes: the right shoe in my left foot and the left shoe in my right foot
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Rita – You have not given enough information for me to understand your dream.
But here is a ready made response – Feeling confused, almost a reveresal to childhood, so still learninng the best way to present yourself. An uncomfortalbe situation.
I just wanted to say I had my first Tony Crisp book before I was 20 and that was a long time ago! Your interpretations have helped me for more years then I care to share! Always so accurate! If I just search out key words after the first two “symbols,” the pattern emerges. Thank you so much for the help 🙂
Barbara – Thank you so much for letting me know about Key Words. It has given me an idea for a feature on Facebook.
Please let me know if there is any thing you have discovered that would improve the technique.
I just dreamt that there was water flooding in the street and on our lawn (which has happened before) and it was high. I though a wave was coming which would go over my head but it stopped, like froze, right in place. I looked to my left and a bunch of shoes had washed up on the left side of my driveway, none with mates, all with toes pointed to the right (which is the direction of frozen wave). Some strangers approached the shoes and one of the men selected a snow boot from the pile and tossed it down the street (to the right) into the more shallow water. Then I woke up…
In an odd place right now. Searching for what this dream might be telling me.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Crystal – Flooding in a dream suggested you felt threatened and with strong emotions. The threat was so strong you felt it would engulf you. But you were in control enough to freeze the action. It also seems that you did not know how the freezing took place. It was probably a technique you learnt a long time ago and has become a habitual response.
The shoes probably depict the many attitudes you have used in playing the many different parts most women learn by using different clothes, shoes and make up. One of the men is actually another role we all can play; using attitudes or emotions we associate with the opposite gender. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
The snow boots you need to find out for yourself by being them, using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I saw in my dream that we were on a long queue in what looks to me like a footwear shop. people were given new pair of shoes & taking their leave afterwards. When it got to my turn, the one given to me didn’t fit my feet perfectly so I was told to wait so they can rectify or find another pair for me. I was kept waiting for sometime & I wasn’t happy with the situation. Then I woke up
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Tim – It seems you were seeking a new way of life or position. But it seems you were uncertain about the way of life you were given – they didn’t fit the actual you.
That is a very common life situation, maybe you could explore it yourself to find what suits you. See https://www.facebook.com/dreamhawkcom-578558282225032/