Hexagram Thirty Three
Tun (Pro: Doon; but with a short vowel as in book) – Yielding
When something is thrown into the air, there is a point where it starts to fall again. Every successful endeavour must reach a point where there is a resistance to its climb. Better then to yield rather than fight to ascend while the fall continues.
As summer ends nature begins to conserve its energies. Plants draw all their essence into seeds or bulbs waiting for the new impulse. So in this issue it is useful to recognise that expansion has ended and gather ones essential force ready for a countermove when constructive.
The hexagram also suggests something creative and projective or expressive, meeting something immovable and resistant to change. Therefore it might be necessary to yield, or create a balancing of power through small adjustments to the situation. The bull-fighter always appears to retreat, yet is the victor.
In relationships this may signify a lack of communication arising from very different temperaments and goals. Without understanding withdrawal occurs. But this might be avoided by understanding each others position and needs.
There is certainly the need to gather the fruits of past endeavour and, like grapes pressed into wine, withdraw the essence to store for future use.
No great changes are necessary or indicated. Rather persist in caring for the details of the situation. This is the way to succeed in this issue.
Key words: Recognise the difference of the opposing forces. Avoid confrontation. Rather move aside in a planned yielding.
The Moving Lines
1.Retreating with the opposition on your tail is not an advantage. By all means pull back, but not too far. No aims can be furthered at this point. Keep still.
2.The situation has been thoroughly constrained. But you still maintain strength in some fashion. Through persevering in small ways, the goal can still be reached.
3.The necessary withdrawal is halted by others. By incorporating the delaying factor or people into the plan, one can then continue the retreat.
4.If your spirit is strong, yielding is no defeat, in fact good can come of it. For those who lack self assurance, yielding is felt as defeat.
5.Clearly seeing it as an advantage to retreat, and timing it correctly, there is no misfortune attached to withdrawal. Remain in this position of strength.
6. Certainty lends power to this yielding. With such expertise there is only advantage in the withdrawal.