My Body is a Moving Sea
Sharing with Tony while trying to give words to “This Abstract World”.
Water Woman:
When I reflect on what I experience when I Open up to Life and enter this state of “Abstract Water Wonderland ” then I am aware that it is what I experienced while going through Hell and Heaven in what could be called “an Experience of Enlightenment”.
See also Jesse Watkins Experience of Enlightenment
The difference is that now there are no symbols, no words, no “unusual perceptions” for it is just me and The Sea and even that is not true most of the time because then there is no obstacle between us and sometimes I cannot feel where I end and the sea starts.
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I am so close to this “Sea Love” that it is not right to talk about me and the Sea and it moves me to tears again.
It is difficult though to find words for these overwhelming FEELINGS.
Tony Crisp:
Thanks for trying to explain it.
Water Woman:
I am aware that the longing is about meeting the MORE that I am or the LOVE that I AM.
And there is a longing to disappear in IT totally and never return again for LIFE is LOVE and so I tried to take it with me in my heart and to have and be some of this LOVE in my everyday waking level too.
I believe that what touches me is the purity at the “Sea Level”; a form I am too without layers.
This form without layers is ME and it is so familiar and yet it is new.
Tony Crisp:
The Naked Beauty
Water Woman:
I feel we will leave it with that for today dear and thank you.
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Tony Crisp:
The sharing and the experience do not end there, for LIFE in us is at work all the time.
See Life in us is at work all the time
Water Woman:
While waking up from a dream that night I was aware of a vibrating energy – not flowing – in my whole body, or merely where my whole body is supposed to be, for I was vibrating energy “only”.
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And then I was able to sense very clearly how I stop it with my attitude. That was so abstract this experience that I have to reflect on it how to express “attitude” for it had nothing to do with thoughts.
I practiced it a few times to stop the vibrating energy and to allow it again.
Then I observed the fear I have for this energy and I discovered that the fear is merely abstract too, for there was nothing I could find to finish the sentence “I am afraid for this vibrating energy, BECAUSE…………………….”, there just was no because.
So that was an eye opener for me.
It took some time for the energy to get less vibrating and while I was so full of it I imagined that it would be a healing energy.
Tony Crisp:
Dear Water Woman – Well you are well on your way to a whole ‘body service’. Vibrating is a sure sign you have opened to Life – the rest is a voyage of discovery.
Fear – a basic response to being a person/soul/ego. Genesis says it clearly.
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
I hold you with love – still journeying with you.
See Water Wonderland
Beautiful interaction! Water Woman…you are blessed!