Dream Dictionary


What sparks you off – what is the spark that makes you interested in life and being creative – where has the spark gone....More


Considering that dreams incorporate cellular processes, and that the regulation of cellular processes are taking place at the very basic level of our body, we can say that dreams arise from our core self. The […]...More


Feeling a need in oneself that may not be acknowledged directly, so is expressed as a binge. Seeking pleasure, or going over the top. Useful Questions and Hints: Do I have a need I am […]...More

Binding Clothes

The restriction placed on you by physical sense awareness, your body. If they fall away, this shows a widening of your awareness. It can also suggest that your attitudes or opinions are holding you in […]...More


See: out of body experience...More


Beyond the personal; often associated with riches of some sort. See: numbers....More

Bigfoot Yeti

David Attenborough said that there was reasonably proof that Yetis might exist, but he never included Bigfoot. So I will say that they are semi mythical creatures. I do not have any records of them […]...More


This amazing word is so difficult to sum up, because it is beyond everything we know, desire, want; beyond life itself and so we may live in hope for it. I remember as a child […]...More


See: bicycle....More


See: glasses – spectacles....More


Something you want; something you are willing to pay for in one way or another, and are in competition with others to get – could even be a relationship. If you are the seller, you […]...More


This often indicates that we are failing to see how we are being influenced either by an external person or by enchanting ideas and feelings we hold within. We have perhaps all been bewitched in […]...More

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