Dream Dictionary


If some sign of affectation appears in your dream, you need to ask yourself what you are doing that is not in accord with your deepest feelings or character. The dream can depict mannerisms that […]...More


The affliction we dream about is usually pointing out something you have difficult feelings about, are afraid of, or that really stands in the way of a fuller and happier life. Remember that the dream […]...More


As humans we tend to be afraid in our dreams, and often in our life, of almost anything. We dream of the dark, of a hole into which we might fall, a shadowy figure, animals […]...More

Africa African

This may refer to your own feelings about black and coloured people or racial prejudices if you are white. If you are black, then it is about some aspect of your own personality or experience. […]...More


See: death and rebirth underarchetypes; death; death and dreams; death – is there life afterwards....More


The time of day in a dream sometimes refers to a period in your life. In this sense afternoon often represents middle age, the years of physical decline, or of fruition in your life. But […]...More

Age Aged Ageing Ageless

The age of characters, family, animals, objects or yourself in a dream often carry very definite associations or information. What these associations are depends a great deal on what age you are yourself. Idioms: Act […]...More


Things you want to do, or feel you out to do; feelings about your future; plans. The dream agenda may have arisen not because of your conscious decisions, but perhaps what your inner self knows […]...More


Aggressive feelings are one of the main ex­pressions of our energy, along with sex, ambition and survival. Generally speaking, it is not wise to hold them back even though they are in an awful and […]...More


This shows you coping well with what life is confronting you with, and having adaptability or mental quickness. If it is someone else who is agile it might still refer to you, as your dreams […]...More


As with fear of falling, this may represent an actual fear. But as a symbol it means a fear of being exposed, of being seen, of possible attack, and of having nothing to hide behind […]...More


A harmony of previously unreconciled opinions, emotions, beliefs, etc. It is important to clarify what is being agreed in the dream, and what you feel you know about this. Agreement or lack of it in […]...More

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