Dream Dictionary


Similar to carpenter. To work on yourself and carve out inner qualities. Leave indelible marks, memories, fears, regrets, on your feelings or thoughts. To work hard at difficult situations and carve a niche for yourself....More


See: Bag....More


See: Bank; Money....More


Secret hidden memories. Wonders hidden in ourselves. Special things. See: Coffin for burial casket. If this is a small container for valuables or objects, it often relates to long held memories that are important or […]...More


Can simply be the sort of pleasure we feel on listening to music; the impressions left on us by events, people – therefore memory. But often memory integrated by the unconscious into insights; information we […]...More


Feelings of security or insecurity; our defensive attitudes; the way we defend ourselves against ‘attack’. Our past attitudes which may have been necessary in childhood to defend ourselves while strengthening our identity or our way […]...More

Castrate Castration

This represents a fear of not coping sexually. Losing sexual confidence or desire. Cutting off deeper feelings, sympathies, ambitions and energies. To cut off the penis or testicles illustrates the action of repressing the feelings, […]...More

Cat Cats

Allergy to cats – Alley_cat Black cat – Catching mouse – Cattery – Claws – Cat’s Tail Fear of – Group of cats – Having Kittens – Kitten – Neighbours cat or kitten – Speaking […]...More


Looked at from the point of view that dream images represent our own life and feelings in some way, the end of the world, and the fears that go with it, depict the powerful and […]...More


An exploration of your inner contents or past experiences and their effect on your present life. A descent into the unconscious, so meeting feelings about death and rebirth, deception and wisdom. A search for your […]...More


Male sexuality. It can also depict prenatal forces of growth. Or sometimes destructive activities, like a bacteria, something causing disintegration. Although sometimes the caterpillar in a dream refers to  sex in some way, it has […]...More


It can represent a woman’s sex Organs, her womb, or experience of life in the womb, or prior to birth. Another possibility is contact with the past, with the inner life. Experiencing the past levels […]...More

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