Dream Dictionary / B

Body – Parts of Dead body; dismembered body can be seen by clicking Body Situations Click the following to quickly find what you are looking for in parts of the body: (Abdomen – Womans Dream – Shot in – Vomit)  (Abscess) (Ache – In […] More Body Because the body so potently depicts the image we have of ourselves, our health and our psychological situation, any distortions or collapse of the body image in our dreams suggests similar effects in our personality, […] More Bobcat Bobcats Bobcats, like other wild animals that are adaptable and can live on the outskirts of human territory, are very ‘street wise’ or capable of surviving despite heavy human hunting. So in your dream it can […] More Boat Ship This probably depicts our journey through the seas of life and how we meet the rough and smooth experiences, as with example below. In many dreams boats and ships appear to depict a situation, environment […] More Boast Boasting Overconfidence; perhaps a hidden uncertainty about yourself or an attempt to feel superior to another person. If someone else boasting: This depends on how you respond to this in the dream. It might reflect your […] More Boarder This depends more than most symbols on your associations – whether you have been a boarder in a school or lodging house, or other people’s home, or whether you take in boarders. Lodger in other […] More
Boar Like most wild animals in your dreams it depends on your reaction. Some people when faced by a tiger let it come to them and make peace with it. So it depends upon your own […] More Blue Dark blues: In many women’s dreams threatening men appear dressed in dark blue or navy blue overalls. This suggests the woman is meeting her own male/animus side with anxiety. So there is a need to […] More Blow-Out See: Puncture. More Blow Pipe/Gun Like any weapon in a dream, it represents the capability of hurting someone or being hurt or even killed (emotionally). But the particular associations are probably to do with things people have said which have […] More Blossom The unfolding and expression of what was latent within from the beginning. More Bloom Blooming If we watch a flower bloom we see it pas through various stages. The form of a bud; the opening of the bud, and the full blooming of the flower. But then it fades and […] More
Blood Very often it links with a feeling of being hurt or injured and of losing energy or the strength that enlivens you. But blood can represent pain, but also passions, deep feelings. It can refer […] More Blonde See: hair under body. More Blockage Blocked Usually depicts restrained or held back emotions, energy or thoughts. Common areas of blockage are the throat, where words or feelings can be blocked by tension or restraints such as anger or helplessness; the chest, […] More Blizzard An internal conflict or great unrest; feelings of disturbance perhaps to do with coldness in a relationship; feeling emotionally battered or threatened. See: Weather. Useful Questions and Hints: What is happening at the moment to cause […] More Blister Some irritating or injurious experience; something that has gradually produced hurt in you over a period of time; attitudes that attempt to protect from further hurt. Things also blister as in the following dream – […] More Bliss The experience of bliss in your dream suggests that you have found your way to your core self. That is the very basis of you where bliss is always there and does not need to […] More
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