Dream Dictionary / S

Steam Emotions expressed under pressure, as words spoken in anger; or things done after a shock or fright. More Steal Stealing Stolen Feeling that something is taken from you, or you are taking something, without agreement. Feelings of being unloved might enter into this, as you will feel you are stealing what is not willingly given. More Statue Unfeeling, like a stone. Unresponsiveness. More Station See: Railway. More State-interstate-state of mind Example: I’ve had a recurring theme in my dreams involving highways for some time now. Sometimes I’m walking on twisted, closed down structures and ramps in the city, or on a path alongside a Midwest […] More Starvation Hungering for something such as love, self expression, recognition, self realisation. See: Fasting. More
Stars Intuitions about the cosmos; the perhaps almost unnoticeable promptings or motivations which occur through life leading us in a particular direction – destiny; hopes or wishes. In some dreams a star or stars, represent what […] More Star A hope, a wish, an ambition. An intuition or subtle sense of the cosmos and your relationship with it. Subtle influences that shape and direct you. More Stammer Internal struggle or conflict of some sort. Perhaps a sub vocalisation is going on at the same time. See: Speak. More Stallion See: Horse. More Stairs Staircase As a baby, stairs presented a huge challenge. To deal with them we had to develop several major abilities, such as steady balance, confidence, control of fear of falling, strength of purpose. Therefore, stairs represent […] More Stain Perhaps a mark on your character that you feel difficult to remove. Also marks left in some way that tell others about you. Example: I am to teach and I am wearing this big khaki […] More
Stagnant Blocked emotions or energies. See: River. More Stage This can refer to your life in general; your stage of development; the inner self and what drama is being enacted therein; a desire to be in the limelight; or the centre of present interest […] More Stag Male aspect of the personality. Masculinity; male sexual drive; in a female dream it might depict her response to male sexuality; the joy of life; courage; the life energy; virility; healing energy. EXAMPLE: The three […] More Stable The natural urges you have,  so the urges or gut feelings you have that may express as instincts. But this is the home of your instinctive self, so also their shelter and safety. It often […] More Stab Stabbed Stabbing Either refers to aggressive activities, hurtful words, feeling hurt, or aggressive sexuality. If we are stabbing someone, especially if it is a parent or someone we have linked with emotionally or sexually, there may sometimes […] More Squirrel This could refer to the ability or desire to hibernate, to pull back from outward activity. Also the squirrel is industrious in the summer collecting/saving food for the winter. So it can depict the habit […] More
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