Animal Situations

Below are descriptions of animal situations – like baby animal and fear of animal. But please search for single animals by name – for instance Lion and Dog.

As a baby you were a small vulnerable animal, with all the natural instincts to feed, to survive, and to bond with your mother. This natural and spontaneous part of your nature is the foundation of what you have become now as an adult. Not only were you born with an enormous natural instinctive wisdom gained through millions of years of evolution, but your newborn self also carried protective responses such as fear, anger, and sexual longing. These are all built into your nature without any recourse to a self-aware personality. But our animal self has the inherited wisdom about survival and relationships, parenting and finding a mate. There is a lot to learn from it, and it is a wonderful resource. See Animal in your Brain.

But what many people find is that they are frightened of their dream animal, or have never learned to help it evolve into the human world. This means that many people have a great lack in themselves and in their dreams they have to meet and work with the animal in them. As a child we are often told not to do things that would allow to mature with our animal self intact. Dream images are our fears, angers, love and thoughts clothed in pictures and drama. If you are frightened of a dream animal it is your fear clothes in the image of an animal. See What do You bring to Your Dreams?

These inbuilt traits are represented or depicted in your dreams by various animals and the situations your dream process places them in. Without feelings of fear for instance, you would, especially during childhood, enter into situations that could be life threatening. These dream animals illustrate the many natural responses you have to events and people you confront. Because we see them in so many ways, such as the cunning of the fox, the strength and mystery of the elephant, the loving fierceness of a lioness with her cubs, and the almost unconditional love dogs give us, the animal in your dream can express a very wide spectrum of meaning.

Useful questions:

What feelings are connected with my dream animal – fear, anger, love, wisdom – and in what way is that entering my life?

Is this an animal I know in life – if so what are my feelings or experience of it?

What is the dream animal doing, and metaphorically, wha is that suggesting?

Perhaps try the suggestion here Talking As

Animal with its young: Parental feelings; your basic childhood needs; your childhood experience of being parented.

Animal you love killed or died: This can often suggest great emotions being faced, Sometimes the shock is almost as if you have lost a child.

The difficulty might be trying to balance the mass of experiences of sharing you had the the loved animal. Suddenly you are faced by a complete contradiction, the living and the dead animal you are no faced with. It might be helpful to sit quietly an remember what feelings you had inside you as you hel or were near to each other, and then dwell in them.

Love can change the way dead pets experience their life after death, as this example illustrates.

Example: It involves my dad and his English bulldog, Chauncey. They were big buddies. Chauncey even went to work with Dad. Several years after Chauncey’s death, I dreamed of a female English bulldog who was very pregnant! A few weeks later, she appeared to me again, smiling proudly at two adorable puppies. One was brindle and the other was brindle and white. She showed me her house and street sign. The name of the street was Rosebud Lane. Then Chauncey appeared in the dream and told me he was returning and he would be the puppy that walked to me first! The next day I got the classifieds and started calling. It didn’t take long, the second call was located on Rosebud Lane. When I arrived, the mother dog looked just as she had in the dreams. She even acted like she knew me. I stood back and waited. Shortly, the little brindle and white puppy waddled to me. Dad cried when I handed the pup to him. Reincarnated bulldog…why not? By the way, Chauncey had a nickname…it was Rosebud!

Attacked by an animal: See: Wild animal(s) attacking.

Attacked sexually by an animal: This might be showing you feelings about sexual assault. If it does the animal side of the person who attacked you is probably indicated in some way. If you can meet it with your own anger it might have a healing effect.

Baby animal: A baby – sometimes connected with pregnancy; yourself when young; feelings or memories concerning your experience of babyhood; desire for babies; vulnerability; fundamental survival behaviours such as dependence, crying and bonding.

Domestic animal: Urges in yourself that you have learned to meet and direct with reasonable success. They still have to be cared for though, or they may react against what you ask of yourself. A horse for instance is broken in, or socialised, when it is young, as we are. But if we are keeping a horse, we must still make sure it has proper food, exercise and rest, as well as an expression for its herd instinct and sexual needs.

Eating the animal: Integrating your natural wisdom and energy; absorbing strength from sources other than your conscious personality; sensual pleasure and nutrition.

Fear of animal: This shows a fear of your natural impulses, or that you have been trained in childhood to repress your anger or curiosity. But some people have phobias about animals in waking life, perhaps through never relating to an animal when young, or from being attacked.

Herd of domesticated animals: The domestic animal depicts the urges in yourself and society, such as the sexual drive, aggression and self interest that have been directed socially for thousands of years, and is usually amenable to finding some level of social integration.

Herd of wild animals: The wild animal depicts your own urges or feelings that you are uncertain about controlling or directing. A herd of them therefore suggests you are meeting aspects of yourself you have not yet learned to direct or usefully integrate, and the herd might refer to your relationship with your own ‘herd’ or people around you.

Hiding from or trapped by an animal: Feeling controlled or threatened by your urges or emotions. See the wolf entry.

Killing an animal: This shows you killing urges or needs you have that are natural. Mostly this is injurious to your wholeness, but occasionally has to be done to deal with special life situations. The killing might also point to feelings of pain and conflict, as when we kill out something in us that is natural or even beautiful.

Licking: If an animal is licking you in some way it is an indication of love and even healing or a blessing. But if it is an aggressive type of animal it might suggest anger is being transformed into love, or strength being expressed as love or care.

Making love with an animal: This is usually about a meeting with your most primal and natural feelings, outside of social programming.

Neglect, mutilation or killing our ‘animal’: A common theme. In the example below, Lynda’s feelings show how she senses what she is doing to her inner nature, but she dismisses this by convincing herself such feelings are not ‘true’. But we have a responsibility to care for our animal drives, to see our sexual, nutritional and body needs are met, and the neglected animal shows us failing in this.

Example: ‘I am given an animal to look after, usually somebody’s pet while they are away on holiday. I then completely forget the animal, go away and when I return the animal is either dead or very dried up or has been got at by another animal and is in the throws of dying. When I wake from the dream I feel most dreadful and it is only when I am fully awake and realise it is not true do I feel better.’ Lynda E.

There are often dreams of mutilation or burned, starved, frozen, or beaten small amimals. They may not be things you have done to yourself but are things done to you by others, even parents. If you explore these dreams it gradually makes clear who perpeptrated the damage. You may need help in facing this.

Running away from or chased by an animal: If you are chased or running from an animal you are almost certainly feeling or exhibiting anxiety. If you take time to consider what an anxiety is, it is part of your own natural responses. Every animal feels anxious or afraid; it is its instinct to survive.

So the dream dog or animal is an image that clothes your feelings of anxiety. This may be difficult to grasp because the dream is an explanation of what you are facing in your self or life.  It is chasing you because it is part of you and you are running away from your own feelings.

To make this plain, the animal IS your feelings of anxiety. You see yourself running away from the animal because you are scared of your own feelings. Most of us don’t like feeling scared, so we run away from such feelings.

What can you do about this? Well you can imagine making friends with the animal, getting it some food, and direct its aggression or energy to be on your side. Or you can face your anxiety instead of running away from it. This, if you can do it, can radically change you.

Talking, white, shining, holy or wise animals: This shows important intuitive information; a meeting with the gathered wisdom we have unconsciously. This is one of the sources of religious inspiration, and many older cultures represent their origin of great learning or holiness as animals or animal headed beings. This is most likely because a great deal of innate information is held unconsciously. Our animal or instinctive self holds much of this, so communication with it can lead to enlightenment.

Taming or loved by a wild animal: Learning to relate to urges and energies in yourself that were previously unavailable to your will or needs. For instance some people face difficulties and their mind and body does not appear to support them. Instead emotions of anxiety rage within and they become ill. Other people have such a good relationship with their emotions they manage good health even when meeting stressful events.

Sacrificing animal: For long ages in human history animal sacrifice was practised. In a dream it might suggest the offering of ones sexuality or instinctive urges and needs to the influence of the life process within. It can also indicate, depending on the feelings in the dream, that you are killing a natural and innocent part of yourself. In a wider sense, life sacrifices itself to life. To exist, living forms devour each other. So the sacrifice is toward, and part of, the flow of life.

The traits, power or wisdom of the animal concerned; the instincts – for example yogis are often depicted sitting on an animal skin. This means they have mastered their instincts and gained the wisdom and power latent in them.

 Skinned animal: The maltreatment of your supportive instincts and the life processes that give life to your body and supports your personality. Feeling vulnerable at the basic levels of your being, and having no protection against the things touching or impinging on your life.

Wild animal: Urges and spontaneous feelings that may not respond in the way you, or your social training, may wish. Wild animals in dreams are not something ultimately different to your personality. They are an expression of energies and needs that you have not previously related to in a co-operative or mutually helpful way.

Wild animal(s) attacking: The wild animal represents your unrepressed instinctive reactions such as sex and anger. In the attacking mode however it shows unleashed aggression. In some dreams being attacked depicts what we feel in relationship with other people. The attack, the criticism and malign emotions directed at us by others are frequently shown as an animal attacking or biting us. Sometimes we may be aware of this, but often remarks are made which we miss, yet are sensed as an attack by our unconscious.

Wounded animal: A hurt that has caused instinctive reaction, such as unreasoning reactive anger or fawning submission.

Animals – dealing with dream animals To understand your dream animals, it is helpful to imagine that you are the keeper of a prehistoric type of human animal. As such you would need to be aware what the correct diet is for this big creature; what type of dwelling it needs; what are its sexual and emotional needs; what frightens it or causes it stress; what amount of exercise keeps it healthy, what its stages of growth are and how it can best develop through those stages; and what satisfies it in relationships with others of its kind? Your animal dreams are showing you exactly those issues. They are giving you insight into how to care for the instinctive, the spontaneous and natural in you.

Therefore ask yourself the following questions about your animal dreams, and write down any responses. If the answer is no to a question, move on the next one:


  • Is my dream animal struggling to survive?
  • Is the animal domesticated or wild?
  • Is there any concern about the animal’s health?
  • Is there an indication the animal has been injured?
  • Does love, caring or affection enter into the dream?
  • Are sexual feelings involved?
  • Does the animal show unusual intelligence or ability to speak?
  • Is the animal giving advice or showing you something?
  • Are baby animals involved?
  • Is the animal attacking or being attacked?
  • Is there a herd or group of these animals?
  • Has the animal been neglected or mutilated?
  • Are you trapped by or running away from an animal?
  • Try Using Dream Yoga.

Depending upon how the animal in your dream is presented, and what it is doing, dream animals represent your fundamental drives such as the fear reaction, anger, need for food, urge to breathe, sex or procreative drive, parental urges, drive for recognition or dominance in groups; survival drive; love of offspring; spontaneity; home building. They depict these drives perhaps stripped of their social forms of expression.

As such the animal can portray your relationship with the fundamental life processes in you. Dreams depict these processes as intelligent and responsive, not just as chemical actions and reactions as modern medicine so often does. Therefore your conscious attitudes influence these fundamental living processes in you – processes that maintain health, digest, beat your heart, rebuild damage and fight infection. Negative feelings or attitudes can cause these ‘animals’ is you to despair or lose motivation, and thus lead to depression or illness. Remember that in looking at the animal in your dreams you are yourself an animal. You as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years. It holds that information in it unconsciously. The animal in your dreams depicts this ancient wisdom and how you relate to it. It shows you how you are dealing with the urges in you that are natural, but might need to be helped into modern life or transformed in some way, not killed out, maimed or tortured. See: The Rock Beast.

Animals are one of the most frequent of symbols that appear in dreams. Because we see them in so many ways, such as the cunning of the fox, the strength and mystery of the elephant, the loving fierceness of a lioness with her cubs, and the almost unconditional love dogs give us, the animal in our dream can express a very wide spectrum of meaning.

As we project these characteristics onto animals, we may dream of an animal to represent the feelings we have about a person. An attacking dog for instance may be used to depict how we see someone who is being aggressive toward us.

Thus dream animals are complex symbols, and they portray many shades of meaning. Some animal dreams for instance display personal need for affection, desire to be touched, or the need to care for another creature and thus feel needed. Sometimes they depict pregnancy and parental caring. Because of these huge variations, the long commentary at the end of the individual description of animals has been added to help awareness in looking at such dreams. Each animal is also given an entry, as the character of the various animals suggests different things to us. Pets, for instance, have given to each of us very different experiences. We therefore have personal associations and feeling responses to pets we might dream about. See excellent example of this in the example under ferret. See: ape; birds; creatures; pet; reptiles and snakes; the unconscious.



-1 2016-07-15 5:21:30

Had a dream I was walking through a hall and a wild beefy boar was walking the opposite direction. I thought it might attacked me but it just kept walking. I also had a dream I was on a pier near the ocean and I look down and see a shark then it attacks a huge red fish. I look to the other side and see a walrus. Then I decide to leave as to not get attacked by a shark and the dock is broken in pieces. I jump the first distance and land and then there is another break that looks the same distance so I try to jump it but don’t make it and end up falling an enormous distance and know I will die before I hit water. Then I am half awake and think about waking up to write the dream down but I don’t and keep sleeping. Then it replays my jumps and the second jump I fall into the water and come face to face with a very vivid ray. Another dream I had I was about to board a ship and I see a shark trapped between the pier cement with it’s fin trapped in a cardboard box. I think about freeing it from the box. I’ve also had a dream a wolf dog went for my throat.

-Emily 2016-07-07 8:07:58

Every dream I have involves a wild animal, alligator, lion, wolf, approaching and/or attacking me in some way shape or form. I always wake up before they can fully reach or bite me. And if I go back to sleep the dream picks up where it left off.

-Julianne McCarthy 2016-07-04 13:01:41

Hi, I hope you see this, I know this a article is old but I would really love if you could help me understand this a bit more. I just woke up from a dream where I was with my bestfriend, (whom I have lost contact with) we were walking to the beach and as we got there I was so happy! I remember thinking in the dream this is so great I am doing things again and having fun and freedom, in the water of the beach there was a huge shark tooth, acctually two of them but I picked up one and some other guy got the other one, and my bestfriend was behind me and said look a seal!! And a little spotted seal washed up right into these bleacher seats that were behind us, the bleachers were full of guys, and the seal was on a seat and some crazy asshole started kicking the shit out of the little baby so I ran up and attacked him and then I picked up the seal, while he was still attacking! And tried to get it away, I think I got it back to the water idk though.. But then the guy was attacking me and he bit my leg and I was screaming and just thinking I don’t think I can withstand this pain I don’t think I can do it. & I was just screaming and then I woke up from the dream. I would like to add this though, I am in what you would call an abusive relationship, I am 17 years old and I am unhappy with my life and I have so much control put into it by this guy and my bestfriend who I miss so much was in my dream, I have lost her because of this guy, I read that seeing a seal in a dream with a single friend can mean that you need to get together with that friend, and that they will introduce you to your future husband or someone who will be a long lasting important relationship. I was just wondering what you think? I also had the impression the the guy who was attacking me could’ve been my current boyfriend? Do you think that’s possible? Please help! I am a person who believes in signs very fluently… This could possibly help me change my life if I just understood better, please help… I really hope see you this. Thank you so much !

-Heather 2016-07-03 20:14:37

Hi, my dream last night was very unusual for me. I think I was younger like mid teens and a friend of mine injured a black cat by breaking it’s back or something like that. We wanted it to die but it was just hanging on to life. We didn’t want my friends parents to find put, it happened outside of her house. We were trying to get rid of the cat but we were both afraid because it was still alive, barely, and we were scared it may have some germs or give us a disease. I finally was able to slide it onto a paperback although the cat did not make it easy by moving around alot etc. The cat did bite my finger in the process. Some how finally the cat was in a plastic bag that I had tied up. The cat finally died, I think from suffocation. I was trying to find somewhere to get rid of it without anyone knowing. My friend was not helping much. I did show her my finger where the cat bit me. I was going to throw the cat over the fence into an open lot, still in the plastic bag but suddenly my friends dad came outside so quickly I was able to put the cat near the neighbors garbage. My friends dad was looking around for something all over. I had the impression that he was suspicious of something we did. Since he was searching all over I went to get the cat from the neighbors garbage and when I looked all of the garbage was gone. The garbage truck had just come and picked up all the neighbors garbage including the cat. I woke up right after that. Now in real life I have been struggling with some things and trying to make some important decisions about my life current and future so I was wondering, how if any, this dream was telling me something. Like I said I rarely dream and never anything this odd. Thank you so much for your help and input.

-Summer 2016-06-11 17:55:15

I had a dream that I was babysitting for a friend as usual, she has a 3 year old daughter and a seven year old son who has autism. In the dream, we let a friendly raccoon in through the window and I allowed them to play with it (would never happen irl but you know) shortly after the son told me his sister had a project she was working on that was a secret. I asked her if I could know and the son told me (with a big smile) that she had mutilated the raccoon, cut off its head and limbs and out the body on a stick. She pulled it out proudly to show me her work and when I tried to take the butcher knife away from her, she stabbed me in the hand! I’ve read that seeing an animal killed means returning to old ways but what about seeing an innocent child mutilate an animal? Someone help!

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-06-16 7:41:37

    Dear Summer – In this entry about animal situations you can read;
    Neglect, mutilation or killing our ‘animal’: A common theme. In the example below, Lynda’s feelings show how she senses what she is doing to her inner nature, but she dismisses this by convincing herself such feelings are not ‘true’. But we have a responsibility to care for our animal drives, to see our sexual, nutritional and body needs are met, and the neglected animal shows us failing in this.
    Example: ‘I am given an animal to look after, usually somebody’s pet while they are away on holiday. I then completely forget the animal, go away and when I return the animal is either dead or very dried up or has been got at by another animal and is in the throes of dying. When I wake from the dream I feel most dreadful and it is only when I am fully awake and realise it is not true do I feel better.’ Lynda E.
    There are often dreams of mutilation or burned starved, frozen, or beaten small animals. They may not be things you have done to yourself but are things done to you by others, even parents. If you explore these dreams it gradually makes clear who perpetrated the damage. You may need help in facing this.”
    Anna 🙂

-Tracy 2016-05-27 10:59:59

I had a dream last night that I was in a very wealthy neighborhood and went into a very large house that was used by a hoarder (I was disgusted by the people fir the way they lived)who had hundreds of cats of all ages there were rats cockroaches and as I tried to keave they were chasing me. I ran across the street as they chased me to appeared to be my own home(very modest in comparison) desperately trying to keep them out of my home fearful that the cockroaches would multiply they were spilling into my home. I was using a bat to knock them on the head and kill them , by the time I was finished I had a pile of them on my porch approximately 4 feet tall I was stressed as to how I would dispose of them. The cockroach(large Madagascar hissing cockroach) was biting the bottom of my foot. The rat biting my hands(light blue rat with white legs), the cats biting my calves.i wasn’t terrified, I was more fearful and desperate, angry and anxious.

-Tony 2016-05-11 6:02:18

I had a dream involving me bringing a dog around the side of a pub and chatting with some other people there. A friend of mine was inside, but it odd part is that another dog was there as I was passing through the side of this place, this dog and the one I had began staring each other down and having an animosity. Once the other dog got a bite of mine it held it there, keeping a vice like grip on his leg and then backside. This dog then began to swallow my dog slowly like a snake as I tried to pry it’s jaws open, eventually breaking it’s jaw open and causing some harm but it seemed unaffected. While I did this I urged the others around the pub to call paramedics, as if both weren’t treated then they’d both die. I woke up not soon after nothing but my dog’s snout poked out of the other’s throat.

Any interpretations? If it matters it looked like the breeds of them were a labrador (the one eating) and a samoyed (one being eaten)

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-05-13 11:12:14

    Dear Tony – An interesting dream that may reflect how you deal with a “power struggle” in a relationship or within yourself and what your feelings/perceptions could be about power struggles; it may be eating you and you are worried about your own well-being but also about the well-being of the other (part of you).
    Your dream reflects that you perceive that there is no win-win situation possible in a power struggle; “if both weren’t treated then they’d both die.”
    Being eaten may also reflect that you perceive yourself as being forced into a submissive position where your goals and preferences have to ‘fit into’ the goals and preferences of a perceived dominant person.
    To explore your feelings about your perceived position you could use “Being the dog that is eaten”;
    The next step could be to observe where you recognize these feelings and your responses in your waking life;
    Anna 🙂

-Tera H 2016-04-22 17:11:48

Let me start off by saying I’m pregnant, I know dreams are a little more vivid during pregnancy and can have different meanings because of it.
Last night I dreamed of a backyard full of kennels with various types and sizes of dogs in them. There was a small pink-ish chihuahua puppy loose, small enough to fit in my two hands put together. It was being bullied by a grey dog much bigger than it that came up to just above my belly button. I scooped up the small puppy and put him in a kennel so he would be safe. I proceeded to feed the dogs going down the line of kennels. I heard something and saw the big grey dog hurting the puppy, who was in a different cage that was short enough for the grey dog to reach into from the top.
I rushed over and I somehow disintegrated the grey dog. (I’m a big animal lover so this upset me)
I lifted the puppy in my hands and he licked me, but when he did there was blood. I then noticed his face was swollen very badly and became panicked. Then I noticed he has something like a big paperclip sticking out of his side. I pulled it out and suddenly a fear rushed over me that he might die. His face swelling began to go down and then I woke up. This dream left me feeling very upset to say the least.

-Amira 2016-04-18 0:44:45

In my dream..I was with some family members and suddenly saw four huge dogs, one black and three white about to attack my brother and his new born baby on their way out from the hospital. I suddenly jumped in my car and started running the dogs over my car killing them starting with the black one. None of them was barking, but they were all runing toward my brother who was trying to hide his baby behind the main door of the hospital so unbelievably fast. Any interpretation please? Thanks

-Chauntel 2016-04-03 14:09:04

I just had a dream about wild animals. I was in a building that was not secure. It was next to a beautiful white house that I had just moved into. It was deep in the woods. No one else was around. The building was open all around, near the ground and someone or something could just come in if they wanted to. There was a door that didn’t latch, it just pushed open or shut. At first I was alone in the building. I remember being afraid and paranoid since the building was just open and feeling unsafe. I kept thinking a bear is going to come I just know it. Well first a moose came. I seen it coming. The moose was too big to come in through the opening. But not too big for the door. The moose tried coming in and I was scared. I tried holding the door ahut. But he was too strong. He came in and I tried escaping. He bit me first before I could scare him off. Then it was me and my mom in the building. I told her what had happened. I told her I was scared of a bear coming. And as soon as I had told her that, I seen a bear coming. He came to the door before I could yell to my mom there was a bear. At first it was a grizzly bear. I tried scaring it off. I kept hiding infront of a fan, thinking I could keep it between us r that it could protect me. Then I got the idea to roar into the fan. Then it was gone. I turn around and there’s a baby cub who was scared. So I rub his tummy and he loved it. After that more animals came, but they didn’t scare me. It was like they were asking for acceptance. Each animal came and I would pet them and comfort them. They stayed by my side and protected me every time another animal came until they knew I was safe and they were also accepted. I was supposed to meet my family a little ways away. It was also a building in the woods. But this building was secure. The animals followed me to meet my family and protected me on the way. Next thing I know I’m in this building with my family and all the animals surround me. Then more animals come. Wolves, deer, and others. They all walk up to me and I stick my hand out. They sniff then nudge my hand and I pet them and it’s like they’re accepted. Every animal that came the animals surrounding me would protect my family and I by trying to keep them out until they knew it was okay. They would watch as these animals came up to me and wait to see if they were accepted. Then it was time to go home. My family didn’t want me walking so late at night in the woods to my house. I told them it was okay and I have my new friends to protect me. I get home and I call out. I made a weird whistling sound to call all of my wild animal friends. I couldn’t see them all so I walk into the light. And soon every type of wild animal had appeared. Except for the grizzly bear. I knew that would take time. I was giving a speech to all of my new friends thanking them and saying how greatful I was for them and how much I loved them. Then they got still. I felt something behind me so I turned around and it was the grizzly bear. Standing tall right in front of me. I thought maybe he was angry. But I hug him because I felt that’s what he needed. And he was okay, he become a part of us. Together we felt strong, happy, loved, safe, and just altogether we felt amazing. It was such an amazing bond. This dream felt so real. And I remembered all of it. All the details. What could this mean?

-Camila 2016-03-27 18:42:03


I keep having the same dreams or better yet nigtmare for awhile now close to two weeks. It comes and goes but the basic idea is that i am talking or doingg something and suddlenly an animal jumps up and attacks me, they range from species to species but it’s mostly big cats. Ive been trying to find out what that means and have had problems with it. Can you help me?

Thank you

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-03-31 10:37:57

    Dear Camila – In this entry about Animal Situations you can read that;
    “The wild animal represents your unrepressed instinctive reactions such as sex and anger. In the attacking mode however it shows unleashed aggression. In some dreams being attacked depicts what we feel in relationship with other people. The attack, the criticism and malign emotions directed at us by others are frequently shown as an animal attacking or biting us. Sometimes we may be aware of this, but often remarks are made which we miss, yet are sensed as an attack by our unconscious.”
    Because you do not describe your dreams in detail – whom are you talking to (male or female?), what are you doing, what are your feelings about the people or what you are doing etc.; – I cannot get a clear picture of your dreams.
    You can use for all the symbols/dream figures in your dream to explore what is going on in your inner world.
    Do you feel “under threat” by other people’s feelings (anger?) or your own feelings when you are talking to someone or doing something?
    Do you feel that you give yourself enough room to express all of your feelings and natural (sexual?) urges or do you feel in conflict with that thought?
    Can you imagine allowing someone to help you who is close to you in your waking life?
    Can you perceive a nightmare as a way to help you grow?
    Anna 🙂

-Nikhil Sharma 2016-03-08 2:31:37

In my dream, there was a baby (I don’t know if it was my childhood or not) and there were too many wild animals. It was like that baby v/’s all wild animals. Animals tried to kill the baby again and again. There were Tigers, lions, snakes etc. The baby escaped for a larger period of time, but at last, it was caught by a snake. Wrapped by the snake tightly, and snake and Tiger were trying to kill it. At last they succeeded and the baby fell unconscious(may be dead) , but when it woke up(in the dream), it was me (present age) in an operation theater, with my teeth gone, all of them, thanks to that wild animal accident (baby was dead, I don’t know how it survived with all its teeth gone and it turned out to be me) . It have never had such a dream. Does it mean something or just a random dream??

-Beth 2016-02-08 0:06:41

For about a week now I keep having dreams of being chased by wild animals. Every time I sleep, rather it be at night or a nap. I am always with at least one other person, and we are walking around somewhere in the wilderness. One dream I was with my brother and we were being chased by a tiger monster type thing, and then I have had multiple dreams where I am with people and we are being chased by a pack of wolves. The animals never get to me, I usually find some way to start fending them off then I wake up. Any idea of what this means?

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-02-10 14:34:54

    Dear Beth – Being in the wilderness suggests the eruption of urges and feelings from the unconscious;
    It could mean that you become aware of non-socialised feelings and urges, therefore the dream may contain unmet anxieties and/or sexual urges.
    Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. This is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself;
    Anna 🙂

-Madi 2016-01-12 5:47:36

So, I had a dream last night about owning a little, blue, female parakeet. I’ve never owned a bird before in my waking life, so it was a bit odd. In the dream, I was in my childhood home with my sister and mother, and we were getting ready for something important. The bird was out flying in the house and she would occasionally land on my shoulder or let me pick her up to pet her. She was very affectionate and wanted attention. I don’t remember what happened, but my sister picked the bird up and took it outside to let it go. I was almost hysterical, begging her not to. I tried to tell my mother, but she acted indifferent about it. When my sister let the bird go, I felt despair and wondered why nobody cared about the bird like me. I watched it fly a little, before she turned right around and landed on my shoulder, rubbing her head against my cheek. And I immediately felt loved and at peace. For the rest of the dream, she never once left. And I fed her sunflower seeds to reward her for staying, then I woke up.

-Teslah 2016-01-06 9:21:59

I had a Dream last night, I was standing on a roof of a house I’ve never been to. Then in the distance I see a white horse getting attacked by a viroucious panther like cat. I screamed in my dream nooooo!!
Then the viroucious creature looked at me with yellow glowing eyes and leaped on to the roof and I started running and it bite my side thigh. I pushed it off and it jumped up again then I ran into this door on the roof before it got me a second time. I’ve NEVER dreamed of anything like this what could it mean??

    -Anna - Tony's Assistant 2016-01-12 14:56:58

    Dear Teslah – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well and is that you have become aware of an inner conflict inside you.
    You probably perceive that you have to make an either/or choice, which could sound somewhat like; either I use my energy to expand my awareness and become more loving – the white horse – or I use it to express my aggression; the veracious panther like cat.
    To explore both means of expressing your inner potential you can use “Being the white horse” and “Being the veracious panther like cat”, as they are both expressions of your inner world.
    I believe that the veracious creature bites you, because by denying/repressing this part of your potential it turns against you;
    Let me know if you have any questions Teslah.
    Anna 🙂

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