This suggests your ability to be in control of a situation, or out of control if the brakes do not work. This might be control of anxiety or sexual feelings or emotions. If the brakes are working they allow a feeling of confidence in dealing with life. See: Car.
This could also point to social situations. In other words we might not be taking notice of the ‘stop signs’ in social settings, personal relationships or as far as the law is concerned. Maybe it is about the motion of events that you could stop.
Brakes not working: Might suggest high anxiety or losing control of a situation or events, thus may indicate a fear of taking chances or initiating things in case they get ‘out of hand’; difficulty in controlling sexual desire or emotions.
Our brakes might not be working in some settings, such as in a relationship or work. This could mean you collide or are on a collision course with someone or with a situation. Banging into another car, person or house would depict this.
Example: Then there’s snow on the ground and I’m on a dirt road. In the snow, I skid and lose control. I realize as I pumped the brakes that I have no control, so I just sit there and steer to a soft as possible “crash” into a bank. I sit there, wondering what I’ll do now! Barb.
Example: Dreamt by a man who reported making love to a girl and finding it difficult to stop short of sexual intercourse. ‘I was in my car driving along and I wanted to stop the car immediately but my brakes would not work. This went on and on until I wakened.
Example: In an Edgar Cayce-interpreted dream we read: “I was driving down a lakeside road close to an embankment when suddenly I appeared to go over the edge. I had time to jam on my brakes before I reached the edge, but instead I did nothing. I jumped out of the car into the lake. The car fell on top of me and I was killed.”
Cayce: “This is a warning to change conditions in the physical body while there is yet time! Don’t just think about it. Do it!—Now! The lesson: To know how to do good and to do it not, is sin.“
See Control-No Control – Learning the brake, gears and accelerator
Useful Questions and Hints:
What part are the brakes playing in this dream – to avoid something; to stop; to control speed?
Can I recognise how I use control and release in my life, and how well I can operate them?
Why am I dreaming of brakes at the moment – is there a situation I am in that needs skill in controlling or letting go?
Am I feeling anxious about what is happening to me sexually or emotionally?
Have I done something that is like running through the red light?
What is it I need to review about being in control?
Try using Acting on your dream and Easy Dream Interpretation
I keep having this dream that I’m in an older car and usually the people with me change, but the car is almost always full. As soon as the car starts moving I can tell there’s no brakes but I just mention that we should stop for new brakes and keep going. I’m always on a highway or road with a lot of other cars but I always seem to miss the cars around me, slowing down right before I hit one. The weird part is even avoiding all the cars I always end up in water. The car goes into a lake, or a river. And I have to get everyone out.. including the car. What does this mean?
I had a 2 different dream last night and couldn’t able to figure out what exactly the hidden meaning behind those dream.
Dream 1: I was driving a car with my husband and all of sudden I realize that my car brakes are not working and try my best to press the break several times but car doesn’t stop and my car went towards the opposite side lane towards oncoming traffic and I try my best not to hit any car and finally I pull the emergency brake and after few mins car got slow and stopped.
Dream 2: I saw one couples with several kids going in the car the couples seems very angry and irritating with the kids and one such kids/girl seems naughty and she get off the car and her father ran towards her and start beating her merciless. He beat her so much that she start bleeding and I seems helpless with panicking and doesn’t stop his father instead of I start knocking neighbors door to let them know to help that kid and later one neighbor called 911 and cop came and arrest that father. When they were taking that girl to the hospital I saw her face she was bleeding completely with blood around stomach and face. I was feeling very bad that I couldn’t able to help her..
I really don’t understand what does this mean.???
Need help with this one. I was in a parking lot. I am not certain if I was arriving where I was or trying to leave. I realized that my brakes aren’t working and I am pushing very hard on them but I keep drifting about to hit something on the lot. I don’t recall actually hitting anything because I think the one car I came close to moved. I remember being frustrated and afraid to move the car. I don’t remember if the dream just ended or I woke up.
Dear Karen – Being in a parking lot could reflect a need to relax/release.
Not being certain whether you are arriving or trying to leave may reflect that you find it difficult to decide when/how to relax/release and when/how to control; an inner conflict because of competing goals can be an internal source of frustration.
Can you recognize where feeling frustrated and being afraid to move occurred/occurs in your waking life? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
When you are controlled by fear it helps to practice the ability to recognize and accept this feeling. Also it may help when you accept the feeling to say to yourself “I feel afraid” instead of “I am afraid”. With this less limited self-definition you are also less likely to be driven by fear.
You could explore what is frightening in the dream. This can be done using the methods given under http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/ and/or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
You could also explore what it feels like when you let go of control; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I was driving my aunts car, and I was going to go get my boyfriend because he had left a party early. I felt like I didn’t have control of the car and I didn’t understand the turn signals or atleast couldn’t find them. I heard beeping and thought it was the turn signal but it was the seatbelt sign. I then swerved off a cliff but there was a road, I kept going and thank was trying to break and ended up losing control and the car flew left into the woods. I looked up saw I was in the middle of the woods, I got out un-injured and then procedded to walk home to tell my parents what happened, I didn’t call anyone because I didnt have my phone. My parents were disappointed but we went to go get the car and then they made me call my aunt. I tried telling my boyfriend what happened but he wouldn’t pick up his phone. Then I woke up. Dream Interpation?
Dear Karlyshay – Your dream suggests that you are exploring a different approach in dealing with your (inner) life, which choice might also have been motivated by what your (inner) parents expect from you, or by what you think/believe your (inner) parents expect from you.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/father-dad/#InnerFather
This new approach is related to the methods, skills or motivations your aunt uses to achieve something. Do you – or your parents – see her in some way as a role model?
Is this about leaving “partying” behind and connect with your inner male for the purpose of achieving something in your life, expressing more of your potential?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
It serves a purpose to explore all your feelings that are part of you “borrowing your aunt’s car/drive” by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Perhaps you need to practice using this different approach and perhaps it is just not your way?
You end up “in the middle of the woods” which shows that at the end of the ride you connect with your natural feelings (again).
In the woods you can meet the self you are underneath what you express through your needs for social and physical survival and meeting/exploring that self is very important too.
You do not decide to explore the woods; which is a symbol of becoming aware of the level of yourself that is usually drowned out by your daily life or civilized activities.
Why not? Why do you feel the first step you have to do is to connect with your parents to tell them what happened? How old are you?
Are you aware of your thoughts and feelings as you “drive through your waking life”?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
Last night i had a dream that my friends and i were running from an overgrown polar bear that was very angry. I dont remember who the friends were. Their faces were blurred out. As we were running i decided to start pulling car doors in order to get in and be safe. The not so popular cars were all locked. Before the dream ended i had driven at least 3 cars. They were the newer versions of the not so popular cars. The first car i got into was on a highway at 70 mph i was trying to press the brakes while dodging cars. The car slowed down to 25mph but didnt come to a complete stop i made a right turn then suddenly i was running again. The second car was driving fast but not as fast as the first car. The same thing happened slowed down but not a complete stop. i dont remember how i got out of that car but the third car didnt want to stop nor slow down at all therefore i was driving dodging cars and turning corners wildly. what is this dream trying to tell me exactly?
I have two dreams regually. The first is that my teeth are falling out. It never hurts they just fall out. The second is I’m driving and I can stop. I try to pull into the he edge but my breaks won’t work. I have gotten out the car and checked the breaks some times and they don’t fit. No one is ever hurt just the odd bump as I bring it to a stop .
I am happy in ever aspect if my life (maybe not financialy) I have a job I love and an I happily married with kids. I am not anxious or feeling out of control so what do these dreams mean .
Dear Tina – Teeth falling out can mean many things, also depending on what your feelings are when you see them fall out. Does it worry you? Are you concerned about how other people are seeing you?
Also what do you feel when your brakes don’t work? Does it bother you in any way?
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Another approach to uncover what unconscious thoughts and feelings create these dreams might be to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Perhaps reading this entry will be helpful too? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/recurring-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream where I was driving a car, but as I hit the brakes it would not stop. I tried to press on the emergency brake but it still wouldn’t stop. I even tried to turn off the car but it kept running (engine and all). All I could do was use the steering wheel to navigate myself so I didn’t hit anyone.
I keep having a reacurring dream that I’m driving a car, no particular surroundings but when I try to stop the car it just slows down but I cannot get it to a complete stop. I feel frustrated, annoyed and angry in the dream and when I wake up. The car is constantly pumping into other cars or curbs. I never see the people and often wake up before there is a big collision. What could this mean? General unrest with situations in my life?? Thank you
Dear Annie – In general dreams recur because there are ways the dreamer habitually responds to their internal or external world. Because their attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same. It is noticeable in those who explore their dreams using such techniques as described under processing dreams – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/ – that recurring themes disappear or change because the attitudes or habitual anxieties that gave rise to them have been met or transformed.
Apart from applying (some of) the approaches that are described in Processing dreams, you could explore the questions.
What part are the brakes playing in this dream – to avoid something; to stop; to control speed?
Can I recognise how I use control and release in my life, and how well I can operate them?
Why am I dreaming of brakes at the moment – is there a situation I am in that needs skill in controlling or letting go?
Am I feeling anxious about what is happening to me sexually or emotionally?
What is it I need to review about being in control?
The way I see your recurring dreams is that you release the feelings that are not allowed expression in your life.
One of the functions of dreaming is that it is a way of balancing the physiological and psychological activities in us. When a person is deprived of dreaming in experiments, a breakdown in mind and body quickly occurs. This type of dreaming can often be a safety valve releasing tension and emotion that is denied/repressed and so not dealt with/released in waking life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Anna 🙂
This has become a recurring dream of mine. I’m always in the car alone, never in the same place though. I’ll be driving and then a stop sign/ light or even sometimes and intersection full of cars come up and my breaks don’t work, or at first they take all my effort to work, but eventually fail. Then once they fail I begin just picking up speed and am completely out of control of the car. I can’t stop and I just seem to get faster and faster, out of control. I’ve never hit anyone. I have ended up in lakes, with the ability to get out ok. I also once got launched up into the air and was stuck a couple 1000 ft up (that was odd). But I never get injured in my dream.
I had a dream that I was driving other people in the neighborhood where I grew up, I turned the corner and had to step on the gas to go up a hill. The rest of the street was uphill, but my breaks weren’t working and we were getting closer to the main street. I kept slamming on the breaks and finally we stopped just before we reached the busy street. The rest of the dream we talked excitedly about how we were safe.
What does my dream in the previous comment mean?
I had a dream that I was driving with my brother in the passenger seat, we were in my mums car, neither of us have a license but I was driving down our very quiet country road and realised as we were going down a hill that I didn’t have any breaks, as the dream went on we ended up in a really crowed city where I was trying to dodge other people and cars, I had the hazard lights on by people weren’t paying attention. That’s all I remember until I woke up
I just woke from a dream that I was texting while driving and I looked up and there was a black Jeep Wrangler right in front of me at a stop light and I was like SLAMMING on the brakes so hard that when I woke up, my foot was actually doing the action of slamming on a brake. What is that saying?
Dear Tania – I understand that your question “What is that saying?” refers to what the dream is saying.
The way you describe your dream I think it expresses that you are not aware of what is going on around you while you are communicating.
You do not mention what your text message is about. Do you remember?
The moment you look up, you DO become aware that you are about to collide with someone else and because of your being aware of it now, you are able to put on the brakes.
I take it that you read this part of the entry on brakes;
“This could also point to social situations. In other words we might not be taking notice of the ‘stop signs’ in social settings, personal relationships or as far as the law is concerned.”
What do you associate with a black Jeep Wrangler? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
If you associate the car with the person who owns it, you could try to become more aware of the effect of your words on him/her by observing him/her; you then also create some room to ask that person to give you feedback.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was driving and I couldn’t see and I turned on my fog lights on but then I pressed on my brakes and my car would not stop so I steered to the left lane so I wouldn’t crash into other cars and next thing I crashed into the pole.
I ended up at home told my husband what happened and he was worried and it worried me also that we still have to pay the car off…we just bought a car.
What does this mean?
Thank you!
I dreamed of driving a car, my two sisters and one friend were in it. Their friend was in the passenger seat and my two sisters were in the back seat. Before I started the car I asked my friend if she would drive my car since I didn’t have a license or a license plate. She had a license but she refused to drive it. So I start the car and i put it in reverse to back up and it almost hit the car behind me so then I put the car in drive and press on the gas and it almost hit the car in front of me. I back up again to get out of the cars that I sat in between and all of a sudden it starts going a little fast. I step on the breaks a little because I was about to pass a couple of stop signs, as I step on the breaks before getting to the stop signs the car would not stop quick enough. As it continues to speed i put two feet on the brakes so after that it starts speeding out of control like I’m in a car speeding contest still with my two feet on the brakes it would not slow down I was soooo scared of losing control and crashing but I refused to show that I was scared and then the dream fades out… What does my dream mean?
Dear Obrion – I believe that your dream reflects your perception that you have little space to move in your relationship with other people or perhaps with the different aspects of yourself.
So perhaps you can ask yourself if:
– you feel you have to be careful to avoid possible conflicts of opinions or feelings with two other people, symbolised by the two parked cars in your dream?
– you feel you can openly express your feelings in these relationships?
– you feel guilty about your way of life or social conduct towards “their/your” friend or in general?
(You wrote “Their friend was in the passenger seat” and “I asked my friend”, so it is not quite clear whose friend it is)
– you feel you can deal with conflicted opinions and feelings inside yourself and/or with others in a healthy, constructive way?
At the end of the dream you felt scared and it will be helpful to explore your feelings in the rest of the dream.
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
So entering your dream while awake and becoming aware of what you feel in the dream will be helpful too.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
I hope this will give you a start with exploring and understanding your dream and your inner world.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Anna 🙂