Dreaming about your child often relates to how you feel about her. Is she an adventurous creative person? If so then it will usually be depicting your own feelings of creativity and risk taking. Is she an introverted person, or anxious. Are you worried about her? If so then the dream is either about your own urges to withdraw, or your feelings of concern for her.
Any child is a fruit, an expression of the marriage or relationship from which she sprang. So she can represent what is happening, or what is being felt, about the relationship. So a sick child could represent problems in the relationship.
In a mother’s dream: Your daughter could represent the support you get from her; any ties you feel through being her parent; or even your own feelings and difficulties at her age, that might be surfacing at the time of the dream. You might even be feeling her as a competitor because of her youth.
A feelings of not being alone in the area of emotional bonds; or one’s feeling area. It can also represent the responsibility or the ties of parenthood.
Sometimes it is oneself at that age; one’s own urges, difficulties, hurts, which may still be operative.
A comparison. The mother might see the daughter’s youth, opportunity, and have feelings about that. So the daughter may represent her sense of lost opportunity and youth – even envy; competition in getting the desire of a man.
In a father’s dream: Your daughter usually represent your feelings, your more feminine or receptive side. So problems in the dream could suggest you are having difficult allowing your feelings to mature. She could also depict whatever difficult feelings you have about mistake you have made in the relationship, or self recriminations you experience. When she starts courting, dreaming of her might also point out the struggle you have to let go.
One’s relationship with the daughter – in other words what feelings you have had regartding her recently. The daughter, or son, can represent what happens in a marriage between husband and wife. The child is what has arisen from the bonding, however momentary, of two people.
In dreams the child therefore is sometimes used to depict how the relationship is faring. So a sick daughter might show the feelings in the relationship being ‘ill’. See Characters and People in Dreams this can help enormously in understanding your dream.
In a father’s dream: One’s feeling self; the feelings or difficulties about the relationship with daughter. Or it can illustrate the struggles one’s own feeling self goes through to mature; how the sexual feelings are dealt with in a family situation – occurs especially when she starts courting. It can also indicate ones sister; parental responsibility; one’s wife when younger.
Someone else’s daughter: Feelings about one’s own daughter; feelings about younger women.
Death of daughter: This can sometimes suggest you are losing your daughter because she is becoming independent. But it can signify feelings of great loss, or the end of something such as a relationship.
Example: ‘I am standing outside a supermarket with heavy bags wearing my Mac, though the sun is warm. My daughter and two friends are playing music and everyone stops to listen. I start to write a song for them, but they pack up and go on a bus whilst I am still writing. I am left alone at the bus stop with my heavy burden of shopping, feeling incredibly unwanted.’ Mrs F.
Such dreams of the daughter becoming independent can occur as soon as the child starts school, persisting until the mother finds a new attitude. See: child; woman.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What way do I describe my daughter to a stranger?
What are my secredt feelings about her?
What was my relationship with her in the dream?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Associations Working With
My father had a dream that I was living with a family who were supposedly to become my in-laws.Their baby boy who was a toddler was to be my husband when he gets a bit older.What does this dream mean?
My mum had a dream of me that i was really thin. ( i am a large woman). What does this mean
i dream me and my daughter were trying to get home what does it mean,.i was trying so hard noone would listen
Dear Shirley – I believe that in a way we are all looking to find our way back home – be it consciously or unconsciously – which inner search I see as a symbol of becoming aware again of the connection with our Core and with our innate power and wonder.
Allowing the power of your core to flow into your conscious life is fundamentally simple. But simple things have complexity. The difficulty is that the core is the fount of life in your being. It is the potential for all that you can achieve or become. But it is life, and as when we watch a plant grow, it may appear as if little is happening at times. The growth is occasionally only realised by comparing present with past. But sometimes life is dynamic and urgent. Then the power is obvious and even challenging.
Please continue reading at http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/touching-your-core-self-part-6/
Can you relate to that as “home”?
Anna 🙂
I regularly dream that my daughter is missing. I dream that I awake & she’s gone. We co-sleep when she is with me so it’s quite frightening as in my dream I wake up in my bed & she is gone. Its been happening for approximately 3 months. I am separated from her father & she sometimes spends the night at his. On a few ocassions I’ve come to , to find myself sleepwalking looking for her. It happens when she is home too, what could this mean?
Dear Stephanie – I believe your dream creator is asking you to try to explore as honest as possible what your relationship with your daughter means to you.
Dreaming of missing someone may be that you have not satisfied yourself and/or the (mother) role you have in the relationship in some way. Maybe you haven’t told your daughter your real feelings; maybe you have not done or given her what you really wanted to give her. Are you in some way dependent on your daughter now that “her father” – is that the only role he has for you? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/digest/ – has left?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
Anna 🙂
Hi, I’ve been thinking about this dream since the second I woke up and I just can’t seem to get it out of my head. I wonder if you might be able to help…
In my dream I am standing part way down the path in my back yard and suddenly my ex-boyfriend is there. He is standing at the bottom of the garden holding hands with his young daughter. I dont remember walking closer to him but now we are standing right in front of each other and we kiss each other on the cheek and chat for a while and that’s it. I don’t remember if it ended there, if I woke up or if it just slipped away as dreams have a tendency to do but I would really like to know what it meant, if anything. Thanks Nat.
Dear Nat – I feel the dream is expressing the steps you have to take – like working on integrating the influence left in you from the relationship with your ex-boyfriend; see link “ex” – to merge more fully with your inner male; your animus.
When we integrate or digest something, whether it is an idea, something we have read or learned, it has to be first surrendered to the life process. We can see this in our body – it is first chewed and swallowed, then broken down into parts and the useful stuff, the building stuff, can be taken into us and the rest is passed out. The important thing is that even if it is dead or living food, it is transformed into our own living being – in other words our living understanding. It is the building blocks of you. If it has not been transformed through digestion it is like something dead inside us. But to be capable of such digestion we must swallow the experience and allow our unknown self to do its work
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
The animus is the male within the female, shown as a man in a woman’s dreams. Physically a woman is predominantly female, but also has a clitoris and produces some male hormones. Psychologically, we may only express part of our potential in everyday life. In a woman, the more physically dynamic, intellectual and socially challenging side of herself such as assertiveness and taking charge of situations may be given less expression. Apart from this some features, such as innovation and creative rational thought, may be held in latency. Even if this is not true for the modern woman, there are features of her full potential that are held as secondary or latent characteristics, and are depicted by the male in female dreams.
The animus is also a synthesis of all your male contacts. So the whole realm of your experience of the male can be represented by the man in your dream, and is accessible through the image.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/ex/
In order to understand this aspect of yourself more fully you can use “being your ex-boyfriend in your dream” and/or “talking as your ex-boyfriend in your dream”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and/or
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
My father had a dream that I was young and he had missed one of my school plays. I was angry with him for doing so. I also had a thin red mustache in the dream. He was apologetic.
What could this mean?
LN – Dreams are a magical mirror in which our innermost hopes, longings, fears/terrors and genius are made real. They are made real as external environments, people, animals and relationships. So the person we dreamt about is not them, but is a dream image made out of our feelings and memories.
I feel that your father’s dream is reflecting an inner conflict about how he expresses his more receptive, intuitive and creative side and him becoming aware that he “missed” exploring – and so learning about – this part of himself.
A theater play is often a way of bringing a certain theme to your attention. The theme probably refers to something important in yourself. The play might also be a way of exploring things, as perhaps a relationship, or a dangerous situation. This allows you to practice dealing with it. Also the ‘play’ of your thoughts or emotions.
The red moustache could be a symbol of hiding his feminine traits and/or of expressing his creative power through his words and his verbal expression.
The dream obviously has helped him to do another step towards integrating his own real emotions, sensitivity and intuition; for at the end of the dream he was apologetic.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/healing-and-therapeutic-action-of-dreams/
Anna 🙂
In the last month I have dreamed about my adult daughter twice. The first dream was that she was so skinny that I could close my hand around her leg . The second dream was that her front teeth were rotting and she had crowns put on them but the crowns had holes and I could see the rot through them. What do these dreams mean?
Worried Mom – I wonder if this dream is merely asking you to question if and with which thoughts you “feed yourself”.
Worrying is merely “dreaming in the wrong direction” and that is not helpful.
Can you contact your daughter and ask her how she is doing?
Bad teeth in a dream could be a symbol of painful or rotten parts of your feelings, life or relationships; angry or regretful words.
And an injured crown may relate to a sense of urgency that something has to be attended to.
I wonder if this “something” is about connecting with and feeding your (inner child or) daughter, before she starves to death.
http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/death/#Someone Close
Death of someone close to us: As explained above, this often refers to one’s own feelings or talents that have been hurt, denied, or ‘killed out’ by events and your response to them.
Anna 🙂
I have 2 daughters. One is almost 2 and the other is almost 4. They share a bedroom. In my dream I couldn’t tell which daughter it was but I believe it was my youngest. She was sleeping on the floor on a white thick blanket like a cot. And I could hear her calling me. She was scared saying mommy..cocooy..which is the Spanish word for a scary monster. In my dream, I woke up out of bed, ran to their room and saw a “thing” ( like those that are on the harry potter movie, skinny no clothes ugly creatures) standing at her feet as if he wanted to grab her. I immediately ran and picked up my child and was telling the thing to stay away from my daughter. To leave her alone
.. and then my husband woke me up. What in the world was that about? I never remember any dreams.
Dora – Dreaming that we are sleeping can be a symbol of not being aware of something, while you could be paying more attention; it is like “a wake-up call”.
I do not know what this dream means and I like to use what you wrote as a start to explore:
“A “thing”, like those that are on the harry potter movie, skinny no clothes ugly creatures”
So could it be that your daughter watches videos or TV programs which could affect her in a negative way?
Anna 🙂
They hardly ever watch TV and when they do its just cartoons.
Dora – Okay thanks, then I will approach your dream from a different angle.
Most monsters in our dreams are the graphic expression of the effects of past traumas.
And so your daughter in your dream can be a symbol for your inner child.
There are many ways in which we might come face to face with our inner baby or child. These might include the arising in your daily life of inappropriate responses to situations. In a warm and loving relationship you experience only pain instead of pleasure; you feel terror that your partner will abandon you; you hit out emotionally or even physically at the person who is actually closest to you; you withdraw from the world or lack any motivation to be a part of society or be in contact with others; you feel enormous longing to find love, but it never seems to be there when you relate to someone.
Those are signs of the undealt with emotions and pains of childhood, but there are many others. But one of the clearest indicators of the hurt baby or child within is from your dreams.
So with this approach it will be helpful to explore if you “met any old fear or trauma” recently which you were able to process succesfully so that you could move beyond it.
Anna 🙂
I like your comment about overseeing something. Maybe something bad is going on. Maybe she is scared of someone… hmm.
So basically, I shouldn’t worry about my girls? This dream is about me? Well I can’t think of anything off the top of my head but I will def. Think about it..
Dora – Often we oversee something in the sense that we respond in a conditioned, habitual way towards certain situations and this way we pass on to your children. For just as a fox cub ‘learns’ how to hunt from its parents, so children absorb the deeply etched survival strategies of their parents simply by being around them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/
So often the way to help our children is to become aware ourselves first how we approach “life” in the broadest sense possible; for instance how do we deal with situations that frighten us and is this fear related to past experiences we have not digested and integrated yet.
There is no need to “dig into your past” to become aware of your own habitual responses caused by traumas and/or cultural upbringing.
I learned, when my children were young, to use them as a mirror in which I could see myself and the way I approached life. It was often painful to become aware that I had passed on habits which were not helpful to them (either).
Please read also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/habits/
There are other ways too to become aware, like working with your dreams, and a start could be that you decide that you want to remember them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/forgetfulness-of-dreams/
What works for me very well too is self-observation during my waking life:
I trust that for now you have enough information to reflect on regarding “overseeing something”.
Anna 🙂
Keep having s dream where I am not my daughters mother
Jess – It could mean that you once gave birth to a part of yourself and for whatever reason you are now denying that part in yourself.
It could also mean that you disconnected with your inner child, because of the painful memories that are connected with this inner part of you.
There are many ways in which we might come face to face with our inner baby or child. These might include the arising in your daily life of inappropriate responses to situations and so perhaps you deny those responses in your waking life (too)?
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
Your dreams about this form of denial recur, because you have not changed anything about this (inner) situation yet and your dream creator is trying to help you heal and grow.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/recurring-dreams/
So why not give it a try to surrender to Life and to allow IT to “heal and grow you”?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream about my daughter visiting me without her mother’s permission and her mother’s found out call me if I didn’t let know about it she’ll call the police on me. What does it means?
Onoh – When in any way related to your outer life, I wonder if this dream is about the limiting influence your daughter’s mother has regarding your daughter’s relationship with you.
And so your daughter not being able to choose freely if and when she wants to visit you, must give rise to feelings inside you, which are worthwhile to explore:
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
Also it is not clear if you chose to respond to her message and so if you are able or willing to try to change the situation.
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/active-passive/
Either way – with or without the dream having a connection with the situation you are in, in your waking life – the dream could mean that you are in conflict with the different parts in you.
It could mean that your ex (?) and the social/moral codes you took in from her, do not allow you to express your more feminine or receptive side. And so she still merely decides in your inner world when and what you are allowed to feel.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/ex/
I trust it will be helpful if you also explore this dream for yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
My mother very often dreams about me as a baby even though I am now 32 years old and have a daughter of my own. And she mostly sees me in trouble and she is rescuing me or trying to protect me. It is to such extent that she wakes up screaming at night.
Manisha – Dreams are completely different to waking life, and they work by different rules that you operate or think during the day. Dreams are about our inner world, the world of our feelings, memories and things that trouble us and need to be dealt with.
Remember that because you were her child for many years, there is no way you can not dream about someone you have been intimately involved with. It doesn’t work like that. Most people are often totally unaware of the massive experience they take in during a relationship and how it interacts with them when we love someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
So you, in your mother’s dream probably represent her own childhood because you were the dependent and vulnerable child that she spent so much of her life caring for. So in your mother’s dreams she is the vulnerable and probably lost child that she is trying to care for in her dreams. Tell her to try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson to see if she can meet the hurt part of her. Also use to heal it http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Hi,I had a dream of my daughter getting into a fight with a very large black girl that’s her age. This girl really beat my daughter up,blood coming out nose,blood shot eye and bruises all over her face. She was very disoriented could not stand up alone and all I wanted to do was ask her if she got any shots in on her.I was very scared,worried,emotional and sad this happened to her. Any thoughts
Lisa 🙂
I wonder if this dream is about your (inner) daughter fighting with her natural drives, urges, longings and emotions?
Please read
Anna 🙂
Hi, what does it mean if I dreamt I had a daughter though I’m single and doesn’t have one on my waking life. In the dream, she had given me a gift, which was a proof that she’s on top of her class. And I cried upon receiving it.
I had a dream my daughter and I were being attacked by a white goose.I went into a store to get help and she got bit. What does this mean?
What does it mean of me dreaming of my daughter and her sounding as if she were right their and her telling me she is going to be a grandmother.
Ruby – It is probably true – she will be a grandmother. The question is when? Anyway it is a good sign of a long life.