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Death the walking dead or rigor-mortis
Death dancing with or meeting dark figure
There are two forms of death and any study of death needs to be aware of them.
- The easiest one for us to confront is the death if the body. This occurs when the body is badly injured, has suffered a bad illness or is dying from old age and so cannot support the intricacies of consciousness, then consciousness can longer function in the body.
- Another one that many people are not aware of is ‘ego death’. There are many descriptions of ego death, in fact the term Ego Death is misleading, because nothing dies in this process of enormous process of growth, instead it is a huge enlargement, a massive shift of our ideas and experience of who and what we are. The history of those who obviously have experienced this enlightened state, does not show that their experience of themselves has disappeared, it has been transformed. It occurs when we have stopped living in our thinking, beliefs and opinions – or what is sometimes thought of as our personality.A man, Anthony, describes the experience of it by saying, ‘I was sitting opposite someone during an enlightenment intensive workshop. We had been posing the question for days – “Who are you?” Suddenly I realised that it was a silly question, because I was the answer. All thought stopped and I existed as the answer. My being had always been this. In this state there was an awareness of being connected with everything around me, in the beginning of creation. This was the first day.While in the state of simple existence I was able to observe many things I am usually not aware of. For instance while I simply existed, my usual pattern of behaviour and thought went through contortions to be the centre of attention again. I could see them almost like habits, systems, that have life, like a body does, and they were dying and twitching in their death throes. Also I saw that I knew that all thought is like a mimic, so all our thinking is like photocopies, without any real life. Also as I saw this I had an image of a monkey that was actually my normal thinking self running alongside my every motion and trying to mimic it. It was almost as if as I as a person walked along, another mechanical person ran alongside trying to keep up and mimicking everything I did in an attempt to be alive and real. Yet thought can never be life. If you think of dog, the thought can never be a living creature, just a word.’
Another person says, ‘Unexpectedly everything changed and my fundamental self was something that existed throughout all time. It didn’t have a beginning or end. There was no goal to achieve. I am.
I am a wave on a shoreless sea.
From no beginning
I travel to no goal,
Making my movements stillness.
Constantly I am arriving
And departing,
Being born and dying.
I am always with you
And yet have never been.’Slightly different but still the same enlightenment. ‘Everything seemed to slip away and I felt as if I melted back into the primal being of the universe. It didn’t seem as if my ego was gone, just melted into everything else. It was blissful.’
Dreaming of death: Some aspect of your outer or inner life is fading, or being superseded by a changed approach or attitude, so may be shown as dying. Your drive to achieve something might die, and be shown as a death in your dreams. Changing from adolescence to puberty, maturity to old age, are also shown as oneself dying. Lost opportunities or unexpressed potentials in oneself are frequently shown as dead bodies.
But death of anything also involves a tremendous release of energy as the form breaks down. But the various levels of energy involved in the death of a person are never lost, for energy cannot ever be lost, it is transferred and used elsewhere. A transformation takes place. The consciousness and energy that gave the body life also goes through a process of transformation into universal life.
All of us unconsciously learn attitudes or survival skills from parents and others. If these are unrecognised they may be shown as dead. Sometimes we have killed the child or teenager in us because of difficulties or trauma at those ages, and these may be seen as a dead person in one’s dream. Some death dreams may show the awakening of new life in the dreamer. For instance, Sue worked on a dream in which she was told her baby had died. She woke shaking with grief and tears. The dream and emotions appeared to show her becoming alive enough to feel the grief of her past pain as it connected with the death of her hopes, love, and ideals. She had suppressed her pain for so long. In now coming alive enough to feel her emotions, she was feeling at last that something had died in her.
Because you cannot actually die in your dreams. It is like you become totally involved in a movie that you can only escape from by waking. But when you wake things are the same – you are not dead – but you have been enriched by a lot of new experiences. I feel so deeply that our society does not let us die. What a terrible thing! The process of death isn’t just your heart stopping, it is a long process of shifting values, of creating a self that is no longer so deeply identified with the things of the world. The way our society is structured forces the ageing individual to go on and on almost like a hunter or warrior tied to processes in the external world trying to pay their way. Why I wonder? It seem so strange that the Stone Age societies living in very difficult circumstances, without our massive technological back-up, could manage to support their ageing and allow them a period of sinking into death. We, with massive resources, cannot do this. I felt a tremendous desire here to let go of all my worldly activities. I wanted to hand all my savings over to my sons and say, look, you care for this. All I ask is for a small amount of money to pay for my food and basic needs. I dearly wanted to give up and live from within myself.
Also parts of ones feelings sometimes die. Our love for someone might die for instance, and so our dream illustrates this with a death, perhaps of that person. Some teenagers dream of their parents dying as they start to become independent. This is a form of killing of dependent feelings about their parents as a means of growth. This happens in some relationships too, where we want to break with the person. See Dimensions of Human Experience
“The dead differ from the living only in this respect: they are in a permanent dream state the subconscious state because the conscious mind of the physical body no longer exists. But the body is an expendable shell, and all else is intact. On the astral level of existence, the sub-conscious mind replaces the conscious mind of the soul, and the superconscious replaces the subconscious. Hence, in dreams, we find that communication with those who have passed on is more logical than the average person is able to comprehend.” Quote from Edgar Cayce.
Death of someone known: Frequently, as in the example, this might express desire to be free of them, or unexpressed aggression. Perhaps your love for or connection with that person has ‘died’. We often ‘kill’ our parents in dreams as we move toward independence. Or we may want someone ‘out of the way’ so we do not have to compete for attention and love. When someone we know dies lots of things happen to us. First of all we have always thought of the person as being outside of us. Then suddenly they are gone from the outside world, and we either think of them as gone forever never to be seen again; or we do what dreams often do and find them inside of us. In this way we can discover a new relationship with them, either because they now communicate with us as a dead person, or we receive from them what they left in us.
Example: ‘During my teens I was engaged to be married when I found a more attractive partner and was in considerable conflict. Consistently I dreamt I was at my fiancé’s funeral until it dawned on me the dream was telling me I wanted to be free of him. When I gave him up the dreams ceased.’ Mrs. D.
Death of yourself: You might be exploring your feelings about death, or retreating from the challenge of life. Sometimes it expresses a split between mind and body. The experience of leaving the body is frequently an expression of this schism between the ego and life processes. It could also be death of old patterns of living – your ‘old self’, or the loss of the traits that limit your awareness to an identity connected only to your body.
Example: ‘I dream I have a weak heart which will be fatal. It is the practice of doctors in such cases to administer a tablet causing one painlessly to go to sleep – die. I am completely calm and accepting of my fate. I suddenly realise I must leave notes for my parents and children. I must let them know how much I love them, must do this quickly before my time runs out.’ Mrs. M.
This is a frequent type of ‘death’ dream. It is a way of reminding yourself to do now what you want – especially regarding love.
Example: During a major operation I dreamt I saw my little daughter – dead for many years – standing in a corn field. When she was actually buried the cemetery was skirted by a corn field, and later in life, coming to terms with this early death of a child, I imagined my daughter walking into the corn field. In the dream I walked into the corn field. My daughter was waiting for me with her arms held up. I put my arms to her and we greeted each other smiling. At that point I felt it wasn’t time to die yet, turned and walked out of the corn field. Ken S. Example: I was upstairs watching T.V. with my dog laying on the bed. I heard a motorbike out in the yard. I went downstairs and the dog followed me and this person on the bike tried to run the dog over. My husband came out and told me to go back to bed. I picked the dog up and started up the stair, reached the top and there was a big gap from the top of the stairs to the bedroom door, so to get to the bedroom I had to jump across this gap. I tried to jump this gap but missed and I fell and hit the bottom. The next thing I remember was I was floating up, I looked down and saw myself lying face down with arms spread out and I suddenly realised I was dead. I was so frightened that I woke up. I had the feelings of fear of dying and that the dog had been killed. I felt no pain.
The dream is obviously about her fear of dying, and also shows that even if one hits the ground one does not actually die, but experiences feelings of dying.
Death of child: Dreaming that your child dies can have several meanings. In some dreams a parent, much to their horror dreams of killing their child; or as one dreamer said, “I saw him jump off a bridge to his death.” This occurred at a time when her young son was making his first moves toward independence, and it was a difficult thing for the mother to face – the loss of her son. So it can easily be shown as the death of ones child in a dream. Another women describes it differently as follows:
‘I am standing outside a supermarket with heavy bags wearing my Mac, though the sun is warm. My daughter and two friends are playing music and everyone stops to listen. I start to write a song for them, but they pack up and go on a bus whilst I am still writing. I am left alone at the bus stop with my heavy burden of shopping, feeling incredibly unwanted.’ Mrs F
Mrs F was dreaming about her young daughter leaving her, and she has to grieve it, almost like a death.
This can mean a lot of other things than your actual child dying. For instance a man told me a dream that worried him enormously about walking with his wife and his young son fell down a hole and was apparently dead. But in fact he had had a terrible row with his wife that day, and it was showing the child as what they had created between them. In fact the dream child recovered as did their marriage. Your child dying can also be a warning that your inner child is dying. We each carry some awful memories from childhood that are shown in our dreams as our child. So it is worth taking hold of your apparently dead child – nothing can actually die in our dreams – and hold it and tell it you love it. Watch any feelings that emerge as you do this and any tears you shed. See what you understand from what you feel. Of course this could be a ‘mother’s’ dream in which your terror of losing your child is dreamt. A woman ones told me a dream in which her daughter was murdered. As we helped the woman explore her dream – not interpret it – she burst out into enormous sobs, crying that her daughter was leaving home and she was terrified of losing her. The girl was never murdered. See Baby or child hurt or killed So ask yourself what your fears are about.
But our dream child can represent many things, and it is useful to realise that any person, object or scene in a dream is not a symbol – it is not dead thing that has to be interpreted – it is a living part of you and can only be understood by relating to it. So in this way I have found that a child can represent whatever our strongest feelings about them are. It can represent your marriage or partnership because it is what you have created between you. In that case the death of the child can depict something like an awful argument that feels as if it the marriage has died.
A child and its death can also show you how you have killed out the growing or adventurous side of you; or if you see your child as vulnerable and needing protection it could show you the death of that part of your feelings.
So you need to ask yourself what your dream child depicts as a living part of you.
When our child actually dies it is one of the most heartbreaking experiences we can meet. Sometimes it takes years to adjust to what has happened. Not only is the adjustment emotional and psychological, but also your way of life is often built around the person you have lost. Therefore the changes we meet can be enormous. However, we each have enormous resources of healing and ability to meet the new if we can access them. Very often there are experiences we have, or dreams, that continue our relationship with the child. Unfortunately we live in a culture that often denies the possibility of this. See Life’s Little Secrets
For instance, Dr. Morse, in his book Closer to the Light, tells of a mother who came to him because she hadn’t slept properly for 1041 nights after the death of her son. She showed him a picture of her son, but Dr Morse was suddenly called away to a ward emergency. Having dealt with the sick baby, he was writing up the notes and a nurse who had been helping said to him, ‘Who was that person who came in with you? Is he a student?’ Morse did not understand what the nurse was talking about as nobody had come into the hospital with him. As he was trying to find a pen for the notes he was writing he pulled out the photograph of the woman’s son. Immediately the nurse said, ‘That’s him. He kept trying to get your attention’. When he returned to his office Morse asked the mother if she had ever been contacted by her son after his death. She said, ‘Oh yes. After he died, for several nights he would stand at the foot of my bed and tell me he was alright, and that I should stop crying. But that was only a crazy dream.’ However, such things are not crazy dreams, but insights into a greater reality. After her converstation with Dr. Morse the woman slept properly for the fist time in nearly three years.
Death the walking dead or rigor mortis: Aspects of you that are denied, perhaps through fear.
Death dancing with or meeting dark figure: Facing up to death and developing a different attitude to it – unless of course you are running away. If you turn around and face these figures you will break through to a different way of life. Death of someone close to us: As explained above, this often refers to ones own feelings or talents that have been hurt, denied, or ‘killed out’ by events and your response to them. The following example illustrates this.
‘My son comes in and I see he is unwashed and seems preoccupied and as if he has not cared for himself for some days. I ask him what is wrong. He tells me his mother is dead. I then seem to know she has been dead for days, and my two sons have not told anyone. In fact my other son has not even accepted the fact.’ Anthony.
Anthony is a divorcee. Processing the dream he realised the two sons are ways he is relating to the death of his marriage – the children’s mother. Although the unconscious has a very real sense of its eternal nature and continuance after physical death, our conscious personality seldom shares this.
Also we all we all carry within us ideas, behaviours, talents and ways of life from those now dead. The farmer today unconsciously uses the collective experience of humanity in farming. What innovation he does today his children or others will learn and carry into the future. This aspect of a life beyond the physical is shown in many dreams.
For instance a man I knew dreamt of walking with a friend of his. As they walked they came to a river. The friend crossed, but the dreamer was unable to. Even in the dream he felt crossing the river meant his friend had died. Some time later he discovered that his friend had died at about the time he experienced the dream.
As the dream points out, the friend died, but continued another type of life ‘across the river’. A woman told a similar dream to me. Her teenage son came down to breakfast looking very unhappy. When she asked him why he said he had a dream that deeply disturbed him. In it he was walking with a friend and the friend walked through a door. When her son tried to follow he could not pass through the door. They could not find a rational explanation for the dream, but on arriving at school, her son heard that his friend had been killed in a motorbike accident on his way to school.
The river and the door are often used in this way, suggesting a change to another dimension of life usually unreachable by the living. Idioms: Dead and buried; dead from the neck up/or neck down; dead to the world; play dead; dead to the world; dead tired; drop dead; stone dead; at death’s door; brush with death; death wish; kiss of death; sick to death. See: Dreams of Death; Illness;
Useful questions and hints:
What feelings about death does this dream highlight?
If I imagined the dream being carried forward, how would I change it?
Am I changing and my past self dying?
If this is someone I know what are my feelings about them – and where are those feelings arising in me at the moment? What part of myself have I killed?
See Being the Person or Thing – Near Death Experiences – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Journeying Beyond Dreams and Death
I had a dream my niece was in school during the night and Peter Pan was playing in a giant screen and a scary voice came on the speakers and said “after the movie is done, the building is going to fall apart.” I ran as fast as I could inside the building to get my niece out and get out as many kids as I could, I took my niece to my parents who where waiting outside and then the building started falling apart at least 10 kids died and I started sobbing and then I woke up.
Hello so this morning I woke up from a nightmare. so I was at the hosptial with my son in my nightmare and something was wron and the doctors said that needs surgery. He is three. So they came him surgery or something and there was something about sezuries. And next I knew he was pronouced dead. It felt so real and I didnt want to believe it. I was looking online to seeif it was true to see if i still had a cps case cause I have one cause of my past drug use. So I looked online to see if I still had one. I was also living at my grandparents house and I havent lived there since 18. I was siting there crying and thinking when I found out I didnt anymore. I just kept thinking about all the times I had with michael and memories I wish I had with him. Than I saw myself grow old and and still crying over him and grieving. And all I wanted to do wen i found out that he was really dead was used drugs or the rest of my life. It was so painful to the point when I woke up I started crying actually crying and than I had to rememeber that it was just a nightmare and than it wasnt real. But it took me a min to believe that. I currently dont have him he is in foster care and I will be getting him back in thirty days less than that as well. But i just would like to know why. I read on your essay that its because my inner child has died or and that i am afraid of losing him. I been feeling guilty about my drug use and caring for him under the influence i remember in January he had seizures due to high temp and ear infection and it was the most scares thing in the world especially waking up to it. What do you think
Dear Roselia – Your dream is an attempt to come to terms with some of your painful past decisions and experiences in a more healthy way.
Rather than using drugs to numb your pain, you are now able to release some of your pain through crying; both in your dream and after waking up from your dream.
It takes courage to choose for a different approach and you can be proud of yourself for allowing and releasing your sorrow, grief, guilt, misery, loss; this is an important step towards inner healing too.
You wrote; “Then I saw myself grow old and still crying over him and grieving.”
What is important to understand, is that your dreams can graphically illustrate your beliefs and what influence they have upon your decision making, responses and relationships. The importance lies in the fact that many of your beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.”
So you may want to explore what makes you (unconsciously) believe that you have to carry your grief for the rest of your life.
Do you feel you have to punish yourself for your shortcomings rather than forgiving them?
Can you see your regrets about what has happened as an impulse to continue to change yourself rather than using it to make yourself feel guilty?
Guilt can be a paralysing feeling and can make you want to use drugs again.
Feeling regretful or feeling remorse allows you to try new strategies.
An approach to continue to allow and release your feelings could be http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
This healing approach has worked for many people http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
Hi, I had a dream that my family was under attack. They ( don’t know who “they” are) came barging into our home looking to kill. Hid my kids in the ceiling opening above the shower in my dream. I on the other hand hid in the shower. They had found me. They were aggressive & loud/obnoxious. Pushing at me. My kids opened the ceiling to see what was going on but little did they know, they revealed themselves. And now they were trying to get to my kids. I pushed & shoved them away but they were too strong. A man came into the bathroom & started to attack these people. I did not recognize the man. But in my dream, the man was my supposedly my father. In dream state, I knew he was my father. He got all the bad people together & shoved them under a blanket in the bedroom & pushed down & stomped until the wiggling blanket started to cease in movement. I had jumped in & helped him then all of a sudden my youngest daughter was also under the blanket. I didnt see her face, I just all of a sudden knew. And I had started to press down on the blanket where I knew her head/face was. My dream father said I had to, she had seen how violent we were & she would remember… I finished what I had started in my dream. After the suffocating, I looked at her face… then woke up feeling sick… whats wrong with this dream? I don’t know how to interpret this
Dear RM – Your dream may reflect your childhood trauma’s and fears. The attacks may depict your feelings of fear and pain surrounding those past issues. How you meet such an attack is important.
If you run from it or hide, or shove it under a blanket, the trauma may remain largely unconscious and therefore capable of influencing your behaviour negatively.
“And I had started to press down on the blanket where I knew her head/face was.
My dream father said I had to, she had seen how violent we were & she would remember…”
This part of your dream may reflect how you use all of your energy/force to repress your feelings; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
The unconscious choice to repress your vulnerable child self and other selves/feelings you seem to share with your inner father.
Many people do not realise that they have an inner father equally as powerful as an external father. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are what makes you the person you are. This is true even if your father was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘Father’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner father can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
See also http://delos-inc.com/articles/Voice_Dialogue-_Discovering_Our_Selves.htm
As you can read here http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/ there is no easy or fast way out of this inner situation;
“Uncovering the ‘past’ that is still with you here in the ‘present’ takes real work and needs dedication over a fairly long period of time. It is a work that is desperately needed in the world and in society.”
When you would decide for it, Life will be with you every step on your way; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
My daughter passed away 18 months ago in a single car accident. Her 7 year old daughter survived the crash. I have always blamed myself for her crash because when we recovered her phone there was a partially written text message to me. I always believed something malfunctioned with her vehicle because she would never speed or drive recklessly with her daughter in the car. Up until a week ago my dreams and visions of her have been of good memories and her being happy. Last week I started having the same dream as if I was there with her to see what happened that night. I see her bent over twords her right foot and veering off the shoulder of he road then looking back at her daughter them crashing into the trees and spinning through the road coming to rest in the field across the street. And I have visions while I am awake of her surrounded by a brown silk vail that is rippling around her and when she looks up at me I see her bloodied and battered face. I don’t understand why all of a sudden I am havinging these horrific images and dreams about her. I miss her dearly and still cry all the time over her loss. I need guidance to help me understand.
Thank you.
Dear Melissa – I am sorry to hear about your loss and I will do my best to give you a start to help you understand.
I believe that these dreams and visions or “waking dreams” occur now because it is only now that you are able to start this part of the process you are moving through.
It may be possible that what you have seen in your dream is what really happened to your daughter.
This could mean that the accident was an incredible, unfortunate chain of events, for which nobody and nothing is really to blame.
You wrote that “I have always blamed myself for her crash because when we recovered her phone there was a partially written text message to me.”
“As irrational as it may look to others, claiming responsibility serves an important purpose for parents. If their actions caused their child’s death, then the world is an orderly and predictable place – a harsh place, with cruel laws of causality and retribution, but predictable.
Some parents may find it easier to bear the notion that their angry words or neglected observance caused their child’s death.
If the world is predictable, they are less helpless.
Self-blame is another fantasy about control; if you believe you caused your child’s death then you must punish yourself.
The way out of self-blame and guilt requires that you find a way to bear the helplessness that comes with being human.”
Quoted from https://www.amazon.com/Worst-Loss-Families-Death-Child/dp/080503241X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470043999&sr=8-1&keywords=the+worst+loss
When you feel up to it, you may want to explore your thoughts and feelings about seeing your daughter “surrounded by a brown silk veil that is rippling around her and when she looks up at me I see her bloodied and battered face.”
This vison may occur because there is inner pressure to meet your unconscious emotions, past trauma and fears; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/hallucinations/
Wishing you strength and wisdom Melissa and please let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
My mother passed away in the beginning of this year. I have had many dreams of her recently, but nothing like the one I had last night. I dont remember where I was exactly or what caused it, but my mother turned the corner in a hallway and shot me in my mouth. In my dream I can see blood gushing from my mouth and face as I scream “Im dying! Im dying!” and my mother just stood there. I finally woke up. I can’t stop thinking about this dream. Why did I dream about this?
Dear Michael Jr – Your dream may reflect a release of the unexpected psychological pain because of your mother’s death and so losing her support and physical presence in your waking life.
Your dream may also reflect that you have made a start to digest the pain that was part of your relationship with your mother in your waking life and the impact it had on you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother
The dying of yourself in your dream can be a symbol for the loss of energy or motivation because of the pain.
If you feel like exploring your own dream figure and your inner mother you can use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and/or
I trust this will give you a start.
Anna 🙂
The other night I dreamt of a mass shooting, I was pleading with the shooter to stop when I turned around and saw my two year old daughter wandering around in the crossfire. I quickly ran behind a wall and coaxed her over to me. I held her close with my back to the wall. Then, a bullet went through me and into her, killing her. After everything was over, a reporter was taking my statement and I told her my daughter went peacefully. I was very shaken up when I awoke and it’s been on my mind for days. Any idea what this horrible dream could mean?
In my dream myself, my mom, and my 3 kids went to see a movie at a theater. When it was over and we were headed out the building I turn around and noticed that my oldest who is 11 and middle child who is 8 are gone. So we go on an extensive search calling their names and driving around. Then..I decided we needed to split up and search so i stop a car to ask for help and it is My dad who is the driver. (My dad passed away in real life 5yrs ago) he tells me “get in we will find them”. I do. As we are driving slowly my son (the 8yr old) comes running along the car yelling” let me in. They let me go” so he gets in. He looks unharmed but we are happy to see him. I ask “where is your sister did they let her go to?” He says “no. They scratched her and want to hurt her. They are in that truck back there” and as he says that I look at the truck and see it stopped at a junkyard and I see 2 men throw a body over the fence. I tell my dad to turn around I need to see if its my child. So we turn around and once we get closer I see the employees of this junkyard picking up a body and carrying it off. That’s when I saw it was my child. She was beaten and raped to death. Employees had covered her body up so no one could see. My dad tried keeping me from the scene because he knew I would hurt but I broke the car window and ran to where she was..but I could not look at her. All I could do was stare at this blue tarp that was laid over her. Yes I was crying and screaming. But could not go hold her. I couldn’t even comfort my other 2children. I just sat there. Mad. And wanting to hurt the people who did this. That’s when I woke up.
Dear Sheila – What I see in your dream is that you may have met aspects of your inner child (daughter) that were hurt or dominated in such a way that you stopped expressing them.
The Child is the most “real self” as well as the strongest part of the personality. It is responsible for feelings, biological needs, motivation, and expressiveness. It is the child at two, and at four and at ten, with all the daring and spontaneity of those early years.
Children appear in many roles in dreams, and mostly they point to those facets of oneself that either were hurt in your own childhood, or have not grown beyond that stage; http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
This process of daring to look at the repression of part of your child self may have started with looking at a movie, which may be a symbol of looking at a part of your past which you have found difficult to acknowledge so far.
It is important to be kind and gentle with yourself and to be patient with your healing process; it does take time to uncover it – “Employees had covered her body” – and face it – “but I could not look at her” – and to learn to release your own pain without “unloading your hurt” on “others” (in your waking life); “And wanting to hurt the people who did this.”
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/trauma/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that my child months now died under my laws care as Me and my husband are working as overseas. I was crying to much and I ask my husband how it happenned as our child is very healthy and never been sick. Then I woke up crying three times. Every time I woke I always realized that it was only a dream then go back to sleep.
Last night I saw a dream that I am going to some holy place with family…suddenly the ground starts shaking and changes into staircase in which my younger son got trapped …I tried to catch him but could not see him…instead I get 2-4 pieces of dry fruits in my hand…I saved two of them…ran around howling and crying…and outside when I tell the people about my son they show me some one buried under the ground and tell me that my son has died
Please tell me what does it mean
Dear Anny – You could have helped me if you would have shared what you think might have triggered this dream or links with it in some way. I also wonder how old your younger son is.
Anyway, dreaming of an earthquake or the ground shaking usually involves feeling of fear or insecurity. The loss of confidence in things that have always been stable or dependable in the past – this includes things such as a relationship, your personality structure, health, etc; so the breakdown of opinions, attitudes or relationships which seemed so dependable and you have taken for granted.
So explore any changes happening in your (inner) life – especially those caused by deep down tensions that are starting to release to bring in a new life for you.
Because you are going to some holy place, the change may relate to your religion, your culture or to ways of dealing with your (inner) life that are considered sacred to your family and so difficult to change for you.
Your son in your dream may reflect those aspects of you that you were not able to express because of this trap; you were not able to climb the stairs and you stopped expressing this part of you which is reflected by “his” death in your dream;
The trap is often made up, or rather was built, from a way of life you lived when you were younger.
The trap is often made up, or rather was built, from a way of life you lived when you were a baby and child. You were trained to behave in particular ways, to respond as was thought fit, and in a manner dictated by the culture or religious beliefs in which you were raised. And yet as a natural human animal those attitude, behaviours and restrictions may have been completely against your nature. Yet that is the life you have lived since then, and it seems as it is who you are.
You may be held prisoner by beliefs or religious views not conducive to you as a living being.
We are all trapped in old ideas, habits that may have been applicable at one time, but are now detrimental.
Finding your way through them is the great adventure of life. Out of this arises your strength, your waking up to who you are; your emergence into real life and identity.
This waking up to who you are may be symbolised by your son being buried; in a positive sense a burial is a doorway to a new way of living.
A new way of living may also be reflected by your dream figure “howling”; http://dreamhawk.com/news/becoming-one-with-the-animals/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain
I wonder what you associate with dry fruits. I know that in India dry fruits are in a way the symbol of celebrations of Life.
What does your dream figure feel when she receives these pieces of dry fruits; please use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson to explore that question.
To get a deeper understanding of the difficult position you are or were in, you can explore “Being your younger son who is trapped in a staircase”.
To get a different perspective of what celebrating Life means you can also use http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Does this give you a start?
Anna 🙂
I had just dreamt that my 3 year old daughter died. I didn’t see how it happened but I remember seeing her in a type of jail cell and just holding her, both of us crying terribly in each others arms. I left and saw a man in another cell that was there for raping someone…..I eventually walked back to my daughter one last time and I see my mom asking her if she can see her (like she had passed away after I left and if my mom could see her, like a ghost or something) and my mom says, “yes she killed herself.” I go in to see her, we both hold each other again and start crying and she just keeps telling me that she wants to go home and I keep telling her she can’t come with me this time. There were other parts of my dream that I can’t remember but I woke up once and fell back to sleep and continued the same dream. I don’t know what this could mean, please help.
Dear Melanie – Your dream may reflect how your inner child has stopped expressing parts of her – killed herself – because of “a man” dominating her feelings and so not giving her any room to express her child self; which can be symbolised by “raping someone”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/child/
What happened may have also influenced the expression of your inner male, as he is in another cell in your dream.
In general we can say the man in a woman’s dreams represents the woman’s mental and social power, her ability to act creatively in ‘the world’. It also holds in it an expression of her complex of feelings about men, gained as experience mostly from her relationship with – or lack of relationship with – her father. The animus is also a synthesis of all her male contacts. So the whole realm of her experience of the male can be represented by the man in her dream, and is accessible through the image.
You may want to explore why you cannot take your inner child home with you “this time”.
Being willing to take her home could be like starting the process of healing this part of yourself and integrating it again in your inner world.
What your unconscious mind needs is your willingness and co-operation.
To explore why your dream figure does not decide for this yet and to explore the other symbols in your dream – like “a man”, your daughter and your mother you can use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Another way to open up – to move away from parts of you being trapped in a cell – could be to use http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/cage-cell/ and http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
Anna 🙂
So I’ve had a dream a few nights back. I was standing at a bridge next to a skyscraper and was posted there on military duty and my friend was posted on top on the roof. I wasn’t standing long until I saw a group of people who where hostile a assume and when I told my friend about them he was to busy with something els and only when two of the soldiers were close did he see them. The two soldiers in front were two younger boys but had guns and vests so I acted out of instinct and grabed the one boy by the head and kinda squashed en turned his head till I broke it, the second boy was surprised and lifted his gun so I look up only to see a older soldier who seemed pleased so I turned and ran to tbe building and woke up still calm but confused. Might be a rondom dream but just want to know.
Hello there,
I dreamed last night that I was shopping in a giant department store. I remember it had limited gifts and it was coming up to Christmas, but I also remember finding lots of great thing my children would like even though it would not have been my first choice.
Then my husband and my room mate arrive and my husband arrive and show me a video on his phone of our youngest daughter playing next to the Christmas tree, the lights are hanging down and some how the electricity from the tree interferes with a collar she is wearing (it seemed important, maybe to do with her health) and she gets electrocuted and dies.
This wakes me up instantly.
I keep dreaming of my dead husband he is trying to harm me in most dreams or I dream her really isn’t dead that what ppl are telling me . And I dream of his parents being not nice to me I keep dreaming of him tho but can never hear his voice it’s just his actions
Dear Nicola – Your dreams make you aware that your dead husband is still alive in your INNER world; that is why people tell you in your dream that “he really isn’t dead”.
How do you respond in your dream when your husband is trying to harm you and when his parents are not nice to you?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/active-passive/
Your dreams are showing you your inner feelings about the past relationship(s) and all the memories needing to be digested and learned from. Remember that because you were together for a while there is no way you can ‘have nothing to do’ with someone you have been intimately involved with. It doesn’t work like that.
You may be totally unaware of the massive experience you took in during the relationship and how it interacts with you when you love someone and/or live with someone.
In other words the memories and experience you gather unconsciously change you and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
A way to change and/or stop these recurring dreams is to work on integrating the influence left in you from the relationships. You can do this by thinking about the dreams about your dead husband and his parents and draw on all you got from them.
So I would suggest you integrate all the good and bad things. Try doing this by taking the dream images of your dead husband and pulling them back into your body.
Yes, literally making them one with you.
Do this slowly and allow any feelings that arise. This may sound strange but all the images in your dreams are projections from your inner world onto the screen of your sleeping mind; so taking them back into you is like owning them and integrating them.
It is called honouring what you learned, bad or good, from the relationship. Think of it like digesting something.
You can use the same approach for the dream images of his parents.
Anna 🙂
Hi! The past 2 nights i am having nightmares of my children dying. The first dream was a fire started in their bedroom and i could hear them screaming through the monitor but could not get to them and then last night i had a nightmare that my son (11 months old) was being eaten by the grim reaper. These dreams are haunting me all day and night and everytime i even begin to start thinking about them i cry. Any ideas what could be causing this?
Dear Lexi – Did you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/death/#Child
“Dreaming that your child dies can have several meanings. Your child dying can be a warning that your inner child is dying. We each carry some awful memories from childhood that are shown in our dreams as our child. See also http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
So it is worth taking hold of your apparently dead child – nothing can actually die in our dreams – and hold it and tell it you love it. Watch any feelings that emerge as you do this and any tears you shed. See what you understand from what you feel.
Of course this could be a ‘mother’s’ dream in which your terror of losing your child is dreamt.
But our dream child can represent many things, and it is useful to realise that any person, object or scene in a dream is not a symbol – it is not a dead thing that has to be interpreted – it is a living part of you and can only be understood by relating to it. So in this way I have found that a child can represent whatever our strongest feelings about them are. It can represent your marriage or partnership because it is what you have created between you. In that case the death of the child can depict something like an awful argument that feels as if it the marriage has died.
A child and its death can also show you how you have killed out the growing or adventurous side of you; or if you see your child as vulnerable and needing protection it could show you the death of that part of your feelings.
So you need to ask yourself what your dream child depicts as a living part of you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Anna 🙂
I really need to know, I had a dream of small child falling and dying in front of me, what could that b ??
Dear Jennifer – It is difficult to fully understand a dream that is so short http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
How does your dream figure feel about this small child falling and dying?
Is the child a boy or a girl?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/fall-fallen-falling-fell/
What it could symbolise for instance is that your dream reflects a memory from your inner child.
Falling and dying can reflect that you did not feel secure as a child and that because of that you stopped expressing parts of your child self; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/child/
The way to get a feeling understanding of your dream child is to use “Being the child” and explore what thoughts/memories/feelings/images etc. arise; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/death/#Child and http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
Anna 🙂