Expression of things in life and yourself that you feel threatened by. You may feel an urge is sinful, so you repress it. Your dream then presents it as a demon or devil, not necessarily because it is, but because that’s how you see it. Thus, a person who has terrible feelings of guilt about sexual urges, may represent them as a demon threatening to possess them. Therefore a demon may represent guilt, hatred, feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or desire for love, and so on. See: Devil; Satan.
Although many dreams about demons are probably reflecting anxiety feelings and struggles we have with moral issues or sex, sometimes the battle with demons can be about our body fighting a virus or bacterial infection. See: devilunder archetypes.
Example: We were trying to cross the hall diagonally toward the exit, but were constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you” – or words to that effect.
The dreamer says of this dream, “I felt a slightly sore throat as I became semi awake wondering about the dream. I remembered that yesterday I had a flu injection, and what I arrived at was that the blackness depicted serious illness that I had been fighting off. As I was looking at this the black demons became very real for me and I felt I could not really dismiss them as an influence. I struggled and struggled with this, as I had in the dream, but now semi awake. But gradually I became aware of peace, a solid unmovable peace – a steadiness of consciousness – and the steady peace seemed to dissolve any threat I felt. Also the sore throat went.”
This suggests how we can deeply influence our health and recovery by our attitudes.
Example: I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that someone I know (an old family friend of my parents) had purchased a new house, which was not yet furnished. But the house is apparently possessed by the Devil. We, some friends and I, have been called into the house to analyze the situation. Each time I speak the word Devil or Satan, the lights of the house switch off automatically on their own.
Well, I decide in consultation with the people and in my thoughts in the dream to perform an exorcism on the house. I chant some prayers for the house to be cleansed. (These are Hindu prayers, and parts of Psalm 99 from the Bible). I find myself standing with some friends in front of a life-size rectangular mirror which has been kept against the wall, facing us upright on the floor. When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do.
Throughout the dream, I was not afraid even one bit of trying to challenge the devil or in my entire thought process.Here is an interpretation of the dream’s meaning: I think here is the answer: “When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do. So I hear myself say that “The devil is doing this to the mirror cos I am fighting to get rid of him.””
In the best of Hindu and Christian traditions, you are the Devil because at your Core you are everything. In Hindu there is the saying, “You are That” – or “I am That.” THAT being the Divine. In Christian belief we are told, to quote: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.
As an image of God you are everything. And that is why your dream did the little trick of showing you without reflection in the mirror. Once you realise that dreams create an external reality of our inner world, then an aspect of you become exteriorised. As in past ages this was a world that people lived in, they made the devil and God as exterior to themselves instead of realising the truth about themselves. That we are all, in our core, the divine.
Having watched a person meet the devil in their dream exploration, what they arrived at is very helpful in understanding your dream devil. She saw that her lack of self esteem, her self doubts and depression were like an open door that allowed destructive feelings and fears to enter. These attitudes or feelings may have been inherited from ones recent or ancestral family. She saw these as portrayed as the Devil.
The words demons or evil spirits in the past really meant, ‘invisible but powerful influences that can make you ill in mind or body’. They are what today would be called viruses, bacteria, or trauma we that we are unconscious of.
Useful questions:
If I think of the demon as the difficult feeling in the dream, what (feeling) am I actually afraid of?
Have I been raised to believe certain things were sinful or evil – if so that?
Am I haunted by guilt or something I am ashamed of?
See Dreams are a reflection of your inner world – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – The Con About Evil – Martial Art of the Mind
I had a dream i was in an abandomed church. I was with my boyfriend and a woman with a dog who we bumped into in there. The church felt haunted, but not with a ghost but with a demon. The lady and her dog were trying to find a bathroom and we found one in the church chapel. I kept hearing foot steps and felt this horrible negative energy. It was a catholic church, but everything was empty. I kept hearing like someone was outside and then this heavy door was flung open and wind came in. I was going to do the sign of the cross but there was no more santisimo. I heard foot steps and would hear bangs. I tried to turn on the light but the swicth would go back down. My boyfriend switched it back up and the light stayed on. The church slowly in my dream changed to a theater or we moved. I still kept hearing the banging and footsteps. It was tormentful. So me and him both did the sign of the cross and i started yelling the Our Father prayer, the noise got worse. I then prayed to protect all of us and to lead us safely home. And then i woke up. I was scared and trying to find what this means. This isnt the first time, different locations but same demon i think. When i was a kid i dreamt of being chased by a demon in an abandoned mansion, but i was alone. And i had that dream for 7 nights straight until it just stopped. Over the years i would dream of a similar mansion, and i would have different dreams in that same building. Another thing is my boyfriend thinks theres a dark energy in his house. He’s been tormented by a demon in his dreams. And me and him have heard the cabinet and the door slam shut if were home alone. Or hes seen a door that is closed appear open suddenly, or hes seen a shadow of a cat. Me and him want a priest to bless his house but his parents hate catholics. The noises in his house got worse when he started converting to catholicism for me a year ago. But now theyve calmed down and almost no noise now. I dont know, i just wrote down as much as i know. :/
I had this awful nightmare last night… Lol, don’t judge.
So I had fallen asleep and it felt like a normal day. My mom had brought me this antique watch. It pricked me when I put it on. So the day went on and I was with friends. And a really big black dog had tried to attack us. I threw the watch at it. It had some intest in it but then came after is. What when we killed it, it vanished as a dark cloud. Later on that day I was attacked by a huge bear that was also black. This family tried to help me when it burst through the house. The man in the dream killed it and it vanished as a black cloud too. More and more of these black animals were coming after me. I kept running. Trying to stay away from people cause the animals would come for them too. This boy had met up with me and he had told me they were demons. That the devil mist had something to do with it if they were coming after me. And a dark crow had attacked him. Then a person had attack me. He had black eyes. I fought it off but it grabbled me and took me to the devil. I had asked him if he’s the one sending these demons after me. He had told me that he wasn’t. That there’s different kind of demons everywhere and different things controlling them. Even he had demons after him. He said I was chosen for something big. That even he doesn’t know what it is yet. The watch was the start of it. It wasn’t out of convince. It was picked for me. He told me to watch my back. There’s more things out there that I had just thought of as a myth. Then everything went black. And I woke up. What does this mean?
Dear Briana – This is an important dream and so in order to understand it I will give you a lot to read and reflect on and please do take your time for it.
Receiving an antique watch from your mother I see as an indication.that it is time to deal with your past.
The past isn’t something we need to look back on or try to remember, it is a living thing inside us and influences our every decision through habit patterns, fears, hopes and words we have taken in. It is alive because we are alive, and what we have experienced is part of our living system.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother
You might repress your past, but then you have blocked out a great lump of your learning – for we learn by everything we experience – pleasure, pain, longings and fears are all ways we learn important lessons, but only if we digest them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/digest/
Simultaneously it is good to realise that a dream is like a seed and that it will take many more dreams and linear time in your waking life – in dreams we move beyond time and space as known in everyday life – to go through this process of inner healing and growth.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Seed
All black animals in your dream I see as a symbol of feelings or fears that you have previously kept buried or repressed and in your dream you are exploring what to do with these feelings or fears once they surface.
Because you cannot look yet at whatever fear or feeling that arises without judgment, you feel threatened and so you start running, which is not an option because all these feelings and fears are part of your inner world and you cannot run from yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
The other approach you use is to kill all these animals and your dream shows you that that is not a helpful approach either, because killed animals that vanish as dark clouds I see in this context as a symbol of trading fear for depression.
So why not try another approach and make friends with your inner animals;
you can get them some food, and direct their aggression or energy to be on your side. Or you can face your anxiety instead of running away from it. This, if you can do it, can radically change you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Your communication with the devil is very insightful: “That there’s different kind of demons everywhere and different things controlling them”.
I feel this is expressed too in different words in the entry “Inner World”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-devil/
“Being chosen for something big” I see as a symbol of being “chosen” or “called” to enter the process of individuation on a more conscious level and this process is still unconscious and will gradually unfold over time.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
Please ask if you have any questions about things that are not clear to you.
Anna 🙂
Please help. It was a nightmare. Me, my two little sisters ( 4 and 7 ) and my grandmother were in the local woods collecting leafs ( in real life I have to do this soon for an art project but anyway) and everything was okay until my grandmother said “I can feel a ghost presence” and then suddenly this ghostly presence started tossing us and my two little sisters were taken to the river. It wanted to drawn them!!!! I started screaming and caugh one of them and my grandmother the other l. But then something happened and they were in the river. Again he wanted to drawn them. I caugh them both, but suddenly the older one was gone out of my arms screaming at the other side of the river going into the deep woods. Then I don’t know how but all of us become together and this huge tree appeared with lots of hang ropes from it. He took my sisters and wanted to hang them. There are few things I have to add: I tried to call my brother for help (he was 17 when he died) but he didn’t respond, my grandmother tried to pray but it didn’t help and he only feelin was that I was terrified, it was like terror, pure terror and the last but most ferreting thing I could sense this evil presence I could really feel it, I know nightmares are more vivid that’s normal dreamed but I could really feel this demon. …. My main concern is about my sisters will be there okay? Is there hidden meaning to it or something? And there were not any negative emotions that I had nothing happened that would upset me or scare me that would affect my subcontious and give this demon to me. Please reply
Dear Sandra – I believe that your dream reflects the fear you have to deal with your vulnerable (and so not negative) emotions symbolised by your two younger sisters – in a way which is healthy and supportive to your wellbeing.
Having lost your brother must have had a great impact on your life and your inner world and I wonder if you feel that there was/is enough room to express the vulnerable feelings that must have arisen inside you – and your family members – after his death.
I ask because a wiser part of you – symbolised by your grandmother – is aware that a ghost (of the past) is haunting you and threatening to drown your vulnerable selves; drowning depicts fear of being overwhelmed by difficult emotions or anxieties.
To avoid having to go “into the deep woods” which is a symbol of exploring this part of your past and which gives rise to feelings of fear, you explore another possibility first; the huge tree with hang ropes.
A person who is hanged is a symbol of an awful repression of self-expression to the point of feeling dead or depressed.
Perhaps you need help with entering this process and with digesting and releasing what is still bothering you in your inner world?
See http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php
Anna 🙂
I had a dream ..
At first it looked like a little girl but in my dream I was scared of it.. An me n my sister climb out of the window an went next door to neighbors an in the window you could see the spirit which looked evil. We went back over there an my grandfather was out side an He said there’s something evil in the house.. Then I went in the house praying yelling telling the spirit to get out.. What’s it mean ?
I dreamed my brother was possessed. I saw the demon who did it and I saw there face. It was most terrifying export nice of my life. They told my brother to make sure I stayed. The demon also mentioned my favorite book about angels which was odd to me. When the demon was busy arguing with my brother I tried to escape. I went into this car that was already started and drove down the street. She saw me and chased me. When i got to the store I screamed help me somebody is trying to kill me please help me please. He guy at the register just stood there. Then the demon walks in, and grabs a gallon of gasoline. I yell “she’s going to put that on me and kill me”. The demon goes over to the register and dumps the gaseoline on him. While she’s doing this I run back out to the car and drive back to house. Im not sure why she let me go after that. She didn’t follow me back to my house and when I returned my brother was not possessed anymore, but he was not himself and told me he was going to die. Before I woke up my family and I were all in the car driving to a new house.
I had a dream where I was a mother and a student. Like I was switching roles throughout the experience. The student was trying to get home with her friend and get her friend safe. The mother was trying to help her son and other students against the spells this demon was casting on them. Her son’s cures was that he was cut very deeply and needed medical attention, but anyone who touched his blood would die. I couldn’t even open my eyes, it felt so real. It was probably the scariest feeling in my entire life.
hi im lyka ive dream about demons well that dream is totaly wierd a demon told me ill be a demon someday im scared pls. help me.
I had a dream that my mother , nephew , brother , and I were in this new apartment. Suddenly I felt like a demonic presence was in the apartment. We heard some thing in the kitchen. Sounded like someone turned the stove on. All of our eyes darted the door which slammed shut . It smelled like fire so we started going out of the window. I was the last one left and before I jumped I turned around a caught a glimpse of the demon. It was a old lady covered in black stuff with red eyes . I jumped out of the window. We started running down the street and my uncle drove by us and stopped. He asked what was wrong. We told him we needed to goto a church because a demon was after us and tried to set our apartment on fire. We get in his car and drive to this Catholic church. This priest comes out and were frantically telling him to pray for us and our home. We were still standing outside the church and I looked up at the window of the church and the demon was looking at me . Then I looked back at the priest and he turned into the devil and was smiling at me. I began saying I rebuke you in the name of the lord and woke up. I constantly have dreams that I am protecting my nephew and family from some demon and when I began praying the demons laugh at me and I wake up .
I Had a Dream In Which my Mother and I Were Sitting on A Bunk-Bed And I Remember Her Telling Me To Look for a Paper, But She Clearly Told Me Not To Lift The Pillow Up. And When I Turned Around on Accident I Moved The pillow with my foot and all of the sudden a Black Shadow Appeared And My Mom Fell On The Ground. I Immediately Took Her to The Hospital But When We Got There It Was Too Late… After I Saw My Dad Arrive and he Told Me We had to get home and get some rest. Once we got home he saw a Werid Car Parked Out Side The House it Was an Old Car. But All Its Lights Were On… so He Slowly Opened The Door and a Possessed Black Cat Jumped Out And Scratched Him all Over. I When Over and Dragged him into The Car and in that Moment I Remember Having The Bible in My Hand And Praying. After Words My Dad Said That The Cat Didnt Do Much. And That Is When i Woke up. I Woke Up With a Very Bad Mood, Honestly It Felt Real. But the Weird Thing Is that my Parents aren’t With me right Now. They are out of the Country And Been out for a Couple Months Now.
I Had a Dream In Which my Mother and I Were Sitting on A Bunk-Bed And I Remember Telling Me To Look for a Paper, But She Clearly Told Me Not To Lift The Pillow Up. And When I Turned Around on Accident I Moved The pillow with my foot and all of the sudden a Black Shadow Appeared And My Mom Fell On The Ground. I Immediately Took Her to The Hospital But When We Got There It Was Too Late… After I Saw My Dad Arrive and he Told Me We had to get home and get some rest. Once we got home he saw a Werid Car Parked Out Side The House it Was an Old Car. But All Its Lights Were On… so He Slowly Opened The Door and a Possessed Black Cat Jumped Out And Scratched Him all Over. I When Over and Dragged him into The Car and in that Moment I Remember Having The Bible in My Hand And Praying. After Words My Dad Said Tgat The Cat Didnt Do Much. And That Is When i Woke up. I Woke Up With a Very Bad Mood I HonestlyIt Felt Real. But the Weird Thing Is that my Parents aren’t With me right Now. They are out of the Country And Been out for a Couple Months Now.
I just dreamed about demon encounter earyl this morning,,i saw the demon he is going closer and closer to me while I lay on my bed, his image is getting clearer, and there is a dark smoke, my location is I’m in my room,,trying to wake up but the demon seems to stop me from moving and then I said. sent you away in the name of Mighty Christ,,,it took me a long time before i said it,,because something struggle in my throat, until several trial i said it out loud and the demon leave. I woke up.
Ed – An interesting approach you explored in your dream. As you have read in this feature, the first dream example is pretty similar to your dream.
What is different though is that in your dream there is a dark smoke.
Smoke in a dream may suggest an intuition of danger, or intuitions about something – something in the wind. It can also suggest passions that are ready to burst into flame.
So when you were physically ill, I feel your approach was helpful.
However, when this “demon” was merely a (sexual) passion “approaching you”, then it is more helpful to “embrace and integrate it” into your inner world, than sending it away.
So why not explore for yourself what the demon symbol is about?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Anna, I was terrified whenever I tried to remember that encounter, I haven’t shared to a friend or a family member yet. I don’t know, i hope, I won’t be dreaming it again. but I somewhat appreciate what you said.
Ed – To “somewhat appreciate” is a wonderful start.
Perhaps reading this article will help you with taking the next step?
Anna 🙂
I had a dream as well as my brother that I turned into the devil.. i was possessed.. what does that mean?
First off, I have to explain that my sister Sara is in jail and she has a lot of problems. She doesn’t really talk to any of us family. We have had a very rough few years with my sister. So my other sister Ellen had a dream lastnight that she was at my parents house. And there was a demon there. She said the demon kind of looked like my other sister Sara but skinnier and had thin hair and she said her eyes were red and weird and that the demon had power in her eyes. And tht the weather outside kept drastically changin the whole time in the dream. Ellen said that she kept tryin to push the demon out of the house but my mother would not let her. Cuz she felt bad. Ellen said that bite marks kept appearing on her arms. And for some reason the cornfield across the street from my moms was on fire. I need to know if this dream meant somethig. Can anyone help ?
Jodi – First of all dreams about someone else are seldom about that person, but are a disguised message about the person dreaming it. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
You see, dreams use the image of the person because it describes the situation your sister Ellen is in. In other words she is suffering being haunted by fears about herself. The demon is actually her own fears that she is trying to push away instead of facing up to. She is repressing her feelings instead of expressing them.
The fire in the cornfield suggests that Ellen needs to be careful about her health, her diet; and the bites on her arms could suggest self harm in some way. She needs help.
My dream was I was with my mom getting blood done and there was a deamon there holding a knife and looking at me and I told my mom that man right there wants me to get mine done right when I said that he looked at me and said why did u have to tell .. And he made me work for him but I cldnt tell anyone about this deamon making me do things and I fell for him in my dream and we had sex … Odd part is I liked him in my dream I asked him if he would have sex with me
I’ve had only one dream where I physically fought a demon, it was downtown where I live and he was going on a rampage. In some dreams if I just point and make gun noises (as ridiculous as it sounds) I’m often able to shoot at things but this time it didn’t work. I had to try as hard as I could to think of how to beat him. I suddenly yelled out for my aunt and asked where her assault rifle was; she popped her trunk and laying there was a metal pole basically with a pistol grip on it. I attacked this entity with all my might until I eventually killed him and everything swirled to a point and I woke up.
But I also have another demon who is purple in color and he reappears every so often in my dreams but when he appears he means no harm he sits there and talks to me while the dream itself is usually a premonition and he tells me the bare specifics of what does and doesn’t happen in real life that happens in the dream.
I had a dream I was possessed by a demon. I could not see myself in my dream so I’m not assuming the rest of body looked any type of way…however there were people in my dream I’m unfamiliar with and they kept screaming about my eyes and it’s as if I could see myself as demon scaring them. I had huge black eyes…my face was mine but it was scary…different then my normal appearance. I can’t remember the people in my dream or why they were there I just remember them being scared by how I looked. More then that it’s like I wanted them to be scared of me so I showed them the demon.
I looked up different dream meanings but I don’t “feel” like they fit or resonate with me.
They talk about suppressed feelings, or feeling helpless but I don’t feel like that’s it. I’m curious how my dream sounds to a third person point of view. How others would interpret my dream. I’m at a loss for the symbolism of this dream.
So I had a dream about me fighting different types of demons. I remember in my dream this beautiful woman telling me I have a choice of getting everything I want which she gave me a taste of that with really stylish expensive black and white clothing paired with hot black kicks and a huge black Rolex. I had a fresh brand new sexy haircut. I could become a famous model and everything I wAnted only if I saw what my funeral would be like if I died or I can continue fighting off different types of demons. I don’t quit understand what this all means but damn when this beautiful woman made me look like I walked out of a runway show I remember loving what I saw,
I had a dream i was standing up and i was in this white room and i turned to a demon my eyes were black and big. What does that mean?