Pregnant in my Dream
A young woman send this dream, and there are so may like it.
I had a dream that I was 3 months pregnant. I don’t know who the father is but I have a feeling I know who. What does this mean? Will I get pregnant soon?
Many women get pregnant in dreams without any man involved. And in fact you are pregnant now – not in a physical way but within you – for you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.
Of course it is shown as a baby because anything new in us that is seeking life is vulnerable and needs to be cared for and nurtured.
Will you get pregnant soon? Well that depends on whether you want to or have the opportunity to. But the dream does suggest that you are ready for being a mother and that your dream is perhaps a practice run.
Example:I dreamt I was heavily pregnant and naked, lying on the floor of a dark room with one light directed on me. My ex-boyfriend was next to me, naked, stroking my hair, telling me everything was going to be alright. In the dream I felt physically sick but inwardly perfectly calm and at peace. But I am confused as I am only 15 and there’s no chance I’m pregnant.
Within the virtual reality of her dream, Sandra is experimenting with her ability to attract a man using her physical appeal. Having tried this out in her dream Sandra may or may not use this in her everyday life. The dream Joanne describes is common among young women. It involves either being pregnant, or actually giving birth. In both cases it is a way of gaining confidence and meeting anxieties about the possibility of pregnancy. It allows the dreamer to gain experience in an area that would be difficult, painful or dangerous to experiment with in waking life. In this and many other ways, your dreams allow you to explore without the risks you would meet in waking life. See: magical dream machine.
Okay so I am 12 and gonna be 13 in 4 days but in my dream I had just turned 13. My mom was 8 months pregnant and she was with my dad and they are split so I was confused. But anyway she was making a nursery in my room and I had to share a room with the baby and I didn’t want to I would get woken up and everything. But when she had the baby I didn’t get to even go in my room. I am the youngest daughter to my mom and my mom wouldn’t listen to anything I was saying she was focused on the baby boy all the time. She would always play with the kid and I was kinda jealous because my sisters and I usually have the same amount of attention. And she didn’t even care that we existed! I had my best friend over one day her name is Olga she told me to talk to someone about what I was going through but I didn’t do that. My mom had gained a lot of weight from the pregnancy and she really wasn’t many any attention to it or me and my sisters. So I told her mom look at you you are so out of shape and we haven’t talked in a month. Let me take care of the baby while you go to get in shape and shower and stuff. So she said okay and I took care of the baby for a little I didn’t want to but I had too. So I was playing with it and I just didn’t like him but when the kid would get older I probably would. He totally stole my life and it made me really upset and sad. My mom came back and she had gone to the gym and took some pounds off and then she had showered and eaten she said I took great job of the baby. She told me that I could do it whenever I wanted to. She played with the baby again and I tried to play with the baby as much as possible Olga was helping me. My mom had token these pills for losing weight after you give birth and she starting to gain weight instead she was out of control! She had fat down to her legs and she was 700 pounds! My family and I seriously care that our weight is under control in real life and we eat healthy so we are healthy. But back to my story she had so much weight and I told her we are taking you to the doctor she agreed the doctor said she has a issue and can’t loose this weight ever but it’s going to help her live until a 100 and I was like what?!? And she went home and actually broke the stairs! I was worried for my mom but she was worried about the baby. It made me so mad and when I told my mom she needs to focus on her other kids and her and she stormed upstairs when she hugged me which was rarely she kinda hurt me from all her fat. That was something had to get used too but whatever I guess. But she then spent all her time with the baby and would huge forever. I have nothing against fat people but my mom was 700 pounds and couldn’t go back. Please tell me what this means I don’t know why I dreamt this. Thank you.
Dear Kiki – Thank you for describing your dream so clearly and for sharing something about your waking life.
What I see in your dream is that you are trying to digest the experience of seeing your mom and your life change after your mom and your dad split up.
The baby boy could refer to “this new project” your mom is giving her energy to – could be her (new) job and/or her efforts to run a family without the daily support of your father – and your dream suggests that she does not spend as much (quality) time with you and your sisters as she used to do.
You are willing to take care of the baby in your dream and this reflects that you too are willing to do your best to contribute to whatever needs to be done, now that your dad is not around anymore to do his share.
Your mother gaining lots of weight might show how the problems you have with the changes in her and your life are “weighing on you”.
Perhaps you also feel that she is “throwing her weight around”; giving orders to you and your sisters so that you can help her “make this new situation work”?
I think that Olga in your dream is right; “I had my best friend over one day her name is Olga she told me to talk to someone about what I was going through but I didn’t do that”.
Talking with someone could help you learn to deal with this big change in your life.
Did you ever talk to your mother about what you perceive as difficult and painful in the way your life has changed after your parents split up?
Do you (sometimes) feel that you have to take care of your mother emotionally?
Did you share this dream with her and ask her to help you through the divorce?
Perhaps it will help to share this webpage with your mother and/or your father?
If you feel that your mother cannot help you, is there any other adult (your father?) with whom you feel safe and comfortable and who can support you emotionally?
Let me know if you have any questions (too) Kiki.
Anna 🙂
There was a lot of rambling and stuff that didn’t make sense. But the short of the long is I had a guy friend and his girlfriend/fiancé was in a coma. When she woke up she got really jealous/possessive and didn’t believe that we were just friends and wanted me to stay away from him. Then this guy showed up and raped me. I ended up getting pregnant and had an ultrasound, even though I was like only 4 weeks pregnant I knew it was going to be a boy and could see his heartbeat and everything. I started worrying that the chick would think that that her fiancé was the father and not what had actually happened. Something, something, something happened and I lost the baby. I just felt this “clot” (for lack of better words) fall out of me and when I looked it was my baby, he was still in the amniotic sac and everything but there was no heartbeat and I started trying to do like CPR or something and trying to find a doctor who could put him back in before he died (I knew that couldn’t happen and that he was already dead but I was panicking and trying to make it not be true (you know in the movies where the person knows the person is dead but just refuses to believe? That kind of thing)).
So, I am 17 years old. I have been praying for the Lord to send me a guy for a few years now. God told my mom in a dream that he was going to be sending me a guy and it was going to last a while. Well, I also attend a Sunday School class about the Holy Spirit where I have been praying to be feeled with the Holy Ghost and have the language of tongues. I know not everyone believes in that, and I went through a time in my life where I was ashamed of that, but I found pride in the fact that that is a gift and a whole new spiritual level in my book. Here recently I have had a dream 3 times that I was pregnant. In the first dream, I found out I was pregnant and told my parents and they did not freak out. Everyone was at peace with it and that just wouldnt happen in real life. My parents would freak out. I know I cant be pregnant, so I dont think it is a literal dream. I have went to numerous websites trying to get a clear interpretation. The next 2 dreams is just me pregnant and I am so thrilled by it in the dreams. Im so happy! Just overwhelmed with joy. I am three months pregnant and have not seen a father in amy of these dreams. Do you habe anything that can help me understand this further?
Dear Lexi – Yes I do have something that can help you understand further;
Many women dream of giving birth without any man involved. Virgin birth is a normal part of dreaming. It means that the woman has conceived as a process of Life. Being a virgin represents the human soul or psyche and its possibility of dropping pre-conceptions, thus attaining an inner virginity and through that being receptive to the unseen or unconscious side of self. Joseph Campbell in his book “Myths To Live By” says – “There are myths and legends of the Virgin Birth, of Incarnations, Deaths and Resurrections; Second Comings, Judgements and the rest, in all the great traditions. And since such images stem from the psyche (from you and your dreams), they refer to the psyche. They tell us of its structure, its order, and its forces, in symbolic terms.”
For instance, the story and events surrounding the virgin birth, when looked as if a dream are not about a biological miracle, but about how as ordinary people, we can drop our preconceptions, our fixed ideas and beliefs and allow an entirely new and creative impulse into our life. This truth has been so venerated that we find virgin figures all over the world such as Maya the mother of Buddha born 500 BC; the virgin mother of Osiris, and of course the story told of Mary.
Being a virgin in this case is about having a mind free from previous ‘conceptions’ and so being open to Life itself fertilising you for a new and precious thing being born. If you are not a virgin because you have had children, that is not what virgin birth is about. It is about conceiving without any mental preconceptions, having an open and receptive mind or soul. it is about a wonderful human possibility.
So the dream baby that was or will be born to you in this way is a wonderful creative act between you and Life/God. It is a new part of you that if you let it gradually grow into your waking life as a new force, a new way of feeling about life and acting. Being pregnant like that is very important. Obviously you are not going to give birth to a physical baby, but dream babies are important too.
Only a ‘virgin birth’ can bring forth the birth of an intuition, a new response to yourself and your environment that will transform your life. This is a living relationship with the mystery which underlies our life. If we generate a child in this way, we are not held prisoner by habits of thought, stereotypes of behaviour, then we can begin to allow into our waking life what was previously impossible to know.
This open state of mind and feelings, acts as a link between the identity or personality, and the deep unconscious life processes. This link allows a birth of realisations and inner change that brings healing and a possibility of experiencing the aspect of oneself that is your core self. Here is an example of a man giving birth to the wonderful child.
“Was in a basement where my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it without a doctor being there. It was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious; then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!” I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?” I explained that the spirit self it knew before birth was now gone so it could live in the body. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards.”
This was a dream marking a real change in the man’s life. The man did work at cleaning his basement/unconscious and then began to go upstairs to his wider awareness.
Perhaps this will be interesting for you to read too? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/language-foreign-or-strange/
Anna 🙂
Hi I am 18 and been with someone for nearly a year in a passionate relationship. I think you should know I had to have an abortion at fourteen after my first time having sex. I suffer from nightmares usually but had a dream last night that I was pregnant and I wasn’t sure who the father was and was battling over whether to keep it or not. It was very vivid and the decision which I should make weighed on me. My boyfriend seemed shocked and unsure whether to keep it either and though I didn’t feel totally ready I couldn’t bear to give up my little life again… I reached no conclusion when I awoke but the dream was emotionally draining and I’ve never had one like it. I kept looking at my tummy growing and nurturing it all the while crying cuz I didn’t know if it would be or not. What does this mean ? Confused and worried.
Dear Jezz – Thank you for sharing so openly about yourself; it does help to get a better understanding of your dream.
Because you are not sure in your dream who the father is, I assume that your dream does not reflect a physical pregnancy. Nevertheless, I would take a pregnancy test.
Unfortunately you do not share what the nightmares are about. Did they start after you had to have your abortion?
I hope that reading this will give you a deeper understanding of the purpose of nightmares; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/nightmares/
I believe your dream can be understood on many levels and because of the abortion you had to have, you have mixed the levels a bit.
I will do my best to express them all as clear as possible.
As you could read in this entry;
“Many women get pregnant in dreams without any man involved. And in fact you are pregnant now – not in a physical way but within you – for you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.”
Part of the new life is that you allow yourself to express many of the feelings you were not able to express when you became pregnant when you were fourteen years “old”.
In your dream you release a lot of tears and you become aware that you have not found inner peace yet with the decision for abortion that was taken (for you?).
Feelings like a sense of guilt and feelings about the loss of the baby need to be healed to stop them from “weighing you down.”
I believe it is good to explore these feelings “though I didn’t feel totally ready I couldn’t bear to give up my little life again…”
I feel that not feeling totally ready has to do with not being done yet with digesting and releasing your feelings related to the physical abortion, so that you can move on and give birth to a new you.
It is like you are in the middle of your abortion grief and recovery process – which can be very confusing – and you are not sure if you want to proceed with it.
What I can suggest is that you be patient, caring and loving with yourself and your process and give it as much time as you need AND show perseverance and determination to continue to let go of the past (and your nightmares) and start anew.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
So I am 13 years old and i had a dream that I was 3 -4 months pregnant and the father was my crush, Kassius and we got an apartment together … My auntie is spiritually talented and says the pregnant bit may have symbolised new beginnings but I never told her about kassius being in the dream when I woke up I felt pregnant or like I was carrying water in my stomach and I got freaked out … Also I’m kinda friendly with kassius so should I tell him about him being the father in my dream.
Dear Zarah – Well your auntie is right and I wonder why you did not tell her about Kassius.
I am sure she would have understood that part too.
This article also talks about new beginnings and all the changes you are going through now; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/teenage-girl%E2%80%99s-love-dreams/
I do not know how old Kassius is and if he will really understand your dream.
Anna 🙂
I’m still in high school but I had a dream that I was pregnant with a guy I’ve been in love with for almost a year now and we are of and on but never officially together, and he was the father of my baby in the dream. I dreamt I was having a baby girl something I’ve always wanted, but then the baby died I started screaming and crying so hard and I woke the next morning with my cheeks set with tears and my stomach feeling wierd. I can’t stop thinking about it and I’m still a virgen. Please help me, what does this mean?!
Dear Jacqueline – What I see in your dream – but please explore it for yourself as well; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that your baby girl symbolises what you have created in your INNER world, while being in “an unofficial relationship with your unofficial boyfriend”.
You might want to explore what is new and growing in your love or in yourself; http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
and how you can bring this baby back to life in your inner world, because it is up to you to love and take care of “her”.
No matter if the two of you are still together – official or not official – your relationship with him has created inner changes, which have become a part of you and this has helped you to give birth to some of your potential; the baby girl in your dream.
The death of the baby might express your feelings of sadness about an argument you have had with him, sadness about the end of this relationship and/or about the relationship going on and not being “official”.
Either way, letting go of your tears in dreams is a healthy way of releasing and also of becoming aware of your own feelings and what is going on in your inner world; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/cried-cry-crying/
Perhaps it serves a purpose to ask yourself if the relationship not being official (was that your decision?) hurts more than you felt like admitting to yourself (and him!) at first?
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was hanging out with a guy at work. He was flying and gave me a chance to fly.. in addition to that i was looming down and was playing a car racing game. When we landed we were out side and he grabbed my hand and went outside on the grass.. we were beside a fence then i noticed my current common law boyfriend there. When i was looking around i saw that a female was with us too. My boyfriend wasnt all that jealous when he sees mw with the guy but he saw that he held my hand and said that it was best if he doesnt do it in front of him because he felt uncomfotable abt it then i went and hugged him and said its okay baby. Then and there i saw that i was pregnant… the other guy said lets go and i kisswd my boyfriend and went… then i realized it wasnt me that was pregnant. I feel like i was the other female that was pregnant.. i dont know how to explained it but i was seeing the things she is feeling and seeing like i was someone else. What does that mean.
Dear Emz – Thank you for sharing your interesting dream with us. The way I see your dream is that the relationship you have with a “guy at work”, offers you the possibility to enlarge your awareness and/or to break free from limiting viewpoints or cultural norms.
As a result you learn to participate in the “human race” (learning to deal with competition).
The fence in your dream will need some exploration yourself as well; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
What I see is that the fence is an inner barrier which makes that you feel somewhat uncomfortable with the idea that you can learn and grow with and from a man in your life, who is not your common law boyfriend.
It will help if you read this article first – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/ – and learn to understand that your inner male is a synthesis of all your male contacts.
Being able to accept what the relationship with another man has to offer both to you and your boyfriend will enlarge your inner world in wonderful ways.
Being pregnant is a sign of what is growing inside you because of all the relationships in your life – including the one with yourself.
A new area of your potential or personality is developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.
The “other female” is an aspect of your inner world as well – that is why you can see the things she is feeling too – and perhaps you can explore why you “project” the pregnancy onto her in your dream.
You can use “Being the person or thing” for that too.
Let me know if you have any questions Emz.
Anna 🙂
i had a dream that a woman whose wearing a black clothes says i need to rest because im pregnant and she said that she saw me standing right from a woman that is wearing a black dress to and said that ill be going to miscarraige after 150 days. Then i ask her how can i change the curse . the she said ill wrap my stomach a plastic. im crying that time and said to her that let us do it now then as we walk by i saw that woman in front of me walking and she is wearing a white shirt then i grab her hand and the other lady whose wearing a black clothes grab my hand too. then they are pulling me. and then i woke up and i found my self i cant move so im yelling and yelling.
Ihyn – You cannot move not because of a curse, but because it has now been found that while we dream our muscles are paralysed so we are unable to move. You were suddenly woken while still dreaming so that’s why you were unable to move.
Many things in the past were not understood about our inner dream life, and so they gave rise to many fearful beliefs. Like the curse.
If you are actually pregnant, it is now known that women have terrible dreams that their babies are not well. These dreams are the result of the woman’s fear about her baby. Also such dreams are way the woman releases tension, which make the birth easier.
So stop driving yourself into terrible worries and so stop yelling, because it is only fear.
My dream has me baffled, I was far along in my pregnancy, but then I was in front of an oven and when I opened it there was a chicken being baked on one side and to the left was a baby shape, I grabbed it and it was a baby girl but she was covered in something, then its like she opened her eyes they were green and she had black curly hair and started talking. This dream made me feel really weird. What do you think?
Dear NaChanza – Because you are the creator of your dream, it will be helpful to explore it for yourself as well, so that you can get a deeper feeling understanding of your own creation; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Please read this entry as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/oven/
The way I see your dream is that you are working with ideas, possibilities to create something – a project? – that will satisfy you in some way.
Cooking is also about nourishing oneself by your own efforts. It links with satisfying a hunger, creativity, your ability to make something new out of the varied opportunities or experiences you have.
The baby is a symbol of giving birth to something new in your life; http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I was pregnant and we weren’t sure how far a long I was but everyone just kept saying 3 months.. then we wondered how I got pregnant my tubes are tied everyone kept asking how did thus happen….
What does this mean?.
Dear Felisa – I believe it means that you have mixed up your physical life with your dream life; http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
In your physical life you might not be able to get pregnant anymore, but tied tubes are not an obstacle in your inner world, for there you can always create something new.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#WomCreative
It also means that you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
and also
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was with a friend standing with my hand on my belly when I felt my baby’s foot and then I felt lower down my tummy and felt his other foot ( Somehow I knew it was a boy). My first though was that I didn’t know I was pregnant and that my baby boy had really large feet so he had to be big and I didn’t know how I was going to get him out of me without a C-section. My hubby was out of the country so my brother rushed me to a hospital and suddenly my hubby was back. I started to deliver my baby and when I was done I held him and saw the love in my hubby’s eyes for both me and our new born son. As far as I know I am not pregnant (but have not tested in a while) so what is the meaning behind my dream?
Dear Lize – The way I see your beautiful dream is that it expresses what you and your husband have created in your relationship; a healthy dream child reflects the fruit of your sharing and your love for each other.
The big feet of your baby could indicate the strong basis on which your relationship is built.
Any dream is a reflection of your ability to create too and it often shows more functions simultaneously – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/function-of-dreaming/
Dreams also often stand in place of actual experience. So through dreams we may experiment with new experience or practice things we have not yet done externally. For instance many young women dream in detail of giving birth. This function of what might be called ‘imagination’ is tremendously undervalued, but is a foundation upon which human survival is built.
This is what I recognize in your dream as well; you practice giving birth to “know how to”;
“I didn’t know how I was going to get him out of me without a C-section.”
It could also reflect that through your loving relationship with your brother and your husband, you were able to give birth to a new part of yourself. A dream then merely shows how we also create each other.
Giving birth to a baby boy is usually about the principle of maleness entering your life. Maleness is like the sun, it expresses most of its energy outwardly to give life whereas the female is like the earth, receiving and nurturing life.
So it could reflect the birth or emergence of a new phase of self-expression in your life in terms of activity or achievement.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
And last but not least, it could also mean that you are pregnant. As I wrote before this does not mean that this is about an either/or understanding of your dream.
Being pregnant and giving birth in your outer life is about an important period of transition; it is about growth in your inner world too.
See http://juliakaradi.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2014/09/Childbirth-as-Initiation1.pdf
If you feel like it you could explore this dream for yourself as well to get a deeper feeling understanding of your own creation; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I have a question
What if I keep dreaming about being pregnant but the first time was with my bf and the second one I was rape and once I told my mom I was rape she try to take the person to court once I found out but I couldn’t do it
Why are my dreams so hard to understand?
I had a dream I was on a ship and wasnt feeling well so I saw a doctor and they told me I was pregnant but I was shocked because I hadn’t been with anyone. A woman/mother figure told me it was a trick and told me I shouldn’t have the baby. Im not sure what this all means. Any significance?
Thanks in advance.
Dear Eve – There is no need to be with anyone in order to get pregnant in your dream.
Many women dream of conceiving and giving birth without any man involved. Virgin birth is a normal part of dreaming. It means that you have conceived as a process of Life. Being a virgin represents the human soul or psyche and its possibility of dropping pre-conceptions, thus attaining an inner virginity and through that being receptive to the unseen or unconscious side of self. Joseph Campbell in his book “Myths To Live By” says – “There are myths and legends of the Virgin Birth, of Incarnations, Deaths and Resurrections; Second Comings, Judgements and the rest, in all the great traditions. And since such images stem from the psyche (from you and your dreams), they refer to the psyche. They tell us of its structure, its order, and its forces, in symbolic terms.”
For instance, the story and events surrounding the virgin birth, when looked as if a dream are not about a biological miracle, but about how as ordinary people, we can drop our preconceptions, our fixed ideas and beliefs and allow an entirely new and creative impulse into our life. This truth has been so venerated that we find virgin figures all over the world such as Maya the mother of Buddha born 500 BC; the virgin mother of Osiris, and of course the story told of Mary.
Being a virgin in this case is about having a mind free from previous ‘conceptions’ and so being open to Life itself fertilising you for a new and precious thing being born.
Only a ‘virgin birth’ can bring forth the birth of an intuition, a new response to oneself and one’s environment that transforms one’s life. This is a living relationship with the mystery which underlies our life. If we generate a child in this way, we are not held prisoner by habits of thought, stereotypes of behaviour, and then we can begin to allow into our waking life what was previously impossible to know. This open state of mind and feelings, acts as a link between the identity or personality, and the deep unconscious life processes. This link allows a birth of realisations and inner change that brings healing and a possibility of experiencing the aspect of oneself that is our core self.
Please gently ignore the voice of the woman/mother figure in your dream for I see her merely as a symbol of part of your conscious personality, thoughts, beliefs, upbringing and way of life, that are out of touch with your deeper and life giving self.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/
Anna 🙂
Thank you, for taking the time give your interpretation. It brought clarity.
My dream began with me lying on my back and I’ve just given birth – twice. (I have 2 teenage kids in waking life). I’m wearing colorful clothing – long skirts almost harem-like. There is a midwife standing at my feet and she has tears in her eyes and says “wow that was amazing. You’ve done a beautiful job so far.” And I know she is talking about my two kids thus far. So I say “am I done?” And she says ” no, there is one more but I need to take a little break first.” So I get up and I notice women and children all around me just going about life. All dressed colorfully and flowing. It’s such a joyful place. I start playing with some children who don’t speak with words but with tones.
A few weeks later I dream I am pregnant and growing rapidly. I’m so excited to be pregnant. Another few weeks pass and again i dream I am very pregnant and can see a hand pressing against the inside of my stomach. Again I feel so happy.
Dear K – What a joyful inner world you have created in your dream.
Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations and are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama.
So the tears of the midwife symbolise your tears of joy and wonder and they also express your feeling satisfied about the way you have guided your (inner) children so far.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/
Then your dream expresses the flow of life which is Life energy itself.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Our clothes, especially when we consider their colour, can also express our emotional condition and moods, or even our health. Constance Newland in her book Myself and I, gives the example of dressing in violet symbolising being inviolate sexually. As colours may be a vital clue to understanding our dream clothes, it is always helpful to look at the possible meaning of the colour.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/colours/
Your inner children communicate with tones. I believe this is about communication between your unconscious view of life and your waking self, or between an aspect of yourself that does not dominate your behaviour, and your mainstream self.
Sounds in dreams are similar in impact to sounds we hear in waking. They carry information to you very directly. So you feel fear or pleasure depending on the sound. Therefore the important thing is to define what feeling reaction you have to the sound, and what information you gather from it.
In your following dreams it becomes clear why you did not give birth yet to this third child, for it still has to grow and so you continue dreaming about being pregnant and at some point you will give birth to another (inner) child.
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I became pregnant with septuplets (7) and was extremely stressed about this. I had the babies and seemed to have a realization of “What have I done? How am I going to get through life like this?” All the pressure of childcare bills, work etc., came crashing down on me. Then time lapsed to a little in the future when the children were about toddler age and we were in a house and they were all entertaining each other. I thought to myself in the dream, this is great, this will be just fine they are entertaining each other, I can do this.
I have been going through a time of personal transition, trying to at least, dealing with my past and really trying to find who I am and true happiness. I have two children already and am married in a relationship I question daily. I went to a psychic the day after this dream and she told me, with much coincidence, that I have been having strange dreams and I needed to pay attention to them. She also said in order to have a spiritual transformation I need to become “pregnant” metaphorically speaking. She mentioned all of this and it had reminded me of my dream and is really what led me to this site to examine this.
Any guidance on the meaning of this would be helpful as I have not had much ease finding these specifics pertaining to pregnancy and dreaming.
Thank you!
Dear Natalie – I think that giving birth to 7 children is about initiation.
Initiation is about the discovery of new levels of consciousness, and the opening to new power, wisdom or love. Initiations often link directly to a stage of growth, such as the shift from babyhood to childhood, and childhood to adolescence, but more so to the later stages of life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/every-seven-years-you-change/
As your dream shows this process is not always easy and I salute you for having done so much inner work.
You do not have to become “pregnant” metaphorically speaking at this stage of your journey, for you have given birth already.
Your dream is an encouragement to accept and deal with some initial difficulties while growing into this “new you” and it is also a promise that times will get easier again.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/ and see the 7 babies as a symbol for initiation rather than as “an amount”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/seven/
I do not believe in “strange dreams” and if you feel like exploring the wonderful gateways that they are, feel free to join http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂