Rails Railway Train Station
Opportunity or choices in life; your life direction if on train – or the direction the events in life are taking you, perhaps your direction of growth. Sometimes the train refers to the direction or events you are involved in with others, a train of events’ in fact.
Carriages: A particular compartments or facet of your life. The situation or environment you are in at the moment – perhaps with particular people.
Leaving someone behind or being left behind: Feelings about loss of spouse; or break-up of relationship; being left; change of some sort; watching someone take a direction or get involved in things that mean parting.
Lines or tracks: The rails themselves represent orthodoxy, the accepted way of going about things, moral values or a direction that is hard to change, and perhaps shared with others. Thus one can say someone has gone off the rails. A communal or generally accepted direction; habitual pathways of thought or action; rigidly fixed to certain attitudes or way of life; inflexibility.
Missing the train: feeling left out of opportunity; sense of inadequacy; held back by one’s own hesitations; hidden desire to avoid change or to make one’s individual journey; not connecting with an opportunity or events.
Railroad crossing: A need for awareness and observation in case of danger. Possible block to progress. Conflict between your personal direction — the car – and the prescribed direction of the train.
Railway station: Moving toward something new; making a choice or having a choice of directions – directions that may need decision, planning and or choice; changing scenes – i.e. from family to work environment; leaving something behind – a relationship, one’s youth; one’s ability to change; effort to get somewhere in life or experience something new; parting or meeting, saying farewell or waiting for someone; changes in a relationship or work. The station can also depict the ‘station’ you have reached, or are moving toward in life. So it might therefore be a situation you are in or trying to reach.
Sometimes ‘station’ in your dream can mean your life state or station. So it is your present life situation. The station you try to reach is the place or situation you will arrive at when you bring your desires and actions under direction.
The train journey: The aspect of our journey through life that has connections with other people and has a predetermined end unless you change trains. It is therefore limiting your individual will, and passing through certain stages. It may show a journey into self-awareness. And because you are being pulled along by a power other than your own efforts, it can refer to ageing and death – especially where there is a feeling of ‘departing’ or ‘time of departure’; the train of thought or experiences that carry us through life. But it refers in general to your movement through life as time passes.
The journey might be one you remember making in the past, or meeting someone from a previous journey. These can both refer to influences in your present life from prior to your birth.
Ticket: See ticket
Train engine: The energy that takes us through life; libido.
Example: I lived in a village/town at the foot of a huge mountain. I felt desperate and that I had to do something – I must climb the mountains straight away. I ran away from home, family, to straightaway start to climb the mountain. The beginning of the journey was on a train. Although it had been night and raining, now it was light and blue sky. As the train slowly climbed the mountain, I looked out on the scenery behind us. There were strange rock formations, mountain valleys, lovely vistas, so beautiful I wept openly at the beauty. Others in the carriage noticed how moved I was.
Idioms: Go off the rails; lose track of something; make tracks for; on somebody’s track. See: airport; ticket.
Useful Questions and Hints:
If I was on a train, where was I going?
Did anything important happen on the train?
Did you or did you not have a ticket?
See Being the Person or Thing – Journey – Journey Inward – Water Wonderland
I had a dream in which I saw that I was at the train station with my mom and we wer approaching towards a train then I saw few people near the train. As I was going towards the train the people who wearing something in white were leaving the platform carring strechers.. One strecher had person’s head but the body was missing the second strecher was a dead body but its head was missing and the last strecher had an arm of a lady with a watch on the wrist of the limb. Please tell me what does this wierd dream mean
I dreamed that I quickly jumped into a closing subway train and my purse/bag got trapped into the closed doorway while I was still holding onto the purse strap. The emotion that I felt was worry/fear of what I was leaving behind or how I should move forward on the train. As I was contemplating how to get my bag back, the door quickly opened and shut again but I failed to get my bag through fast enough. This was repeated several times before I woke up. I have never dreamed of a train before. What does this mean?
Dear Cynthia – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you took “a jump into the unknown”.
What do you think might have triggered a dream like this or links with it in some way?
Did you recently start a new (sexual) relationship?
A journey on a subway might reflect your journey into what is usually unconscious in you – such as realisation of childhood traits still active in you as an adult and/or meeting repressed sexuality (the purse/bag). Please use “Being the bag”.
The door opening and closing might reflect how you are rather undecided about moving on and what (part of your identity) you want to take with you; see also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sex-and-identity/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/identity-and-dreams/
I feel it will be helpful to explore if there is a need to “sort out your bag first” before you can move on and take it with you, because the bag might reflect your fear/worries about losing your identity as you know it; the bag can link with the ‘luggage’ of attitudes, beliefs or fears you carry about in life.
A way to become aware of your beliefs/habits/thoughts/feelings and to explore which one of can be helpful and which one is holding you back is to use self-observation.
If one uses observation you may at time realise that you are cycling through feelings or moods. So it can imply that you are experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using observation; this is like stepping back and not be lost in the emotions or moods; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
Hi, I dreamt that a very fast train went right through me but I was suspended in the air and transparent and was still as it was going through me. I remember feeling calm eventhough the train was travelling at a fast speed. Please let me know what this could mean. Thank you
Dear Jo – What do you think might have triggered a dream like that? Have you been meditating (like for instance “on thoughts” and whether they have any substance?) before you had this dream? Your dream might express a state of mind in which you cannot be hurt by your own “train of thoughts” that can travel at a very fast speed unless you make these thoughts into a big deal;
See also http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
Anna 🙂
Hi, I hope you see this and reply. I had a dream that I was on the train and was lost. I mean I couldn’t find a sign where you get off and it says what the name of the station you get off is. It didn’t have any names, just random other stuff. I felt worried in the dream because I was lost and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get home. I was standing right where you come on the train and the train doors were slightly opened. I was holding on tight so I didn’t fall off. I remember my hands feeling slippery and I feared I wouldn’t hold on tight, then I would fall into the train tracks. I woke up when I was about to let go. In the dream also I phoned my sister on my cell, and asked her to help me. I told her to come fetch me when I get off the train. She asked me what station am I on and I told her I didn’t know. I didn’t know the name of it because there was no sign that said that. I remember giving her details of what it looked like, but it didn’t help. She told me the name of this place I must get off the train, but I just couldn’t see the signs that said that. I was worried I missed it and I would be very far away to get back home. I remember I had lots of terrible dreams about trains when I was younger and it left me scared. I don’t travel by train at all in my waking life. Wondering more about this dream. I hope you can help. Thank you.
Dear K – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson is that you are exploring how to deal with a new area of experience and how to return “home” which I see as returning to your comfort zone. Your dream expresses your feelings that are part of your travelling into new, unknown territories; like worries, fear, uncertainty and a lack of confidence.
Dreams help us see how our moods and emotions are influencing our health and general responsiveness in life.
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
If you use observation you may at time realise that you are cycling through feelings or moods. So it can imply that you are experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using self-observation; this is like stepping back and not be/feel lost in the emotions or moods; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
Please help me!!!
I have just woken from a dream that as left me feeling very upset and worried what it could possibly mean.
Me and my 8 year son was enjoying a train ride but we had to change trains, the train we changed to was so high up that I had to lift my son up but I couldn’t get up. I got on in the end and sat on the floor, then all of a sudden the train was moving and I was outside the train and my son was inside waving and crying. I ran after the train but lost it out of sight so continued to follow the track which all of sudden just stopped there was no more track to follow. I left was crying in the street but everyone was laughing and me 🙁 I found a security guard but he didn’t want to help me.
What does this mean?
Dear Lizzie – It would have helped if you would have shared anything that you think might have triggered this dream or links with it in some way; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
I will do my best to explore your dream – but please explore it for yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/.
Your dream starts with some form of change in your (inner) life.
This change makes you decide to aim for “something higher” for you (and/or your son) and your dream shows that either it is beyond your limit or you believe it is beyond your limit; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
Your son could also be a symbol of an influence latent in your being – your potential – that is ‘higher’ than your present stage of maturity or development or he could reflect your hopes.
Why do you sit on the floor in the train? What do you feel when you sit there?
Where does your son sit?
Exploring your (unconscious) feelings about this part of the dream is important, because it made you decide to leave the train; “then all of a sudden the train was moving and I was outside the train.”
You then become aware that you have missed the train; a symbol that expresses feeling left out of opportunity; sense of inadequacy; held back by one’s own hesitations; hidden desire to avoid change or to make one’s individual journey; not connecting with an opportunity or events.
Do you believe that when you help your son in waking life to mature and develop, that you will not be able to keep up with him?
Can you imagine that when you help him that you can use the opportunity to mature and develop yourself too?
What did you feel when the track all of sudden just stopped (when you lost track) and so there was no more track to follow?
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
Can you imagine not losing your trust in times of uncertainty and developing feeling safe inside yourself in times of change and loss? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/life-beyond-change-and-pain/ and http://dreamhawk.com/poems/the-trackless-way/
Anna 🙂
I dreamt I was at a beautiful old looking train station and I keep looking at the times but I miss the train every time, I’m with my Ex best friend at the station and I can feel in the dream that she’s getting to me. We miss another train and someone comes up to us I can’t see there face even though I’m looking at them I can feel there evil but I don’t want to judge them? They offer us a lift in a tiny tiny car which the doors won’t open I feel it’s wrong to but carry on, Then I wake feeling nervous & scared.
Dear LJ – I reckon you have read in this article what missing a train could symbolise.
What I advise you to do is to google “judgment versus discernment” so that you can learn to listen to your feelings/intuition in your outer life telling you that “something is wrong” without judging the person or the situation you are in.
Once again in your outer life this would mean that you would not accept the offer to travel with them in “a tiny car with closed doors.”
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/intuition/
Dreams are totally different from waking life situations though and it will be helpful to explore/understand the meaning of the person without a face.
Such shadowy figures are your own rejected emotions or potentials; so parts of your own nature or behaviour that you usually keep hidden or do not admit to.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
I believe this faceless person reflects a part of you in which you hold yourself – your motivation – back to do the things you have chosen to do or to reach the goals you have decided to reach.
So it explains why you keep on missing the train.
Part of your beliefs is reflected into your dream as well; “the doors won’t open.”
That sounds like the moment you have decided to move with little motivation, you cannot change this decision anymore, because the doors of the car will not open.
They will if you decide for it!
Many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.
It is a wise decision not to judge this faceless part of yourself AND it is a good discernment to explore if there are other ways to move in life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I had 3 dreams in one sleep. (Or maybe I just remember these 3 bits in one dream).
I was on a train and needed to get off (maybe temporarily) . I put my handbag that contained important things like wallet and IDs on a platform and popped back in the train. Not sure if I was going to get off or get off to get the bag and get back on.. but the train door closed and started to move. I panicked and tried to tell people around me to help me stop the train or contact the station to get my bad and keep it in a safe place until I get there…
The other scene was me travelling on a train. It was running along a coastline, more like right by beaches, close enough to little waves touch rails and trains. Somehow I knew I was travelling along the coast of Kent, UK. (I had planned to visit Margate but had to cancel). From the window, I could see the rest of train (cars?) as the train slightly made curves. It must have been a long train. The third scene was that I (or maybe we?) invited some young athlete (? seemed like it, a young man, almost a kid) to a dinner. He was staying in a hospital or a hotel room for a long time but often gets invited like this and never declines. He accepted in a very friendly kind manner but it had me wondered how hard it must be for him to keep accepting invitations/offers like that..
I dreamt it was my mothers birthday, and she invited everyone to a party in a ballroom in a trainstation. But before the party we all had to go on a train ride “to see something”. It was an open train, kinda like mining trains.
We started at a very nice, pretty station, and soon passed another average nice station. We continued to drive through stations, and every station was in worse condition than the one before, and the people on the stations looked like they had given up on life. When passing the last station, bodyparts were lying on the railway. Soon after, we stopped in the nice station, and everyone went to the ballroom to party.
I did not want to be on this train, but I had no choice. I was freaked out by what i saw.
Note: i am chronically ill, and lately I have become worse. Is this dream telling me that I will become much worse, before I walk out healthy, though marked for life, again?
Dear Sigrið – I can share with you what I see in your dream when I explore it; it is good to realise though that you are the creator of your dream(s) and so the one who can truly explore and (learn to) understand it (them).
See http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/
The way I see your dream is that you are having an honest look at how you deal with life and death; with life in a body and with the fact that at some point we ALL have to accept that our body will stop functioning properly until we lie it down again; “But before the party we ALL had to go on a train ride “to see something”.
In a way it is a journey without distance, for you arrive again at the starting point.
The event that led to this inner journey is the celebration of death and Life and honouring your (inner) mother who passed IT on to you.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-great-mother/
I believe we all have to learn at some point to not identify Life with our bodies and we each learn it in a different setting.
The lessons might not always be easy, because of our inner resistance, and yet once we have experienced that we are not our bodies and that we can celebrate Life, even when our body parts stop functioning properly, then we know that the process to learn to see this “Something” is worth the effort.
Anna 🙂
Hi, Dreamt that i was on the train with my Boss and his wife then i seen my son playing on the tracks next to me, my boss started screaming ,i turned around and there was my son in he middle of the track and a train ran over my son. I was in the train next to him, i jumped off the and ran to see what had happened but woke up?
Dear George – The way I see your dream is that it starts with you being on the same track with your boss and his wife.
In the context of your dream I would see that as a communal or generally accepted direction; habitual pathways of thought or action; rigidly fixed to certain attitudes or way of life.
What you and your boss become aware of is that this direction is killing your playful creativity; probably because of all the rules and regulations.
Your boss could also be a symbol of the prevailing major driving force in your life, like for instance ambition.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/create-creative-creativity/
Anna 🙂
I am trying to reach home through a Metro Train. I have no awareness about the metro train which will take me to my home. So i ask others and sit in a train. But i don’t reach to my home. I am suggested by others to sit in other train from other station which are not very far away. I go through long exhausting stairs to reach to platform. It is very crowded. Trains arrive at other platform. Passengers are running to Catch train. I somehow cling to gate. But i am not sure whether I will reach home. And i suddenly wake up
Additional information- For last couple of months I am trying to know my real self and also becoming spiritually inclined.
How this Dream could be interpreted…
Dear Vishesh – Your dream starts with expressing the efforts you take to “get home”; to connect again with your real self.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/relax-into-the-real-you/
You admit that you do not know the way – a wise and helpful decision – which might have brought you to the gate.
You decide to cling to the gate and I believe that is another wise decision.
What you can do at this point is to explore what is beyond the gate; use your imagination to open it – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/.
Anna 🙂
I dreamt of train i was travelling in. i got out of the train for some reason. and then i couldn’t catch the train…i was running real hard but could not catch the train.. i somehow managed to get in the last engine.. but again for some reason i got down from the train..probably to get into the boggy my parents were travelling in…but train the train left without me..i ran hard as much as i can..but failed to catch the train..what does it mean..admin please??
Dear Ayasmit – Do you feel that you have missed an opportunity lately?
Did you read this article?
“To miss the train: This is like missing the boat, we have missed the opportunity, lost the chance, perhaps realising an end to a relationship, or someone is departing from our life. Maybe it reflects a sense of inadequacy; held back by one’s own hesitations; hidden desire to avoid change or to make ones individual journey; not connecting with an opportunity or events.”
You could explore if you avoid becoming (a bit more) independent from your parents by entering the dream again while awake and by becoming aware what your feelings are in the dream.
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
And if you feel it serves a purpose to catch the train, you can always try again:
Anna 🙂
hi, So i had a dream where i was stuck on the train tracks so when I saw the trian heading for me i lay down flat. To avoid being hit by the train. but I cant feel the wind or the tracks. Then after the train leaved I stood up and was no longer stuck. But my bottom left canine was loose and got looser with each step. Eventually falling out onto the rails.
I cant seem to put the meanings together if anyone could help me that would be awesome? This website has helped alot. But ive never had a dream like this and its scaring me a little. PLease help me figure out how they link together.
Dear Luna – I am glad that the website is helpful to you in exploring and understanding your dreams.
The way I see your dream is that you start with becoming aware that you feel somewhat stuck in your personal growth.
Are or were you aware of this feeling in your waking life as well?
Then you are aware that there is no point in “fighting the train heading for you” and you decide to lie down.
Lying down on the rails I see as you surrendering to your Self.
From the Self – a more total awareness – arises what Jung called the ‘transforming influence’;
“Then after the train left I stood up and I was no longer stuck.”
Your dream suggests that you do not need to be aware of this influence – the wind – nor do you need to think about what it was that kept you stuck – the tracks – for It to be able to do Its work in your dream; “I can’t feel the wind or the tracks.”
Our sense of wholeness, however unconscious it may be, leads us toward becoming more inclusive of our total potential. Jung taught that part of our wholeness is an awareness of being an intrinsic and unseparated part of the universe – the Self. Dreams are often an expression or a reflection of the Self. As such they are self-regulatory and can lead to what Jung called individuation.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
The transforming, changing influence continues in you letting go of your “canine” and so making room for new ways of approaching Life.
This part of your dream “canine was loose and got looser with each step” shows that letting go of old ways – like letting go of habits and beliefs – is a process which takes more linear time in your waking life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/habits/
Perhaps you feel like exploring what this change that is symbolised by “letting go of the canine” is about by using “Being the tooth” – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – and/or “Talking as the tooth” – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs ?
Anna 🙂
I have repeated dreams of trains and railway stations. Everytime I saw myself travelling. Sometimes I even saw the names of stations where I board the trains or where the train had left me. And strangly I have never been to those places before. Also in dreams I can clearly see the names of stations but when i wake up I forgot everything except that in today’s dream I saw a stations name and again travelling in train…can u tell me why I am having repeated dreams of trains.
i have seen train in my dream and when its stoped at some station i went to home to bring something and missed the train
I dreamt that me and my mother were suppose to get on the train from station but the train started from station and me and my mother running after the train to get in, but at that time i wake up
Plz say what does it mean in real life what is the interpretationinterpretation what does it mean?