Any reptile in your dreams may depict your surface feeling reactions to that creature, such as like or dislike, attraction or repulsion. But in many cases reptiles such as a snake or lizards are used to portray your very basic instinctive responses to life, such as the fear reaction, flight or fight response, the sexual drive toward reproduction, territorial display, and ritualistic social behaviour – shaking hands, bowing, etc.
The reptile also frequently shows how you are dealing with such enormous flows of emotional or nervous energy. For instance fear is a great protector, but in human life, because we can keep stimulating the response by imagination, by words, it can become overactive to the point of illness. A gazelle may be chased by a lion. If it escapes it doesn’t spend days shaking or drinking alcohol to cover its fear. In a few minutes it is quietly grazing. A human in such an encounter can replay it over and over.
The point is that you cannot become a fully mature human being until you learn to meet these ancient drives and integrate them into your everyday life. So it is important to develop a working relationship with the snakes, lizards and frogs in your dreams. Also the reptile in our dreams is often an expression of our physical makeup. See: Reptile Brain; Snake, Alligator, Frog.
I dreamed of a two foot pure white snake that slipped into and out of a small hole in a middle of a very clear 12 inch moving stream and swan in a semi circle and then look like it was going to attack me. There was also a smaller black snake moving into a coil while underneath the water away from the white snake. 1st time I had this dream. I was above the water.
I had a strange dream last night. I was in a dark room fiiled with lizzards. I was killing them with a sword, so that I could build a wall with them. Rhey were medium sized about 50cm long. Different colours but all dark. One got away. A black one. I ran out if the room to kill it and I found myself on a bright noisy city street. Cant remember more.
I felt disgusted with the lizzards, afraid and the adreline was up. That gave me the strenght to keep killing them. Why the wall? No idea…
Does ir make any sense?
Paula 🙂
The dream shows that you are merely locked in – the wall you built – in a way of responding towards your basic instinctive drives; you kill them.
To dream about it is like a first step into the direction of changing your mind about this approach.
For a better understanding I like you to read
I think it will be helpful to make a start to learn to observe the “traffic stream of noisy thoughts in your head”
And last but not least, be gentle and patient with yourself and with the process of growth.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Last night I had the strangest dream. I was inside an enormous inclosed cave with tides coming in an out like the ocean. I was swimming and rolling around in the water. Then I found a bright yellow baby alligator about 2 1/2 feet long. I picked it up and held it and noticed that its tail was shedding like a snake. I took a big piece that’ it shed off its tail and looked at it closer, then put the skin back onto the alligator, started petting it a little then released it back into the water. In the dream I wasn’t afraid at all I tought it was cute, and it seemed to like me.
Nancy 🙂
As I see it your dream starts off with you feeling at ease with the natural expanding and contracting forces of Life.
Often we face a moment where we sense that things get rather tight around us. It is like the baby leaving the birth canal, or the snake shedding its skin.
The dream shows that at this moment of shifting from one stage to another, you believe you have to interfere with the inner process; you took a piece of the skin to look at it and then put it back on.
I think that this approach could help you learn to surrender to this stage of the process as well:
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Hello, I wanted to get your opinion on the one I had this morning,
At first I saw a bunch of different bugs in what seemed to be the inside of a hallow tree (mostly heads of bugs, and there was this particular one with a white face with 2 distinct small black eyes).
When I went around the tree, there was a frog with an opening on the side that was carrying a turtle. I was about to take a picture but it leaped away. I went where it leaped and there was a bunch of spiders. The bigger one in the middle had a skull for a body. I went to take a picture of it…but I woke up 🙂
I dream often, and some of my dreams are more “spectacular” than others. I was wondering if you could assist me with some possible meaning of it, if any.
Last night, I dreamt that I was drinking a glass of water then my tongue touched something different so I spit the water out and saw that I almost drank a medium dark green lizard along with my water. I threw it and the glass broke. I don’t know what happened to the lizard. Last last night, I dreamt of chasing a black snake on my bed and I want to kill it. So basically, it’s been 2 consecutive nights of me dreaming about reptiles. What does this mean? 🙂
Sarah – The drinking water shows you were thirsty, wanting satisfaction. But in quenching your thirst you came across a feeling you did not like.
The lizard and snake represent our basic drives and feelings, like panic and sexual drive. See – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
You found the feelings so difficult to accept you try to repress or kill them. It is best to make friends with such basic urges. It doesn’t mean you have to go along with them, but it gives you the opportunity to be more in control. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream where i was coming out of a dance studio into the streets of London and there was other dancers behind me and.i did not know then so i wanted to speak to them and i did and usually i:m shy after hanging out with them i stand next to my friends i was speaking to one of my ex who is my friend when i got talking to other people after it was lizard half frog half lizard the back legs were missing had a long tail and was dark green it couldn’t walk and my friend had a knife and said he was going ti kill it, i said no but he showed me why it needed to die it couldn’t swim or walk so he just killed it.but there was no blood whatsoever what does this mean ?
I dreamt the my husband and I saw a really big lizard with its tail trapped under a wooden plank at a construction site. After it was let go of, I carried it, however it was quite heavy and it was scared of people. It clinged on to me how cats cling on when they’re scared. I tried petting it and it liked it so much that it goes to sleep and relaxes but wakes up if the petting stops. At some point, it became calm but still alert. Then I was at a subway station with my husband far off and I had to the disabled staircase to go down since the lizard’s weight will topple me over the regular stairs. And then I woke up.
Rae – First of all I would like you to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
As you will see, the reactions that your dreamt of – scared of people, clinging – are all a part of your lizard/reptilian brain and it actions on you. It was trapped until a new construction – a new part of you was developing – and so that part of you came to your awareness. But being a person who cares, you treated that part of you well until it calmed down.
But it has become too much to keep dealing with it – it is a heavy load. Because it is actually a part of you it has intelligence and will respond if you talk to it/yourself. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/conditioned-reflexes-or-responses/
So imagine yourself back in the dream where you feel you will topple over and speak to the lizard saying something like, “I care for you so much, and I know you are reacting in ways that you feel is protecting me, but remember that I have to face the everyday life in today’s world and not just the world seen through the lizards reactions. You are, through your instinctive reactions becoming too heavy for me and will trip me over. This is all taking place in my unconscious/ the subway, so please help me and join with me in meeting the world I face. I need your warnings but I do not need to be tripped up.” See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
I dreamt of a brown lizard with irregular black spots trying to attack me. it was very swift and i was trying to doge it so it wont attack me. i was very afraid in the dream and desperate to get away.
In my dream I was “cleaning” a house with my spouse though I couldn’t see him just felt like he was there. Well there were snakes EVERYWHERE. Hiding all over every nook and cranny all Jet black. Then some out in the open. Any snake I saw out was trying to bite me but also had a snake like black lizard with them that had white spots near the head. I was pushing them back with a broom and as I walked through the house to get out the back door this kept happening. At the back door which was trimmed in red, I was hissed at by another couple(snake with lizard) and then I was out side where another couple really started to chase me as I walked backward through the yard still trying to fight them off with my broom. Then I woke up…
In my dream I was at my college Alma mater outside in the commons area talking trash to a random dude about this random girl….. For some reason I left the dude and walked over to look behind one of the workers golf carts and saw a baby alligator, a turtle, and a snake….there was more of the dream but I don’t remember… Do you know what that is about?
Hi… I was hoping someone could help me… In my dream I saw a very fast moving snake, the colour is bright green/yellow its scales appeared to be triangular it sailed at the top of my bed at an unusual speed and tried to bite me once… at that exact moment I jumped up just in time so the snake missed my face… I literally jumped up in my sleep ran backwards and smashed my back against the wall, I was shaking of shock and fear and slightly hyper ventilated.. does anyone know what it means? It felt very real because in my dream it happened at night in my bed and in reality it was at night in my bed… All my colleagues told me it means something but cant really tell me what it is… I’m a Christian girl and don’t know about these things please help
I was driving along a road I know (and drive often) away from my parents house towards my home when I drove through this very large looking gecko. Then as I was driving there was this enormous snake (like an anaconda) underneath my car in between the wheels and I screamed. Then as I tried to drive away I saw a whole bunch of huge snakes (when I say huge here I am talking dinosaur huge not realistically huge). Then as I looked across there were ginormous reptiles of all kinds and then near the bottom of the hill there were alligators. The alligators were trying to eat me (in my car) and I should mention at this point the car was flying to avoid being eaten.
I also don’t know if this matters but the dream described above was inside another dream, because when I woke up I was still in another dream …where I woke up from the nightmare and things unfolded and I told someone about my nightmare.
The dream began with a lizard kind of hissing at me with it’s split tongue sliding in and out of its mouth but seemingly lashing closer to me every time it exited the mouth. The lizard was standing on its hind legs and about four or five feet tall- probably closer to five feet.
Next, the lizard became an alligator in a watery space. It wasn’t as treacherous as the lizard but then it morphed into a menacing reptile that I could not recognize. That reptile became something else unrecognizable and eventually morphed into a brontosaurus and t-rex. These two wete running toward me but I don’t believe the first was at me. It almost seemed that I was observing the bronto; it looked scared. And I have a vague memory of a stegosaurus before the t-rex which incited me to run as it ran toward me. I wondered if I was scared of it, or scared that such a strong creature could be so afraid that it was running also. That was the end of the dream.
BB – This is a very clear dream about your basic reptile reaction – flight, fight or freeze. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
The reptile and prehistoric creatures are excellent examples of your inner survival drives. This is particularly true because of what you were in the verge of finding out when you felt ‘I wondered if I was scared of it, or scared that such a strong creature could be so afraid that it was running also.’
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing. And you might be able to realise it for yourself by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I always have nightmares wherein I see lizard attacking me.Recently I saw a Black lizard with yellow hexagonal patches on it crawling on the wall. Please help me out to interpret thus dream.
Priyanka – Before reading my comments, please read the first part of the following http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
To dream of a lizard connects you with a basic part of your nature. That it is black and yellow means that you are partly unaware of this side of you – the black. The yellow says that you are also partly aware of the reactive side of you, so you are learning about the reptile that you are inside. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-leap-from-instinct-to-self-awareness/
I dreamt that I was walking in a thicket jungle like where I stumbled upon a huge yellow and green snake, it came up on me in an attacking mode but it didn’t attack me, it slithered back to lay down. Then there was this big green lizard over head on the branch that just jumped down in an attacking way ‘telling’ me not to do it again before it jumped on me and jumped off…. Also further down my significant other was in the dream and we were in the ocean and he saw a snake and by the time he said snake and I looked I didn’t see a thing…. What does this mean?
Dahlia – You are mixing up real snakes and lizards with dream animals that are totally different. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
All things in dreams represent something about ourselves and are not trying to ‘get you’. They are parts of your nature trying to communicate something. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
The green snake was wonderful opportunity to became aware of a healing and growing force you have but are unconscious of and scared of. So perhaps try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson