Who Said Death Was The End
For the shorter Dream Dictionary entries see Death and Dead and also see the series Life and Death.
There is also a longer version published in eBook format – Dreaming about Death
Links to section headings:
Death can represent a fading or dying of some aspect of you
Who Said Death Was the Final End?
Death is an Energy Release
Journeying Beyond Dreams and Death
Death of oneself Death of someone close to us
Dreaming of a dead body
Dreaming of our own death
Some dreams are showing the state of those we love after death
Talking with those who have passed on
Death can represent a fading or dying of some aspect of you
The death of someone we know
The walking dead or rigor mortis
Thoughts about death
We can deal with our feelings of death
You can continue contact with the dead through your dreams
After death What Happens
Meeting death in any way can be awful, especially if you shy away from the awful caricature of death presented today as THE END. But if you dare to look the shrouded figure of death directly in the eyes, it transforms into the Naked Beauty. See Near death experience
In every moment of our life we face the possibility of death. In fact we only live because we are constantly dying. Our body is all the time dying as thousands of cells die, and in doing so the new and living body can continue. If we allow ourselves to realise that it illustrates the meaning of the phoenix – it is consumed by the flames, and yet it arose anew. We have the fire of life within us, we eat and feed the fire that consumes us and gives birth to us continuously. It is the warmth of our body, the warmth, even passion, of our emotions and that is life – continuous through death.
Example: This was not a dream, but a direct perception during sleep. I saw that a large part of my being was dying, and another part coming to life. Andy
Our bodies renew themselves every day: stomach cells renew every five days;
our skin cells are replaced every month; the skeleton is replaced every three months;
the raw material of DNA is replaced every 6 weeks; our brain cells are completely new every year.
The whole body is replaced every two years.
Every cell in your body listens to your self-talk and out-pictures the results Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of
Who Said Death Was the Final End?
I have heard it said or written times uncountable that nobody has ever come to tell us what is the other side of death. As no one has come back – so the argument goes – and so there is obviously no life after death.
That is a stupid argument because hundreds of thousands have come back and told us. It is an argument put forward by people who desperately keep their eyes closed and then say they cannot see anything. Because there is a massive collection of thousands of records of people who died and revived and so told us their experience of death.
See Near Death Experiences – The Wisdom Of Near Earth Experiences – The Truth Revealed – Life After Life – The Returning Dead – The Wonder of You
Death is an Energy Release
Many modern physicists, working with the information arising in experiments with quantum theory, tell us that our view of the world is based upon our blindness, and is very limited, and through its limitation, unreal. The implications of the theorem are enormous. Something can be in two places at once, in fact everywhere at the same moment. Apparently distant objects, or people, are intricately linked in an immediate way. There is no separate existence as we previously thought. Our view of the world is not one supported by the facts of physics. Time and space are transcended. People’s experiences of this dimension:
But death of anything also involves a tremendous release of energy as the form breaks down. But the various levels of energy involved in the death of a person are never lost, for energy cannot ever be lost, it is transferred and used elsewhere. A transformation takes place. The consciousness and energy that gave the body life also goes through a process of transformation into universal life.
It is not surprising therefore that the subject of death figures in many dreams. As with any major life event, in our dreams we meet death in various forms as part of our attempt to develop a working relationship with it. For instance we died when we left behind our childhood self to become an adolescent.
Such dreams enable us to become aware of what our deepest fears or feelings are regarding our own death, or the death of someone we love or know. But they also have the possibility of showing us what our fullest inner wisdom or intuitions are about what it means to die.
If we cannot meet the spectre of death, then our ability to live a full life will be diminished. At every turn death faces us in one way or another, and if we have not met and transformed fear into wonder, then we will be paralysed in expressing freely and lovingly to what life offers.
We have to remember though that what we first meet in dreams about death are the family and culturally inherited images and ideas of what death is. For instance Western culture gradually developed a view of the world based on early scientific theories. Namely that life is purely physical, and so there can be no survival of ones personal awareness at death. It is a view gradually being eroded by findings in quantum physics, and is not shared by many other cultures.
A man describes his experience when his father unexpectedly died.
A man had died. I was his son and had just been told. Walking along the road to my home in the dark evening I passed an empty house. – It silently said to me DEATH.
On my left as I walked was the undertaker’s. Again it spoke DEATH.
In the empty street a cold wind blew fallen leaves., telling me of my fathers DEATH.
Further along the way a house was brightly lit from within, and I could see people inside. It shouted to me LIFE.
A girl child rode by on a bicycle and she was LIFE.
Nearer home I met my young son and carried him in my arms, wrapped in my coat against the wind and I was holding LIFE.
And in that way I realised that always and everywhere, everything is living and dying. And pain dropped from me.
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The skeleton in the image typifies this Western view of death. But the view in older cultures is that life continually flows through birth and death, as in the second illustration. (See: the book The Field, that examines latest findings in quantum physics in an understandable way). |
But many people dream that they have died and become distressed by it. But as far as I can tell such dreams are a necessary part of a natural development. The experience of death is a part of learning to go through change – as caterpillars do as the transform into butterflies. You cannot go through such personal changes unless you willing to let yourself die.
I feel strongly that all the new breed of children will need to learn how to die. It is like a process of transformation such we see caterpillars going through. In our life today there are stages of growth and points of massive transformation as one period of growth ends and another stage begins. |
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Learning to die was a method of passing through the transformation into the next stage of growth, and we are carving a way for children if they attempted the further stages of growth. Dreaming of our own death In the example below the dreamer does not face any great fear of death itself. The strongest feelings are of loss. Over a period of time the dreamer may move beyond such feelings of loss into exploring other possibilities of death.
I was due to be executed – what for I don’t know. I was not especially afraid of this, but my most vivid feelings were of great sadness at the people I was leaving behind, and for all the things I wanted to do in life, but would not now be able to. Then at the end I was watching myself being hanged. D.
This theme of facing death is quite frequently met, and it often leads to confronting what we really want to do before the end of this present life; what we want to express, say or give to those we love or are involved with; and what we want to achieve. So such a dream may wake us up from spending too much time in trivialities.
Examining many dreams dealing with death, it is noticeable that some dreamers are stuck in fearful or grief laden feelings, while others move on into a positive relationship with the ending of life. The difference appears to be centred on what level of emotion the dreamer can tolerate and accept, and how daring they are. Many people, on meeting death in their dream, awake with feelings of pain, fear, or dread. If they could fully meet those feelings they would pass on to develop a very different experience of death in their dreams. The following dreams illustrate this.
A young woman told me she had experienced a recurring nightmare of a piece of cloth touching her face. She would scream and scream and wake her family. One night her brother sat with her and made her meet those feelings depicted by the cloth. When she did so she realised it was her grandmother’s funeral shroud. She cried about the loss of her grandmother, felt her feelings about death, and was never troubled again by the nightmare. The dreamer in the following example meets her feelings through the actual events of the dream.
My mother in law died of cancer. I had watched the whole progression of her illness, and was very upset by her death. Shortly after she died the relatives gathered and began to sort through her belongings to share them out. That was the climax of my upset and distress, and I didn’t want any part of this sorting and taking her things. That night I dreamt I was in a room with all the relatives. They were sorting her things, and I felt my waking distress. Then my mother in law came into the room. She was very real and seemed happy. She said for me not to be upset as she didn’t at all mind her relatives taking her things. When I woke from the dream all the anxiety and upset had disappeared. It never returned.
Here is quote from a student of Jung.
“Most significantly, Herzog suggests that the experience of dying in a dream can symbolise a life-transformation. But this occurs only if the dreamer (1) can transcend the negative reaction to death’s image, and (2) be touched “by the dream’s deep resonance with the experience of death as transformation and also by the elemental power of enthusiastic joy in life.”5 This “transformation” occurs if one’s waking activity is affected such that the dreamer comes to terms with the vicissitudes of life, as well as the reality of death.”
Death can represent a fading or dying of some aspect of you
So dreaming of death is often not about the end of your or someone else’s life, but a means of showing how some aspect of your outer or inner life is fading, lost, or being superseded by a changed approach, so may be shown as dying. Other possibilities are that your love or drive to achieve something might die, and be shown as death in your dreams. The change from adolescence to puberty, or maturity to old age, is also often depicted in a dream as oneself dying. In this case it is a past way of life and identity that is passing away.
Dreaming of a dead body
This shows another aspect of death in dreams. Lost opportunities or unexpressed potentials in you are frequently shown in this way. All of us unconsciously learn attitudes or survival skills from parents and others, or we have a talent or gift that has got buried, denied or even killed out by events. If these or other facets of our personality are unrecognised or ‘buried’ they may be shown as dead. Sometimes we have killed the child or teenager in us because of difficulties or trauma at those ages, and these may be seen as a dead person in your dream, or even a corpse you find buried. Of course we may have ‘killed’ our parents in our dreams and find them buried. It is important to explore such dreams and bring the parts of you back to life. See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
Some death dreams may show the awakening of new life in the dreamer. For instance, Sue explored a dream in which she was told her baby had died. She woke shaking with grief and tears. When she explored the dream she felt it showed her becoming alive enough to feel the grief of past pain, and the death of her hopes and love in a relationship that had just ended. She had suppressed her pain for so long. In now coming alive enough to feel her emotions, she was feeling at last that something she previously loved had died in her.
Example: My hands moved to my genital area and I had the strange and awful feeling my hips were not mine – that I was touching someone else’s body. The thighs and waist were my own, but in between was a dead, wasted area. I knew my sexuality was this stagnant, dead area. It was my manhood that had been wasted, the many wasted years of my life. My body felt such a stranger. I took my trousers off to feel myself more easily. Gradually I felt the area connected and my own again. I felt that I had dealt with the causes of my dead sexuality in past experiences, but I had never felt the actual deadness quite like this
We can deal with our feelings of death
Each of us meet our feelings and fears in different ways, and the next waking dream shows a very full meeting with death and its possibilities.
I knew I was dying and it was incredibly real. So real I wept deeply because I knew this was the end of everything and I would lose my children. All that I had created in life would be at an end too. But there was nothing I could do about that and I died. Then I seemed to be at a slight distance watching my dead body, and I saw my father, who had died some years before, come and carry the body over a threshold into a heavenly meadow. There a resurrection took place. My dead being was given new life. And the new life came from all that I had given to others, and all I had received from others, during my life. That was my spiritual life that survived death. A.C.
As can be seen from this beautiful experience, the dreamer meets the depth of feeling connected with the final ending of life, and then moves beyond it. So the last part of the dream is not an avoidance of pain, but an acceptance of the finality of death and how it is transcended by giving ourselves away to others, and receiving from them. It says that our spiritual life is a form of integrating all of our life activities and seeing what can be transferred from our limited life into the life universal. All that cannot be a part of the eternal cannot be a part of our life after death is burned out. Because dreaming about death is a very frequent theme, and has many aspects, you must look at any death dream you have had and see each part of it in context with the other parts of the dream. For instance the context of death in the first example is connected with hanging and final loss. In the second it starts similarly but ends quite differently.
Death of someone close to us
As explained above, this often refers to ones own feelings or talents that have been hurt, denied, or ‘killed out’ by events and your response to them. The following example illustrates this.
Example: ‘My son comes in and I see he is unwashed and seems preoccupied and as if he has not cared for himself for some days. I ask him what is wrong. He tells me his mother is dead. I then seem to know she has been dead for days, and my two sons have not told anyone. In fact my other son has not even accepted the fact.’ Anthony.
Anthony is a divorcee. Processing the dream he realised the two sons are ways he is relating to the death of his marriage – the children’s mother. Although the unconscious has a very real sense of its eternal nature and continuance after physical death, our conscious personality seldom shares this. Also we all we all carry within us ideas, behaviours, talents and ways of life from those now dead. The farmer today unconsciously uses the collective experience of humanity in farming. What innovation he does today his children or others will learn and carry into the future.
This aspect of a life beyond the physical is shown in many dreams. For instance a man I knew dreamt of walking with a friend of his. As they walked they came to a river. The friend crossed, but the dreamer was unable to. Even in the dream he felt crossing the river meant his friend had died. Some time later he discovered that his friend had died at about the time he experienced the dream.
As the dream points out, the friend died, but continued another type of life ‘across the river’. A woman told a similar dream to me. Her teenage son came down to breakfast looking very unhappy. When she asked him why he said he had a dream that deeply disturbed him. In it he was walking with a friend and the friend walked through a door. When her son tried to follow he could not pass through the door.
They could not find a rational explanation for the dream, but on arriving at school, her son heard that his friend had been killed in a motorbike accident on his way to school. The river and the door are often used in this way, suggesting a change to another dimension of life usually unreachable by the living. But some experiences give us a much clearer example of contact with our dead. The following is taken from the writings of Dr. Stanilav Grof and is a personal experience he met.
“In one particularly unnerving session a young man suffering from depression found himself in what seemed to be another dimension. It had an eerie luminescence, and although he could not see anyone he sensed that it was crowded with discarnate beings. Suddenly he sensed a presence very close to him, and to his surprise it began to communicate with him telepathically. It asked him to please contact a couple who lived in the Moravian city of Kromeriz and let them know that their son Ladislav was well taken care of and doing all right. It then gave him the couple’s name, street address, and telephone number.
The information meant nothing to either Grof or the young man and seemed totally unrelated to the young man’s problems and treatment. Still, Grof could not put it out of his mind. “After some hesitation and with mixed feelings, I finally decided to do what certainly would have made me the target of my colleagues’ jokes, had they found out,” says Grof. “I went to the telephone, dialled the number in Kromeriz, and asked if I could speak with Ladislav. To my astonishment, the woman on the other side of the line started to cry. When she calmed down, she told me with a broken voice: ‘Our son is not with us any more; he passed away, we lost him three weeks ago.’”
Here is a beautiful experience expressed as a poem.
Example: Today I noticed for the first time
A small brown mark on my left hand.
True I have been out in the sun,
But I never grow freckles.
This is one of those marks
Old people have on their hands.
I thought – or perhaps it was a hope
That I would never have
Such brown discolourations.
In my imagination of ageing
I had seen my skin wrinkled,
But clear and vibrant.
The mark was something
I noticed in the morning,
Looked at for a few moments
And passed from to other interests.
The day was full of things to enjoy.
At fifty I feel happier
And more vigorous
Than ever before.
Then, in the afternoon,
Sitting among friends
And in the midst of our enjoyment
The thought struck me –
Supposing I fall over!
Supposing I dropped to the floor
Right now.
I was with friends,
Friends to have wild fancies with.
So I followed my mood,
Allowing it to grow leaves and stem,
And remembered,
Though I had never really forgotten,
That my father had – one day –
Fallen over on his garden path.
Busy as ever with things to do
He was walking the path
Fell over
And never got up again.
That’s when I knew
More clearly than ever before
That I am slowly dying.
If I were a leaf on a tree,
The small brown mark would be
The first sign of Autumn
As change touched me
Making me golden.
Then I would fall
From the tree.
But I am not ready
To drop.
Though I am turning brown
There is something I need.
I have a will to spend myself
On my friends,
That I might fall
Feeling well
With the coming of winter.
Of a sudden
I see the face of Death.
I hear its voice.
I know it –
For we have met
Often and always.
Death has the features of
A child I made cry;
The profile of
My loved woman;
Your countenance.
Have I known you?
Then I have known Death.
Have I betrayed any?
Then I have betrayed Death.
And its face is beauty
For it is all things –
Undressed of flesh,
Unclad Life –
Without the garment
That our selfhood is.
And the waters in me rose
To tears.
Bathing me in regret
That I had
So often
My love
For the
Naked Beauty.
Relating to The Dead
Our relationship with the dead should not be seen as the same as when alive, for we have left the body life behind and live in a dimension of experience without boundaries. Of course dreams try to help us with this but it can be difficult to understand. Below are parts of communications received.
“I am now part of your life. In this place of no boundaries it means our lives roll together. And this is part of the love that links those in life and those in death. I am also creating possibilities and situations in your life here and now.
From this dimension life and death are not separated, and that my friend Kevin partook of my life through the love developed between myself and him. The link was so pronounced that he also experienced my life as I lived it as there were no boundaries.”
You can continue contact with the dead through your dreams
There is yet another level connected with dreams about people we have known in life. This next dream and exploration of the dream shows how we can continue contact with the dead.
Example: Our son passed away on 12/22/2012. he was 24 years old. Today my 13 year old daughter told me she had a dream last night. She said she was looking in a mirror and saw her brother. She said at first it scared her then she was okay. She said she joined her brother. She said they were on a beach but it was nothing like she had ever seen. She said he was in a bright yellow shirt and tan shorts which she thought was a bit funny because he would have never worn that when he was alive.
She said the first thing she asked him was if there was a hell. She said he told her no but there was a place for those who had done really bad things to learn from them. She said that she asked a bunch of questions that he told her he wasn’t allowed to answer. She said she asked him if he missed everyone and he told her no because he could be with us whenever he wanted to. He told her he could go everywhere. He said both to beautiful and not so beautiful places. It was all his choice. He told her tell everyone he was okay. She also said he looked really good but not quite the same as he did when he was alive.
The above dream is exactly what can happen when we meet someone we love in a dream. Usually people’s minds are so full of beliefs and information that clogs up their ability to have such a clear dream. The mirror is first an indirect contact, but then the girl joined her brother in his experience of death. The answers she was given to her questions are exactly my own findings in regard to death.
Example: Yesterday my wife told me I had been calling out in my sleep, obviously dreaming. She said I had been calling my mother. She described it not as a cry of pain or anger, but as if urgently trying to get my mother’s attention.
My mother had died shortly before this dream, so I tried to explore the feeling of calling to my mother and experienced a spontaneous waking dream of my mother being in something like an old people’s home. She was very withdrawn and non-communicative, and as I explored the feeling of this I sensed she felt as if she had been abandoned and felt resentful and angry about this. She had died from multiple strokes and so was not aware of her process of death.
I could see that in fact she had not been abandoned, but was in a place where she was creating her own environment through her emotions and attitudes. I attempted to communicate with her but she refused to respond at all, and I was unsure if she really was withdrawn to a point where she couldn’t hear me, or if she was angry and so not responding. So I called to her aloud and said she must realise she was dead, not abandoned. She had failed to realise her new condition and so through resentment from feeling we had all left her, had created a growing isolation and barrier to being with others. I explained that if she remembered something of the love she had given and received in life, this would release her from the bondage of her loneliness, and bring her into contact with many people who wanted to be with her who were dead.
Here is a different approach.
Example: Did I tell you my dream about my Mother the day after she died? I kept hearing my name spoken (calling me) just as I’m waking up in the mornings……it was so strong today that I had said, “Yes” before I realized there was no one here but me.
And another thing…. the phone keeps ringing and no one is there when I pick it up…….it happens too many time to be a wrong number. I am thinking, who is out there trying to contact me? But some experiences give us a much clearer example of contact with our dead.
The following is taken from the writings of D. Stanilav Grof and is a personal experience he met.
“In one particularly unnerving session a young man suffering from depression found himself in what seemed to be another dimension. It had an eerie luminescence, and although he could not see anyone he sensed that it was crowded with discarnate beings.
Suddenly he sensed a presence very close to him, and to his surprise it began to communicate with him telepathically. It asked him to please contact a couple who lived in the Moravian city of Kromeriz and let them know that their son Ladislav was well taken care of and doing all right.
It then gave him the couple’s name, street address, and telephone number.
The information meant nothing to either Grof or the young man and seemed totally unrelated to the young man’s problems and treatment. Still, Grof could not put it out of his mind. “After some hesitation and with mixed feelings, I finally decided to do what certainly would have made me the target of my colleagues’ jokes, had they found out,” says Grof.
“I went to the telephone, dialled the number in Kromeriz, and asked if I could speak with Ladislav. To my astonishment, the woman on the other side of the line started to cry. When she calmed down, she told me with a broken voice: ‘Our son is not with us any more; he passed away, we lost him three weeks ago.’”
Some dreams are showing the state of those we love after death I believe the following dreams can really give a wonderful picture of this.
I walked around the corner, looked into the room my son was in when he was living here just a few months ago. He was in his bed, on the opposite side he slept on, alone, and sick. His face was pale white with large red areas on his cheeks from fever, he had a thermometer in his mouth which he removed to say, “Ma, I’m really sick.” Maybe he also said he feels terrible, I cant recall that specifically. Most people dream their loved ones smile, or tell ,them they are ok… this dream made me cry, and feel fearful for him. Despite the difficult feeling the mother felt in response to her dream of her dead son, it describes very clearly a stage of after death experience, the burning up of physical desires.
The next dream is even more clear in its symbolism.
My mother in law just passed on Aug 7th, 2010, she had cancer, and the process of her dying went rather quickly, we are a very close knit family, and my husband, sister in-laws, and especially the grandchildren are really having a hard time with her passing. However, I had this disturbing dream last night. In this dream, I was in a small soft lit room, and in this room around the 4 corners of the wall, there were framed pictures of my mother in law from a baby until adulthood even pictures of when she was ill before she passed. She looked up at me and it was my mother in law, her eyes were bulged and red, and she had tears coming down her face.
The pictures on the wall shows a full life review. This is recognisable what happens when you die. Of course it can be disturbing, after all you are reliving every moment.
Phyllis Atwater, who is an expert on near death experiences, and who has experienced them herself, says:
“For me it was a total reliving of every thought I had ever thought, every word I had ever spoken, and every deed I had ever done; plus, the effect of each thought, word and deed on everyone and anyone who had ever come within my environment or sphere of influence, whether I knew them or not (including unknown passers-by on the street).”
The fever shown in the previous dream is caused by the loss of a physical body. Without body we lose all physical desires, and that can be very difficult for some. It is like burning up of those desires that link your material life. There are other stages that we go through that you can read about in Rudolph Steiner’s Philosophy of Life and Death.
Several months after he started dreaming, Herb received some of the answers to questions he held at the time of his mother’s death. Did his mother have a message for him? Where had she gone? The veil between this life and the next was swept away in a dream:
I meet my mother as a young woman on a beautiful campus of higher learning, where there is always light. She is playing a violin here in a symphonic orchestra. She tells me that my ability will surpass my hopes and that my dreams will be a large part of the revelation of knowledge which will come through my higher self. “I had read of great Biblical prophets, such as Joseph, who had important dreams,” Herb says, “but I thought such talents were only for men such as he was, and not for such an insignificant person as myself.”
The next show how the dead can be helped by knowledge of the after death state.
My 20-year-old son, Max, died less than a month ago. I had a strong feeling when I first learned of his death that he had remained “earth bound”.
I can’t describe it exactly, but I felt very strongly that because his death was sudden and he wasn’t ready to go that he hadn’t moved on to the other side. I have prayed for a sign from him and he came to me in my dreams the past two nights.
The first night he said he wasn’t dead and I couldn’t convince him otherwise. He even said that he wouldn’t be ready to go for another “year and a half”. But I got to hug him and feel him and it was him. Last night he came to me at my house. He was sitting at the kitchen table and we just talked for a few minutes before I brought up the fact that he HAD to go into the light. He got a bit angry.
Then I told him that I knew about the drugs in Utah and he hung his head in shame. Then I told him he overdosed. At first he disagreed, I began to think about things that I could show him that would make him understand…like stuff from his funeral, but then he understood. Like he knew what I was thinking and was kinda like “don’t bother, I get it.”
I started to cry and we hugged and I began to tell him about all the books that I’ve read on the afterlife so that he wouldn’t be scared. He hugged me and asked me if our souls would always be together and I said yes, that if you’re close on earth that means the souls always stay together.
We left my house then and went to the other side. He was leery of going so I told him that once he got there he would probably see grandma Josephine and grandma Jean and that Baxter, his old dog, would probably even be there. I went further in with him, to try and find the souls he was meant to be with so that he wouldn’t be scared.
As we looked he began to feel more at ease. Drifting away from me and looking for himself. Then a crashing booming voice said something, I don’t remember what, but I knew I had to leave. So I went back to the tunnel that we had come in through and Max came, with another young man, about his age, they were wildly happy, riding what kinda looked like skateboards, but not. He took me back through the tunnel. He said he understood and that the other soul that was there with him was his friend and that they wreak havoc on the other side playing pranks and acting rambunctious.
I started to cry and he hugged me so tight and I told him I loved him so much and he whispered in my ear “I will see you soon”. He was completely calm and not upset anymore…like someone saying, “see you tomorrow” – like time wasn’t a big deal. I watched him skateboard away with the other soul and he turned back and gave me a huge smile and waved and I felt all over that he understood everything now.
The tunnel began to close in…getting smaller and smaller at his end of it so I had to turn around and walk through my side because I had to come back. I knew, even in the dream that I had helped him get there. Was this my sons spirit? Did I help him? I feel it was…and waking up today I feel better. I miss him terribly but I feel like he is safe and where he should be.
I put the above dream in because it is so clearly a healing dream. I know from personal experience what it is like to meet and know the joy you felt in helping your son. I know also that we are almost hypnotised into believing that when someone dies that is the end of them. But there are some dreams that are about the person still alive who is grieving so much it is a real pain to the dead person.
Example: Perhaps the most common dream experience in spirit communication is related to the message which in essence says, “I am fine and happy. Your grief, however, is holding me back and making me sad. You can help me greatly by trying to overcome your sorrow. You must stop grieving!”
People who grieve because of someone they love has died fail to understand the the person has not gone or left them. In fact, the ‘dead’ person is now more fully aware of those left behind, and is very influenced by what they feel. Please read Ex or a dreamed of ‘soul mate – what can I do?; Talking with the dead
Death can represent a fading or dying of some aspect of you.
Dreaming of death is often not about the end of your or someone else’s life, but a means of showing how some aspect of your outer or inner life is fading, lost, or being superseded by a changed approach, so may be shown as dying.
Other possibilities are that your love or drive to achieve something might die, and be shown as death in your dreams. The change from adolescence to puberty, or maturity to old age, is also often depicted in a dream as oneself dying. In this case it is a past way of life and identity that is passing away.
Dreaming of a dead body
This shows another aspect of death in dreams. Lost opportunities or unexpressed potentials in you are frequently shown in this way. All of us unconsciously learn attitudes or survival skills from parents and others, or we have a talent or gift that has got buried, denied or even killed out by events.
If these or other facets of our personality are unrecognised or ‘buried’ they may be shown as dead. Sometimes we have killed the child or teenager in us because of difficulties or trauma at those ages, and these may be seen as a dead person in your dream, or even a corpse you find buried.
Some death dreams may show the awakening of new life in the dreamer. For instance, Sue explored a dream in which she was told her baby had died. She woke shaking with grief and tears. When she explored the dream she felt it showed her becoming alive enough to feel the grief of past pain, and the death of her hopes and love in a relationship that had just ended. She had suppressed her pain for so long. In now coming alive enough to feel her emotions, she was feeling at last that something she previously loved had died in her.
If the death is someone we know
Sometimes, as in the example below, this shows a desire to be free of someone; or unexpressed aggression; perhaps one’s love for that person has ‘died’. We often ‘kill’ our parents in dreams as we move toward independence. Or we may want someone ‘out of the way’ so we do not have to compete for attention and love.
During my teens I was engaged to be married when I found a more attractive partner and was in considerable conflict. Consistently I dreamt I was at my fiancé’s funeral until it dawned on me the dream was telling me I wanted to be free of him. When I gave him up the dreams ceased. Mrs D.
Death of oneself
Death is an extremely important event facing all of us, and yet it is a mystery, so we often experimentally confront and explore it in our dreams. A dream about one’s own death may also show a retreat from the challenge of life, or a split between mind and body.
The experience of leaving the body is sometimes an expression of this schism between the ego and one’s life processes. Other possibilities are to do with the death of old patterns of living – one’s ‘old self’, the loss of the boundaries that limit your awareness to an identity connected only to your body. This latter is usually a willing surrender of self to the process.
The next examples depict what was mentioned above. It is a way of reminding ourselves to do now what is deeply in us before we die – especially regarding love.
I dreamt I have a weak heart that will be fatal. It is the practice of doctors in such cases to administer a tablet causing one painlessly to go to sleep – die. I am completely calm and accepting of my fate. But I suddenly realise I must leave notes for my parents and children. I must let them know how much I love them, must do this quickly before my time runs out.’ Mrs M.
Talking with those who have passed on
A friend I know, Sheila, her mother died suddenly about three weeks ago, on the seventh I think. Not knowing this I received a message to ask for healing in her name. I surrendered in LifeStream and experienced dying, rising out of the death of the body, saying farewell to physical experience, meeting in wonder, loved ones, and opening to the pulse of the inner life. I knew from this that Sheila’s mother was dead or dying. When I telephoned I discovered she was dead. Never before had I honestly felt I was in contact with the dead. A new world has opened for me.
I know from personal experience what it is like to talk as the apparently dead to the living. This is because I had an extraordinary out of body experience. I had suddenly felt as if I were shooting upwards and experienced a feeling of coming out of pressure and was now free – like a cork out of a bottle. Then I was awake and looking down at my sleeping body and suddenly felt terrified (I realised afterwards it was terror that I was dying).
Then I remembered reading about experiences such as this and was laughing uncontrollably through release from terror. Then I was travelling across the German countryside where I was living, curled up with my knees to my chest, and found myself standing in our sitting room at home in London. It was such an astonishing experience I stood in shock looking down at my body, feeling it and trying to understand.
My body felt solid and real and I was dressed in outdoor clothes not my pyjamas. Then with great enthusiasm I looked up and saw my mother sitting alone knitting, our Alsatian dog lying asleep in front of the gas fire. I felt sure my mother would see me because I felt physically present and absolutely and vitally awake in a way I had never experienced before.
So I called out to her, “Mum, look what has happened.” She stopped knitting for a moment but obviously didn’t see me or hear me. So I felt if I shouted this would reach her. “Mum” I shouted, “look it’s me Tony”. There was no obvious sign that she had heard me, but two things did happen. One was that I saw or realised that she had an upstairs side of her and a downstairs side. Her upstairs (conscious) side had no awareness of me, but her downstairs side (unconscious) gave me a wonderful welcome and I had the awareness of us knowing each other in a formless love.
Then at the same time my dog must have heard me shout because he woke and came rushing to me and was so full of love for me he rushed around where I stood barking and showing his joy.
I later heard from my mother saying she had had been alone that night as my father was out, and she had seen the dog get up and bark and jump around for no apparent reason. I learned enormous and important lessons from that. I realised that having no physical body the human living cannot usually hear us. They need physical sound to know we are present, but yet another part of her knew and responded. So I saw that if she had thought of me and spoken to me I would know, even though she might not be able to hear my reply – unless she was a medium or learned to listen to thoughts. The reason being that in the body most people cannot communicate via thoughts.
Since then I have learned more and see that whenever we think of the dead with warm feelings we are immediately in their presence. So all you need to do is to imagine them and talk to them, as if you would if they were there physically. Talk to them saying whatever it is you want to communicate.
In dreams you will be able to receive their answers. I learned also that my dog could hear and see me, and that he loved me. I know it sounds simple but it is. Communication with the dead is easy, but we make such a big thing of it. Remember that at death we have no physical organs to speak through, so it all has to be done through thoughts. Also that at the level of thoughts we create huge difficulties by what we think. So a thought such as, “I am not a medium so I cannot talk with my dead son” is like a brick wall that we have created and cannot get through.
Thoughts and imagination are incredible powerful and are real at the level of dreams and the dead – and of course our own inner world. I think that reading this book would help you to clearly tell you about the after death state. http://www.amazon.com/Closer-Light-Melvin-Morse/dp/0804108323/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307353595&sr=1-1-fkmr0
Thoughts about death
There is a disinclination to deeply consider death in North Western culture. What passes for this is the excuse that physical death ends all life, when such a statement is observable not true. Nothing that we can see in the physical world exists outside of evolutionary connections with past objects or forms. Our language, our body, our personality, have all arisen out of what existed previously. The past is obviously alive in the present, so how can there be death to anything except the limited awareness people consider to be themselves, their ego?
Death is the great adventure of the psyche. The great undertaking of individuation takes us into the meeting with our birth and infant traumas. We face the monsters created by our sense of being unloved, of parental desertion or betrayal. The demons of self-doubt, of self-destructiveness, of worldly struggle and fear spring up to meet us on the journey and we have to do battle. The negative habits of our lifetime pull at us or bind us to our past unless we can break free. The instinctive hungers and drives, of reactive fear, challenge us.
Can we take the tiny boat of our self-awareness across their swirling and torrential waters? Can we swim in the whirlpool of desire and use its energy to achieve a new awareness and transcendence? Can we meet the unconscious influences of the archetypes and find some ability not to be lost in them?
Even if we can, after all these great feats, should we find our way through them, lies not an upliftment of our being into wonder – but death! What will we make of it?
Example: I was walking with my two sons, who were young children about seven and nine. We were in a huge cave like tunnel that was natural, and reasonably light. The boys were running around on a raised bank about five feet high that was against the cave/tunnel wall. They were looking for my mother and father who had gone into some holes of potholes in the cave wall. As they looked I became worried that they would get lost down the holes, especially my youngest son. This was because I called them – shouted for them in my anxiety – to come to me and get away from the holes. I could see Peter and he had stopped searching, but David was out of sight. Then I shouted again very loudly and with an urgent tone, and David came,
I woke at this point and went to the toilet. As I lay down again, thinking about the dream, it seemed obvious it was about death, and the fact my mother and father had gone into the blackness of the hole, and never been seen again. I wondered if the boys searching was to do with my own search in the unconscious for my parents, and what is death? Or now, as I write, whether it is about the danger of death for David.
Semi awake the dream carried on. I called the police and civil authorities to search for my parents. They could find traces of their passage deep down into the holes, but no sign of them. Then I decided to equip myself and go alone. The problem was that the deeper I went, the more inertia I felt. I was then saved myself by the civil authorities.
Then I find my parents in the depths, but they are no longer physical. They have gone deep, like a burrowing creature, to undergo a transformation, and have left physical life.
Example: It seemed a terrifying thing to be dead and descends into a crypt, lifeless and without motivation. Here I felt or experienced a very strong sense almost like a dead body, if it had awareness, might feel in a crypt.
This is quite difficult to describe. I suppose what I was experiencing was a sort of ready made or social image of death. The sort of fears we have about it. It had in it the sense of dust, decay and cobwebs – the quiet dead silence of the tomb. But here, right in the midst of death, I had the sense of eternal life, of resurrection. It seemed to me as if you could not have one without the other, and this was the meaning in Christian doctrine where it says you must experience death to be reborn.
I am not sure if it was at this point that many images of the mixture of death and birth came on me. I had the experience that one needed to be bitten by the snake and die before one can be reborn into that transcendent life.
But what came next was a long experience of exploring the view of life arising out of being a biological bag of water, wind, and shit. This went on for image after image of rampant wet sexuality or eating, of seeing nothing in life except physical existence. Again it is difficult to describe because of the huge variety of the images and scenes. I suppose the underlying thing I was searching for in this series of feelings and images of the very physical side of life, such as eating and fucking, and the question was, is this all there is?
There was an underlying morbidity in what I saw and felt. I think it is all summed up in the much used phrase, “Life’s a bitch and then we die”. But I think my view that I wanted to find the transcendental in all the aspects of life, but it was difficult within the way I was looking at these feelings or parts of life experience.
I thought, or at least I came to the conclusion, that they expressed the preoccupation with the body and the physical that most of us have in present times. We are preoccupied with the physical and with examining it in detail. We are all trying to arrive at an understanding of the meaning of things, of death, through this minute examination of the physical world. The longer I was involved in these images, the more it seemed ridiculous in the light of everyday knowledge that all things rely on each other, and that everything exists as an integrated part of the cosmos.
The theme of the dream then changed. The day before this session I had a long conversation with B. She had described some of the people she works with or cares for in the old people’s home. B. had described how frightened some of the people are of dying. Although they had lived a long and varied life, they had still not come to terms with death. In the dream I realised I was looking for some way of communicating certainty about the goodness of death to B. I wanted to be able to look her in the eye and tell her she would be cared for.
Tracing it back, when we go into death through the jaws of the hunter, the lion, what do we meet? If we go back far enough we discover not anger or lust, but the lion’s desire to feed its cubs, or to survive. We find ourselves back in, back behind things. Behind the snake, behind this tiger, behind the human being, behind the decay. If we go back far enough we find ourselves in the awareness of the pack, in the species, in the formative forces of survival and reproduction that lies behind things. We find ourselves in that mystery, in the jungle where the essence of life pervades the various forms.
From that place the viewpoint that we are nothing but a physical form, that we are a small cog in the wheels of life, that we must put up with what we have, seems ridiculous. From that place we look at ourselves and see what a fantastic piece of equipment our body and mind is. As a conscious person we are right in the middle of everything. To say, “Oh God, we are nothing but a piece of slime, a helpless pawn in the hands of destiny,” is ridiculous. We are the culmination of everything that has existed before. We are that growing tip, that exploring awareness, in touch with unimaginable potential. We are everything that can be. What can we do?
The walking dead or rigor mortis
Aspects of the dreamer that are denied, perhaps through fear. Dancing with or meeting death or dark figure: Facing up to death and experiencing or exploring possible ways of relating to it. Death of someone close to us:
As explained above, this often refers to one’s own feelings or talents that have been hurt, denied, or ‘killed out’ by events and your response to them. The following example illustrates this.
‘My son comes in and I see he is unwashed and seems preoccupied and as if he has not cared for himself for some days. I ask him what is wrong. He tells me his mother is dead. I then seem to know she has been dead for days, and my two sons have not told anyone. In fact, my other son has not even accepted the fact.’ Anthony.
Anthony is a divorcee. Processing the dream, he realised the two sons are ways he is relating to the death of his marriage – the children’s mother.
McCall recalls dreaming about her father a month after he died in September 2000. She was at a joyous community gathering where a hot air balloon was being launched. She saw her father sitting on a bench with her sister, in front of a church. “He was talking and laughing just as he had been in life. He was always the life of the party.” She leaned over to her sister and asks, “Dad’s so funny. Does he know he’s dead?” “Yes, I think he does,” her sister answers.
To McCall, the dream was powerful and healing. “It made me feel that he was OK.” Although the unconscious has a very real sense of its eternal nature and continuance after physical death, our conscious personality seldom shares this. Also we all we all carry within us ideas, behaviours, talents and ways of life from those now dead. The farmer today unconsciously uses the collective experience of humanity in farming. What innovation he does today his children or others will learn and carry into the future.
This aspect of a life beyond the physical is shown in many dreams. For instance, a man I knew dreamt of walking with a friend of his. As they walked they came to a river. The friend crossed, but the dreamer was unable to. Even in the dream he felt crossing the river meant his friend had died. Some time later he discovered that his friend had died at about the time he experienced the dream.
As the dream points out, the friend died, but continued another type of life ‘across the river’. A woman told a similar dream to me. Her teenage son came down to breakfast looking very unhappy. When she asked him why he said he had a dream that deeply disturbed him. In it he was walking with a friend and the friend walked through a door. When her son tried to follow he could not pass through the door.
They could not find a rational explanation for the dream, but on arriving at school, her son heard that his friend had been killed in a motorbike accident on his way to school. The river and the door are often used in this way, suggesting a change to another dimension of life usually unreachable by the living.
Idioms: Dead and buried; dead from the neck up/or neck down; dead to the world; play dead; dead to the world; dead tired; drop dead; stone dead; at death’s door; brush with death; death wish; kiss of death; sick to death.
Useful questions and hints:
What feelings about death does this dream highlight?
If I imagined the dream being carried forward, how would I change it? (For help doing this see Taking the Dream Forward.)
Am I changing and my past self dying?
If this is someone I know what are my feelings about them – and where are those feelings arising in me at the moment?
What part of myself have I killed?
Did an aspect of my potential get buried or killed in the past – if so what?
See: Life and Death; Life After Death; The Archetype of Rebirth or Resurrection – Life and Death – An Amazing Near Death Experience – Death and Dreams – Levels of Awareness in Waking and Dreaming – Near Death Experiences Journal.
The reason i have left this comment is because i had watched this movie 2 days ago about a child who has dreams of out of body experiences, not that I have had those but he was dreaming about a demon who wanted his body and he couldnt get back to it. The problem i had when i was young was i had this dream and what had happened in it was i watched my family die by the hands of a creature with a red face and woke up when my family members started dying. I was very young then and did not think anything of it other than it was a bad dream, but the weird thing for me is i had that same exact dream scene for scene years later and now a few more years later i saw this movie. It has made me wonder if my dream was influenced by an outside source like a paranormal entity? But I do not know if that is possible since the paranormal field is still a widely unkown field. I have been getting lots of cold chills since that and i think i have just been scaring myself but those dreams were so real and paranormal things have happened to a family member in my familys house that dealt with a dream and a shadow figure, along with physical touch of that member but it had only occured to them once and they told whatever it was to leave them alone and never come back but still leaves the question if it really ever did leave. I would just like some answers about can dreams be influenced by paranormal activity?
Micah – I cannot sum up my reply in a few words, but suggest you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/possession-and-dreams/ where I explore this subject.
But in exploring thousands of dreams I have never come across any external force that can posses you other than ones own fears and of course one early childhood traumas. For instance there was an investigation into being possessed by a ghost, and in each case it was an early childhood experience, usually caused by the father. Your dream suggests you had a terror of losing your parents.
Also demons and devils are a recognised part of dreams or visions arising from difficulties in being born.
I hope you can give me some hints about the meaning of this dream I had recently. I was watching the night sky and saw a shooting star, thinking that it would’ve been nice had it struck somewhere closer so I could examine it and what not. There is suddenly another shooting star right where I’m looking at the sky, however, it doesn’t move across the sky; it’s more like a new star in the sky. I guess I understood that this meant it was heading right for me, so I just about turn around before the meteorite strikes me in the back of my neck. This is of course fatal, I don’t die immediately but there’s no way I would survive it (it somehow didn’t go right through the neck, but it left a hole there, or so it felt in the dream). As I’m lying on the ground, feeling no pain, just being paralyzed and losing consciousness, I imagine that the headlines will be quite spectacular (never before has anyone died from a meteorite impact). This was all a regular dream up until this point, where I just die, so I wouldn’t call it “dreaming about death”. Why did I have this dream?
Mattias – Well of course you didn’t die because you woke afterwards. So you experienced dying in the dream and you had no fear from what you say. I think that you felt paralyzed because that was what you believed or thought would happen if you were struck in the back of the neck. Whatever we believe or even think in a dream can become reality in the dream – that’s how dreams work – except that a lot of deep beliefs take place unconsciously so sometimes we are surprised by the outcome.
Why did you have this dream? It is saying that because you wanted to examine it close up you called it to you. And something ‘out of the blue’ struck you; a piece of the Cosmos came to you and entered you. You thought it would kill you but it hasn’t. But something like that in a dream has a great significance. Ancient peoples believed that seeing a meteor in the sky, or finding a part of a meteor suggested that a gift had been give by heaven. That is where the idea of wishing upon a falling star arose.
So ask yourself what you feel has entered you or is entering you that feels new. Or even imagine yourself back in the dream, knowing that you have not died, and feel what it is that has entered your awareness. After all, it is a piece of your own extended being that is shown as the meteor. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/
I had a dream about my brother.He has been dead for over 5 years.He came to my house that I share with my fiance’.My brother never meet him but he and my fiance talked and joked around.My brother had a pair of children tennis shoes in his hand,they were a cartoon brand shoe.What does this dream mean? I’m hoping that it means he approves of my fiance’.I was married to my ex-husband when my brother passed away,and he didn’t like my husband at the time.the reason being how he treated our kids and me.
Toya – Well it certainly shows there is a good feeling about your brother and you fiancé. It also shows how you have a better feeling about your relationship with your fiancé and your dead brother.
Wondering about the children’s shoes, are you thinking of having another child, because if so I feel your brother is showing his love for you and your family.
my mom dreamed about my mother in-law, the night me and my husband came back from a weekend with friends. My mom said she saw her looking at her, at me and my husband. she said my mother in law was only dead for more than 2 months and suggested that we shouldn’t push through with our wedding anniversary celebration outside the country by the end of the year. our flight and hotel accommodations can’t be moved or canceled since its on promo.
Yvette – I cannot make out whether you are saying that your mother is law is already dead or will be. But even so death is a normal part of life, so I suppose the question is, if your mother in law is already dead, no harm can come of you leaving the country. If she does die, which still is uncertain, then you need to see whether your husband would be terribly upset.
Okay, my older sister had a dream, which i was in, about someone she knew dieing. A few nights before this, my twin sister’s boyfriend had 3 dreams, i was also in those as well as her, and he died. what does this mean?
JT – People dream about dying all the times, and it is about parts of themselves being put down in some way, and they dream of dying.
We are killing ourselves all the time by the way we live and the beliefs we hold onto – but it is not about physical death, but about the most important parts of us, our potential and abilities.
i had a dream that my little bother and sister had died but i could still talk to them and see them but know one else could what does this mean?
I had a dream that I was at my mother in law’s garage and I was diggin through a basket of my shoes trying to find the right pair to wear. I received a call on my cell phone from my husband ( who has been dead for 6 yrs) and he kept telling me to open the gate to the field and move the car….I kept telling him I didnt wan to open the gate and drive the car through the field as children were playing football and I was afriad they might run in front of the car…. he kept insists that I open the gate…telling me over and over again…I could do it just try. When I awoke from the dream I felt a great sadness as I miss him very much but to my dismay when I went downstairs….my dog had somehow gotten through the gate and was standing in front of my house. I caught her just in time to keep her from reaching the very busy main road at the end of my street. Strange!!!
Shonda – The cell phone is a real sign that a communication took place. It was urgent enough to be repeated over and over. But your mind was on what shoes to wear, your physical appearance, so I feel you misunderstood your husband message. You took it he meant the physical gate.
In dreams we can only get meaning through the images we have taken in, such as the gate. But here are other gates we can open. A gate in dreams can depict a threshold, like that between conscious self awareness and our total experience – such a gate needs to open and close.
So I believe your husband was offering you an opportunity to cross a threshold. I therefore suggest that while awake you get in your dream, open the gate an rive through the field. As you do it watch what you feel. See to help with this – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
I have a had 2 dreams now where I had a baby and then it died ,one by having its head cut off ,the other by falling from the top of the stairs ,What could this mean? its very disturbing.
Last night I had the weirdest dream, I dreamt I was looking for my partner in the and I couldn’t find him, so I climbed a wall and I was walking upon it to look for him and in that moment I saw him and he saw me and we started to walk towards each other and smiling in that moment I felt like someone in the crowd didn’t want us to meet and in that moment killed him, i went in the crowd and i found him dead, I strted to shout and cry I took him in my arms and he was so light and beautiful in that moment I felt the most deep feeling of love for him and I started to run with him in my arms trying to reach a hospital but the way was full of obstacles and I couldn’t get anywhere… I woke up from the horror I was feeling…
I have no clue what it means I really would love your opinion in this one…
Al – Your dream sounds as if you have some difficulties in the way of loving your partner. In the dream he dies, suggesting that you fear the love between you will die.
But you can ‘make love’ by understanding what produced it in the first place.
When I was a child I always chose my own dreams, most of the time I was just flying around the places I knew. Sometimes I knew I was dreaming woke up only to realize I was still dreaming and have this freedom again.
However there was one dream I had almost every night when I was still very young (5 or something around that age but I’m not sure about the age) and I only realized it was a dream when I woke up. (Then I went to my older brother to sleep with him as I was scared)
The dream always placed me in a certain situation (alone or in group) where I had to find some people, when I found these people there was joy, then we where confronted with a hazard (missiles in a hangar) The buildings, hangar and missiles where always the same in every dream, but the company (except 2-3 core people that I did not know) was different as I chose different approaches for the situation, one thing that never changed was my death. Depending on what I did in the dream I could limit the amount of people dieing to one (me).
When I instinctively chose this option every time I had this dream the dream stopped coming. I had this dream so many times that even to this day (20 something years later) some aspects of the dream, expl a certain gate behind which I found what the people I was looking for are still very clear to me.
We did not have television at our house as my father did not like this technology, he said it would fuck up our (Me and my brothers) creativity and I did not know missiles from anywhere other then my dreams. Also in the dream I was an adult.
Since then I always had the ‘knowing’ feeling that my reason on this earth is to save someone/thing that is important for some reason.
I dreamed about my husbands parents that passed away in 1969 his Mother who I did not know and his father 1979
I’ve always had intense dreams in which I wake up crying from because of how realistically horrible they’ve felt. About two weeks ago I had the most intense nightmare of my life and it dealt with death. The thing is I’ve had dreams of dying just like any other person might, but this dream was different than any of the ones I’ve had before. It started out with two friends of mine named chai and erik, we were all in a college classroom and for some reason chai’s mom was also in class with us. I’ve never met chai’s mom, but in my dream that’s who the woman in the room with us was. All of a sudden the room began to shake, a big earth quake was taking place. Chai, Erik and I were all afraid, but for some reason Chai’s mom seemed really calm. He asked her “Mom aren’t you scared?” and she replied ” I’m used to things like this because when I was a kid a ghost used to haunt me and it would shake up my room.” I instantly became scared because of her response, but shortly afterwards the earth quake stopped. Chai and Erik left the room because they needed to get something done so only me and Chai’s mom remained. All of a sudden the room turned into an old apartment of mine with a long hallway. A dog and a man appeard out of no where, the dog seemed calm, but the man just stared at me, I tried to view the man in a different perspective by walking to the side, but he disappeared. When I moved again he reappeared next to the dog. I began to feel fear and then having forgotten all about Chai’s mom I began to hear a voice saying my name, but I automatically knew it wasn’t Chai’s mom speaking to me, but something else inside her. All of a sudden I felt this huge overwhelming presence all around me, the fear in my mind was like nothing I’ve ever experienced, I had to struggle to move and the only way I can somewhat explain what I felt was that it was impending doom. I began to speak out loud saying “Don’t start this shit, don’t fucking start this shit” and I ran to the door, but it was locked. Chai’s mom was speaking to me again saying ” Sandra, I see it, I see it your body it’s,” and when she said that I began to see my body mutilated blood everywhere, I was dead, but I couldn’t let her finish saying it because if I did then I knew I would die. Before she finished her sentence I was able to get the door open and I ran out of the apartment. I was in the hallway and there were kids from my childhood there, I see Chai coming up the stairs and I tell him his mom is crazy that she just did something crazy and so we both go back into the apartment. I walk into the room and Chai’s mom is no longer there, it’s my own mother in the room. She’s sitting on a rocking chair, quiet, eyes closed, and I walk up to her touch her face and tell her mom are you awake? She opens her eyes and I ask her why did you do that? Why did you tell me that? She tells me why did I do what? and I awake from my dream. I couldn’t stop crying when I woke up, it was 5:20 in the morning and it felt as if I was a walking corpse, the rest of the day and the next day I was filled with anxiety believing something was going to happen to me. I told my mom about the dream and she just comforted me, but I can’t get over how real it all felt. I had even written it down that morning in a notepad, every detail of it. I guess I would just like to know what someone thinks about this…
Sandra – Where can we start? I think you need to have a lot explained to you.
To start with: As so many nightmares have been investigated in depth – using such varied approaches as hypnosis, exploration of associations and emotional content, and LSD psychotherapy, in which the person can explore usually unconscious memories, imagery and feelings – we can be certain we know what nightmares are. They arise from many causes.
Unconscious memories of intense emotions – such as those arising in a child being left in a hospital without its mother. Many people, who have been trapped in an awful situation, whether that is a dreadful marriage, a political or war prisoner, or a life situation one yearned to get out of, frequently dream they are back in the situation unable to get out. Or are haunted by awful images and dream situations and are frantic to escape from. Intense anxiety produced – but not fully released at the time – by external situations such as involvement in war scenes; sexual assault – this applies to males as well as females, as males are frequently assaulted; being attacked and ones life threatened; involvement in a natural disaster such as flood or fire; car accident, etc.
Nightmares are therefore a healing process trying to get you to face and deal with difficult feelings and situations. We try to run away and escape, but they are only our own ears and emotions given images in the dream.
Also dreams are a magic mirror which our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream. Therefore our sexual drive may be shown as a person and how we relate to them; or given shape and colour as an object; or given mood as a scene. Our feeling of ambition might thus be portrayed as a business person in our dream – our changing emotions as the sea or a river; while the present relationship we have with our ambition or emotions is expressed in the events or plot of the dream. Therefore the characters in your nightmare are not external people, and can do you no harm. Even if you had not escape from Chai’s mum and been torn to bits, it would not have hurt you – except your fear itself would have disturb you. But even that is changeable and can be dealt with if you understand it.
As an example here is a dream:
I was getting ready to leave and this dark haired guy told me I couldn’t leave, I felt scared and was going to leave anyways, he pulled out a pistol and shot me in the stomach, I fell down, but there was no blood. The thoughts in my head was, “OH NO”. Next thing I remember is that I was still on the floor in the same place and I got up and I remembered being shot but I didn’t seem to have any pain or blood and was moving normally etc. I started looking for a way to leave I was sneaking around trying not to get noticed so that I could get out of there w/o the shooter guy seeing me.
The interesting thing there is that even though she could see no hurt came from being shot, yet she was still scared of the guy with the shooter. And it is overcoming such fears that can release you from fears and hurts that haunt us.
The earthquake is a sign that a massive amount of inner tension/fear/hurt is trying to release. You, the little frightened you, is only a tiny part of the Life process in you that keeps you alive, breathing, digesting, and so on. That process is in no way trying to hurt or destroy you. But because you have no awareness of what really takes place in you, you resist it by running away or waking up to escape it. So if you can find courage to believe Life/God is not trying to crush you but trying to heal you of the terrors you carry around in you, then you will take steps toward being healed.
Please read the following and you will see that what are called nightmares can be safely dealt with – http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
Recently, i have been having many versions of dreams that my mother is dead. My mother is still alive, and we are very close. I sometimes dream that she is already dead and that i have moved on but everyone can see her ghost and talk to her, but she can’t see me. Other times i dream of her being killed mercilessly in front of me, but the murderer and the weapon is invisible. Please, can someone tell me why i am having so many of these dreams?
Lindsay – It is not unusual for a dead person to kiss you, and for them too act strangely. Being dead is a strange new world for most people. But I wonder what you mean by acting strangely, can you describe it.
The kissing is a way of demonstrating affection so you were given the persons good feelings. But do you feel the kiss was the kiss of death?
I had a dream that i was killed in a plane crash and i was looking over my body slapping my face trying to wake me up. Im due to fly next week but am thinking of cancelling as maybe it was a premonition.
Sue – Sorry it has taken an age to reply. I am having trouble keeping up – especially as I have moved house in between.
If it was a premonition you would know it. So it sounds as if you are anxious about flying and so had this dream. Dream are often a mirror of what we feel, so this dream was reflexion o your fears.