Dreams about Dead People
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Dreams about People We Know who have Died
Dreams about a Dead Person
How can We Talk to the Dead and They can Talk With Us?
Dreams about a Dead Husband or Wife
Dreams about a Dead Mother
Dreams about a Dead Child
Summary of after death experience
What Happens When Our Body Dies?
Coming back to earth
The Journey Through Death and Back
Journeying Beyond Dreams and Death
Dreams about People We Know who have Died
Dreams in which dead people appear are sometimes expressive of our attempts to deal with our feelings, guilt or anger in connection with the person who died; or our own feelings about death. When someone close to us dies we go through a period of change from relating to them as an external reality, to meeting and accepting them as alive in our memories and inner life.
It is wise to understand something before you read what else has been said. For instance, a single cell, which is a seed from which all life forms evolved from, doesn’t become old or die because it is immortal, for it keeps dividing and doesn’t die. In dividing it constantly creates copies of itself, but as it does so it gathers new experience, it changes what is copied, so becomes the ‘seed’ for multi-cellular organism. We all started from the original one cell, and we, you and I, are the result of gathered experience.
As adults we believe we are complete and whole. A seed is a return to the source of life and it/our beginnings under the sun. Consciousness on our planet started in the slime of creation, the slime we return to, to procreate. And from that slime which is a vehicle for our seed to exist in, our awareness goes through the whole process of evolution as we develop in mother’s womb, the dividing of cells, the forming of structure and organs, the creation of a creature with gills, and on to a human type form ready to breathe air, carrying your seed onwards.
As one textbook states, “A human is not constructed like a modern office building, as cheaply and efficiently as possible. . . but rather like an ancient historic edifice to which wings and sections were added at different times and which was not modernised until it was almost completed.” See Levels of the Brain
In doing so it uses many of the things that Life or Nature learnt from past life-forms that it uses in dealing with human life. As an example plants use very clever system with bulbs and other root systems. A bulb can grow a new flower each year and each flower is a totally new and unique thing. The the flower dies and its essense or experience is drawn back into the bulb, and next season another unique flower emerges. This hold true for humans too.
Our present personality has never existed before. It lives with a new brain that doesn’t carry old memories. Searching within its own experience and memories it could never find memory of any past lives because our present brain has no connection with the past seeds, yet our seed is the collection of man, many lives lived. Tendencies, unaccountable fears or talents, give the clue to these past selves. See Mushrooms
These past lives are not remembered easily because the new soul that developed in the new body had no past connections because it has a new brain. The soul or personality is built from the local memories stored in the new brain. So, memories of the past can only be attained by a deep awareness of our core awareness.
So, dead people can simply be people from our past. Considering that the major part of our learning and experience occur in relationship to other people, such learning and experience can be represented by characters from the past. For instance a first boyfriend in a dream would depict all the emotions and struggles we met in that relationship, and what we learned from it or took away from it that still influences present relationships. Therefore dreaming often of people we knew in the past would suggest that past experiences or lessons are very active at the moment, or we are reviewing those areas of our life. A woman who had emigrated to Britain from a very different cultural background frequently dreamt, even twenty years afterwards, of people she knew in her native country. This shows her still very much in contact with her own cultural values and experiences.
Example: ‘My husband’s mother, no longer alive, came and slid her arms carefully under me and lifted me up. I shouted ‘Put me down! Put me down! I don’t want to go yet.’ She carefully lowered me onto the bed and disappeared.’ E. H. – In this example the dreamer is feeling fear about being carried off by death.
Example: ‘A dark grey sugar loaf form materialised. This pillar lightened in shade as I watched. It didn’t move. I began to think it was Mrs. Molten who died in 1956. The feeling grew stronger but still the colour lightened. Then it bent over and kissed my head. In that instant I knew it WAS my mother. An ecstatic joy and happiness such as I have never known on earth suffused me. That happiness remained constantly in mind for the next few days.’ Mr M.
Here the dreamer has not only come to terms with his mother’s and his own death, but also found this inner reality.
Example: ‘A couple of months ago as I was waking I felt my husband’s arm across me and most realistically experienced my hand wrapping around his arm and turning toward him which I had done so often in his lifetime and saying ‘I thought you had died. Thank God you have not.’ Then I awoke alone and terribly shaken.’ Mrs I. – The example both shows the resolution of the loss, but also the paradox felt at realising the meeting was an inner reality.
A critic might say this is only a dream in which a lonely woman is replaying memories of her dead husband’s presence for her own comfort. Thus her disappointment on being disillusioned. Whatever our opinion, the women has within her such memories to replay. These are a reality. The inner reality is of what experience was left within her from the relationship. Her challenge is whether she can meet this treasure with its share of pain, and draw out of it the essence which enriches her own being. That is the spiritual life of her husband. The ‘aliveness’ of her husband in that sense is also social, because many other people share memories of the same person. What arises into their own lives from such memories, is the observable influence of the now dead person. But the dead also touch us more mysteriously, as in the next example. See: Dead Husband or Ex
Example: In a recent news program on television, a man who survived the Japanese prisoner of war camp in Singapore had been given a photograph of children by a dying soldier he did not know. The man had asked him to tell his family of his death, but did not give his name. The photograph was kept for forty odd years, the man still wanting to complete his promise but not know how. One night he dreamt he was told the man’s name. Enquiries soon found the family of the man, who had an identical photograph.
Dreams about a Dead Person – General Meaning:
This can represent some area of your life that has ‘died’. It can refer to death of feelings, such as hopelessness in connection with relationship and the loss of feelings about someone; the depression that follows big changes in your life such as loss of a loved partner, job, or child. It can also reflect the sense you have of your life in general, that it is without the stimulus of motivation and satisfaction, as when one feels oneself in a ‘going nowhere’ relationship or life situation. The dead person in the dream may link several of these feelings together, as symbols often represent huge areas of our experience. So the dead person my be a part of oneself you want to leave behind, to die out.
Some dreams are so clearly about the person who died. Here is an example of such a dream by a young child.
With his brothers and friends he went to bathe in a mill pool. He was only four or five at the time, and could not swim. In the recklessness of their-play, one of the children pushed him into deeper water. At that moment, the mill gates opened and water rushed through carrying him along. He was drowned – but some adults who were hastily called to the scene managed to pull him out and revive him.
As his father carried him home in his arms, the boy talked about his mother, who had died some years earlier and at first his father smiled at his story.
The boy said that as he went under the water he felt himself sinking down and down into darkness. Then there was a change and he felt himself rising up slowly until at last he rose to the surface.
He was in a huge sea. Around him, other people were also surfacing, and all were being gradually washed towards the nearby shore. There on the beach, people waited, and greeted those who were brought to them by the sea.
And as he himself drew near there on a small promontory were his grandparents waiting to welcome him – and in front – his mother, and she bent to draw him into her arms. She took hold of his hands and as she did so, a cross around her neck swung before his face. Sparkling in it were seven stones. But at that moment, something seemed to pull him away, and he sank into the sea and at last awoke on the riverbank.
The other half of the Story
At the conclusion of the story, his father’s condescending smile vanished. They were now at home and his father left the room, obviously deeply moved. Only years later did he tell his son the other half of the story.
The boy’s mother had died when her son was tiny and she had died on her birthday. For many weeks before, her husband had saved for a special present which he had kept secret. On her death, heart-broken, he had crept down to the coffin in the middle of the night, unscrewed the lid and given the present to his dead wife. It was a cross with seven stones, and the secret of it had been buried with her.
Putting together a picture of many such death experiences, we can begin to see a general view of what it might be like, what it certainly is for some, to die.
First of all comes a lessening and eventual disappearance of bodily sensations. Although all pain and physical awareness goes, most people are still conscious of their physical surroundings and of other people. In fact they often watch their own body breathe its last struggling breaths.
Usually people see themselves in a body, but it’s sometimes more perfect than the body they have just left. Their perceptions are nearly always enormously heightened in many ways. There seems to be no sensation of gravity or weight – the whole room or area can be seen instantaneously, as if with circular vision, and there is an awareness of the thoughts and emotions of those present.
See Talking with those who have passed on
Dreams about a Dead Husband or Wife:
Many dreams of dead people come from women who have lost their husband. It is common to have disturbing dreams for some period afterwards; or not be able to dream about the husband or wife at all; or to see the partner in the distance but not get near. In accepting the death, meeting any feelings of loss, grief, anger and continuing love, the meeting become easier.
But as with the example above, there are many cases where people meet their dead in dreams and have tremendous assurance.
Dreams about a Dead Mother:
As with other ‘dead person’ dreams they usually show how we are working out or unfolding our relationship with them. They can be wonderfully confirming of continued existence.
Example: ‘A dark grey sugar loaf form materialised. This pillar lightened in shade as I watched. It didn’t move. I began to think it was Mrs. Molten who died in 1956. The feeling grew stronger but still the colour lightened. Then it bent over and kissed my head. In that instant I knew it WAS my mother. An ecstatic joy and happiness such as I have never known on earth suffused me. That happiness remained constantly in mind for the next few days.’ Mr. M.
Dreams about a Dead Child:
When our child dies it is one of the most heartbreaking experiences we can meet. Sometimes it takes years to adjust to what has happened. Not only is the adjustment emotional and psychological, but also your way of life is often built around the person you have lost. Therefore the changes we meet can be enormous. However, we each have enormous resources of healing and ability to meet the new if we can access them. Very often there are experiences we have, or dreams, that continue our relationship with the child. Unfortunately we live in a culture that often denies the possibility of this.
The example below shows how this can be possible.
For instance, Dr. Morse, in his book Closer to the Light, tells of a mother who came to him because she hadn’t slept properly for 1041 nights after the death of her son. She showed him a picture of her son, but Dr Morse was suddenly called away to a ward emergency. Having dealt with the sick baby, he was writing up the notes and a nurse who had been helping said to him, ‘Who was that person who came in with you? Is he a student?’
Morse did not understand what the nurse was talking about as nobody had come into the hospital with him. As he was trying to find a pen for the notes he was writing he pulled out the photograph of the woman’s son. Immediately the nurse said, ‘That’s him. He kept trying to get your attention’.
When he returned to his office Morse asked the mother if she had ever been contacted by her son after his death. She said, ‘Oh yes. After he died, for several nights he would stand at the foot of my bed and tell me he was alright, and that I should stop crying. But that was only a crazy dream.’ However, such things are not crazy dreams, but insights into a greater reality.
After her conversation with Dr. Morse the woman slept properly for the fist time in nearly three years.
Summary of after death experience
Because after death we are still in a dream like existence, we tend to create around us those things we expect to see or experience. So someone who has no previous information about death may wander around for awhile confused. A Christian may see Christ welcoming them, so the beginnings are very varied, and a Buddhist might meet Buddha, or a Muslim might see Muhammad. But there is some sort of life review. This is about harvesting all of value from the life experience. Not only do we gathered the lessons we learned from our life, but we also relive it moment by moment, feeling and reviewing our own feelings, but also the feelings we engendered in others. But because we are no longer living a life in three dimensions and time, it will be an all at once experience, not stretched over time.
This can be quite a trial considering the life we have lived. But it is not a judgement from outside us, but a self judgement of the quality of our life. We need to pass through this because after death we have left the physical world and moving toward the spiritual. We can see this as the Big Self; the Self with Enormous Love. But there is an enormous transition taking place at death. We lived within a body, and now without it we have to be ready for life without it in what is called the spirit world. That is why the life review is necessary. All our earthly experience has to be put through a transformation to make it fit for a wider life. The wider life works through universal connections, and the less we personally can connect with the universal the less fit we are for the universal life.
Something that I have noticed is that some people believe, and therefore experience, that ‘heaven’ is exactly like life on earth except better. They see it as having houses and living much the same way. But that is not really the whole truth, because just as our body grows and changes, so do we in the after death state.
It seems as if there is a great difference between existing in a body and surviving in the grand world of the spirit. For in the spirit world there has to be found something that will link the life with giving and receiving from others, and of course the integration with a greater purpose.
Many people say they go along a tunnel toward a great light, and then a great spirit leads them through life review. Others go through a door to the light, and others go up a flight of grand stairs.
Having lost their body and its appetites there may be a period of adaptation to a life in a world without boundaries. Also because the spirit world is similar to the world of dreams, you create around you an environment made up of your own inner state. So if you are full of hate, murderous impulses and selfishness, you create a world like that is usually called hell. We are not ‘cast into hell’ we create it ourselves.
The same with heaven, it is created out of all the attitudes and ideas and feelings that are in harmony with the way the universe works or is. As a friend told me after his death, “I cannot escape myself. This is because everywhere I look is like a mirror. Every direction I find a reflection of me. It is three-dimensional. It doesn’t matter if I look up or down, left or right, all I see are expressions of who I am.”
At first one will look much as you did at death, except if you are old or ill, then you have quickly gained a more youthful and healthy appearance. But of course that is only your physical shape, and you will create that because that is who you think you are. But a great and probably slow swing over will occur. Because your body is gone, and you are moving toward the spiritual being that has always stood behind your life and witnessed it and given it impulses to try to live out, so gradually you may lose any sense of being male or female.
It is possible some people will not make it that far, but will go into a sleep state until their next life in the body. But if they can maintain consciousness as they meet these changes they will slowly become a greater being, and have an awareness that could be seen as super human, touching all around them. This is why some dead relatives come back to us in dreams and visions and tell us things they would never have normally been capable of knowing.
Another conversation with a dead friend stated some of this:
I seems to me that things are different for me now. I feel something that is difficult to understand. I seem to be getting less and less of the me I knew; yet at the same time more of who I am. More of me is being lost, but at the same time more of me is being gained. A strange paradox.
Then there is the going beyond even more barriers toward what can be called real spiritual awareness.
In the next region, one sees how the person’s life has accorded not only with their own Self, but with the ‘true being of the world’. We see ourselves as we exist, in or out of harmony with that world consciousness, that essence of all beings, sometimes called God or the Christ, or Krishna, or Buddha. Here is the judging, the self judging, of the ‘quick and the dead.’
And finally, in this withdrawal, the seventh region is reached, ‘quick or dead’, asleep or awake to the highest in us. ‘The man stands here’ says Steiner, ‘in the presence of the “Life-kernels”, which have been transplanted from higher worlds, in order that in them they may fulfil their tasks.’ These ‘tasks’, expressing through the self, mediated by the soul, and materialised by the body, usually motivate us unconsciously. In this region, if consciousness remains, we know ourselves as the whole cosmos of sun, moon, planets, and stars; as all beings, creatures and kingdoms. When we look at these through our physical eyes, we are looking at our own wholeness. The ‘Life kernel’ is the doorway to other ‘cosmic beings’. ‘The life between death and a new birth, and is really a living through the world of stars: but this means, through the spirit of the world of stars,’ not the physical stars. See What Happens When I Die?
Coming back to earth
Having made this ascent to the innermost of our nature, the essence of the whole cosmos, there now comes for most of us, a return to a fresh physical experience.
There awakens a ‘desire’ or direction, to perfect one’s own being and that of the earth. ‘Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,’ is an impulse from this region. Depending upon what fruits were brought to each region, this descent enables certain things, qualities or strengths to be ‘claimed’ from each level of our being. A new spiritual ‘seed’ or ‘germ’ is fashioned which will play its part in fashioning our body. The essence of the future personality chooses the hereditary line and its parents. Steiner says the parents provide a seed bed of physical substance, impregnated with their own characteristics of body and psyche. At conception, the material substance is broken down into the germinal level of chaos, in which all physical form is dissolved. The spirit ‘germ’ of the new being takes hold of this.
At birth the ‘germ’ of the future personality and body, is clothed with physical substance drawn from the parents, along with inherited temperamental qualities. Working with these as materials is the essence of the past life and death experience. This spiritual impulse, takes the ‘model’ given by the parents, and works into it the pattern it brings from its central experience. So there comes into being, through life and death, another life upon the earth.
Just as there was a reliving of life at death, so just prior to birth there is a reliving of death. ‘He sees a tableau which this time displays all the hindrances he must remove, if his evolution is to make further progress. And what he sees becomes the starting point of forces that he must carry with him into a new life. See Life and Death; Steiner Life after death
Another conversation with a dead friend provided the following information.
I am in process of creating a new life. But this is something like a work of art, not however, as we think of it with brush and paint. I felt it like a constant rise and fall of possibilities and forms that I, the Spirit I, was giving birth to. As one rose it expressed a certain quality, and this was in some way compared, or its harmonic compared, with all that existed in the changing spiritual and physical world. There was as yet no total interface between what was being created in this way, and what was expressed by the changing worlds. So I was gradually sifting the emphasis of all it contained from life experience and its possible future connections with physical life, moving toward a harmonic unity. It was explained to me that the unity would be a real connection with time, place, parents and the life that would emerge from them. When that harmonic unity was made the new life would begin.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have I dreamt of any dead person?
How did I react to the dream?
Can I accept that we have an inner world?
See Inner World – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
The last three nights I dreamt about my mother dying in the hospital. Some times I’m there, sometimes I’m not. I already have experienced her dying. Why do I still have dreams about my mom dying. I have had several dreams about her dying. The other night I dreamt we where in a huge fight. In real life, when she did die, my mother and I where fighting on and off. I was usually at the hospital when she was there, but this time I was not. When I found out she was going for surgery, by the time I got there she was already in surgery. She died on the table, I never had the chance to tell her I loved her and that I was sorry for all the mean things I had said in the past. She has been dead now for almost 3 years, and it’s like she died yesterday. I cannot get her out of my mine. It does not help that I dream about her dying all over again.
Heidi – You need to find a quiet time and place, if you can with someone who is sympathetic. Then think about the dreams of your mother dying, and your feelings of not being there and you couldn’t tell her you loved her. Then tell her, with all the feeling you can of how you felt, and tell her you love her.
Your mother is dead but not gone, and she will hear and know what you feel. I can be a wonderful think to do.
I was once with a man whose father worked all his life in a gas works shovelling coal. His lungs were choked with dust from his work. As his father was dying the man had to make decision of whether to give his father something to make him sleep so he could pass over without the awful pain. But it meant he didn’t have time to tell his father how much he loved him.
The consequence was he suffered an awful throat pain that he thought was cancer. But the pain was all the emotions and love he hadn’t been able to pour. But as he explored it with me the pain went and he wept and choked out the words of love.
Plx help i cant stop thinking about this dream.
I dreamt of my boyfriend missing his dead father, n he was crying. He kept saying how much he misses his father.
Plx help.
Kitty – It seems as if you have picked up a feeling that is described in your dream.
If it is true, the best thing you can do is to encourage your boyfriend to cry. Do this be telling him your dream and encourage him to talk about his fathers death, and what he feels about it. If he becomes emotional do not keep talking, but give him space to really cry.
Withheld crying can be the cause of a lot of misery and ill health.
Ok, so last night i had a dream of my deceased great grandmother. She has been passed away for about 5 years now and in my dream her hands were freezing cold so she put them on my belly for me to feel and found my belly button ring (at which it is really pierced) and she told me that a belly button ring will open my pants.. Also in the same night my mother had a dream about her as well and in her dream my great grandmother was sick and was rushed to the hospital and told my mother to let her go. What does this mean? Both of us living in the same house having a dream about the same person on the same night.
Kaitlyn – It means that something powerful is going on between you, your mother and your grandmother.
The action of your dream is about getting energy from you – and with your mother it is a bit more complicated. It sounds quite intimate.
The sickness could have been brought on because your mother did not want to ‘lose’ her mother. Holding them in this way with powerful emotions can cause them to not move onwards. I suppose it is like holding back someone’s growth – a bad move.
So if this is right your mother needs to let her go, with a glad heart, and with blessings.
hi ,
i dreamed of my grand-mother who is dead , and was never affectionate to me when sh e was alive .
I saw her in the dream giving me gifts .
what does it mean ?
Moumita – When someone we know dies lots of things happen to us. First of all we have always thought of the person as being outside of us. Then suddenly they are gone from the outside world, and we either think of them as gone forever never to be seen again; or we do what dreams often do and find them inside of us. In this way we can discover a new relationship with them, either because they now communicate with us as a dead person, or we receive from them what they left in us.
So the gifts you were given are probably what you received in your relationship with her without being aware of it.
But it could be, now she is dead, that she wishes you well and will give you gifts from her life after death. In which case I suggest you find out what the gifts are by imagining yourself as the gifts and watching what happens. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/ for help in doing this.
i cant stop dreaming about all the people i have lost. its driving me nuts.
Brandy – It would help if you gave me an example of one of your dreams.
The only thing I can suggest is that dreaming about dead people all the time may mean you have a lot to learn from them about death.
Hi I have been having recurring dreams about this old not so close friend who died a year ago. And in my dream we always have intimate sex. I remeber I used to have a crush on him, and in my dream we always kind of hook up. I am just weirded that this dream is recurring with him in it and I don;t even think of the person anymore.
Eden – First it seems as if you have a lot of sexual feelings you have not expressed. But so does your dead friend. Maybe that was why you got together in your dreams,
It is unusual for a dead person to be involved in sex, unless of course he cannot let go of his body and its desires. For many people they feel that sex is the centre of their life. So if that is him, it would explain the dreams.
As sex in dreams can be very thrilling, so if you are enjoying it carry one; but if not tell him with certainty that you do not want sex with him ever again.
I had a dream at around 5pm wherein my aunt is sleeping right next to me holding me tight coz she felt cold and was sobbing… my mom wasn’t at home.. then after a while she gets up and gets fresh and leaves saying i will come next week/next month tell your mom..
I got up and was about totell my mom that i had a dream about my aunt and then remembered she is dead!!!what does this mean???
Madhuri – It probably means that in your dream your aunt came to visit you. The fact she is not happy suggests she is still very bound to earth surroundings and has not entered into the afterlife proper.
It would be good to pray for your aunt asking for someone who is dead to help her find a way to a better situation.
what if you never met the person. if you r talking to the deceased father of your loved one. you never met them, they passed before you met your partner. There are distinct details that it is that deceased father, that you could have never known.
example. i dreamt of the father, he was drinking his favorite liquir.. I nver knew that detail..
Nicky – So, you met a dead person and to prove it he gave you information you could never have known! What’s wrong with that?
If you read something like http://www.amazon.com/Closer-Light-Melvin-Morse/dp/0804108323/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307353595&sr=1-1-fkmr0 you will see how it is a part of life to die and yet be around to tell. It is only that we think all communication has to come through the mouth, when communication with the dead comes through thoughts – or dreams.
i had a dream last night of my 2nd cousin who did at an early age of 35. she died no less than 3 years ago and yesterday was her birthday. she sadly could not have children. the dream was of me and her in a firtility place and the last thing i remembered was the woman at the desk calling her name…which i wasn’t really that close to her, but her and my mother was. it’s just weird how i had a dream of my 2nd cousin on her birthday, who could not have children but in the dream we was in a firtility place?
Leeann – Fertility is one of the great blessings, a holy thing. Without it you might be stagnant for the waters of life cannot flow. So I can believe that after her death she is still trying to heal this – and what better place. Are you sympathetic to your cousin’s problem, or are interested in fertility? I ask because it is such interests that draw people together.
Hi my mom died a little more than a year ago of cancer it really hurt me badly but ever since ive had some dreams of where ive met her again the last one was there was like two of one of me was sleeping and i knew i was but the other one of me had met my mom she didnt say anything but she had her hands out and was smiling i grabbed them and she still looked at me smiling then she started to move back and fade at the same time it was really weird can someone please tell me what it meant or something please thank you
Mia – That is a lovely description in the language of dreams of you realising that you are separating from your normal sleep. You see yourself with your mom, and how wonderful that she reached out to you.
Because this is a new experience for you the imagery is not as steady as it could be, but it is still very convincing. The fact that your mom moved back and faded was probably because you felt strong feelings in meeting like that, and so it all faded. But hold onto the image of her smiling and her hands in yours, and open your heart to what feelings it brings.
Hi, I had this dream a few months ago but I still remember it clearly. At first it jumps between this guy with a hoodie, but no recognizable face, like he has a face, but no matter how hard I look it’s like I can’t make it out. I know he has black hair though, and that his hoodie changes from blue to black sometimes. In my dream I have a feeling he is dead, but he’s alive at the same time. But I don’t know him, even in my dreams I don’t know who he is but he’s somehow familiar. Like I should know him, but just don’t. It flicks between flashes of this guy, and me walking with my family through a subway. But I’ve never been in a subway before, and I’m pretty sure there aren’t any here in Vic at all. Then suddenly my family leaves me there, they just stare at me at me as the train leaves. I didn’t know they were leaving, especially without me, but I’m not affected at all. I just walk up the escalators to the next floor, which is an art gallery. I’ve been to a few of those, but I don’t recognize this one. Everywhere they are huge paintings and sculptures almost the size of buildings, and they’re all hanging by cables from the ceiling. I remember looking at them and thinking how beautiful they are, but also that they’re going to fall down and kill a lot of people, including me. But as I walk past people, everyone of them give me the same feeling as the hoodie guy (who I still see flashes of). They’re all dead, but alive at the same time. I can see they’re faces and all, but I don’t know a single person.
Until I see Sarah, one of my friends from the current school I am attending. She is the only other person that appears in my dream that I recognize aside from my family. She is also alive, not dead at all. We exchange a brief conversation about why I’m here, and why she’s here. She’s about to go to work, and asks me if I want to come along seeing as I have no where to go or anything to do bu wander.
Her work is upstairs and as we ascend the escalators, I see the hoodie guy on the next floor going around a corner. In real life, my friend works at a cafe, but in my dream, she works at a box recycling factory. I happen to like boxes, it’s strange to like but I just do. I like hiding in boxes, building forts out boxes, making art out of boxes, most of the time I put my gifts for people in a box (both in real life and my dream.) Which is why I am actually excited to go to my friends work with her.
As we walk along the hallway I notice suddenly everything looks different. The floor is now like this wire mesh and so are the walls. Everything’s rusty and it’s warmer up here. We are about to enter one of the many doors that apparently leads to the factory. We are stopped by friends boss though. She is another person I don’t recognize, and is dead but alive.
At first she seems angry and wants to now why Sarah is taking me to the factory, which is a restricted area. but for no given reason she’s suddenly happy and asks if I want to help her find this apparently important yellow cone. It’s like one of the cones you see on roads when they’re blocking them off for construction. I know for some reason this cone is important without her telling me, I have no idea why though. I agree to help her and then she leads both me and Sarah into the factory. Sarah goes off and does whatever her job is in the factory.
The boss however leads me to this conveyer belt full of just the average cardboard boxes, except their is blood and flesh everywhere too. For some reason I already now this is what’s left of the boss’ dead body, I don’t how she died or why she is literally all over the boxes, but she just is. I’m given this, uniform almost made out of like really shiny black leather, boots made out of the same material that go up to about my mid thigh (something I’ve never worn before) with matching gloves and goggles. I’m also given like this surgical mask, and if I had to describe what the uniform looked like. It would be that it looked like some sort of old-style nurse costume cross the zip up overalls most mechanics wear. It’s never explained to me why I have to wear it and I just assume protection. I start looking through the boxes, throwing whatever parts of the boss’ dead body is when my way out of sight. I’m enjoying myself, but I wouldn’t say I was exactly having fun, I get the same feeling when I’m cleaning out my room or locker. I think about what was about an hour or two passes, although it only seemed like ten seconds, until I found the cone. As soon as I touch the cone Mr.Hoodie appears before me, his hand is also on the cone.
Everything changes suddenly, I am in a completely different area of whatever building this is all taking place in. I’m still in the uniform, but the room I’m in looks like a theater where they would hold really extravagant broadways and musicals. It looks really old, they’re all those carvings and stuff like that all on the ceiling and walls, on the pillars there are blind folded angels holing lanterns and daggers.
This is the most strangest part, it’s like everything before did happen, but it’s like suddenly I’m almost in a different body. It’s definitely my body, but there’s all these different memories, all these events that happened with the group of people I’m locked in this theatre with. To sum it all up as breifly as possible, all these people I met in their stalls in this market which is on the ground level (the building is apparently underground). The exception is this woman who must be at least ten years older than me, she is someone I know well and was helping, I think she was a family friend but not quite my friend per se. What was happening was this guy, only a few years older than me, about early twenties was trying to kill everyone else in the room. Not me, but I was somehow dragged into all of it. Although the group I was with were people I don’t know in real life, unlike all the others they were alive. I also had a feeling of familiarity coming from the man who was trying to kill everyone. In fact I liked him, didn’t know who he was and no idea why but I liked him, like he may have been a friend to me in a time I don’t remember. However I wasn’t going to let him kill the people I was with. A ticking suddenly starts up, and I’m the only one who can hear it and it’s almost like someone whispers in my mind, that if i don’t do something everyone in this room will die soon. My instinct tells me, that the door at the very top of these massive flight of stairs is unlocked, and is the key to everyone’s freedom.
I try to move, but I can’t, I’m paralyzed all of a sudden. The woman I mentioned before turns around, she’s holding a giant needle in her hand with this glowing blue fluid in it, and I just know she somehow paralyzed me with it. She goes on she explains how she has planted a bomb in this theater, and she plans to “end this” as she put it. And in mind, it’s like I suddenly see into hers, and see flashbacks of phone calls with the man and meetings with him, and although it was like he was stalking her, for some reason everything that was happening was because of something she did. I never find out why, but she is suddenly an enemy. At this point, the man bursts in through a door in a wall, he is equipped with an array of surgical tools, and what I assume were ceremonial daggers. As soon as I see the man, I am somehow released, able to move again, I usher to group out (leaving the woman), picking up a child and carrying it on my back. I don’t why they weren’t moving before, but as soon as I could move they were running towards the escape door. Everything moves by so fast, but once again I find myself running through the gallery. An explosion is heard and soon everything crashing around behind us, I am at the back of the group. I know I’m being slowed down by the child but I’m determined to get it to safety. he is a little boy, and he’s definitely not mine or even related to me in any way. I think he is African American, but I don’t know for sure.
Anyway, as I foresaw people are getting crushed by the falling art and debris, all I can hear is screaming, the ticking of a clock and my own heartbeat. I can fell a heat no doubt the fire from the explosion rapidly approaching. And just as it seems I’m going to be engulfed in the flames, I see the escalators leading out of the building, everyone else is already out and and calling out for me to hurry. With a large intake of breath I concentrate on the light at the top of the escalator and leap.
And suddenly I am at the top, I hear the roar of the explosion’s climax, and soon fall asleep. In my last moments of consciousness I see the boy run to a man who is running towards him with his arms open.
It’s here where I finally wake up, to find that only a few hours have passed and it’s three in the morning. Adrenaline is rushing through me and I feel restless. It took me an hour to calm down and with a few drinks of water I went back to sleep.
I’m back there. Except I’m in some clothes that look like what I would normally wear and I’m heading towards this caravan. The child before runs out to greet me. The man from before was his father who had lost the boy from his sight that day. Apparently some time has passed since the incident. I can see all the others, working in their stalls, and it looks like everything’s normal, like they don’t even remember what happened. The building had been restored and was being used again. I’m looking at the crowd, once again I find myself alone in a crowd of people I don’t know. But i know they’re dead. Dead but alive. And then I see him, Mr.Hoodie, he just appears out of nowhere. He’s standing not far from me. I still don’t who he is, but I really feel like I should. He disappears almost as quickly as he should. And i hear someone calling to me. When I turn around, it’s the man that was trying to kill the people in the theater. Apparently he survived the blast, but I know the woman is dead. I notice now that he’s wearing old Victorian (I think) style clothes. He’s not trying to kill anyone else at the moment, but he still has his tools on him. I also notice, that it appears I’m the only one who can see him. This only happened in about a second by the way. And just as he’s opening his mouth, I know he’s about to say something, something that would explain why this all happened and why what seemed like thousands of these people were dead, but Mr.Hoodie appears beside me, and I wake up.
That was the first time I had such an intense dream like that, and I’ve had quite a few dreams somewhat like this. But there was something about this dream that perplexes me, I can’t put a finger on it. But it really felt like i was going through all that as well as dreaming. I have not since had another dream like this. However, for about a month afterwords in the real world, I kept seeing Mr.Hoodie. The first time was about a week after the dream, and it happened after i stepped out of my family’s car, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him walking up my driveway. When I turned around completely I saw him walk around the edge of our neighbors hedge. Impulsively I ran up the driveway, but when i got to the top he was no where in sight. There is no way anyone, you know from the real world, could run all the way down our street that quick and be out of sight. When i got back my boyfriend was at the bottom of the house and asked why I ran off like that. I told him about what I saw, leaving out the fact that I had dreamt about him before (i don’t know why, I just felt like I shouldn’t tell him, still haven’t). I continued to see everywhere now and then. Usually when I was alone or tired. Then it just stopped.
Some other notes are that after I stopped seeing him, my boyfriend claims that he has seen someone exactly to as what I described as Mr.Hoodie about twice, and every time when he went to look again, no one was there. Also, whenever I remember the dream once again I have an adrenaline rush that lasts at least ten minutes.
I’m sorry if this was too long, but I had to make sure I didn’t leave any of the details out if I’m going to be helped. I just want an opinion as to what any of this could mean.
Kaley – This a very long dream with very complex details, so I can only give you some pointers.
Mr. Hoodie is a mysterious figure and probably is a reflection of the shape-shifter part of you as he has no recognisable face. The shape shifter is the part of you that has lived through every experience from conception through to where you are at the moment. It doesn’t have a face because it can be any age and in fact anything. What part it plays in your dream is that it says, “Do not get lost in all this.”
Then the important change occurs – your parents leave you. But in fact it is you who are leaving your parents because you are becoming independent. As you say it didn’t upset you.
All the dead yet alive people, well, look around you. How many of the people you see around you are not living mechanical lives acting out of habits, of childhood responses, out of patterns of behaviour that have no real life in them? Many of them are stuck on medical or street drugs or alcohol as crutches to exist.
So I think your dream is a way of trying to deal with the big issues of life – survival in a crazy world, survival without going dead. You passed through life and death situations, trying to find your way, and the only thing that gave you a rush was the sight of Mr. Hoodie. So ask your dream creator to help you get to know that mysterious side of you better.
Hi, me again :). I also want to know what this dream meant. I use to have alot of dreams of my close family members dieing & it would hurt me so badly. I would have dreams of my mother dieing in terrible accidents like being hospitalized or never coming home from being caught in a terrible storm or my sister just dieing from an unknown death & me having visions of us playing around , laughing & having fun like we always do, or my brother drowing in a pool, I always have dreams of him drowing in a pool & he loves to swim. What does it all mean? It really hurts when I have dreams like this cause I’m terribly afraid of losing any of them and their all still alive, healthy, and well. Can you please tell me why I always have these dreams about losing them?
Amanda – You obviously are dreaming about things you feared might happen. Unfortunately people believe that most such dreams are predictions of what will happen. Fortunately that is not so, and our dreams are mostly reflections of what we think, fear or hope for.
I had this dream about a couple of months ago. I dreamed that I was sitting on my bed with my sister & my friend who had past away recently poped out of the tv & I was astonished. I think I was asking her questions & she was just nodding her head at me & flipping her hair in confidence like she had always done as if she was reassuring me that she was okay. The thing is I haven’t spoken to her since we were kids so we didn’t have such a close bond or friendship but we were cool with each other when we were children. Why did she come to me in my dream and what it all meant? Please reply 🙂
Amanda – When we die we leave behind all the restrictions the body traps us in. Of course we might still be limited by the thoughts and feelings held on to, but usually we spread out and are aware of so much more – time and space are changed.
So your friend who was dead and popped out of the TV in your dream was in a condition in which she was aware of you and your needs. As a friend she was communicating something to you. It may have been – Hey, I’m dead but I am still okay. But if you define what it was y8ou will see it had some value.
Hi I keep having a dream of a male character whom I new for a number of years but not in any close or personal way,he died more than ten yrs ago,his death was very horrific in which he killed his wife,then killed himself,i have been dreaming of this gentleman now since not long after he passed which is now 8 yrs ago,the dreams are not horrific or frightning in any way,he just seems to be around where i am in the old mill that we both worked at,which has now been knocked down.I am wondering is he trying to give me some kind of msg or something as i have been dreaming about him all this time and sometimes it can be night after night
Liz – You will need to tell me a dream in some detail for me to understand if there is something he is trying to communicate or whether it is representing something else.
Hi- last night I had a dream that my late husband was practicing martial arts. (He was Japanese, but never studied martial arts- he died from colon cancer 4 months after he was diagnosed- it is approaching the year of his death next month) I walked around his session but our eyes met briefly. I walked into a room where our 3 children and his mother were sitting having snacks. I told his mother, “Mark looks well!” and she replyed, “Yeah he does.” I asked the kids if their dad had talked to them and they said excitedly, “yeah he talked to us.” As I noticed his session ending, I went outside to meet him. I gave him a big hug, but he never raised his arms to hug me back, and his face was sad – it was the coldest, most hurtful dream to me. It was like he dissapproved of something I did- We loved each other so much and we had an ideal marriage, I just don’t know what this could mean. Can you help me understand?
Melissa – You have to remember that this is your dream, and it is about your husband, but it is not your husband in the dream. Your dreams show you what you fear or hope for, an image of your collective experience of your husband.
The dream is in three major parts. The first part is the marital arts, which is a depiction of a defensive or attacking activity. The second part is a warm family group which you didn’t take part in. The third part is depicting a rebuff on the part of your husband that you were hurt by – expecting a warm and loving response.
Why would you create an image of the rebuff and the defensive activity? Were there things you felt badly about his death? Think about the three scenes and ask yourself why you needed or have created an attack on you that is so hurtful. How did your husband meet death? Is he still fighting battle and blaming you for something.
I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.