Expression of things in life and yourself that you feel threatened by. You may feel an urge is sinful, so you repress it. Your dream then presents it as a demon or devil, not necessarily because it is, but because that’s how you see it. Thus, a person who has terrible feelings of guilt about sexual urges, may represent them as a demon threatening to possess them. Therefore a demon may represent guilt, hatred, feelings of uncleanness, aggressiveness or desire for love, and so on. See: Devil; Satan.
Although many dreams about demons are probably reflecting anxiety feelings and struggles we have with moral issues or sex, sometimes the battle with demons can be about our body fighting a virus or bacterial infection. See: devilunder archetypes.
Example: We were trying to cross the hall diagonally toward the exit, but were constantly attacked or haunted by black demons or ghosts. I was fighting them off, but the struggle went on and on as they came back. Then toward the end I had a large pole and I was smashing them aside shouting, “By the power of God within me, I dismiss you” – or words to that effect.
The dreamer says of this dream, “I felt a slightly sore throat as I became semi awake wondering about the dream. I remembered that yesterday I had a flu injection, and what I arrived at was that the blackness depicted serious illness that I had been fighting off. As I was looking at this the black demons became very real for me and I felt I could not really dismiss them as an influence. I struggled and struggled with this, as I had in the dream, but now semi awake. But gradually I became aware of peace, a solid unmovable peace – a steadiness of consciousness – and the steady peace seemed to dissolve any threat I felt. Also the sore throat went.”
This suggests how we can deeply influence our health and recovery by our attitudes.
Example: I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that someone I know (an old family friend of my parents) had purchased a new house, which was not yet furnished. But the house is apparently possessed by the Devil. We, some friends and I, have been called into the house to analyze the situation. Each time I speak the word Devil or Satan, the lights of the house switch off automatically on their own.
Well, I decide in consultation with the people and in my thoughts in the dream to perform an exorcism on the house. I chant some prayers for the house to be cleansed. (These are Hindu prayers, and parts of Psalm 99 from the Bible). I find myself standing with some friends in front of a life-size rectangular mirror which has been kept against the wall, facing us upright on the floor. When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do.
Throughout the dream, I was not afraid even one bit of trying to challenge the devil or in my entire thought process.Here is an interpretation of the dream’s meaning: I think here is the answer: “When I stand in front of the mirror, I cast no reflection on it. But my friends do. So I hear myself say that “The devil is doing this to the mirror cos I am fighting to get rid of him.””
In the best of Hindu and Christian traditions, you are the Devil because at your Core you are everything. In Hindu there is the saying, “You are That” – or “I am That.” THAT being the Divine. In Christian belief we are told, to quote: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.
As an image of God you are everything. And that is why your dream did the little trick of showing you without reflection in the mirror. Once you realise that dreams create an external reality of our inner world, then an aspect of you become exteriorised. As in past ages this was a world that people lived in, they made the devil and God as exterior to themselves instead of realising the truth about themselves. That we are all, in our core, the divine.
Having watched a person meet the devil in their dream exploration, what they arrived at is very helpful in understanding your dream devil. She saw that her lack of self esteem, her self doubts and depression were like an open door that allowed destructive feelings and fears to enter. These attitudes or feelings may have been inherited from ones recent or ancestral family. She saw these as portrayed as the Devil.
The words demons or evil spirits in the past really meant, ‘invisible but powerful influences that can make you ill in mind or body’. They are what today would be called viruses, bacteria, or trauma we that we are unconscious of.
Useful questions:
If I think of the demon as the difficult feeling in the dream, what (feeling) am I actually afraid of?
Have I been raised to believe certain things were sinful or evil – if so that?
Am I haunted by guilt or something I am ashamed of?
See Dreams are a reflection of your inner world – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – The Con About Evil – Martial Art of the Mind
The guy I’m seeing had a dream of the exact Ghost/Demon that’s haunted my ex for years. He said when he dreamed, that she just stared at him and he got the feeling that the last time I had seen her she didn’t want me. In particular, she wanted what I was carrying. But I ended up waking him up from the dream, he was whining, moaning. He said right ad I woke him she grabbed him, his right arm. And he woke up with his arm burning just like the dream.
I don’t even know what to look up for that.
I have been dreaming of king paimon he sits at the end of my bed it’s been like that for a couple of months
Hi, I don’t know much about dreams but had one last night and goggled and it brought me to this site.
I was in a hotel room with my kids, husband, brother and his kids. there was a stranger guy on the bed and he did not believe in Jesus so I started to talk to him about Jesus and told him He is the only way to heaven. Then I started to not be able to move my arms in my dream or control my movements I knew in my dream I was possessed by a demon or the devil himself, I told the guy see this is happening because I am trying to save you they get mad when people do that, then I started yelling gout get out of my demon I belong to Jesus leave in Jesus name I say, but I even had a hard time saying that in my dream it was as if the demon was trying to stop me from speaking. Then my brother walks in the hotel in this tight black stretchy pants and black tutu. He is looking in the mirror at his tutu and self … I know it sounds crazy but that is what took place.. I woke up then fell back asleep to a bear coming through my front door and I was on behind that door hiding sitting down with my knees to my chest, I could see his mouth, lips and teeth and breath come from his mouth through the door as if it was sheet, I again in my dream called out Jesus to help and protect me, then I woke up….I am a strong believer in Jesus and end times and study quite a bit of the happening of today and scripture, I know we will see Jesus come back in my lifetime (I am 37yrs old).. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. any ideas on these dreams?
Well every night I see a dream at a same time and something den wakes me up at d same time at midnight daily ..I have no idea it is beacause of what ..it’s been happening from past 2 years I dream very bad and den I get scared and wake up immediately.soo I juz want u to tell me it is because of what
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Lavi – Of course you have the same dream again and again, because you are running away from your own emotions – fear. Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
So face the thing that scares you.
“It was also good to read a different perspective. I saw the tornado as a real danger while you pointed out it is a fear. It was all good and helpful insight to help me better sort out my dream. Thank you again!!!”
Over the years, I’ve had similar dreams of being possessed by a demon. It takes over my body at times. I NEVER see it. It’s just there when I’m dreaming. EVERYTIME, in my dream, I yell vulgar curse words at it, it gets very angry. The dream ALWAYS takes place in my house.It’s always night time. At one point in a previos dream, I experienced sleep paralysis. I SERIOUSLY, at another point in time, had several dreams in a short period of time that I thought I needed to see a priest bc it scared me SO bad. The leave such an unsettling feeling during & after. Sometimes, it wats to violate me. Stone ever have something similar happen? Thanks!
Tiffany – Yes, in fifty years of recording and exploring my dreams I have met and fought with the Devil, been terrified of zombies and eventually overcome them, because it took me ages to realise that whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
As an example: I was getting ready to leave and this dark haired guy told me I couldn’t leave, I felt scared and was going to leave anyways, he pulled out a pistol and shot me in the stomach, I fell down, but there was no blood. The thoughts in my head was, “OH NO”. Next thing I remember is that I was still on the floor in the same place and I got up and I remembered being shot but I didn’t seem to have any pain or blood and was moving normally etc. I started looking for a way to leave I was sneaking around trying not to get noticed so that I could get out of there without the shooter guy seeing me.
The interesting thing in the example is that even though she could see no hurt came from being shot, yet she was still scared of the guy with the shooter. And it is overcoming such fears that can release you from terror and hurts that haunt us.
The fear you have seems to centre around being violated. It may be that you therefore defend yourself against sex even in your dreams. This causes enormous tension and produces awful dreams.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/zombie-zombies/
Tiffany – Yes, in fifty years of recording and exploring my dreams I have met and fought with the Devil, been terrified of zombies and eventually overcome them, because it took me ages to realise that whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
As an example: I was getting ready to leave and this dark haired guy told me I couldn’t leave, I felt scared and was going to leave anyways, he pulled out a pistol and shot me in the stomach, I fell down, but there was no blood. The thoughts in my head was, “OH NO”. Next thing I remember is that I was still on the floor in the same place and I got up and I remembered being shot but I didn’t seem to have any pain or blood and was moving normally etc. I started looking for a way to leave I was sneaking around trying not to get noticed so that I could get out of there without the shooter guy seeing me.
The interesting thing in the example is that even though she could see no hurt came from being shot, yet she was still scared of the guy with the shooter. And it is overcoming such fears that can release you from terror and hurts that haunt us.
The fear you have seems to centre around being violated. It may be that you therefore defend yourself against sex even in your dreams. This causes enormous tension and produces awful dreams.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/zombie-zombies/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-devil/