Hexagram Eight
Pi (Pro: Bee) – Unity
It is wise to seek co-operation in dealing with an assembly of people. This leads to good fortune. Consult the oracle again to clarify your relationship with the company.
Co-ordination within the group brings good fortune. It ensures the support
of those who follow. With good leadership uncertainty in the hearts of the many will be eased. Those who remain uncertain and do not give allegiance will suffer a loss. Latecomers to the affiliating process will lose advantage.
Holding together a group activity needs many qualities. Accord is needed between those who organise and those who participate. Find ways of creating or encouraging unity. Direct the flow of events and use the resources at hand. It is a very fertile situation if this can be done.
Those who are troubled need to be given direction.
The image of the hexagram is waters flowing together. With human society or groups within society, good leadership aids the group to work together well. The ideal is to find ways to complement and aid one another so each is fulfilled. If you do not have the qualities of leadership in this issue, seek to be part of the company as a general member. But join with others in a group in which you can both give and receive.
Key words: Unity within diversity and recognition of your place within the whole.
The Moving Lines
1 – Unexpected good fortune arises. Be confident and develop it in others. Sincerity creates the bed of the stream through which the clear water flows.
2 – Give sincere support or non at all. If you support for your own selfish ends alone, you may hit the target, but you miss the central point.
3 – Be careful of who you associate with. There is a possibility of joining with the wrong company, leading to misfortune and commitment to those not of like mind.
4 – There is contact with one who is central to this issue, a leading figure. Do not hesitate to express your feelings of support openly. But remain true to oneself also.
5 – Unite with those who come of their own will and accord. Let pass those who have no will to join. This leads to a fuller commitment and unity.
6 – If nobody takes responsibility and leads, the company will not function. This leads to misfortune. Perhaps the right moment to give allegiance was let pass.
Hello DreamHawk,
Thank you for your interpretation…I very much appreciate the subtlety of insight.
How does one access hexagrams that are on either end of your site? For instance, going from hexagram 1 to 55…how to go straight to 55 without going through all the “pages” in between?
Thank you,
This One
ThisOne – You need to start with http://dreamhawk.com/i-ching/introduction-to-the-i-ching/ and then go back to it and click on another Hexagram.
I will, when I get a minute to spare, go through them and put a link back to the Intro.
And thanks for your comments.