Hexagram Forty One
Sun (Pro: Soon; but with a short vowel, as in ‘Book’) – Decrease
Circumstances have led to a major dwindling in your fortune.
The hexagram shows this as having arisen out of the relationship between something or someone stubborn and unyielding, and a someone or something passionate and giving. The unyielding takes unrestrainedly, and the passionate is self sacrificing to the point of deprivation.
If these points are understood they can be righted in some measure. Or one can draw from them reward other than a material one. This is because such decreases present the opportunity to discover resources not previously called into action. For instance fears and worries must be met lest they overwhelm one, and changes must be navigated. These are skills useful when increase reasserts itself.
For a while at least there may be a need to live with greater simplicity through having less resources, whether emotional or material. Continue to care for others, even if this means some sacrifice. Being able to live simply is a great boon.
This period of decrease follows one of gain or increase. It is a natural flow in the rhythm of life. If there can be an accordance with this by letting go of what is ready to drop away, less difficulty will arise. Do not let thoughts of failure or bitterness enter at this period, as it will pass.
If this enquiry is about relationship, the decrease is in the amount of passion or togetherness. But love itself has not disappeared. The season of intimacy has passed for a while.
Key words: Decrease calls us to live with greater simplicity. Inner resources are called upon. With restraint the winter passes without mishap.
The Moving Lines
1.Helping or being helped without display is a great boon. But receiving help from those less fortunate than ourselves must be done with care, lest we exhaust their reserves.
2.In helping others do not depart from your own principles or deprive yourself. Misfortune could otherwise follow. But persist in what is good for reward to follow.
3.Two’s company, three’s a crowd. In such a triangle one will leave. Perhaps it will be you. If so, be assured you will not walk alone for long.
4.By dealing with the afflictions or personal faults besetting you, happiness can follow. Those who are ready to help then come forward with healing and without obligation.
5.Fortune follows you and pours out riches or gifts from others. Take what is offered with honest gratitude. Success is upon you, accept it.
6. Success can follow if others are not exploited. It will be rewarding now to aim for some goal. Support will arise, and your gains be of benefit to many.
As I’ve stated in a comment on another hexagram, I greatly value these interpretations. I’ve found them to provide insight where others have failed to do so. (Thanks again, Tony!)
I question, though, the first line of this interpretation. It’s a strong statement, too, one that at least partially led me to view this hexagram as a “negative” one (e.g., don’t do whatever was asked, as it’ll led to “a major dwindling” of one’s fortune).
In reviewing some other interpretations, an underlying theme of this hexagram seems to be that in decreasing, such as through a sacrifice, it creates an equilibrium. Here’s a link to a nice collections of I Ching interpretations that led me to this perspective:
I welcome any comments or related thoughts. Thanks!
Hi Thomas – I tried to remain true to the original, which was – Circumstances have led to a major dwindling in your fortune.
Honestly, I see this is a situation many face, either with a partner or with a national situation. As an example of this, Marilyn had dreamt of seeing a dinosaur standing in her path, devouring all who approached it.
In exploring her dream Marilyn did not sense anger or aggression, but she did feel like a predator which always had to TAKE to gain her own needs. This feeling immediately reminded her of her family life as a child. She remembered one time when she was sent shopping as a very young child of three or four, and as well as buying what she had been asked, she purchased some sweets for herself. When she arrived home she was treated as if she had done a terrible thing, and that was when she began to feel like a predator. It seemed to her as if her own needs were always gained at the expense of someone else.
With this awareness, she could now see that the dinosaur standing in her path clearly related to her present situation. Bargaining to gain a realistic share of the house and property jointly owned by her husband and herself ass they went through divorce, felt to her as if she were gaining her needs at his expense, like a predator. That made her feel so awful, she was almost ready to allow her husband to take all, leaving her without a house or money to start again. Her awareness of where the feelings arose from however, and the unrealistic part they played in her life, allowed her to relate to the situation with less pain and more wisdom. In fact she was able to firmly ask for a reasonable sharing.
So from a negative position as stated – If these points are understood they can be righted in some measure. Or one can draw from them reward other than a material one. This is because such decreases present the opportunity to discover resources not previously called into action. For instance fears and worries must be met lest they overwhelm one, and changes must be navigated. These are skills useful when increase reasserts itself.
Hi 🙂 thank you for the information on your site! It is very helpful 🙂 I am wondering, I have often gotten 41.3 when asking about my relationship with a man. Most readings I do show is moving towards a romantic relationship, what does 41.3 mean to you in terms of a romantic relationship?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
My feeling or guess is that you have a 41.3 chance of a romantic relatiionship. But please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-lover/
Thanks for the reply. Here´s an example. I asked about the outcome of a rather one-sided relationship. I got Hex 38 Line 4, which I think is really positive. And 41 as the secondary hexagram. I understand both answers, but I do not understand how one is relating to the other here. Can you help me?
Cipriana – There is negative and positive in both hexagrams.
It starts with saying you are opposites like fire and water that has to be handled carefully. Then be aware of the differences so you must go slowly. And you must let each shine in their own way. There is also a tendency to pull in opposite directions. But if you carefully define the differences you may succeed – but the differences are great.
It suggests that the differences have led to a dwindling of affection. It resulted in you with a giving nature trying to deal with a person who is unyielding – which can lead to you being deprived of support.
But it has a positive side, which says it might be if you quietly prevail a new impulse will arrive. It is part of natural processes that decrease is followed by increase. So be patient. Don’t complicate tings by trying to make changes and live a simple life without anxiety.
I did a reading with the question is there a way through for you. The result was hexagram 41.
Ok so my comment is the following. Does the supplementary or secondary hex portray the future or the current situation? Some say one thing and others the other. I have doubts because sometimes I get a really positive hex with changing lines showing me the path, and then a really negative secondary hex. So if I follow those lines, this means the outcome will be negative. It´s very confusing.
I really like the way you have communicated the I ching, often I have thought and tried to understand it and just not quite been able to grasp it, but I can understand what upir interpretation of it is and I find it very encouraging and gentle yet not taken anything away from the the Wilhielm version, thankyou very much ,, I used to study with you at Ruskin College you may not rm,ember me but I hope your life is good and you are happy . All the best and thankyou for the I ching writings, I have friend requested you on fb but I understand if you don’t accept : )