Books / My Books
My Books
Here are my books – as you can see, I love writing. I am currently in the process of updating and revising many of my works, with the aim to republish them in beautiful new editions in due course, which is why some of the titles below are unavailable.
Let dream therapist Tony Crisp be your guide on one of the most enlightening journeys you will ever take: into the world of your unconscious mind. From Abandoned to Zoo, based on material from thousands of dreams gathered during three decades of research, this essential reference is alphabetically organized, providing instant access to a wealth of fascinating information about: Through my long life – now 84 – given to the exploration of dreams, psychic abilities and strange experiences I have been able to give real insight into Hallucinations – Psychic Abilities – and such questions as Megy asked – Megy – If you reached your highest potential you would be God. But there is a technique described in Peer Dream Work that enables you to become dream therapist without and knowledge of psychology, See Peer Dreamwork. See https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/the-ten-day-voyage/ I doubt there is any other dream book that actually advanced understanding as in this book. Now available in the USA and UK as well as in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in these countries. |
The Many Ways to a New Life
There are many modern and ancient ways to arrive at a better life. Below I will give some details of them. The Simple Secret of Them All Is Open all of yourself to the unknown and invisible force that Creates You – Life. That means dropping all your present expectations, preconceptions, beliefs, and ideas – for you are allowing the Unknown to enter your life. For the longer explanations. Read on!! Many of the ways describe a process of personal growth that is possible for many today. Just as humans started their journey as an animal with no speech and no rational mind and moved on into what we know today as self-awareness; so we are ready to take another step in our evolution. This is sometimes seen as a release from suffering and is a growth in awareness as ahead of self-consciousness as self-consciousness is of primal animal consciousness.Click on – Many Ways |
The Greatest is often the SimplestThere is something here I want to emphasise. It is Your Light. It is not from anywhere else. For instance you do not have to earn heaven, that it is already yours but is covered up by all the things we think and try to do to get it. You don’t have to be good or perform certain acts to get it. What we are trying to open to is not something we create. It is not a thought, a state of mind or an emotion. We cannot make it by thinking inspiring thoughts or feelings. It is a self-existent reality. It does not depend upon what you think or feel. It is not brought about by concentrated thought, meditation or inspiring emotions. It already exists. Because You Are ItThe book is available only in eBook format because of its size – https://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Often-Simplest-Crisp-ebook/dp/B07ZTH59Q4/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?keywords=tony+crisp+-+the+greatest+is+often+the+simplest&qid=1573298240&sr=8-1-fkmr0 |
Four Great Meditation
Tony Crisp
With shock I realised something that was true of many things that were supposed to be helpful, such as meditation and positive thinking. What they often did was to calm surface feelings by controlling thoughts and body. They did not deal with the real difficulties that had been pushed into the unconscious. Their purpose was to quieten the conscious mind and the voluntary movements of the body, not release unconscious tensions.
That realisation came in my thirties; I am now 84 with more experience of what can really shift you in meditation. So I will give you four examples of powerful meditative techniques. I used each of these meditations and with each experienced enlightening experiences. Of course these techniques will require more of you than meditating on beautiful things. I feel it is important to manage the techniques I am about to explain to be able to use ‘The Keyboard Condition’ explained in the beginning of this book.
The book is Available in the USA – and in The UK
Originally published in 1971, it was one of the first books to deal with a personal approach to dreams in a meaningful and non clinical manner. It was also among the firsts to include a dream dictionary that was not about good and bad luck, and the ridiculous statements found in the books still published purporting to be about dream meanings. In Do You Dream I write about what people actually meet when they explored their dreams. So it now has a much enlarged and improved Dictionary, in fact the book has grown from 352 pages to 694 pages full of 40 years experience put into the dream dictionary.
Now available in kindle and paperback edition in the UK and USA and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey
You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in.
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MY DREAM JOURNAL Every person’s dream life is completely unique. Dreams are the way in which your unconscious, instinctive self processes experiences, revitalises you and sends you powerful messages about your life. Understanding the important communications in dreams is the key to a successful life. My Dream Journal will allow you to read the story of your own dreams, make connections, see patterns and interpret the secret meaning of your own dream world. Included are questionnaires and exercises to show you how to recall, understand and maximise your dream power, and a directory revealing the meaning of the most common dream themes and images, as well as fill-in pages where you can record what you’ve dreamt. The book will be available from June 11th from Amazon UK and USA |
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Cico has published my bookBe Your Own Dream InterpreterNow in Estonia
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Be Your Own Dream InterpreterThis colourful and delightful book has one of the best introductions to dreams and understanding them – along with How To Do It. Oh yes, it also has a full dictionary of dream symbols.Available now in the UK and in USA and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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The House of the AncestorsTony Crisp’s true story of a passionate love affair and the death of my best friend. This is autobiographical about a twisting pattern of events that led to opening a door to meeting my dead friend, journeying with him through his experience; his introduction to a woman I would meet; and this all while he was ‘dead’. But it is more than that, because it went on to show how a dream led to the discovery of a hidden level of the mind and what was revealed.This book is currently available in USA and UK – also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey – You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in these countries. |
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Every 7 Years You ChangeARE you the same person now that you were fifteen years ago? In fact, are you the same person you were just seven years ago? Most of us have heard the old saying that every cell in the body is changed over a period of years; but recent investigation has uncovered facts of far more significance to us as human beings. This concerns the emotional, physical and mental changes that seem to occur in approximate seven-year intervals.We can all see that we are different at seven than at birth. Also the change at fourteen is another huge changing point. The seven-year cycles continue throughout life, and are of the utmost importance to doctors, teachers, psychiatrists and the social sciences. Without some smattering of these changes it is difficult for anyone to understand the relationship of any given individual with his or her environment.Now Available in Kindle in USA and UK – also in paperback in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey – You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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Mind and MovementUsing your innate power of healing and growth. The book explains my life work, and is the basis for what is now called LifeStream. It explains the principles behind much that is found in healing of mind and body, as well as past religious and sectarian methods of personal growth and discovery of the spiritual dimension of life.It is available in the UK – USA – also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey – You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in.A review by Hornspipe: A truly simple process to assist your creative and healing potential. 190 pages aligned to a quiet, non convoluting course of simple standard body movements linked to awakening and opening the inner flower to its full potential. Simple soul directed therapy. Any hang up handled immediately. By using body movements and postures as doorways to our own natural healing process we release tension, find mind-body balance, dream creatively while wide awake, & tap areas of unconscious thought inaccessible.
The Hidden BibleHere are uncovered all the ridiculous myths we have been taught, such as the demeaning of women in the Bible, and the fact that Adam is not an individual but a force in nature – and ADAM is both female and male. Here is it all explained, along with description of our status as fallen angels who are learning how to rise again through many lives. also the influence of heavenly bodies on our fate and fortunes.Now available in the USA and UK as well as in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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ARE YOU MULTIDIMENSIONAL?We all exist in a multi-dimensional world. You have a physical body which you can hold onto with your hands; but you also experience emotions and thoughts that you cannot hold with hands. Also, your consciousness is an extraordinary dimension of personal experience that science still does not understand. You are used to experiencing these different dimensions of human experience, but there is even more.Did you know that every time you sleep you you enter the dimension of death?This book is currently available in the USA and UK but alsoin Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey – You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in for these countries. |
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Eye of DreamsThe result of 40 years exploring the Infinite Dimensions of Mind – the deep places of dreams and the strange worlds they reveal. Aspects of dreaming and your inner life are explained and explored that are seldom if ever mentioned elsewhere. Because the ability to enter and explore the spiritual and psychic flowered in my life, I was able to see how life beyond life and death is explainable. So I took pains to explain this as far is possible in the three dimensional world.On sale in paperback with Amazon in UK and USA or for eBook format click on UK and USA but also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. Or you can buy it on Barnes and Noble NOOK.
Super MindsThe Weird and Wonderful Brain The Man Who Remembered Everything Edgar Cayce and the Cosmic Mind Ramana Maharshi Eileen Garrett – Psychic Hadad – The Rogue Yogi Sai Baba of Shirdi Schermann – Graphologist Extraordinaire ALSO Journey through the Mind – Jesse’s Experience of Madness Pak Subuh – God’s Chosen People Padre Pio – Modern Saint Evelyn’s Divining Adventures Animal Children Helen Keller — The Sighted Blind George Washington Carver – From Black Slave to Genius I Died – But I’m Alive The Genius of Rudolph Steiner Wonders of Your Mind It is now re-printed, and is available in the USA and UK and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey But for these you may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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I Ching – The Chinese OracleI Ching can be seen as an oracle. But not one that tells you an unchanging future but rather like a constantly shifting flux similar to the seasons, with which we can interact. What we have is like a conversation with a wise and experienced friend, who through their experience might point out that if we take our present course the results might be in a direction we do not want.This book is available in USA and UK also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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An unusual and even inspirational description of this man’s wondrous journey into having a stroke.The book is currently available in USA, UK and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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Liberating The BodyLEARN EXERCISES that allow your innate spontaneity to express as physical movements which tone your body, release tensions, and stimulate overall health. LET THE NATURAL WISDOM IN YOU communicate through subtle feelings and body impulses. This balanced interaction between the facets of your being, never manage by most exercise systems, is a remarkable feature of Liberating the Body. YOUR UNBELIEVABLE CREATIVITY is locked in the unconscious processes of your own body and mind. By liberating your body you can liberate your mind and discover the treasures of your own experience. Available from the USA – UK andalso in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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Learning How to Love
After a long life of loving different partners, and failing miserable in some, I write this from long experience of mistakes I and others make. My experience also arises from having worked as a therapist for 25 years, also from the experience of working with thousands of dreams people have sent me. In all, having read through the book, I am guided by the things I have written. Love is such a wonderful, down to earth and yet spiritual subject, here are only pointers on the way.
The book is available in USA and UK – and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – TurkeyYou may need to put the name of the book you are interested in. |
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The Hand Book- HandreadingMy son Neal is the Palmistry expert who has explained the classical approach to understanding what the hands tell of your character and where it is taking you into the future. I added to this intuitive readings on the lines on the palms, along with a way of using intuition to read the lines.Now available in the Kindle edition in the USA and UK |
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Using Your IntuitionMany people do not believe they have a part of their mind that can give fantastic help with problems and questions. Here is a careful examination of intuition, is many ways of expressing and using it. It is truly a sixth sense when you learn its techniques. A recent documentary about scientific findings says, “I want to tell you how the future creates the past which then creates the future.” This suggests that intuition is a flow of knowing from the future.Now available in the USA and UK also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in |
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Integration – Meeting Yourself and Life’s Little SecretsTwo Books in OneIntegration is about truly finding parts of yourself that are missing. Someone recently told me that in a business exercise a participant felt she was schizophrenic and it troubled her. Yet the word simply means there is a split in the way we relate to life. That is quite amusing because we are all so cut off from knowing who or even what we are that we are all, according to the definition, schizophrenic.This small book is a help in dealing with the terrible fears, anxieties, nightmares, depression and general disorder we face. Here are personal experiences of finding integration; a new look at the Chinese Ox Herding Pictures; another approach to yoga; a detailed look at drug use; and a way of loving – or finding love.Life’s Little Secrets – The processes of life itself are about constant change. If our body could not go through radical internal changes to meet different temperatures we would die very quickly. It is a force of change that never stops. It is the power that has constantly moved you through babyhood, childhood, adolescence into adulthood, and will continue to push you through old age and death into life again. This is also a psychological process.The book is available here in the USA and UK – also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey.You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in |
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YieldEarly in my own exploration of the inner world lying beneath everyday experience, I stumbled upon a rich vein of information about the spiritual journey hidden in the symbols of the New Testament. In a somewhat prose style the book explores this hidden and spiritual teaching at the roots of early Christianity.Now available in USA and UK and also in Australia – Brazil – Canada – China – France – Germany – India – Italy- Japan- Mexico – Netherlands – Spain – Turkey You may need to put the name of the book you are interested in.
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A WAY TO SHORTEN LABORThe main statement in the book is that energy moves in straight lines unless it meets a resistance. When contractions occur the baby’s body is pushed in a certain direction. If you imagine a line running through the baby’s body and head, then the contractions push along that line to the head. The important point made is that the head is often pressing, not into the birth canal, but into the back of the pelvis, hitting the lower spine. This line of force hitting the lower spine causes intense back pain.The wonderful thing that Janie McCoy King shows, is how to alter that situation, so the contractions push the baby toward being born.The cover picture is of the baby I caught as it was born. There was no screaming and the labour was only about an hour or less. |
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Meetings With ChristThe meetings with Christ happened over a period of forty years. They were wonderful meetings in which I was taught and healed. As DavidBoadella writes, “In this booklet, which is intensely personal, Tony Crisp writes of his encounters with the figure of Christ, in imagery, in deep feelings, in states of self-transcendence, and heightened awareness; and how these illuminated his understanding of birth, sexuality, death, and the extraordinary within the ordinary.”
The book is readable on site HERE
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Exploring Inner SpaceHere are said things that everyone who is meditating or practising yoga seriously should know. Many people practice because they want peace of mind and body, but the fact is that isn’t what yoga and meditation are designed for. In fact they often find quite the opposite.Click to see it in Kindle eBook format in the UK and in USAYou do not need a Kindle to read Kindle publications, you can get them and read them on your PC or Apple machine by clicking Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac. |
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Interview with a Sex WorkerHere is a frank and honest conversation with a sex worker. She describes the secrets she found about men and their wants. But most amazing she describes some of men’s vulnerabilities. I feel many men should read this.The book is readable on site HERE
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The Story of a Premature BabyA series of articles about the experience of being born prematurely. It describes in amazing detail the memories and trauma felt and the way through it. It is an unusual and moving book, and should be read widely – although the birth took place before the use of intensive care units for such babies.The book is readable on site HERE |
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LIFE’S LITTLE SECRETSAn amazing method used throughout the ages, but only just really understood through recent research. It is the story also of a young man plagued by depression and sexual problems finding a new life through allowing the process to work on him.In searching for relief from misery he tried many different things, relaxation, yoga, meditation, fasting, and diet among them. They promised to be helpful but something was missing that I only began to uncover when I started teaching relaxation. Some of those classes he taught were huge back in the sixties and seventies. To help people he would wander around the class and lift an arm or leg of some of those lying quietly relaxed. He moved the limb to let the person have an enhanced awareness of their relaxed condition. What amazed him was that often the arm or leg was so rigid with tension it was hard to move. If he let go the limb it would remain suspended. On asking the person how they felt they would say, ‘Fine. Really relaxed.’ They didn’t know they were carrying enormous tensions.The book is readable on site HERE
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Dream Dictionary translated into PolishIt is available from Allegro |
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The Sacred Tree – In Dreams and MythThe human condition is fundamental to any creation of myths, and at the core of the emergence of any religion or personal dream. The journey from conception to maturity, and on from there to death, is a heroic one no matter which one of us makes it.The book is readable on site HERE |
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Surviving Love and RelationshipsA loving relationship is one of the most sought goals. It is also one of the most difficult to attain and maintain. A major reason is that most of us fail to understand some of the fundamental aspects of what makes us love, and what might make us destroy what love we give or receive. To call most of today’s relationships loving is incorrect.The book is readable on site HERE |
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Your Dream InterpreterBeautifully illustrated with 1200 dream entries, and features on many aspects of dreaming.On sale with Amazon in the UK and USA and also in
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ENLIGHTENMENTThe Next Step in EvolutionEnlightenment is a process of personal growth that is possible for many today. Just as humans started their journey as an animal with no speech and no rational mind, and moved on into what we know today as self awareness; so we are ready to take another step in our evolution. This is called Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness, and is a growth in awareness as far ahead of self consciousness as self consciousness is of primal animal consciousness. |
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Face to Face with the FutureThis is a book about the enormous changes the future faces us with, and what we can find in ourselves to deal with what comes. It describes how to access your innate creativity, and the many dimensions of your ability to survive and realise what it is you have been denying in yourself. One of its chapters deal with moving through and beyond the difficulties of love and relationship. |
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The Instant Dream BookExploring your dreams using questions to extract meaning.Available on Amazon UK and USA
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Dreams and Dreaming – Understanding your sleep messages.There is no dream dictionary in this book, although themes and dream subjects are dealt with. But it is a small and concise explanation of what dreams are and what can be found in exploring them. It also details ways of doing this. |
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Relax With YogaFirst published in 1970 to meet the needs of the enormous number of yoga students starting the practice at that time. It is still relevant to yoga today as it deals with the main branches of yoga in a practical and inspirational way, including an awareness of body, soul and spirit. There are also short biographies of some of the great yogis of east and west, along with their teachings. |
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Dream Dictionary translated into Dutch
It is available from Bol.com |
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Africa Sky Stories
Having long been walking in the deeps of my unconscious, occasionally the voice of that silent deep tells me a story. Here are some of those stories told me in African mode. |
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Lucid DreamingThis is about Voyages in Lucidity – People’s experiences of waking in the world of dreams.Lucidity offers a New World to Explore – Describing the amazing features of the world of sleep, and the basics of meeting that new world of experience. It defines the benefits and possibilities.Lucidity holds out the possibility or personal healing of physical and psychological problems; the solving of problems in daily living, relationships, work or creativity. It enables the practising of skills; the finding of the enormous potential you have, and bringing it into your daily life. You can discover your deep history, unfold your emotional and sexual self and your personal confidence , and explore the universe within you.On sale in the UK and USA
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Dream Dictionary translated into SwedishIt is available at Bokia |
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Dream PowerDream Power is a boxed set of a 100 beautifully illustrated cards with an accompanying book The cards depict possible things you might dream about. On the back of the cards are questions to help you define what happened in your dream, and what you felt about it. You then refer to the book to further unfold the meaning of your dream.On sale with Amazon in the UK and USA
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SexercisesAll sex is movement. Sexual movement involves your body, your emotions and your spontaneity. For sex to be more than two people experiencing mutual physical friction, movements of our whole self are called for. ‘Sexercise’ is a way of tuning-in to the secret places of your body and mind, opening them to discover the wonder of your own sexuality. Learn how to tune into your pelvis.
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Dream Dictionary translated into HungarianIt is available at Antikvarium |
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This is the Time of the QuickeningMany of you have been waiting for this since you were children. All that time there has lived within you an empty place that has not been filled by the pastimes that life has offered. Nor has it been given light by the words emerging from temples and churches. For it was not for those you were born or waiting, and the sense of that empty place never left you, and only scraps of knowing arose. |
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Core ExperienceAs human beings we have investigated and probed the core process to the point where we understand some of the ways in which it works, and some of the ways in which we can co-operate with it or interfere with it. Nevertheless that Core still remains largely a mystery. In fact with the development of the new investigations of physics, such as quantum mechanics, the mystery deepens. |
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The ChakrasUnderstanding this subtle energy and the personal misery we can create with it if we do not understand how it works. This is fundamental to a satisfying life. It is important to teach children and adults how to how to deal with their own being. Here it is explained simply in such chapters as Energy Sex and Dreams. |
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CoincidencesIn a major experience of synchronicity there are usually no visible links between the event and your environment. But there are clues if you look beyond logical thought. Therefore a radical coincidence is a doorway for your mind and heart to move beyond limiting attitudes and beliefs. The chapters will bring the inexplicable closer to you, so you can look at it, hold it, wonder at it.
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Interprétez vos rêves : 100 cartes-symboles + un livre illustréby Tony Crisp
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Hello, Tony, I’ve been using your 1990 edition of your “The New Dream Dictionary” since 1994! Bought it second hand while living in Germany and it has served me well. Do you have an eBook version or an APP for iPhone or iPad? I really like this resource for doing my inner work. Thanks! V
Done – T
How I only learned of you now is amazing to me, but better late than never. I appreciate everything I’ve seen immensely, and thank you for all it has taken to create this body of work. Love to you. And thanks for including your birth data – quite a chart!
Hi Tony!
My name is Edy Nathan and your passion for what can and cannot be completely explained in our lives is truly intoxicating.
I am finishing a book about grief, loss and trauma. As a psychotherapist in NYC, I find that this conversation only seems to occur when someone has lost a loved one or has had a major traumatic event. This book attempts to bring the reader into the discovery of the self while they are meeting their trauma and their losses head on.
There is a quote of yours that I would like to use in my discussion of the Father archetype, and in the book this is the quote in context of what is written:
This archetype is not necessarily about parenthood, it includes the sense of a fatherland: The collective of all fatherlands and their survival or demise. Tony Crisp writes: “…although it involves your parents, it is much wider than that. ..It also includes how you relate to your own life purpose.” If you think of some great figurehead, such as a president, who creates a sense of safety for the greater good, then you have met one of the proactive and collective aspects of this archetype.
In coping with loss and trauma, this archetype influences how you soothe yourself, how hard you are on the self, if you are astute in working through your pain, or disrespect your needs through the personal journey.
I appreciate your consideration in allowing me to use this quote. Please tell me how you would like to be cited.
Many thanks and blessings,
Edy Nathan
Hello. My name is Meena and I have had precognitive dreams, dreams that I may be astral traveling, crazy dreams that are so vivid and so real.
May I know where I can learn of Life stream?
God bless.
Hello Tony and Anna!
Regarding your book “Dream Dictionary, A to Z Guide”, can I send you a check instead? I can go and buy it off amazon, but would rather you get the money directly instead of through another entity. Just let me know how much the shipping and other stuff is. I’m in the USA. Thank you!
Or, if it’s easier for you if I just go on amazon and buy it I can do that as well.
Thank you! 😀
Jenny – I do not stock or deal with selling, so please do buy it from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Thanks any way – Tony
Dear Tony
I have just stumbled across your website whilst looking up dream meanings to aid me with completing my daily dream journal
As I am not a kindle reading lady, please could you tell me where I can purchase your Hidden Side of Dreams book
Many thanks
Best regards
Nicholette – All the books I publish are also on dreamhawk for free.
But I am sending a copy for you.