Dream Dictionary


The direction you are heading in the dream, and the atmosphere or conditions surrounding the direction, suggest your intuitive summary of where you are going in life, and whether it will be profitable or difficult. […]...More


Your activity to change yourself, or your situation in some way. For instance when you dig a garden or fork it over you are working on it to improve its situation and to clear the […]...More


At times a dream about this could be a sign of a digestive problem. Also it could indicate you have a lot of difficult emotions that are pouring out of you. The body might be […]...More

Destroy Destruction

We hold in us the seeds of our own destruction. Our body constantly dies, losing millions of cells, but it also has the seeds of Life, and so continues. Our attitudes to this may be […]...More


Because the unconscious has a powerful faculty for synthesising our experience, it frequently arrives at a sense of what we most wish for, or want to create through our life. Yet we may not have […]...More

Cot Deaths

I dreamt that an enormous amount of my energy was in-turned into seeking states of mind – seeking my own womb condition. I came across an interesting piece of research in the dream, the possibility […]...More


See death; death and dreams...More


See beheading...More

Dealing – Cards

See: cards-playing...More

Dead Person

Usually represents some area of our life that has ‘died’. This can refer to death of feelings, such as hopelessness in connection with relationship and the loss of feelings about someone; the depression that follows […]...More

Boundary Boundaries

A way of life or behaviour you cannot, or fear, going beyond. Probably rules of conduct you learnt as a child and there may have been consquences for disobeying. They are often felt as a […]...More

Dalai Lama

It depends very much how you feel about Buddhism and the Dalai Lama. In general it represents a great teacher, so would probably indicate your own higher wisdom, the best guidance you can get.  See: […]...More

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