Dream Dictionary

Beating or Beaten Up

This is usually about your own difficult or angry feelings giving you a hard time. The saying, “Don’t beat yourself up’ is an excellent description of this. Sometimes the action of being beaten up occurs […]...More


In past cultures beans were believed to connect the human soul to forces of the earth, and to the spirits of the dead – in other words to transfer your awareness to another realm. For […]...More


See: games and gambling....More


This has to do with the things we carry about with us, or the way we collect things in a psychological way. For instance one might ‘carry’ a grudge or ill feeling for years, and […]...More


See: games and gambling...More


This can indicate various types of barrenness. It can be the barrenness of childlessness which is not simple the inability to conceive, but can also be barrenness of mind, which does not allow anything creative […]...More

Bark Barking

(Of Tree see below) A dog barking can be from many causes. A dog expresses a great deal of its deeply felt emotions through its voice. It can growl, bark, whine or howl, and it […]...More


The base of something is usually about what supports you or your activities. The condition of the base and its situation will indicate what the strength or weakness of you or your attitudes, beliefs, or […]...More

Bare-feet Barefoot

To  be in contact with reality, your real life situation. Might also suggest rough going if walking is hard. Of course, in some cultures it could mean poverty. Going through a rough patch in life […]...More


Relaxed feelings of sociability or social relationships. It often has something to do with the ease or conflict in a family or between friends. It could be about sharing what you have – food, love, […]...More


A more instinctive, less restrained part of yourself. The barbarian often has a lot of shrewdness about human behaviour, as this feeling level doesn’t have the social complications of a more refined self, and may […]...More

Bank Notes

See: money....More

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