Dream Dictionary

I started writing Dream Dictionary in 1970. It has been a lifelong work to add to it in length and quality. And remember it is constantly upgraded and given new entries. So if there is something you do not understand or is missing, tell me.


Is a rock that usually stays in space, quite different to a meteor or shooting star. To dream of it might suggest that some part of you is suspended and unable to act. But your […]...More


See attack attacker....More


See attack attacker....More


See China; India; Japan....More


The Japanese people are a mixture of great practicality and also the spirit of the East. Apart from being very creative they are also people who have an understanding of the hidden side of life. […]...More

India Indian

If you are from a western society, dreaming of India or meeting a person who is Indian can mean contact with the mysterious meaning of Life – the great mother from which wisdom springs. It […]...More


It is all about the person who has the bow and what it is used for. It could be used for competition archery; it could be for hunting; it could be for killing someone; it […]...More


Something that has really got into us, like hurtful words or actions; or being pierced by a powerful emotion such as love. It could suggest the action of turning our feelings  inwards in a wounding […]...More

Arrogant Arrogance

It seems from looking at the dreams where arrogance is mentioned it is usually because we fail to see who we really are and so act in a way to get ourselves in trouble. The […]...More


This is one of those difficult words because it can mean many things. It can be a flower arrangement, an arrangement of your living area or furniture, it can be an arrangement you make with […]...More


This depicts the huge struggle we all have with the forces of evil – the tendencies in us that are anti Life. It is ones own emotions and desires that are not allowed or tuned […]...More


This difficult to answer as it could be about something new arising in your life, the pain arising from abandonment, the habits arising from ones cultural heritage, the needs arising from your own childhood emotional […]...More

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