Dream Dictionary


40 million Americans are estimated to be chronically ill with sleep disorders. Few people recognise their condition and its cause however. Signs of it are chronic tiredness needing constant stimulants to keep going during the […]...More

Ape-man Half man Half Monster

This is a very important figure in dreams. As much as we would like to think of ourselves as civilised and refined humans, we are still governed by patterns of behaviour obvious in animals. We […]...More


This shows you creating a receptive state of consciousness that allows the deep insights or processes within you to become known. You are literally dipping into your unconscious levels of awareness to bring insights and […]...More


There are several possibilities when you dream of a twin or twins. The first one is that it is part of you that has got split off from your main development. So they can be one of the […]...More


In some dreams there is a great feeling of extraordinary aliveness, or there is a particular emphasis on the difference between being alive and dead. This usually refers to the dreamers potential of positive feelings […]...More


What feeling or decision, what responsibility or concern is tormenting you? Or does the dream suggest this is a physical pain? If so See: Illness. Agony in your dream may be a sign either of […]...More


For some people just to exist is a struggle. But there are so many struggles the dream might be pointing to. Struggling to earn enough; struggling for recognition; struggling to find and earn love; struggling […]...More


Your stance or position in life; the way you are relating to what is depicted in the rest of the dream – or the way you feel you are relating to it. above What is […]...More

Move Movements

In general the quality of your movements in dreams depicts your feeling or mental state, your confidence or lack of it, your ability to make changes – move easily – or difficulty in facing change […]...More

Active Passive

We are in a passive role when we are an inactive observer in our dream, we are all the time on the receiving end of dream action, or as in the example below, make no […]...More


A possible reference to your attempts to keep healthy – lose weight – remain sexually attractive. How the dream presents the action will define whether this is a suggestion for more activity in that area, […]...More


An advocate in your dream is a part of you, or a feeling, that supports and argue for you. Often it is a demonstration of qualities you are not aware of. If you are the advocate for someone else it suggests […]...More

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