Dream Dictionary

Ankle Ankles

This might relate to the ankle or to the Achilles tendon, both of which are vulnerable areas. In some dreams this is where one is bitten by a creature or hit, suggesting being got at […]...More


Anything old or ancient suggests it has existed for a long time, so it carries an enormous amount of experience, an enormous imprint of the past. This often links with wisdom or treasures of realisation, […]...More


Like many insects, the ants might depict small irritations or criticisms things that have got into you in some way. Ants have been used in dreams to suggest sperm also. Also when we look at […]...More


The area of our nervous system around the anus and genitals is highly sensitive in babyhood. So it may link with the self expression, the pleasure, and the feelings of deep connection the baby feels […]...More


One of the most frequent dream themes is that of anxiety in some form. This may not be because most dreams are about things we fear, but simply because we remember those more than bland […]...More

Apartment Flat

Suggests your basic needs such as shelter, warmth, nourishment – but usually in the sense of what you have created as your basic way of life; the values, standards, goals you have accepted as normal, […]...More


Impulsive unreasoned urges such as self centred grabbing of food or sexual expression without concern for the other person; mischievousness; mimicry; instinctive or intuitive wisdom about relationships, social interactions and life; folly or foolishness or […]...More


Stimulating someone or being stimulated sexually. If taking an aphrodisiac, possibly showing that you have been sexually stimulated by an event or meeting with someone. This may be something like going to a party and […]...More


The end of the world, and the fears that go with it, depict the powerful and threatening inner and outer changes that accompany major transitions. The transition from childhood to adolescence for instance is the […]...More


Remember that apologising is different to saying sorry. Nearly always when people dream about someone they know they automatically believe the dream is about that person. But when we think of our friend or partner […]...More


Apparitions are often images that have been repressed emotions and are now pressing for attention. They are often accompanied by fear or scary feelings. The fear is way to hold off the actual feelings that […]...More


Something within yourself that may become a problem; an internal problem; possibly referring to the appendix itself. But it is often a psychological or a physical or energy problem as the following example shows. The man was using LifeStream. […]...More

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