Dream Dictionary


See: Road....More

Awake Awakened Awakening

This means that you have realised something or woken up to something. Maybe you have woken up to your present situation. It can also show how you are emerging from a period of withdrawal. Sometimes […]...More


See: Prize....More


Power, authority of material nature. Desire to hurt or destroy, or fear of these things. See: Arms; weapons. Idioms: Axe to grind; to be axed lose one’s job....More


Some people associate impulsive unreasoned urges such as self centred grabbing of food or sexual expression without concern for the other person; mischievousness; mimicry folly or foolishness or feeling an idiot to monkeys. But monkeys […]...More

Baby Babies

General Aborted baby Adult body with baby head Adopted baby Baby body with adult head – Baby Boy – Baby Girl Crying baby Dead Baby Do I need a pregnancy test if I dream of having […]...More


In general it probably indicates the attitudes and qualities evident in the dream character. See: man. In a woman’s dream it may be a signal that she is looking for a likely man, or it […]...More


For Back of or Behind see Back Of Back Pain: This can be caused by tension, and this is turn could be about holding yourself back through anxiety. See back pain and its cure. Back – trunk […]...More


See: Knapsack....More

Bacteria Germs Virus

A hidden or invisible attack that may weaken or even destroy you – your confidence – in one way or another. They can also depict anxieties that undermine your health or attack your well-being; or […]...More


Our view of what is bad or good changes with each generation. It was thought so bad in the past to be born out of wedlock that people lived a life of shame. One woman […]...More


A feeling of identifying with a particular group if the badge is connected with a group or organisation; memories, experiences, things learned with a group or organisation. The badge might suggested an attitude, depending what […]...More

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