Dream Dictionary


A denial or cursing or your own innate self or latent possibilities. A turning of the will away from the possibility of direction from within....More


Most often relates to emotional or psychological hurt, but can also depict physical injury, or presentiment of it. Emotional hurt could mean hurtful remarks, for instance being told we are not loved – these can […]...More


Perhaps a healing process of cleansing old hurts or feelings; an attempt to ‘clean up’ ones emotions or attitudes, especially if applied to clothes; pain....More


Unfeeling, difficult emotionally. This sometimes connects with past times of pain.....More


A release of the positive energies into outer life....More


A sense of not being good enough, or a fault in how you feel about your public image. See: Skin; stain. This can indicate a fault, an imperfection, in whatever it is in regard to […]...More

Blind Blindness

An inability or unwillingness to understand or agree to something. An inability to see something about yourself, or to be aware of what your intuition is telling you. Unwillingness or inability to ‘see’ something; losing […]...More


Some irritating or injurious experience; something that has gradually produced hurt in you over a period of time; attitudes that attempt to protect from further hurt. Things also blister as in the following dream – […]...More


An internal conflict or great unrest; feelings of disturbance perhaps to do with coldness in a relationship; feeling emotionally battered or threatened. See: Weather. Useful Questions and Hints: What is happening at the moment to cause […]...More

Blockage Blocked

Usually depicts restrained or held back emotions, energy or thoughts. Common areas of blockage are the throat, where words or feelings can be blocked by tension or restraints such as anger or helplessness; the chest, […]...More


Very often it links with a feeling of being hurt or injured and of losing energy or the strength that enlivens you. But blood can represent pain, but also passions, deep feelings. It can refer […]...More


The unfolding and expression of what was latent within from the beginning....More

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