Dream Encyclopedia

Archetype of the Athlete

The negative side of the archetype is the attitude that leads a person to use their strength of body or purpose to bully, threaten or injure others. It may manifest as a form of showing off how strong, powerful or sexual you are; or at least posing as such. ...More

The Archetype of the Artist

If the artist is a powerful force within my life, what is it I am trying to give form to? Do I believe that to be an artist I have to be eccentric or live in ways to give me a confidence I don't have? ...More

Archetype of the Animus – The male in the female

The animus can be depicted in a dream by an heroic or spiritual male figure, by her brother or father, a giant, a lion or bull. The animus can be wonderfully creative or powerfully destructive, depending upon ones relationship with it. Cultural symbols one may use are of leader figures from either n...More

Archetype of the Anima – The female in the male

Can I recognise my own internal female, and if so what characteristics does it have? How is my relationship with my internal woman - perhaps in some way a negative image of my mother - influencing my relationship with my female partner(s)? In my dreams am I ready to marry or unite with my female? ...More

Archetype of the Alchemist

The positive influence of this archetype is in the release of a patient and persevering attempt to investigate and understand the unconscious processes of life and thereby, through meeting ones own inner and external processes, to arrive at transformation. ...More


If you consider the collecive unconscious as a vast reservoir of human experience, certain experiences occur again and again. So things such as marriage, death, motherhood, birth, etch enormous patterns in the collective human memory. Such patterns transcend any one person's experience, being enormo...More

Animal Phobias

In studying the frequency of animal phobias in left-handed people, the psychologist Paul Chemtob, found that left-handedness occurred in twenty percent of phobics whose problem was bad enough for them to seek treatment. Chemtob believes that where the lateralisation of the brain is high, the rationa...More

Animals in Your Dreams

Is there any concern about the animal's health? Is there an indication the animal has been injured? Does love, caring or affection enter into the dream? ...More

Animals as Dream Figures

In considering what our dream animal communicates to us, consider how you feel about that animal, what view you have of it, whether it excites, disgusts or frightens you. Is it funny because it exhibits some aspect of human nature so openly, like monkeys making love in public?...More

Ancient Greece – Dream Beliefs

. Prior to sleep the participats were led in evening payers to the god, and thus creating an atmosphere in which dreams of healing were induced. In the morning the patients were asked their dream, and it was expected they would dream an answer to their illness or problem. There are many attestations...More

Test of Analysis

We can sum up the tests for interpretation then, as: Does it satisfy us? Does it explain us? Does it enlighten us? Can we see it as a part of our experience in the past, present or future? Above all, does it help us carry on with the business of living? ...More

Analysis of Dreams

But foremost among the additions to the jewels of understanding garnered in the past, is that of insight into ones personal psychological history and personal traumas. This I believe is unique to our times, and not fully appreciated generally....More

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