Baby Babies
Aborted baby
Adult body with baby head
Adopted baby
Baby body with adult head – Baby Boy – Baby Girl
Crying baby
Dead Baby
Do I need a pregnancy test if I dream of having a baby? – Dream Baby – Dropping a baby
Gifted or holy baby – Girl baby – Giving birth
Happy baby – Hitting the baby
In a man’s dream – In child’s dream – In woman’s dream – Losing/not finding a baby
Man giving birth to a baby
Neglecting or forgetting baby –Nursing a baby
Pregnancy – dreaming of baby during
Sick baby – Starving baby
Twins or twin
When appearing with a couple
If you cannot find what you want in the first section, there are a lot of questions answered at the bottom of the page under Comments.
If you have given birth to a baby in a dream, it can represent a new phase of life; a new idea; new activity – as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning a new project or business. This ‘baby’ might be part of you that did not have a chance to be ‘born’ or express before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life that you could not put into practice because of circumstances. The baby in this aspect is the ‘you’ that could have been if you had been free from problems and past hurts.
In real life a baby is a blending of mother and father, and all they represent. A baby is a new thing that has been ‘born’ out of them and the circumstances they are involved in.
Example: My wife and I were walking out in the countryside. I looked around suddenly and saw my four year old son near a hole. He fell in and I raced back. The hole was narrow but very deep. I could see water at the bottom but no sign of my son. I didn’t know whether I could leap down and save him or whether it was too narrow. Then somehow he was out. His heart was just beating.
The dreamer had an argument with his wife the night before and was frightened it had killed his marriage. The baby son represented their marriage and his fear of the end of their life together, but the dream went on to show that it survived.
But the dream baby can also represent one’s own feeling urges at that level of development – such as possessiveness, joy, curiosity, responding to the world without words or formed concepts, innocent love, infant trauma; intense dependence; feelings of helplessness; vulnerability; lack of responsibility; and being cared for. Even as adults many of these early feeling responses still dominate the way we meet relationships and events. It is quiet common for instance for adults to feel intense and destructive jealousy about their sexual partner. This is exactly the sort of feeling we experienced naturally as a baby and child. Unfortunately in adulthood we seldom see such things as an emergence of baby feelings which we have not grown beyond. Instead we accept them as adult behaviour and justify them, often blaming our sexual partner for them – i.e. ‘You made me jealous by showing affection for that other man/woman’. The baby or child often feels murderous rage in connection with such dependence and jealousy, but it is too small to effectively act on the rage. When an adult feels such rage however, it is highly dangerous and irrational. See Beware of Love; victim; personal growth.
Aborted baby: In general something that was developing, a new facet of self, or a new opportunity that has now been lost or rejected. If in a pregnant woman’s dream, usually it is an expression of fears regarding ones ability to carry the child to full term – but it is wise to have a check. See: pregnancy.
Adult body with baby head: Suggests that the way one approaches life, ones thinking, is still immature, even though one is physically mature.
Adopted baby: Adopting a new stance in life, perhaps conceived by, or seen in someone else; taking on the responsibility of something or someone that needs care and help to grow; if you are trying to adopt a baby it would reflect feelings or intuitions about that activity.
Baby body with adult head: Suggests that while one has developed an adult intellect and rational thinking, or an adult self, aspects of ones feelings, hungers and sexuality remain at the baby level of development.
Baby Boy: If you have given birth to a baby boy, it is usually about the principle of maleness entering your life. Maleness is like the sun, it expresses most of its energy outwardly to give life. Whereas the female is like the earth, receiving and nurturing life.
Birth or emergence of a new phase of self expression in terms of activity or achievement. In a males dream may suggest a new self emerging, or new aspect of self.
Baby Girl: If you have given birth to a baby girl, it is usually about the principle of femininity. Femininity is about having the power of creating life within and nurturing its growth.
Baby Dying: The anxiety dreams include such images as giving birth to a baby who is only a few ounces in weight – the baby is malformed – the baby is born dead – the baby is blind or deaf or injured.
Castle was able to follow the dreams of over 200 pregnant women, often from about the time of conception through to their post natal situation and experience. One of his interests was to see if dreams showed signs of information about physical conditions that were not apparent at the time of the dream. He says that many dreams did in fact show that small shifts in the physical state, such as conception, were shown in appropriate symbols in the dreams of some women. So if you have a worrying dream about your baby it is worth making sure you check out its condition, something that with modern equipment is easily done. To quote Castle, “The unconscious mind of the pregnant woman seems able to monitor and detect biochemical imbalances, tissue abnormalities, or structural defects in the uterine environment and communicate an awareness of disturbed functioning through dream imagery, which is sometimes fairly literal, sometimes symbolic.”
Seeing a baby die in a dream can suggest many things. It can suggest that the most vulnerable part of you has been killed by your hidden emotions. Also I have received, over 40 years, many dreams of mothers who dreamt their baby or child was dead, and not one of them died. One woman who explored such a dream with me found that a death had taken place, represented by the child, and the death was that of her love for a man. She had ended a relationship that had lasted for years.
Dead baby: Dreaming that your child dies can have several meanings. In some dreams a parent, much to their horror dreams of killing their child. But our dream
child can represent many things, and it is useful to realise that any person, object or scene in a dream is not a symbol – it is not dead thing that has to be interpreted – it is a living part of you and can only be understood by relating to it.
So in this way I have found that a child can represent whatever our strongest feelings about them are. It can represent your marriage or partnership because it is what you have created between you. In that case the death of the child can depict something like an awful argument that feels as if it the marriage has died.
A child and its death can also show you how you have killed out the growing or adventurous side of you; or if you see your child as vulnerable and needing protection it could show you the death of that part of your feeling.
If a dream seems to predict the death of your child, it is wise to remember two things. the first is that a said above many dreams about our baby are actually about injury or death of our vulnerable self – See Characters and People in Dreams.
That predictive dreams are very uncommon. But if you are feeling it is predictive remember that the future is not set in stone. But you can pray for protection for your child and it can change the outcome.
Gifted or holy baby: Often shows the dreamer having given birth to parts of their personality which are connected with wider sympathies, or wider awareness, than their own personal ego or self. It may show an awareness of the universal processes of life. It is the same sort of meaning as Christ in symbolism. It can show the emergence of awareness of the levels of existence beyond the senses. See: esp in dreams.
Example: “Was in a basement where my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it without a doctor being there. It was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious; then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!” I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?” I explained that the spirit self it knew before birth was now gone so it could live in the body. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards.”
The man who dreamt this said that he felt afterwards that at the time of the dream he had given birth to the very best of him. This became more and more obvious as years went by. Also he realised that his inner life, his unconscious, needed cleaning, and then began to go upstairs to his wider awareness. It could be helpful for you to use the following Talking As.
If you have given birth without any man involved, it suggests it is a virgin birth – i.e. no male partner was involved at the time.
Many women dream of giving birth without any man involved. Virgin birth is normal part of dreaming. It means that the woman or young girl has conceived as a process of Life. Being a virgin represents the human soul or psyche and its possibility of dropping pre-conceptions, thus attaining an inner virginity and through that being receptive to the unseen or unconscious side of self. Joseph Campbell in his book “Myths To Live By” says – “There are myths and legends of the Virgin Birth, of Incarnations, Deaths and Resurrections; Second Comings, Judgements and the rest, in all the great traditions. And since such images stem from the psyche (from you and your dreams), they refer to the psyche. They tell us of its structure, its order, and its forces, in symbolic terms.”
For instance, the story and events surrounding the virgin birth, when looked as if a dream are not about a biological miracle, but about how as ordinary people, we can drop our preconceptions, our fixed ideas and beliefs and allow an entirely new and creative impulse into our life. This truth has been so venerated that we find virgin figures all over the world such as Maya the mother of Buddha born 500 BC; the virgin mother of Osiris, and of course the story told of Mary.
Being a virgin in this case is about having a mind free from previous ‘conceptions’ and so being open to Life itself fertilising you for a new and precious thing being born. If you are not a virgin because you have had children, that is not what virgin birth is about. It is about conceiving without any mental preconceptions, having an open and receptive mind or soul. it is about a wonderful human possibility.
So the dream baby born to you in this way a wonderful creative act between you and Life. It is a new part of you that if you let it gradually grow into your waking life as a new force, a new way of feeling about life and acting. Being pregnant like that is very important. Obviously you are not going to give birth to a physical baby, but dream babies are important too.
Only a ‘virgin birth’ can bring forth the birth of an intuition, a new response to oneself and ones environment, that transforms ones life. This is a living relationship with the mystery which underlies our life. If we generate a child in this way, we are not held prisoner by habits of thought, stereotypes of behaviour, then we can begin to allow into our waking life what was previously impossible to know. This open state of mind and feelings, acts as a link between the identity or personality, and the deep unconscious life processes. This link allows a birth of realisations and inner change that brings healing and a possibility of experiencing the aspect of oneself that is our core self.
Crying baby or helpless baby: Your fundamental needs are not being, or were not in the past, met. These include basic things like feeling happy and relaxed in ones environment, feeling wanted and loved, having a sense of connection with other people. There may be something distressing you at a feeling/needing level that you are not acknowledging; a new project or aspect of self needing more care.
But it is part of inbuilt wisdom in babies to cry and act helpless of injured to get their needs or a parents love. So if you dream of such a baby it may well be showing you that you are using the same tactics to get people’s sympathy.
Example: Baby pelicans can produce a false epileptic fit; they do this because it is a way to get their parents to carry on feeding them. The alternative is that they must get off their butt and feed themselves.
Dream Baby – i.e. one you gave birth to in your dream. Dream babies are usually special and are a way that you give birth to either parts of your personality that have developed over time and are now ‘born’. They slowly become obvious to us as new talents, a new direction, or even a new way of life.
Such babies are easy to give birth to, and usually are beautiful and speak soon.
Do I need a pregnancy test if I dream of having a baby?: If you are having unprotected regular sex or if you are trying for a baby, then yes have a test. But if you know you had not had sex with a partner, then it is a dream baby. See all the comments and answers at the bottom of the page.
Dropping a baby: Carelessness in dealing with your basic needs, especially in relationship; mishandling an opportunity; betraying trust; feeling you have been ‘dropped’ by someone, perhaps in a relationship. It might also at times suggest a miscarriage or the lack of support in caring for a pregnancy.
Example: I turned and ran with the pram at a small boy on a tricycle who was pedalling toward me playfully. We laughingly collided. Not a bad bump, but enough to send the baby over onto the ground on its head. The baby cried but didn’t seem badly hurt. I realised it was the second time I had dropped the baby, and felt I must be more careful and responsible. We were then preparing for a storm on the ship.
It was during the past few days that my wife told me that her period was late. She thought she was pregnant. This caused an awful situation between us. I was out of work in an area that offered me no work. I suggested she had an abortion. As it turned out it was a false pregnancy. However, the damage had been done. (Apparently I had dropped the baby?)
Girl baby: Birth or emergence of new aspects of feelings and feeling relationship with others. But in a females dream may mean an emergence of a new phase or a new start in her life.
Giving birth: A healthy woman is designed by nature to create a baby. But it is also true that at the heart of a woman’s being is the power of creation, and that creation can go in any direction – a mother, an artist, a dancer, a poet, a social worker, or even an alcoholic or drug dependent.
But in our dream world the image of your creation is usually in the form of a baby. But as you may not be pregnant you have produced an image of your creation and creativeness. It is new so you do not know what it is. That you have dreamt this at all shows you need to take note of this extraordinary creativeness and investigate it. You can do this by imagining your self as the baby – remember that dreams are showing reflections of your own inner world so the baby is an expression of your creativity – and talk as the baby describing what it feels. Use Talking As.
If it is difficult or a C-section then you are anxious or have fears about having a baby, or else there is a history of difficulty that you need to work out. Try using Carry the Dream Forward.
That you have dreamt this at all shows you need to take note of this extraordinary creativeness and investigate it. You can do this by imagining your self as the baby – remember that dreams are showing reflections of your own inner world so the baby is an expression of your creativity – and talk as the baby describing what it feels. Talking As
And do not dismiss this as a silly dream, such dream babies have a very real purpose and life of their own. They are your creation out of the wonderful creative process that is a woman, and your own ideals and longings. If you nurture them you will see them grow – I call the spirit children.
Happy baby: Feeling at ease with oneself and surroundings. It may be that something has happened in a relationship or environment that brings a deeper level of relaxation and sense of security.
Hitting the baby: Usually a sign of not being able to cope with ones own childhood pain, and so it ends in hitting. See: hitting.
In a man’s dream: The same as general definitions, but also may be oneself at that age; desire for parenthood; weight of responsibility; fear of inability to produce. See Man Giving Birth to Baby.
In child’s dream: Themselves at that age; feelings about a baby sibling.
In woman’s dream: The same as general definitions, but also may be oneself at that age; desire for a baby; responsibility of caring for baby; worries about having healthy baby; worries about baby’s welfare.
Losing/not finding a baby: Losing contact with or not caring for your fundamental feeling responses to life; losing an opportunity or mishandling a delicate relationship; feeling lost and abandoned in ones own child feelings.
Man giving birth to a baby: Often happens during the pregnancy of the mans partner; shows the man bringing something to birth in himself. This is usually a new understanding, or a new sympathy or viewpoint. It can show the emergence of awareness of the unconscious. See Special Baby
Neglecting or forgetting baby: Many baby dreams, as in the example at the bottom, have this theme of neglecting, or even starving the baby. This is usually because we need to take care of, or be more aware of, how much personal need we have for things like care, appreciation and love being given to us. If as a baby our need for being held and given attention were met, then we can move into the next phase of our growth. But if these needs were never met, one is often stuck emotionally at this level of development. See Beware of Love.
If you are a parent with a baby, the dream may represent natural anxieties about ones ability as a parent – i.e. the dream may reflect a fear you are not giving as much to your child as you wish, or that you find yourself wishing for a break from parenthood.
Example: ‘I have my own baby who is lying in a cot in a bedroom looking very weak and pathetic with eyes closed. I know that he or she is getting weaker and weaker through lack of food and care. In fact the baby seems to be dying. The feelings of guilt are terrible because I know it is my responsibility to do something to make it well. I keep saying to myself I must go and feed that baby – but I don’t. I just keep worrying and feeling guilty.’ J. C.
Because of circumstances we may not have been able to satisfy all our babyhood needs – we may have been weaned earlier than we wanted; our need for attention may have been unsatisfied or we felt rejected or unwanted – and these are shown as a baby in our dreams. Dreams such as the above show how we sense the need of this part of us to be cared for and nourished. If some of these earliest needs are not met in some way, the development of our enthusiasm, our pleasure and ability to be involved and self-giving, may be diminished, giving rise to dreams suggesting the need for nourishment, as above. See: baby – healing and helping; baby in my dreams.
Nursing a baby: Caring for ones own infant needs which still exist in ones adult life; giving care and love to someone who is relating to you in a baby way; wanting a baby, or needing to express the depth of your own ability to give and love.
Pregnancy – dreaming of baby during: Most women dream about their growing baby during pregnancy. These dreams are vary varied and often anxious or frightening. Such dreams are not to be taken as signs of a problem other than natural anxiety. Occasionally a pregnant woman dreams of the identity or personality of her unborn child, perhaps even before it is conceived. This can of course occur to the father too. See: pregnancy; birth dreams during pregnancy; fifth example under penis, in the body section.
Sick baby: Our babyhood experience builds the foundation of all relationship with other people and the world. If for instance we are punished for being curious, or are traumatised in our need for love and support, it will show in our adult relationships. Perhaps we will lack explorative curiosity, or avoid or have difficulties in a close relationship. The sick baby usually depicts such difficulties. Exploring our feelings in connection with the sick baby, or being the sick baby as in Gestalt dream-work, will help uncover the details and intense feelings involved in such unsatisfying emotions and habitual responses.
Starving baby: See: Neglecting or forgetting baby: above.
Twins or twin: The many polar opposites or splits in us – the split between waking consciousness and sleep or the unconscious; the split between what we want in our deepest desires, and what we can allow ourselves socially; the split caused by infant trauma; the split between our sense of eternity and the facts of physical mortality; introversion and extroversion; something of self which has got split off; the lack of balance in our being; twins can represent duality, conflict, or two sides of an issue, but also the emergence of something new, something that was denied, or born with one, but never acknowledged as part of oneself; ones unconscious relationship with another person, such as occurs in a telepathic link; separation.
Or perhaps even ‘died at birth’, or one died, leaving us feeling only half a person; the lack of balance in our being. When one of the babies died and the other survived it might be as happens often that the situation wasn’t right for one perhaps because of health issues. See Tony’s Inner Voice
When appearing with a couple: The marriage – what is created in the relationship; the life process in us based on reproduction. What you have produced and care for or neglect together
Quoted from Dreams and Dreaming, by Norman Mackenzie.
Then I went back in my mind to being two years old when I felt that a terrible thing had happened to me, the realisation that my mother had no love for me. I saw her holding a male baby and I felt in that instant that I hated males. I had just this fundamental feeling, a terrible feeling, and it grew and I became full of hate and I realised that it was directed toward the opposite sex. I felt that this had begun at an early age when I felt that my mother had given affection to the male members of the family and not myself. I was the only female. I realised that at that age she didn’t love me and I must have felt jealous of the male This grew up within me.
This graphically describes the depth of feeling we often carry from our earliest years, feelings which deeply influence our adult behaviour. In this case it made the woman’s relationships with her husband strained and tense.
Example: I have my own baby who is lying in a cot in a bedroom looking very weak and pathetic with eyes closed. I know that he or she is getting weaker and weaker through lack of food and care. In fact the baby seems to be dying. The feelings of guilt are terrible because I know it is my responsibility to do something to make it well. I keep saying to myself I must go and feed that baby – but I don’t. I just keep worrying and feeling guilty. J. C.
Because of circumstances we may not have been able to satisfy all our babyhood needs – we may have been weaned earlier than we wanted; our need for attention may have been unsatisfied or we felt rejected or unwanted – and these are shown as a baby in our dreams, as with J. C. Dreams such as the above show how we sense the need of this part of us to be cared for and nourished. If some of these earliest needs are not met in some way, the development of our enthusiasm, our pleasure and ability to be involved and self-giving, may be diminished, giving rise to dreams suggesting the need for nourishment, as above. See: baby healing and helping; baby in my dreams.
Example: I am 48, have two children in their late teens and definitely DO NOT want another baby. Nevertheless I have a recurring dream in which I am always in labour, experiencing no pain, and although there are nursing staff I am in some sort of laboratory, although everything is very pleasant. I never actually give birth and when I wake I always have a vague feeling of disappointment. V. I.
This dreamers conscious decision to have no more children may be in conflict with her biological urge for another baby. But the dream might also suggest there is something she deeply want to give birth to in her life but has not yet achieved. Her creativity did not end with her children, there is still more for her to bring out of herself in some way.
Example: My mouth was full of what looked like liver. It was also coming out of my left ear. When I turned away from the mirror I saw medical people in caps and gowns who kept telling me to bear down. I then gave birth to a baby out of my mouth. I am an invalid and very sick at present. Mr. M. S.
This mans dream is about preparation for death. The baby is the extraction of all that can live on after his present life is left behind in death. See: death – is there life afterwards.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Useful questions are given in baby in my dreams.
i guess i found out what exactly it meant a “happy baby” i mean i just closer to the person and trust the person so im pretty sure thats why i dreamed that 🙂 i liked my dream though made me wake up happy as i ever been
I had a dream where I had quadruplets and feeding them. I don’t remember the sex of the other three who were bigger and well fed as compared to the the younger one who I recognised that it was a boy. He was complaining that I was neglecting him . I had to breast feed him and talked with him to reassure him that I love him. I need clarity on this please Tonny..
So i had this weird dream and i really want to know what it means. Well, i dreamt that i was watching over 2 very tiny babies in a clinic of some sort. They were my babies. They both had oxygen masks. I assume they were twins. But then one grew bigger and the other one remained really small. I asked the doctor and he said this was normal coz they were all conceived at different times and that I have more which are still embryonic. I woke up rather confused! And I don’t really remember but I think the smaller one did not make it. I felt really sad especially since I have had trouble conceiving and I recently underwent my first IVF but they couldn’t transfer the embryos due to some complications that raised. All my embryos were frozen and I am due for embryo transfer in a month. What could this mean?
Hi, I had a dream last night that I had a baby. I didn’t give birth to it or anything, but I knew it was mine. The baby was so happy and smiling and small. I know I want a baby and so does my fiance, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Also in the dream I was proud of it, wanted to show her/him to everyone. What does this mean?
hi, I have had the constant reoccurring dream over the past couple of weeks, three in fact, that I am pregnant with my brother in law’s child. He does in fact have a girlfriend who is pregnant at this moment, but I keep dreaming I am pregnant with his child. What on earth could this mean? Also, in the dream I am intensely in love with him.
i had a dream that my girlfriend wanted a baby. what does the dream mean?
details: “in the dream, i was driving. and suddenly my girlfriend just told me she wants a baby” and i woke up. im curious to what this mean might mean. please help. thank you
Habbee – This could seen either that your girlfriend is your own feelings about her – everything you see as outside you in a dream is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama. So when you dream of someone you should not feel you are dreaming about that actual person. As with most dreams, the person in the dream is not the person themselves, but is a collection of associations and feeling about him or her – or that you want her to become pregnant.
It could also be that you have picked up subtle signs from your girlfriend, so you dream she is telling you. The best way is to ask her if it is true.
Sorry just thought I should add (as feels important to the dream) that the breast feeding part felt very real and natural and I marveled at how quiet and well behaved and serene my baby was. Even when I could’t seem to hold her properly and her head would flop she never cried and I felt grateful in the dream. After breast feeding I couldn’t nurse her without her head periodically flopping back scarily.
I dreamnt I had given birth to a baby girl named Mary and for some reason I left her with my parents for a month while I went off an partied. When I came back my Dad was really angry at me telling me how irresponsible I was etc (he died 8 years ago) As I started to care for my baby I had this overwhelming love for my child and breast fed her. The only thing is I kept forgetting to hold her properly and her head kept flopping backwards dangerously. I knew I was married to my husband in my dream but he didn’t appear at all. I don’t have children. Analysis most welcome 🙂
Selina – It sounds as if your teenage period is over. After the partying the attitudes you learned from your father kicked in and so you are now ready to care for your baby. It is your baby, not your husbands, and that is often very marked in dreams. The reason is that our inner life of dreams does not need a man to give us a baby. We create it out of ourselves. But of course it is a new part of you that is born to you, one that you didn’t care for at first. But now you are giving it the love it deserves, and breast feeding is the physical flow of love. It also brings the baby into a real connection with you. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/#Connection
But the care and love doesn’t end there, your baby’s head need to be supported at all times that is why it flopped back. It needs to be done for at least six months. So I wonder why this part of the dream was so marked – was there something in your own baby experience I wonder?
I had a very “real” dream last night that. I am not pregnant in real life, but in the dream I gave birth to a premature baby in a rest room. I thought it was possbily a horrible period, and was about to flush it away when I decided to take a better look. I ended up pulling the baby (no cord or anything) out of a membranous sac. It was very clean so I wrapped it in tissue and tucked him between by breast to keep him warm. He was perfect ten tiny fingers and toes, and a little perfect maile part 🙂 Anyway I was confused and was looking all around for someone I trust so I could tell them. I also “knew” who the father was. In my dream he was a coworker that I had an affair with (the reality is that he was a former coworker I had not seen or thought of in YEARS, that I had a secret innocent crush on). Anyway at one point I thougth the baby must be starving so I offered my breast. He was tiny, but able to suckle…not sure if he was able to feed. I brought him to the hospital so I could have them take care of him and make sure he was healthy. After I dropped him off, I remember finding the “father” and I told him about the baby, and we were sitting on a curb somewhere talking about it (I believe it was the curb outside of the hospital where I took the baby)…Sorry long one, but I just woke up and it was all pretty fresh.
I had a dream last night that I was remembering a baby girl I had given birth to. I was talking to my boyfriend and remembering giving him the baby girl and he took her somewhere for me because I didn’t tell anybody about her. Then I started to ask him where she was and then felt a pang for her – I felt I needed to be with her. The baby did not appear in my dream – just the memory of her.
So i had this weird dream last night and i really want to know what it means. Well, i dreamt that i was watching over 2 very tiny babies in a clinic of some sort. They were my babies. They both had oxygen masks. I assume they were twins. But then one grew bigger and the other one remained really small. I asked the doctor and he said this was normal coz they were all conceived at different times and that I have more which are still embryonic. I woke up rather confused! And I don’t really remember but I think the smaller one did not make it. I felt really sad especially since I have had trouble conceiving and I recently underwent my first IVF but they couldn’t transfer the embryos due to some complications that raised. All my embryos were frozen and I am due for embryo transfer in a month. What could this mean?
I bad a dream about my father who passed away a month and a half ago. I was crying on my knees asking him why i have had to suffer so much, smiling picked up my had and said god is going to give you a baby girl. Automatily in the dream i saw her face a gourgeous little girl and i woke up and the name Angelina came to mind, that was my dads favorite name. I want to know what this means. Thank you
I am a man, but I had a dream last night that I was pregnant. After some time I started growing breasts. I was confused yet comfortable with this. My mother felt the same way. My father was in disbelief. I have this strange feeling now that I’m not the person I should be.
Nick – As we grow as a person we can become all things. So I too have been pregnant and given birth – a beautiful child. But do not get into feeling that makes you strange or different, it just means you are capable of being a shape shifter. It is only our body that gives us a male or female expression. But our inner self we know in dreams doesn’t have a shape or gender, for it, we, can be anything. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/shapeshifter-or-shape-shifter/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sex-and-identity/
Hi, I had this dream about playing with a friends baby and this baby girl always smiled at me when playing with her, thing is, she’s not even born yet but I saw her cute little face. Keep in mind, my best friend in the whole world is having this beautiful baby and I’ve always cared for this baby since day 1, even though she is not born yet.
I had a really weird dream last night about a baby girl. she wasn’t mine I know that for sure. But this baby had no one to take of her. I think she was sick too because I had some friends telling me that i had to hurry up and need to come to see her. when i had come to see her she was on one of those jumpy swings and when I saw her face was really red. I got so mad at them asking them why they weren’t doing anything. And for some reason everyone didn’t want to take the responsibility so i i felt like i had to because it was my responsibility. So I took her and tried to breast feed her. which was weird. I don’t know why I did that. what is this dream supposed to mean?
Linda – Of course you need to care and breast feed with love that child, because that child is you. You are angry that no one cared for the young you in the right way. And yes, it is your responsibility to care for that part of you that needs a good parent now. If you do that you will see and feel within you that child that you were flourish and grow into a fuller ad loving woman.
Most of us never were helped or supported in the right way that enabled all of our potential to flower. And that is what you can do. Recognise yourself as that young child and care for her.